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Guest coreana

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Guest savisrich

i like kang hyun..she might be nerdy looking but she's actually very smart and perceptive :lol:

and yeah~ during these episodes, cg is jst so dumb..like SERIOUSLY..she twists everything that shin says..haha..i get now y ppl say it's dragging..at least in these episodes it really is..and that stupid yul..he needs a good hard smack :fury:

Hahahahahhaha...Chill Chill!!!

In a way, yea it does get a bit draggy.....

Btw, what did Yul do to deserve the good hard smack?


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Guest sweet_treats1812

Hahahahahhaha...Chill Chill!!!

In a way, yea it does get a bit draggy.....

Btw, what did Yul do to deserve the good hard smack?


bwahahahaha~ i was actually slapping my monitor coz he was being such a richard simmons...well, he keeps giving all these stupid advices about how it's never gonna work, she better file a divorce and all that crap..and cg obviously is still very undecided...tsk tsk..i know that he's doing this so he can have a chance with her but still dude, ur putting a lot of undue pressure on the girl..and the girl herself needs a good hard smack too~ geez..

oh wells~ i know love is jst two episodes away :phew:

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Guest savisrich

In dat case, i have to say that u have one hell of a good monitor! :P

Cos i think there were infinite times which he did that in the show.....

Peace! :phew:

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Guest sweet_treats1812

In dat case, i have to say that u have one hell of a good monitor! :P

Cos i think there were infinite times which he did that in the show.....

Peace! :phew:

oh yeah! :lol: this monitor has been through with me thru thick and thin (and thru smack and smile :D )

anyways~ i find it kinda weird how the story suddenly started going downhill..all because cg heard shin tell hyorin about his dreams of going away? his plans for the future that cg stupidly believed didnt belong her in it? i mean, if it was jst that...it's jst weird how suddenly she wanted to leave the palace..i guess it's a culmination of many things before that but hello! was it really that bad? think of all the great times u and shin had together too! *sigh*

oh wells~ my heart can take this..yep, it can... :phew:

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Guest mizzlinhie

i guess she has too many pressures about the scandals and she's being very confuse about whether if shin really loves her. STupid Yul always make her confuse goshhh i hate him now!! *sorry yul shippers* And Shin is kind of stubborn when he didn't even visit chaegyung when she was sitting there the whole day begging for peyha forgiveness. But Chaegyung shouldnt mention about "divorce" in the interview, it would just hurt both of them. :( so sad now...

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Guest lazibratt

Daaaaang that earring is $72!!

Umm, are JJH (the guy who plays shin) and the girl who plays CG models? She has too much make up on and isn't smiling!! It doesn't really look like her =/

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Guest jhing

rainz_gurl - actually I think Goong 2 is a very good idea. hehe They have to pick up where they left off, you see. And that is her being pregnant. Wouldn't it be nice to see how Shin and Chae Gyung deal with this "baby" thing? I, for one cannot wait for the morning sickness, change of moods and all that stuff that women have to go through in the early stages of the pregnany.

I want to see how Shin would take care of his baby and Chae Gyung. :D My only hope is that the writers can give us a better, more interesting and constant storyline. The problem with Goong 1 is that it got a bit draggy after 16 episodes. But that's just my opinion. Oh, and Lotsa lotsa Shin and Chae Gyung scenes in Goong 2 please and less of the elders. :D

lazibratt - they were going for the "grunge" look in that fashion show, that's why YEH looks like that there. :D I think she pulled "the grunge look" off quite nicely.

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Guest lilnahnah

I spent the last four days watching all 24 episodes of Goong.

My eyes hurt and I am tired.

But I'm obsessed now >.<;

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

JK with Rebonded hair :blink:


Waaaaaah! I love this guy! Hihihihi! I enjoy watching him in Goong especially when he started flirting with CG's friend. Hahaha! He's really cute.

Btw, I found this youtube link:

YEH Dancing in XMAN

YEH CAN REALLY DANCE! Hahaha! I hope she'll dance like that in front of JJH hahaha! I dunno if this link has been posted before.

Thanks for all the new pics from iMBC.

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Guest mizzlinhie

whaaa he's so kute :) i love watching him and kang hyun too :D they're such a cute couple.

I love YEH in Xman lolz, i wish she would appears in Xman with JJH, whaa that would be the best episode of Xman lolz for our goong campers :D . Then there'll be Triangle love between Kim Jong Kook , Yoon Eun Hye , and Joo Ji Hoon. hahah... *dreaming*

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hehe I asked this question a while ago... but I don't think nobody noticed it and I don't want to go through 1000 sumthing pages :P but can sumbody sum up wat happen at the end for me? hehe thanks :P

err that would be super spoilers.

wad i can say is

this is a good ending with shin and cg together, marryin in macau

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Guest x Kimmi x

please any pictures of CG and SHIN cuddling/hugging etc?

or /and when yuhl gives her his "present"?

plz thnk u

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as for it being fatal,

you know that if blood doesn't circulate for a long time, it can do irreversable damage where you have to amputate the damaged parts?

and since cg is the crown princess, also responsible for a future son later to continue the family line (hehe), it is really important for her to protect her body. that's what the servant(?) girls were saying.

and as for how long cg was in macau, i remember in an interview somewhere jjh said that it was supposed to be like 6 months to a year after. =)

hope i was of some help

Thanks for clarifying xD. You're my hero O.O

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err that would be super spoilers.

wad i can say is

this is a good ending with shin and cg together, marryin in macau

thanks! :D I sorta want to know wat happen to Yul... he's like my favorite guy in here hehe :P really

sweet and caring. my mom was saying wat would happen if all sudden CG marries Yul instead...wat would happen? haha :P

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actually he's not that good to me lolz. cuz he would he always try to break the royal couple apart >=[

Actually that is only what it seems on the surface. Yul has his own reasons for doing what he was doing. He was lonely, and has no one that he could lean on. The mom that was supposed to lead him, was poisoning his minds, and so I really don't blame him for not knowing what's wrong from what's right. Furthermore, the girl he loved with all his heart and soul, for the first time in his life, couldn't return his love.. and even kept coming back to him to cry for another man.

I missed the days when Goong was still airing, and we would all coming to this thread every Wednesday & Thursday and poured our heart out with this almost-essay-long posts. Sometimes I still backlog *like hundreds page back* to read our old "analysis".. They're all really fun to read because we seemed to over-analyze each character, each scene, each detail from the set.. in a good way, of course. I bet Hwang In Roi PD would be so proud of us if he ever read those posts. That was our way to appreciate his masterpiece ;):sweatingbullets:

Those who are still currently watching Goong and interested to know some out-of-your-mind *or not-so out of your mind* views from your fellow Goongers, I suggest you to backlog and read these. I remember when I first joined this thread, it was the 1000th page, and ever since, I could never leave this thread even for a single day. I'm being a little sentimental, aren't I ? Oh well.. :blush: So my point is, those who have spare time and are as enthusiastic as me, backlog, read, and don't forget to bring a box *or two* of tissue. ;)

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