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Guest cartoonangel

Hmm.. I just rewatched GOONG again.. there is still a question that boggles my mind.

I still dont understand why ChaeGyung wanted to leave.. did she not know that Shin liked her? I mean.. the beach scene.. it was so obvious that he liked her >__< Why did she still want to leave the Palace? When was the "offcial" moment that she knew he liked her anyways?

And also.. there is this phrase that she always says.. I still can't catch it even though I stop and rewind.. -.-

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Goong Trailers on Ch U (2 different versions)



i dunno if there's any problem with their source video... it seems the color is quite dull compared to what we saw from GOONG episodes on the net...

Thanks so much Rebby!

I'm getting so excited again!! :w00t:

i hope you understand how i feel!! i can't believe Goong is gonna be on Channel U..

they should be airing it soon.. i mean they actually show the tralier..

omgggg so excited!

Do you think they'll come to singapore for promotion?

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Hmm.. I just rewatched GOONG again.. there is still a question that boggles my mind.

I still dont understand why ChaeGyung wanted to leave.. did she not know that Shin liked her? I mean.. the beach scene.. it was so obvious that he liked her >__< Why did she still want to leave the Palace? When was the "offcial" moment that she knew he liked her anyways?

And also.. there is this phrase that she always says.. I still can't catch it even though I stop and rewind.. -.-

i think CG is quite retarded in that department...

and Shin never really tell her he likes her until the live interview,

CG doesn't believe he said it out of his heart, sincerely, since he'd said before

whatever they do is like putting up a show for the audience, for the people.

that's why she went on to mention of divorce.

after they returned to Goong was when Shin truely confessed to her as a man

but by then his heart was already broken by CG's mention of divorce and betraying his trust

(he asked her not to say it then but he'll grant her divorce later, if she insists).

CG wanted to leave the Palace thinking she would be happier to return to her past self

as brainwashed by Yul... that Shin would never love her...

so CG only thought of herself

she wants to regain her cheerfulness before she met Shin..

and come on.. it does make sense although to us viewers CG may seem selfish

to hv mentioned divorce not giving consideration to Shin or the royal family

for a woman whose convinced that her husband doesn't love her...

who would want to stay by his side if he doesn't reciprocate her love...

(of cuz there are women who are contented to just stay by that fella's side... )

Shin played with words when he 'confessed' during the beach trip

asking her to stay with him and grow old together

but CG being CG, she didn't take the hint well...

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Guest sunshine4ever

my brother was watching Singapore's CH U trailers before it starts it's programs for the day as he was having his lunch b/w 1 pm - 2 pm today , n he saw 2 Goong trailers during tht time ! ~ ;)

oh wow, this is good news, I hope they'll show this drama!! i was thinking of sending this drama over to a friend who lives in Singapore, but if they're gonna show it, it would be great cuz she'll be able to watch it on TV :w00t:

thanks rebby for the trailer ^^

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Ok corrections =D

in the comic, shin and hyorin are merely friends.

in the SHOW, shin and hyorin are gf and bf. secret gf and bf =D

Thanks. I'm still confused though. In the comic, Shin and Hyorin are just friends, but Shin is always uneasy when Hyorin interfered. The friendship is deeper than just common friends. Shin is indebted to Hyorin for being the one he can talk to about his private thoughts. In the TV Drama it's wisely (not necessarily accurately) translated into secret datings.

Still, Shin is basically a one-woman man, trapped in the situation when another woman suddenly was pushed into his life by the marriage arrangement. He thought he couldn't possibly give this woman his love, so early on he offered divorce.

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noticed there are 2 set of subtitles on the trailers...

and it seems Ch U is using a pirated version

they got JJH's family name wrong =_=

same error made in some versions of bootleg DVDs from China :ph34r:

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i think CG is quite retarded in that department...

and Shin never really tell her he likes her until the live interview,

CG doesn't believe he said it out of his heart, sincerely, since he'd said before

whatever they do is like putting up a show for the audience, for the people.

that's why she went on to mention of divorce.

after they returned to Goong was when Shin truely confessed to her as a man

but by then his heart was already broken by CG's mention of divorce and betraying his trust

(he asked her not to say it then but he'll grant her divorce later, if she insists).

CG wanted to leave the Palace thinking she would be happier to return to her past self

as brainwashed by Yul... that Shin would never love her...

so CG only thought of herself

she wants to regain her cheerfulness before she met Shin..

and come on.. it does make sense although to us viewers CG may seem selfish

to hv mentioned divorce not giving consideration to Shin or the royal family

for a woman whose convinced that her husband doesn't love her...

who would want to stay by his side if he doesn't reciprocate her love...

(of cuz there are women who are contented to just stay by that fella's side... )

Shin played with words when he 'confessed' during the beach trip

asking her to stay with him and grow old together

but CG being CG, she didn't take the hint well...

Well said, Rebby. I think it's common for royal women not to expect their husbands to love them.

They are married out of political reasons, not of love. The Queen is one of the women like that.

The Empress Dowager was fortunate that her husband apparently loved her very much, so she was always a cheerful lady.

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Thanks. I'm still confused though. In the comic, Shin and Hyorin are just friends, but Shin is always uneasy when Hyorin interfered. The friendship is deeper than just common friends. Shin is indebted to Hyorin for being the one he can talk to about his private thoughts. In the TV Drama it's wisely (not necessarily accurately) translated into secret datings.

Still, Shin is basically a one-woman man, trapped in the situation when another woman suddenly was pushed into his life by the marriage arrangement. He thought he couldn't possibly give this woman his love, so early on he offered divorce.

the drama isn't following the manhwa 100% but most of the dialogues are retained...

some more thots on the drama..

at first when Shin proposed to Hyorin, it seems that they are not really what can be considered bf-gf status

but just friends, close friends obviously...

also when Hyorin rejected his proposal, she said she doesn't want their friendship to change...

Shin does like Hyorin, but i think we all still remember

Shin has a serious communication problem - he doesn't know how to convey his love

so thank god for that, this inability stopped his friendship with Hyrorin from progressing further :P

also, regarding the secret datings

any girl or woman that Shin is sighted with would probably become headlines...

like how Shin confronted CG at the back alley and paparazzi attempted to take pictures

Shin shield CG from being pictured... i'm guessing this is the same case for Hyorin.

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Guest hsinyi069

News on the 30th of May

anyone cares to translate?

윤은혜 주지훈 할까? ‘궁 시즌2’ 캐스팅 7월 구체화

尹恩惠 朱智勋会出演吗?《宫》第2季casting7月具体化

[뉴스엔 김은구 기자]

MBC 인기드라마 ‘궁’ 시즌2의 윤곽이 빠르면 오는 7월께 드러날 전망이다.


‘궁’ 제작사인 에이트픽스 송병준 대표는 ‘궁’ 시즌2에 대해 “아직 정해진 것은 아무 것도 없다. 다양한 방안을 검토하고 있으며 어떤 내용이 될지, 누구를 캐스팅할지도 결정하지 않았다”면서도 “내년 1~2월 방송을 목표로 하고 있는 만큼 빠르면 7월에는 내용과 캐스팅을 구체화해 9월 말에는 촬영에 들어갈 것”이라고 밝혔다.


‘궁’ 연출자 황인뢰 PD와 제작사 에이트픽스, 방송사인 MBC는 시즌1 방송 당시 대부분의 출연진을 다시 캐스팅해 시즌2를 제작키로 합의했다. 시즌1의 내용을 이어가기 위해서는 당연히 출연진에도 큰 변화가 있어서는 안된다는 판단에서였다.


MBC 드라마국 김사현 국장도 최근 인터뷰에서 윤은혜, 주지훈, 김정훈 등 ‘궁’ 시즌1의 주연 배우들을 시즌2에도 계속 출연시키겠다는 입장을 밝혔다.


그러나 송병준 대표는 “황인뢰 PD가 연출을 맡는 것을 제외하면 확정된 것은 아무 것도 없다. 기획에 따라 주연배우들이 바뀔 수도 있다. 캐스팅 뿐 아니라 작가도 아직 정해지지 않았다”고 말했다.


‘대한민국이 입헌군주제라면?’이라는 설정의 동명 만화를 원작으로 한 ‘궁’ 시즌1은 베이비복스 출신의 윤은혜와 모델 출신 주지훈 등 신인들을 스타로 만들며 인기를 끌었다.


이 드라마의 마지막회에서는 극중 황태자 신(주지훈 분)의 아내인 황태자비 채경(윤은혜 분)이 헛구역질을 하는 장면이 방영돼 시즌2를 염두에 둔 것 아니냐는 시청자들의 추측이 분분했다.

这电视剧的最终回中以宫中皇太子信(朱智勋 饰)的妻子皇太子妃彩京(尹恩惠 饰)呕吐场面结束,让观众对《宫》第2季的剧情有着种种推测。

김은구 cowboy@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

기사제보 및 보도자료 star@newsen.com

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


credit to:jessiegg@韩朝风 (CHN translation)



I thought all casts are confirmed to return to Goong Two, and now, representative from Eightpeaks is saying they aren't sure yet? WHY WHY WHY????? Or maybe it's kinda tactic to drag ppls attention? I have no idea! Can only wait till July to know exactly who will be in Goong Two i think!

Urgh! I dun't like this feeling.... it's like they are giving us hope one minute and after five seconds, it just blow like this!

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Guest mcmug

not to burst any bubbles for anyone who thinks goong will be showing earlier than expected...someone guessed correctly it seems that after DJG, they might telecast some HK police drama then MNIKSS then Goong but then of course subject to changes coz i heard different version as in MNIKSS will be shown at the 7pm slot instead of 10pm slot...anywayz mediacorp loves promoting their programmes early

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Guest mizzlinhie

i don't remember if i'd posted this... LOL

its the slow motion version of the forced kiss in Epi 18, and BRIGHTENED... so you can actually see more clearly the action going on :P


OMO OMO their force kiss was so HOT too! :blush: And OMG I see their saliva while watching it, I was like WTH...then i watch it over and over again and OMG it's...watch it during 00:22-00:24 you'll see it... :o

News on the 30th of May ~~~


I thought all casts are confirmed to return to Goong Two, and now, representative from Eightpeaks is saying they aren't sure yet? WHY WHY WHY????? Or maybe it's kinda tactic to drag ppls attention? I have no idea! Can only wait till July to know exactly who will be in Goong Two i think!

Urgh! I dun't like this feeling.... it's like they are giving us hope one minute and after five seconds, it just blow like this!

OMG REALLY??? I thought IMBC has posted an article last April saying that all the casts are going to be back for Goong 2. I don't care if others are not back but I hope JJH and YEH will be back, cuz without them Goong is not Goong anymore!! OMG PD and MBC are so EVIL , why are they alway trying to make us feel so nervous and scare about this. and I totally agree with you hsinyi069, it seems like one min they're giving us all the hopes and another min they just bursted our bubbles :tears: I'm goin to cry if JJH or YEH is not going to be back, no point to watch anymore!!

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Guest qianger

ya it looks like Dae JangGeum is gonna end soon in Singapore ~ but i'm just wondering if maybe after DJG, they will put in a HongKong drama instead @ 10 pm timeslot 1st since they seem to alternate for tht timeslot ? ~ :unsure:

but anyways , i actually love the idea of Goong airing early here , if only they can do the same for every other drama also haha . but i'm easily contented wif tis already .

ya... i think they will be broadcasting luo qiang si jie 4 first.. hehehe.. cann check out wat is the latest drama coming out on channel u forum


can I ask if Goong 1.5 had english subtitles for it?

3 parts had already being uploaded.. 4th one still pendingg.. 3rd one the link cant work for me.. i think they will upload it again.. u scroll to page 1904-1907.. should be able to findd

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Goong Trailers on Ch U (2 different versions)



i dunno if there's any problem with their source video... it seems the color is quite dull compared to what we saw from GOONG episodes on the net...

thank you rebby! i think its from the bootleg version too, that explains the dull color. i dont tthink they would have the official chinese subbing done for it so soon!

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the drama isn't following the manhwa 100% but most of the dialogues are retained...

some more thots on the drama..

at first when Shin proposed to Hyorin, it seems that they are not really what can be considered bf-gf status

but just friends, close friends obviously...

also when Hyorin rejected his proposal, she said she doesn't want their friendship to change...

Shin does like Hyorin, but i think we all still remember

Shin has a serious communication problem - he doesn't know how to convey his love

so thank god for that, this inability stopped his friendship with Hyrorin from progressing further :P

also, regarding the secret datings

any girl or woman that Shin is sighted with would probably become headlines...

like how Shin confronted CG at the back alley and paparazzi attempted to take pictures

Shin shield CG from being pictured... i'm guessing this is the same case for Hyorin.

I agree that Shin and Hyorin are basically close friends. Actually one of Shin's friends also has feelings for Hyorin, but he let Shin "have her" (in Ep 17). But apparently Shin and Hyorin never got to the next step.. no romantic experience. They looked awkward in hotel room in Thailand. So romantically it doesn't work between them anyway.

It's great for the author to show that Shin looked ignorant to others, but deep in the heart, he cares. He tried to stop CG from telling the gossip for her own good. Well, it turns out to be true 100% beyond what both of them could imagine at that time. It's fate :D

I just wondering if Hyorin may still come back to ruin things?

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Guest xuyu

WOW!!! they have the subs up already???

It is chines subs. I watched it from Youtube. JJH & YEH is really cute, really hope that they can be together in real life since both are not attached.

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you might hv mistaken that strand (of saliva) for hair instead... LOL

or vice versa..

:sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets: oops ... it's saliva ...

hey ... thanks for the trailers ...

now i got the chance to watch the longer version one ...

but don't tell me they are going to put eng/chn sub together ...

then i think they will spoilt the whole image ...

blocking all the good scenes ...

and are they showing right after DJG ...

because it's going to end soon the DJG ...

and yesterday nite after when it finished airing DJG ...

they promote the Goong Trailer ...

so i think it should be IT ...

if a new show is introducing right after a drama ...

means that they will show it after the whole show ended ..

how???? are the cast confirm ... but regarding the above articles ...

it seems that truth only be out on July ....

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Guest xuyu

DJC left another 20 epsiodes to final . Around end of June, it will end.

Will channel U bring forwards to broadcast in July since they already started to promote Goong? If they are going to show around Sep/Oct, will they promote so early ?

Btw, does anyone know whether there is post on Perhaps Love and dang shin eun lyrics ? If yes, appreciate u can direct me to the page.

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