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Guest coreana

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Guest skara




Episode 19:

Main Translators: nycx1004, liquidfir

Spot Translators: yeohweping, nycx1004

Song translator: dorkette

Timers: jann, CraZyaH

Editor/QC: ay_link

Thanks for the Sub. Team !!!!

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oh no..it's so sad!!

that's the end of season 1 of Goong..wanna c more!!

can't wait for season 2 to start!! anyway..finish watching ep 24! the ending is so cute...haha i told my sis that CG is pregnant but she said that in Goong 1.5..YEH said that it was only due to indigestion..was it true??

well well..during the last 2 eps..it was so heart warming!!! we see Shin n CG so loving!! best scene of all...

btw..thanks for all the videos shared...credits to all cos i can't remember who i dl from!! and Rebby thanks for the reports from Macau!!!

You're right..You know what, I was watching the last episode of Goong again just now and a thought came on to me.Goong is over and I have to wait for next year to see the Season 2..I tell myself, how am I going to wait till next year!

But then , looking at the bright side, I realised that at least I have something to look forward to next year..

Can't wait!!! :lol:

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Guest leechunsa

To the lovely subbers, you never fails to make me cry. :) Thanks for the subs! I love you guys!!! ^^ *runs off to watch episode 19 again*

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Guest helenou

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i was watching (again) epi 23 yesterday and i wanted to ask something !

after the kissing scene, CG was laying on Shin :D and then they were talking about how life whould it be if Shin is not the crown prince anymore

after their dream, you know the one were Shin is at home cooking and taking take of children and CG coming back from work ... :phew: looool

after the dream :

CG : it doesn't look like a life

Shin : hey didn't you look at me intentionaly while i was taking my shower?

CG : no, even if i had seen i dont have any 'naughty' thoughts ( --> sorry i dont know how accurate is my comprehension)

ok from this scene i really dont see the link, i mean they were talking about their possible life and bam! Shin is talking about the "shower/naked scene" :o

is it just me, or do you guys dont think that it's a bit curious?!!!!! :sweatingbullets:

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Guest linatan

To the lovely subbers, you never fails to make me cry. :) Thanks for the subs! I love you guys!!! ^^ *runs off to watch episode 19 again*

Subbers..thank you very much for epsd 19, cant imagine you all release the sub so fast..kamshamida.....

Crazy me.... u are so creative...i like ur idea...if it really happens like tat, my day will be wonderful. I like ur idea on Shin bathing togthr with Cg...hhehhe...i'm so pervert.. :P

"cg: what are you doing? why are you still lying there? LET'S GO!

cg runs to the bathroom, tries to close the door but shin stops her.

cg: what?

shin: i'm coming in with you. it'll save us time and water"

Possible Spoiler




i was watching (again) epi 23 yesterday and i wanted to ask something !

after the kissing scene, CG was laying on Shin :D and then they were talking about how life whould it be if Shin is not the crown prince anymore

after their dream, you know the one were Shin is at home cooking and taking take of children and CG coming back from work ... :phew: looool

after the dream :

CG : it doesn't look like a life

Shin : hey didn't you look at me intentionaly while i was taking my shower?

CG : no, even if i had seen i dont have any 'naughty' thoughts ( --> sorry i dont know how accurate is my comprehension)

ok from this scene i really dont see the link, i mean they were talking about their possible life and bam! Shin is talking about the "shower/naked scene" :o

is it just me, or do you guys dont think that it's a bit curious?!!!!! :sweatingbullets:

helenou...i dun understand wat they were talking cos i dunno how to listen to Korean...but does it seem totally off if Shin was talking abot bathing?? or maybe it was referred to epsd 18 or 19 (yul's bdae party) where Shin thought CG as peeping tom when he was bathing??

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i personally want CG to be pregnant at the end of season 2.. so here's what i want to be the opening scene of season 2 :rolleyes:

camera moves around a room then focuses on the bed with white sheets where shin and cg is sleeping...

shin wakes up first, stares at cg..

he decides to wake cg by kissing her in the face (forehead, eyes, nose, lips)

while shin is kissing cg in the lips, cg smiles, shin moves back to stare at his wife, cg opens her eyes, smiles even wider..

cg encircles her arms to shin for a hug..

after sometime of hugging, shin moves for a kiss again but...

shocked cg: WAIT!

startled shin: what?

confused cg: what time is it?

confused shin: 8am. why?

surprised, worried cg (starts to get off the bed): OMG, jesus christ superstar! we're late!

more confused shin: late for what?!

cg running around the room looking for her clothes: what do you mean what? we're supposed to come back to the palace today! and it's already 8am! we're late! OMG, they are probably waiting for us by now.

shin: ...

cg: what are you doing? why are you still lying there? LET'S GO!

cg runs to the bathroom, tries to close the door but shin stops her.

cg: what?

shin: i'm coming in with you. it'll save us time and water :lol:;)

:w00t: :blush:

Hehehe... that's a good one. I want to see that too. :P

Is there any more photo of YEH and JJH together at the party?? is it only that 2? :sweatingbullets: Any news of them going out???

Thank you so much subbers..... You're ROCKS...... :)

Ah...., I miss goong already. Can't season 2 been put forward?? like next week?? pleasy..... please :-)

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Guest helenou

helenou...i dun understand wat they were talking cos i dunno how to listen to Korean...but does it seem totally off if Shin was talking abot bathing?? or maybe it was referred to epsd 18 or 19 (yul's bdae party) where Shin thought CG as peeping tom when he was bathing??

i think he's refering of the scene in epi 18, at Yul party otherwise, as you said, it would be totally off ! ^^

ive done the complete translation for the scene in epi 23 CG is laying on the top of Shin goon, i translated it from the chinese sub and im not sure of my translation :sweatingbullets: forgive me for my mistakes and please fill in the blanks and correct me if im wrong :D

if you dont want to read, scrold down quickly ! ^^





Shin : Looks like im the responsible of the arson

but lie down like this, it can look like that nothing has happened

CG : Shin Goon is honest, soon the truth will be known

Shin : If im kicked out of the seat of the Crown Prince, can you still live with me?

CG : Then, you will be a house man, i will earn money.

Shin : A man whi is a houseman, does it look like a life?

CG : Who knows? Maybe that will suit you well.

{Imagination scene}

Shin : You came back?

CG : why didn't you pick up the phone?

Shin : it's not that, call at home ... children are sleeping

CG : (....?...)

Shin : You have already make a lot of effort to (..?..) not satisfied?

CG : children?

Shin : children .. they are sleeping

CG : try to go out and earn money, do you know how tired it is?

Shin : i know i know

CG : what's that noise?

Shin : oo awake !

CG : oo my kids, mommy is back

is your nappy changed?

Has daddy changed it?

Shin : Say mommy, mommy

CG : what's that smell?

You have again ....

Quick ! I'm getting mad

Shin : {talking to the baby} you wait for me here

CG : oo really ! if it's like this how can i can be out of the house without being


Good kids


CG : it doesn't look like a life

Shin : hey didn't you look at me intentionaly while i was taking my shower?

CG : no, even if i had seen something i dont have any 'naughty' thoughts

Shin : really? you don't have any improper anbitions to me?

CG : yeah

{Shin approaches his head, and looks like he's gonna kiss her. CG is closing her eyes.}

Shin : What is it on your hair?

You still don't want to admit it? ( i think he's saying 'you still dont admit that

you have some 'thoughts' toward me?')

You've never thought about it?

(.....?....), right?

CG: No, it's just that i'm too tired, so that's why i closed my eyes a moment.

I'm going, good night.

Shin : Yah!! Where do you want to go?

At least do (.......?.....)

CG : Right, it's hard to be like this (maybe she means, we dont have so much

moment for us), leaving like that is a bit ...

{She's touching his face gently and smilling at each other ^^}

Shin : That's right **big smile** (omg what is he thinking about????

{CG suddently stands up}

CG : To represent the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of the Great Korea,

I yell out with passion

Tei han min goon, tei han min goon (Great korea, Great Korea)

Shin goon, in your life you've never done that

that represents the celebration of the Great Korea

Take advantage of this chance to make this world go forward/better (?)

Aja !!!

Tei han min goon, tei han min goon, tei han min goon ...

{CG is out of the room}

Shin : Bear my idiocy

*clap in his hands*

Tei han min goon ... I did it ! (---> so cute !! *^^*)

Enjoy ! :P

and please credit me ! thx ^^

EDIT : sorry i forgot to translate the beggining of the conversation, but i just added it and i translate the imagination scene too ^^

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Guest kayomlicious

haha didn't that convo start b/c ck asked him why he thought they were going to have kids? or something along those lines...? ahh i can't believe goong is over..=(

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Guest hajjah

Here's my question to all of you Goongers:


Here's mine:

The best episode, for me, is the 23rd.


- It's the turning point for Shin & CG's relationship. They FINALLY CLEARLY UNDERSTAND how they feel about each other. All of the misunderstandings and sense of pridefulness that came between them in the past are all gone now. In a sense, that wall has finally crumbled.. and now they can reach each other's hand :)

- CG has made it clear to Yul that he has NO CHANCE with her. NOT A SINGLE BIT. Even if he waited for her for the next 1000 yrs, she would still have chosen Shin. If she had given mixed-signal to him in the past, that might lead him to think otherwise, well it just ENDED right THEN and THERE. Now, we CAN'T BLAME HER ANYMORE for being UNDECIDED or MISLEADING, if Yul ever gonna make a move again in the future. <_<

- We can see how unselfish Shin's-love-for-CG is. Even though we all know he wants her to be by his side forever, but he is willing to let her go because he doesn't want to BREAK HER WINGS. He'd rather see her live her life to the fullest outside the Palace, then to watch her giving up her dreams just to be with him. When you are willing to let go the one you love to see him/her happy, for me that is what you called TRUE LOVE. Nothing is greater than sacrificing in the name of love. *forgive me for being cheesy.. i'm in my Goong Withdrawal mode*

- On the other hand, CG is also willing to let go of her only dream, her freedom, to be with the one she loves. Everything else doesn't matter, as long as he LET her to be by his side. and HE DID.

- Shin stood up for his wife and fought *verbally anyway* against the king's plan to send her away. When he glanced over to his sister to look for her support, I can sense his desperation *sigh*.. my heart was aching for him.

- Shin & CG crying together. The tears are so full of regrets, and that's why it's so painful to see. Regret for being too selfish and prideful not to admit his feelings for her long time ago. Regret for being too careless to say hurtful words to the one he&she loves. Regret for wasting the time they could've spent together on ignorance.

- The date.. which is their official "first date". They are creating memories that should've been there long time ago. For once, they can do what normal couples do. Walk hand-in-hand and kiss like no-one else is watching :blush:

- and of course.. the hot and burning kiss.. but i'm done blabbering about this particular scene over and over and over again. So, let's not go there this time :P

Yeah, so anyways, WHAT'S YOURS?

EDIT: Thank you bunches *as always*, SUBBING TEAM!!

i'm crying read through your epi23 comment for yr best episode in GOONG, and for me exactly epi 23 too, so many nice things in there :tears:

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Guest leechunsa





CG : it doesn't look like a life

Shin : hey didn't you look at me intentionaly while i was taking my shower?

CG : no, even if i had seen something i dont have any 'naughty' thoughts

Shin : really? you don't have any improper anbitions to me?

CG : yeah

{Shin approaches his head, and looks like he's gonna kiss her. CG is closing her eyes.}

Shin : What is it on your hair?

You still don't want to admit it? ( i think he's saying 'you still dont admit that

you have some 'thoughts' toward me?')

You've never thought about it?

(.....?....), right?

CG: No, it's just that i'm too tired, so that's why i closed my eyes a moment.

I'm going, good night.

Shin : Yah!! Where do you want to go?

At least do (.......?.....)

CG : Right, it's hard to be like this (maybe she means, we dont have so much

moment for us), leaving like that is a bit ...

{She's touching his face gently and smilling at each other ^^}

Shin : That's right **big smile** (omg what is he thinking about????

{CG suddently stands up}

CG : To represent the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of the Great Korea,

I yell out with passion

Tei han min goon, tei han min goon (Great korea, Great Korea)

Shin goon, in your life you've never done that

that represents the celebration of the Great Korea

Take advantage of this chance to make this world go forward/better (?)

Aja !!!

Tei han min goon, tei han min goon, tei han min goon ...

{CG is out of the room}

Shin : Bear my idiocy

*clap in his hands*

Tei han min goon ... I did it ! (---> so cute !! *^^*)

Enjoy ! :P

and please credit me ! thx ^^

wakekekeke...so that's what they were talking about! lol~ I was making up things in my head! nyahahaha <3 Thanks for the translation! Hehehe, if CG doesn't have any "thoughts" on SHIN, I do! lol~ I'm kidding! (NOT! kekeke!)

I really miss goong right now :(

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Guest leechunsa

Here's my question to all of you Goongers:


Here's mine:

The best episode, for me, is the 23rd.


- It's the turning point for Shin & CG's relationship. They FINALLY CLEARLY UNDERSTAND how they feel about each other. All of the misunderstandings and sense of pridefulness that came between them in the past are all gone now. In a sense, that wall has finally crumbled.. and now they can reach each other's hand :)

- CG has made it clear to Yul that he has NO CHANCE with her. NOT A SINGLE BIT. Even if he waited for her for the next 1000 yrs, she would still have chosen Shin. If she had given mixed-signal to him in the past, that might lead him to think otherwise, well it just ENDED right THEN and THERE. Now, we CAN'T BLAME HER ANYMORE for being UNDECIDED or MISLEADING, if Yul ever gonna make a move again in the future. <_<

- We can see how unselfish Shin's-love-for-CG is. Even though we all know he wants her to be by his side forever, but he is willing to let her go because he doesn't want to BREAK HER WINGS. He'd rather see her live her life to the fullest outside the Palace, then to watch her giving up her dreams just to be with him. When you are willing to let go the one you love to see him/her happy, for me that is what you called TRUE LOVE. Nothing is greater than sacrificing in the name of love. *forgive me for being cheesy.. i'm in my Goong Withdrawal mode*

- On the other hand, CG is also willing to let go of her only dream, her freedom, to be with the one she loves. Everything else doesn't matter, as long as he LET her to be by his side. and HE DID.

- Shin stood up for his wife and fought *verbally anyway* against the king's plan to send her away. When he glanced over to his sister to look for her support, I can sense his desperation *sigh*.. my heart was aching for him.

- Shin & CG crying together. The tears are so full of regrets, and that's why it's so painful to see. Regret for being too selfish and prideful not to admit his feelings for her long time ago. Regret for being too careless to say hurtful words to the one he&she loves. Regret for wasting the time they could've spent together on ignorance.

- The date.. which is their official "first date". They are creating memories that should've been there long time ago. For once, they can do what normal couples do. Walk hand-in-hand and kiss like no-one else is watching :blush:

- and of course.. the hot and burning kiss.. but i'm done blabbering about this particular scene over and over and over again. So, let's not go there this time :P

Yeah, so anyways, WHAT'S YOURS?

EDIT: Thank you bunches *as always*, SUBBING TEAM!!

I agree with all that you said :) 23 is just so priceless. AND YOU MADE ME CRY TOO! Y________________Y Waaahhh...I'm feeling so bad about this whole end of GOONG THING -_-;;

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Guest prismatic_star

This sounds ridiculous but you know the International Goong Map? How do I add a marker on it? It says to click on the map but I ain't getting nowhere... ToT

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Guest cjgp016

can you pls help me....where can i download the 19 and up episode of goong with eng sub?...no torrent file pls...thanks!

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Guest Soothing Melodies

unless they have hardsubbed, you need to scroll back to the pages and look for the dling links and dl the subs alonee

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Guest DAYdream*

Is it the instrumental song? I believe it's called Ice Pond (??) the download link was posted a while back

Does anybody have the YSI link for the MP3 version of this song?

I really would like to listen to it, thank you.

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Guest hajjah

finish GOONG 1.5, although i dun understand at all what is all about they talking in the show but still can make me laugh.....hopefully have english subbed....

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