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Guest coreana

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Guest ellabel

maja, welcome to the world of "watching unsubbed dramas just so you can keep up with it" don't worry, you'll get used to simply watching and analyzing the characters' body languages - and when the subs finally come out - you'll either prove yourself wrong or right.


you're right Brook. THANK YOU so much to the team who translated the songs. (this is why i prefer fansubs, YA (yesasia) subs don't translate the songs)


reactions after watching with subs:

eppy 13 - the "wedding night" was so hilarious, esp. the part when Shin was telling CG "this is how it goes with historical dramas. first you take off the headset. you loosen the clothes. take off the clothes and turn off the lights." notty notty prince charming

eppy 14 - awww Yul! he has been constantly "hitting on" Chae gyung (ok, he was simply being honest and pouring his heart out to CG) and has really been making this poor girl uncomfortable! on the other hand, if i was in her shoes - i'd be loving every minute of it *bad bad chula*

i just love how shin gets the jealous fits around Yul and CG. go ahead shin ... feel the pain. now you know what chaegyung has been putting up with you and Hyorin

maja!!! sarap may kausap.... :lol:

you are so rite... my first time to do this as u and Brook tickle my curiousity.. MG being the operative word. :P

usually, i dont go to an unfinished drama thread coz i dont wanna be spoiled.

But due to your and Brook's ravings, i make this as exception.

So far, i'm really loving it tho there are some draggy parts or maybe becoz i'm not really interested with theo oldies... hahaha!!!

Ya!!! it was also nice to know what the song was all about.

Really adds to the mood and appreciation of the scenes.

that is so cliche in K-dramas.....the leading man only realize his love for his most hated (at first) other half when he sees her lovey-dovey with his nearest rival. :rolleyes:

in fairness, yul with cg is not a bad thought.... **ducks*** :lol:

hi lilcuteeguh!

if you check the first post, there's a list of sites where you can dl the raw files from.

i dl mine from clubbox.co.kr/creidesca.

u can also dl from maysia's cb clubbox.co.kr/maysialee and there are others.

you can dl the eng subs from d-addicts...

been wanting to say this for the longest time...

but really kingdaddy's 'botched' nose job bothers me...

and sorry Kang-In lovers but his nose job comes second...

thanks Brook hunnie for helping lilcuteeguh...

and what do i care about kingdaddy's nose??? :wacko:

it's only Shin's nose that i'm concerned about.. esp. if it's touching CG's nose.... :P

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Guest Jesw_21

synopsis provided by piano411200 and translated by gebera below...thanks!

Ep 17

Shin came back to the palace and CY was very angry with him for leaving without any news. Asked him why he had to bear the burden all alone. Shin hugged CY and said he hope CY could still stay by his side even though he is no longer a Crown Prince.

Next, Hyorin seemed to have spoken to Shin's mum and accepted her proposal of leaving Shin alone.

Yul sought his mum permission to invite the royal couple to his birthday celebrations.

Ep 18

Rumours were flying questioning the suitability of Shin being the Crown Prince. The King felt maybe Yul was more suitable to be one.

At the celebrations, Hyorin and Shin were talking... about the dreams they used to share of studing overseas. CY overheard the conversation and were sad. Just then, Yul came along and tried to console her. Shin witnessed the intimacy between the two and were very jealous...

credit : koreanwind

hee!! this ep 17 & 18 text preview made me jump on my chair!!!!!!!!!!

save my mind from going crazy with speclating what will happen in these 2 ep!!!!! esp ep17 when shin went to HR's room......:(

at least now i know there is some sweet moments of Shin & CG in ep 17.....phew....relieved!@ can't wait for tomorrow! :>

BUT ep 18 onwards is worrying......sigh....why the PD wanna 'torture' us so much with all the twists and evil plots "_______"

DEAR Kellybyj,

Thanks for getting me hooked on this drama and for the big and clear pics of ep 15! i love them!

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I hope nobody posted it yet...

Just found it on IMBC website. Not sure whether this is fan made or will be in the drama


Enjoy it...I hope I'm CG right now... :blush:

thanks for the pic.. woahahaha! its definitely PS'ed! chaeshin fans are longing for more skinship and a sehson!!! haha!

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Guest cilik

kehehehe...I just noticed the seating arrangement at the table. Kang Hyun is sitting next to Yul! ^o^ Whereas the rest of Chae's friends are mingling with the three stooges on the other side of the table ;) Now why isn't Kang In sitting with Hyo Rin??? (・_・?)

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Guest lilcuteeguh

thanks brooklyn. this thread is really active :) :]

that's really great news. when the second season of goong starts filming, i do hope that the same people would film.. i hate how they change people in second season cuz it ruined the whole series and it becomes like a toally new series. plus, the actors/actresses so far, are doing a great job.. so please.. please.. hope that they would also be in the second season as well. for the second season, maybe shin becomes the king and then his wife did something disastrous and maybe he tries to help her? and a love triangle begins again.. something like that..

i just want a continuation of goong forever.. i like it more than Jewels in the Palace :) how come the article does not say anythign about US? no fair!!

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Telly, Telly, Telly.. you are officially the ultimate pics queen.. Thanks for posting those preview pics.. I agree with Manda cilik, why do Shin & CG sit so far away from each other??? If Shin is trying to make a statement in front of Yul, wouldn't he want to stick as close as possible to CG? Gosh, i hope this won't be a disappointing episode. . <_<

Bere, your sister is really talented indeed.. Those shoes are adorable!!! I wish i'm half as talented to make such cute creations :)

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Guest echoRy



>> creds to imbc

looks like yul's birthday party to me =)

the mood looks a bit hostile, though.

hehe, i can sense awkwardness from the pictures themselves =p

they seem close in the last pic, unless their just in between takes.

but that's good too, since they seem closer ofscreen now...yay!

but in the sitting arrangements, they'so far away from each other :(

and not looking so hot either. Chae looks like she's as far away from Shin goon as possible.

TELLSSS babe put up the pics we all wanna see, here's the...rest. she looks :(





i love Chae's friends...


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I think the "record" they're talking about with regards to the viewership rating is that... 30% (or so) is the record for the show itself... like right now it's highest is 27-28% I believe so.. a 30% rating will be their "new" record rating... highest rating? It doesn't mean a record for the general kdrama business. :3

Did taht make sense? XDDD

Makes complete sense. Thanks for the explanation.

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Hi to all ^^ *waves to all my darling Goongers*

Jess! hun! thanks for sharing the good news ^^

I'm so proud that Goong is getting so many attention right now....

Pretty sure all the casts are so proud of themselves also, and they deserve it ^^

Ririe, about the scene where TOOT^2 invited hyorin over to the Palace, I think it's just to fulfill her promise before that she'll invite hyorin to come to the Palace once she's back in the Palace. Remember her saying it over at that yoga place of hers?

Toot^2 is just so... "slimmy"..... it's funny actually to see her like that, coz I've seen her in "She/That woman" (SBS Friday Drama), and her character in there was so sweet and nice... and first time I saw her, I was like, "she looks so familiar like Choi Ji Woo o___o" heheh...

Manda, I want that bag hyorin used in ep16 hehehee..

$246???? GOONGness gracious! haha... it doesn't look that expensive on her though -_-

btw ay_link: the ep17/18 summaries were provided by piano4112000 and translated by gebera not me!

wish i knew korean!

Hehe... *ai unnie... I know you posted the summaries coz I typed "thank you for posting" :D

you deserve the credits too coz you posted it for us =) hehehee....

Mad props to piano4112000 and gebera for the preview translations! ^^

It's always nice to know what's ahead of us, especially after that horrible preview of ep 17 from last week which mislead so many goongers hehe.

xling06, hi there ^^ uhmm.. have me 'met' somewhere b4? :huh:

if not, dun wori 'bout it hehe.. I'm just curious since you said, "nice meeting you here" :D

Yeah~~ CG is quite "slow" in interpreting the feelings of ppl around her hehehe... does she has a low self-esteem or sumthin? lolz jk. Funny how Yul keeps telling her that he loves/likes her, but Shin shows her that he's starting to fall for her by all those physical touch ;)

I read a book before that there are about 7, I think? (can't remember the # exactly) ways of love expressions.

Like different ppl have different ways of expressing their love. Like some of them has the gift of giving.

So in showing their love, they tend to give gifts (prezzies) to their loved ones.

Others, they tend to show it by physical touch ( Ahh~~ Shin :wub:^_^)

and Yul... I think he tends to say it by words, coz we see how he uses a lot of that 'heart-to-heart' talk with CG. Interesting, no? ^^

alwayzujustme, ehehehe... I talked about VW being one of the sponsors in GOONG about hundred pages back then :D but yeah, Volkswagen (VW) is definitely one of the biggest sponsors, since we all see HalmaMama's 1972 classic bettle, Kang In's modern bettle, Yul's blue Touareg, CG's brand new Bettle and the latest one is of course, Shin's black, spotless, interior leather-seat Phaeton :D

I just love VW so much, as perhaps you can tell already haha...

I was just over at vwkorea.com and thought of having fun with some car pictures here hehehe =P

Here are some pictures of the VW cars used in GOONG ^^

1. HalmaMama 1972 Classic Bettle (first shown in ep8)


2. Kang In's New Bettle (first shown in ep7, then ep9)


3. Yul's blue Touareg (first shown in ep9, then ep14)



4. CG's New Bettle Cabriolet (first shown in ep16)



5. Shin's black Phaeton (first shown in ep14, then in ep15 & 16)





^ I love the view! =)

and yeah~ I know. I have cars-fetish :lol:


Telly ^__^ thank you for all those MBC pictures.... luv it~~ ^^

Can't help but to notice this one:


^ oh lookie here.... who's sitting next to Yul??

ahakz... *winks* heheheee

SnowApple should definitely catch this one haha..

*waves back to kyotoji* you're here? you're here! hehee..

Yes yes... do share with us when you get the chance pliz =)

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Guest Pikachu

they seem close in the last pic, unless their just in between takes.

but that's good too, since they seem closer ofscreen now...yay!

but in the sitting arrangements, they'so far away from each other :(

and not looking so hot either. Chae looks like she's as far away from Shin goon as possible.

:tears: Hopefully it's just the camera playing tricks.. like the certain angle or whatever making it seem like they're farther than they really are. :phew:

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Guest Telly

hehe, i can't seem to work the quote button right now, but here are some of my thoughts about the preview pictures for episode 17:

maybe the party started off great, until someone said or did something?

(e.g. hyo rin mentioning something or yul doing something to chae gyung)

anyways, oh my goong-ness, they have episode 18 preview pictures as well! it seems that our 'masquerade party' guess was riiiiiiight on!






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Guest kyotoji


I'm bringing out news, The First Post has been updated!! Click it to see... :lol:

If you have any additional information, correction(s), suggestion(s), please, send me PM(s). I'll try to fit them up on the next update ;)

I would like to say thank you for beautifulxmess for everything! *bows*, ay_link, jun_ji, cilik, prismatic_star, Angeline, kyotoji, Rebby and many other loveliest-Goongers that have given me their supports, suggestions and encouragement for the new position.... *group hug*


Thanks Ririe for your time and effort. It is not easy to maintain the 1st post. ;)

** 아자 아자 아자 화이팅 **

woo... i saw my name in your thank-u list. Make me :blush: leh.

By the way, i was just backlogging abit earlier when i am having my lesson break. *as usual, right? Those who "know" me, know that i have been doing this secretly even in class lesson*

I saw that the number of posts keep asking "is this drama still currently airing?" or something like that.

This question has been always been repeatedly asked.

I saw on the 1st post, the airing date and time is actually being posted.

But i would like to suggest to add on "Currently still airing" or something like that.

Hopefully, those who want to know the details can go to the 1st post to look for such info then.

This is only my suggestion. Hope u gals/guys don't mind my suggestion. :D


i saw ay_link - my spot-small-scene buddy is here, oooo today can see you at the same time ... **waves to you**

I have something to share with you or rather also the rest of the family gang here on small spots scene... but i am off soon for my class. Will post later when i have time.

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Guest uberquirkiness

anyone know the site where we can find CG's shoes? i think theyr'e longchamp? but i need the site where i can purchase the shoes. thanks. thanks for the 17 and 18 eps translations, too. :D

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Guest Pikachu

WOW. those pictures are just beautiful. You know other than awesome cinematography, Goong probably has the best photography/photgraphers too...

augh. And the costumes. The masks... all of them look too orgasmic!

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hi i'm watching epi 16 rite now. i remember doing someone a spot on this scene but i cant find it so ya. wat my question is what did shin say that made Chae Gyung spit rice in his face. i remeber reading this but i forgot wat he said.

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Guest kjgprincess

The content of the second season of “Goong” has been planned and arranged during a period of six months. It is estimated to be aired in the winter of next year. “Goong” is performed by new stars Joa Ji Hoan and Yoon Eun Hye. In the series, South Korea is a constitutional monarchy. Yoon Eun Hye plays a high school student who loves the crown prince. It is thus a romantic comedy. The ratings of “Goong” has currently approached 30%, which is ideal.

Source: Takungpao

credit to: http://ent-you.blogspot.com/

hope that news cheer you guys up! becuase it did cheer me up. but knowing to wait for a year is making me so anxious. LOL... but it's better than none...

whoaaaaaaaaa thats so weird i cant think of any drama that had a second season. i cant wait to hear the sypnosis.

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Guest Telly

haha, ANGELINE! speaking of things we DON'T want to see, here are some that might break our hearts and bring us to tears =(

oh, the tension, the deceit, the love, and cousin rivalry!

haha i'm such a drama queen =p

on to the preview pictures!










>> aww, chae gyung's caught in the middle, and she looks so distraught and lonely =(

>>>> edit:

here's another picture from episode 18, and it seems like hyo rin and yul together.

gahh, they better not be scheming anything bad =o


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Guest cilik

hi i'm watching epi 16 rite now. i remember doing someone a spot on this scene but i cant find it so ya. wat my question is what did shin say that made Chae Gyung spit rice in his face. i remeber reading this but i forgot wat he said.

SixMyths08, he was asking her what she thought of them growing old together :wub:

Angeline, I like Hyorin's outfit in the pictures where you said she looks :(

ohohohoho and the return of the polkadot scarf attack! arrgh!

EDIT: ririe...*group hug* too! kekeke sorry i didn't notice the group hug part when i first read your post that kyotoji quoted up there...:P

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Guest echoRy


i LOVE her MASK! it's the nicest... ^_^ but Kang Hyun's looks great too!

they seem to be having two separate B-DAY parties for Yul goon!

a BBQ lunch and a Masquerade Ball, and Chae's holding the cake for him...aawww!

Total ChaeShin shipper here, but i would love to see a dance between

Chae & Yul. that would be fantastic!

Pika- orgasmic! YUP, that's the perfect word for GOONG!

Ririe- *group hug* back at u! u have a support system, use as anytime u need too!

manda babe- yeah i like it too, and i want that bag of hers as well! so darn tootin' expensive!

TELLSSS - ur way to fast for me, i couldn't upload quick enough! :lol:

but even though they're talking like that, Shin & Hyorin i mean. i remember

the scene from the manhwa and it meant nothing to him. so yayness!

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