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[drama 2008] When It's At Night 밤이면 밤마다

Guest kdramafanusa

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oh hahah! i knew you're gonna ask me about him....hahahhaha

i got two words, PLUM BLOSSOMS

...i'm outtie!!!!

..,PLUM BLOSSOMS??? :huh:dugas ikaw

..,bout the pics above, I think KSA loss weight or just her wardrobe???

..,hey come back ASAP ok ;)

..,as for me im in ep3 na but still lurking around

only 1 pages to go dont want to miss the celebration....

..,keep those post coming okey AJA!!!!

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Just watched episode 14 with Chinese subs. Looks like they found something

incriminating in little brother's bag - espionage????? Must be White Suit Guy's

plan to harm KBS, HC and little brother. And ..... HC is real mad with KBS for

keeping things from her. Boy, she was real real mad and asked KBS to look at

her ..... when the phone rang and it's the White Suit Guy ..... Gosh, when

is the next episode? Next Monday or will that be in two week's time????

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..,PLUM BLOSSOMS??? :huh:dugas ikaw

..,bout the pics above, I think KSA loss weight or just her wardrobe???

..,hey come back ASAP ok ;)

..,as for me im in ep3 na but still lurking around

only 1 pages to go dont want to miss the celebration....

..,keep those post coming okey AJA!!!!

look it up sis, it's a korean movie..


what happened? thought maybe you all be up to 200 by now..hehehehe

oh wellz, don't fret...i'm here...lol

Just watched episode 14 with Chinese subs. Looks like they found something

incriminating in little brother's bag - espionage????? Must be White Suit Guy's

plan to harm KBS, HC and little brother. And ..... HC is real mad with KBS for

keeping things from her. Boy, she was real real mad and asked KBS to look at

her ..... thenwhen the phone rang and it's the White Suit Guy ..... Gosh, when

is the next episode? Next Monday or will that be in two week's time????

hi sueyip! i didn't know you understand chinese?

they didn't indicate what's inside the bag? WSG planted it?

what's the conversation on the phone with WSG? what did they say?

no delays for the episodes, they're going to show it this monday..

yey!!! i'm excited again, coz chinese subs is out.....ohhh...get ready mead33! hahaha j/k

just one request from me.....need the translation for the the whole date scene...thanks in advance...

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cr as labeled

anyone can explain this article? is it about her outfit?? whoopss!!! i got nothing to post...so here's something to look at...

that might be penelope cruz????????

[같은 옷 다른 느낌] 김선아 vs 페넬로페 "검은 바지, 누가 더 시크한가?"


[스포츠서울닷컴 | 송은주기자] 저조한 드라마 시청률로 고전을 면치 못하는 김선아스페인이 낳은 세계적인 스타 페넬로페 크루즈가 같은 바지를 선택했다. 김선아가 지난달 17일 열린 드라마 '밤이면 밤마다' 제작발표회에서 입은 검은색 리본 바지가 바로 그것. 이 옷은 크루즈가 의류 브랜드 '망고' 2008 봄/여름 광고 촬영 때 입었다. 같은 옷을 어떤 느낌으로 표현했는지 살펴봤다.

▶ 어떤 옷? : 두 스타가 입은 바지는 스페인 브랜드 '망고(Manggo)'의 것이다. 망고는 패스트 패션을 적극 반영한 중저가 브랜드이다. 이 바지는 허리 위까지 올라오는 하이웨이스트 라인으로 다리가 길어보이도록 만들어졌다. 특히 허리 중간에 위치한 리본 디테일 때문에 시크한 전체분위기에 여성스러운 포인트가 됐다. 점점 아래로 내려갈수록 넓어지는 와이드 팬츠 스타일로 하체의 결점을 커버해주는 아이템이다.

▶ 김선아는? : 김선아는 하이웨이스트 바지로 보이시한 분위기를 연출했다. 여기에 면소재 화이트 블라우스를 매치했다. 블라우스 단추 3개를 풀어헤쳐 아슬아슬한 섹시함을 보여줬다. 어깨까지 내려오는 실버 체인 이어링으로 보이시한 분위기를 업 시켰다. 팔에는 다크 브라운 우드 뱅글을 매치해 전체적인 분위기에서 약간 튀는 모습을 보여줬다.

▶ 페넬로페 크루즈는? : 크루즈는 시크한 느낌을 강조했다. 허리 리본을 타이트하게 묶어 가는 허리라인을 드러냈다. 여기에 하늘하늘한 느낌의 긴팔 블라우스를 팔목 위까지 걷어올려 자연스러운 분위기를 연출했다. 단추가 촘촘히 박혀있는 블라우스를 반쯤 열어 김선아와 마찬가지로 아슬아슬한 섹시함을 보여줬다. 의상 분위기에 걸맞게 강렬한 스모키 메이크을 연출해 고전적인 라틴미녀의 아름다움을 과시했다.

▶ 같은 옷 다른 느낌 : 김선아와 크루즈는 약속이나 한 듯 똑같은 바지에 화이트 블라우스를 매치했다. 김선아는 보이시한 느낌을 최대한 살려 이전과는 사뭇다른 모습을 보여줬다. 크루즈는 잘 세팅된 조명과 완벽한 보정작업을 걸친 탓에 완벽한 모습을 보여줬다. 두스타의 모습을 본 전문가들은 "두스타 모두 무난하게 연출했으나 의상과 겉도는 악세서리 연출을 한 김선아가 조금 아쉽다"고 평했다.

<사진 = 이승훈기자, 사진제공 = 유끼커뮤니케이션

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Guest ilikeldg

well, i'm off to see the ice cream man, the ice cream man....la la land..

here's some korean MV's to enjoy while i'm gone..!



1 more page to go before we reach our 200 pages!!!!! keep those discussion going...*hugs*

I would like to put my 2 cents in regards to Why KBS won't confess his feelings to HCH.

............Right now HCH has so many things going on that he does not probably want to burden her,

so KBS is waiting for the right moment to tell HCH his feelings.

............Although we all know through their actions and the way they look at each that they

are in love with each other.

............It also was in the discussion that HCH is KBS first Love and he does not know that because

he never have that feelings before and KBS does not want to make a mistake so He is taking

it slow.

............So he befriended HCH so she is always within reach.KBS wants HCH around him all the time and

I think HCH is the same way.We all know that ....

Anyway,this is just my thought and hope they would be together in the end...........otherwise I would be so

disappointed if they end up parting away.I do hope that they will have a good ending to it...

.............HAVE A GOOD DAY EVERYONE......and.........Thanks to mzpakipot,kim jo van and kanshu...

I have never been in a Forum before and this is a lot of FUN..........hope we can keep this going forever....

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oh hahah! i knew you're gonna ask me about him....hahahhaha

i got two words, PLUM BLOSSOMS

...i'm outtie!!!!

I almost watched this movie but since I've seen KRW's Love Story in Harvard, I refrained from doing so because I was afraid that it would spoil the enjoyment I experienced with LSH.

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hi ilikeldg! i'll put 2 more cents on your comment there.....

i understand it now, sorry if i sounded like a nuisance, kept asking the same question.. :blush: :blush: .hahaha!

I couldn't grasp the whole point for his character description, it makes sense to me now, that this is maybe his first time feeling like this?

I Love this thread and everyone in it!

I almost watched this movie but since I've seen KRW's Love Story in Harvard, I refrained from doing so because I was afraid that it would spoil the enjoyment I experienced with LSH.

yes, please don't! for the love of KRW! hahaha if you're really a HUGE fan of his, don't watch it...it's a good thing i'm not really a fan of his...never liked LSH.

i liked him in "my little bride" and that's it.......sorry KRW fans... :tears::tears: please don't throw rotten eggs at me....

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look it up sis, it's a korean movie..

..,oh a kmovie, ok im gonna search that very curious bout that yuckie thing...hehehe :D


what happened? thought maybe you all be up to 200 by now..hehehehe

oh wellz, don't fret...i'm here...lol

..,you've been gone kasi thats why, tapos i fell asleep pa :D

..,well lets just keep on posting then.....

hi sueyip! i didn't know you understand chinese?

they didn't indicate what's inside the bag? WSG planted it?

what's the conversation on the phone with WSG? what did they say?

no delays for the episodes, they're going to show it this monday..

yey!!! i'm excited again, coz chinese subs is out.....ohhh...get ready mead33! hahaha j/k

just one request from me.....need the translation for the the whole date scene...thanks in advance...

..,thats the evil plan of KIM SANG, curious too wonder whats in the bag that make TL Kang surprise...

..,and as for the date, just remember about the shop, i think HCH saw a cup which was the same as KBS gave to him and KBS said that HCH's holding was a fake (meaning the one he gave was real right, because HCH said before that a thing that has a memory is now an artifact or real something like that) and KBS ask why she didn't use the cup he gave, HCH said she was going to used it sana when her father comes back but she can't now because her father was dead na so she's gonna used it na lang when GYOON comes back and she will invite KBS...that was i remember and understand in dirfree's sypnosis...hope i was right :huh:

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Guest mead33

yey!!! i'm excited again, coz chinese subs is out.....ohhh...get ready mead33! hahaha j/k

just one request from me.....need the translation for the the whole date scene...thanks in advance...

He he, i have yet to watch the c-sub version of episode 11 and onwards. was thinking i will do that after the whole show is over to tide over the withdrawl symptoms ;) but i will try to see whether i can get to translate the whole date scene this weekend, but if anyone else has seen it, please feel free to translate! :w00t:

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cr as labeled

anyone can explain this article? is it about her outfit?? whoopss!!! i got nothing to post...so here's something to look at...

that might be penelope cruz????????

[같은 옷 다른 느낌] 김선아 vs 페넬로페 "검은 바지, 누가 더 시크한가?"


..,yeah i think its about the outfit..,hmm KSA looks great than P.C don't like her as an actress

even her face she's not beautiful enough for me....

I would like to put my 2 cents in regards to Why KBS won't confess his feelings to HCH.

............Right now HCH has so many things going on that he does not probably want to burden her,

so KBS is waiting for the right moment to tell HCH his feelings.

............Although we all know through their actions and the way they look at each that they

are in love with each other.

............It also was in the discussion that HCH is KBS first Love and he does not know that because

he never have that feelings before and KBS does not want to make a mistake so He is taking

it slow.

............So he befriended HCH so she is always within reach.KBS wants HCH around him all the time and

I think HCH is the same way.We all know that ....

Anyway,this is just my thought and hope they would be together in the end...........otherwise I would be so

disappointed if they end up parting away.I do hope that they will have a good ending to it...

.............HAVE A GOOD DAY EVERYONE......and.........Thanks to mzpakipot,kim jo van and kanshu...

I have never been in a Forum before and this is a lot of FUN..........hope we can keep this going forever....

..,i second the motion :) for KBS feelings towards HCH and for having lots of fun in bambam!!!!!! :D :D :D

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Guest mead33

g'morning everyone!

here's a copy of the collage the fans made for the casts of EVERY NIGHT..

interesting rumor....

i didn't know that Gourmet was suppose to be MBC's, i guess KBS or SBS won the rights of it..either way, i can't watch it...errrr....bad experience with the lead actor....*winks* winks* i wish i could take that image of him out of my mind,, but i can't!!!!! yikeessssss! he ruined it for me...

wow, dcinside really put in a lot of effort! kudos to them! B)

hmm? i did not say that Gourmet was supposed to be MBC's? The post was about East of Eden being delayed and MBC had to bring forward WIAN instead. That is why everything seems so rushed

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I almost watched this movie but since I've seen KRW's Love Story in Harvard, I refrained from doing so because I was afraid that it would spoil the enjoyment I experienced with LSH.

..,okey now i am so very very curious about the yukie thing, kinda like KRW in LSH too..

..,okey i've seen it hahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:

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hi mead33 opss!*toinks myself* sorry, that was a different rumour...saw that in dramawiki.com

yes, please can someone do a line by line translation of the date scene? ok, just do the first part before the stroll in the chinatown...

uh-oh sorry if i started something i shouldn't have said...should i delete those post?? and if so, please edit your post too...

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Guest mead33

oh, i did not know this. apparently, TL Kang admitted his feelings for HCH in episode 14 to KBS? but both TL Kang and KBS have not confessed to HCH, will there be an ultimate showdown between the two? just a random thought... :P Also, episode 14 actually has quite some scenes which show that both men are trying their best to protect HCH.

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oh, i did not know this. apparently, TL Kang admitted his feelings for HCH in episode 14 to KBS? but both TL Kang and KBS have not confessed to HCH, will there be an ultimate showdown between the two? just a random thought... :P

..,oh mead33 can you kindly please tell me whats the conversion

of that particular scene the KBS vs TL Kang.... :mellow: :mellow: :mellow:

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~SAVE FOR OUR 200 POSTS!!!! YEHEY!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


oh, i did not know this. apparently, TL Kang admitted his feelings for HCH in episode 14 to KBS? but both TL Kang and KBS have not confessed to HCH, will there be an ultimate showdown between the two? just a random thought... :P

omo! omo!!! my guess was right!! yess! so that's what the heated conversation was about...thanks so much...great stuff that i have to look forward to...

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Guest jastinel

Hi guys! No other news about our lead actors (Suna and LDG)?

mzpakipot, provided all the photos and everything about WIAN, thanks Sis!

I`am now downloading Suna`s movie Girl Scout, I have to watch this cause it`s her come back movie...

thanks to Sis Alodia for the link!

I hope WIAN will have the same schedule next week and can have an extension.

Happy 200 pages guys!!!

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