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Guest lovedrama

Thank you everyone for translations and eppies. :P:P I will miss all of you (my fellow goonies), until next season or next drama. :(:(

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Gah :tears: Goong is over! But there's still more stuff to come, so I hope to see you all here again! And lucky Rebby got all those autographs! I'm so jealous!

Oh! Since my site is down along with apple's, I'm gonna have to post the next eppies here. So without further ado I give you:

Episode 18 Eppie Awards


At first I didn't think I was going to find a sweet moment at all in this episode. But after skimming through it again a couple more times I settled on Choi Sanggoong's explanation to CG's mom about why she's ok with not being able to not get married. She was really grateful to the queen for helping her get out of poverty and I found it very touching that she would decide to enter the palace for that. Must have been a tough decision, but shows how loyal Choi Sanggoong is. Meanwhile, anybody notice how _hawt_ Choi Sanggoong has gotten? It's like the hair and make-up people finally noticed. Methinks someone is gonna try to hookup Choi Sanggoong with somebody in Goong2


I know I saw it coming. I mean, I read it in the manhwa. But watching YEH's way of playing out this scene, I can't help but love it even more. CG's covering up the tv-screen especially with Jisu-Sesu helping her out was so hilarious and cute. And Shin was adorable looking all embarassed. Seeing this stuff come to life is one of the best parts of Goong turning into a drama :D


CG: I will kidnap you and take you to my underground lair where it is very dark and dank and there are rats everywhere

Ok, ok. That was a bad caption. But still, this was such a freaky shot. You KNOW they're trying to spoof the ring. I mean look at her! She's all crawling out and her hair is all messed up. It's like watching those Japanese girls get freaked out (was it members of Morning Musume?). And I'm not one for scary/thriller type movies, but even I know where this is coming from. CG, you crack me up


My heart goes out to this woman. I can't believe she's put up with this idiot for 20 years. How can he _not_ see what a beautiful and dignified woman his wife is? He's so hung up over his past love that he can't see straight. And her confession to him that he's made her suffer all these years really makes my heart wrench. It's like the king doesn't even care about whether or not she's been hurting. For these past 18 episodes, I have _not_ once seen him do anything for her or go anywhere with her, yet she's the one caring for him and all this stuff. I feel so sad that she's married to an ingrate (although I _should_ use stronger words)


There were no outstanding Shin moments in this ep, but he wasn't entirely bad though. Despite the fact that Hyo-rin seems to have given up on Shin, she still keeps on bringing up old commitments and stuff and I love how Shin keeps reminding her and telling her that his life is now focused on his wife. It's too bad CG didn't hear the entire conversation though. *bops In Eun-ha on the head with a 9-iron (whatever the heck those are)*


It's become so hard to find things that I like about Yul in recent eps. The writer and producers really need to take a better look at their scripts and learn that their character development for Yul sucks big time. But I digress. The only time where I found Yul remotely likeable in this episode was when he was talking about how he just wanted everyone to have fun at his party (even though I still don't get why he invited Shin's friends to the party) and that's why he came up with the idea of having a masque. But yea, other than that Yul was pretty much an entire "WTF" for this ep. =/


Ok so....maybe this is more funny than "hot" perse, but I gave that award to "The Ring", so this get's the "hottest" award. Plus Shin's naked. Case closed. ^_^ I mean, I know this was all in CG's head, but still it's hot no? Plus CG's pointing at him and keeps her eyes _wide_ open. You can't help but think of other things right? And I just _have_ to say this. When Apple and I were watching Sweet18 with our dear old friend fryx2, he made a comment about the scene where Jung-sook walks in on Hyuk-joon showering and he covers himself and fry was like "MY BOOBS!". After watching this, I immediately thought of that comment when JJH covered up his chest. Hahahaha...maybe asians are more conscientious of their chests than Western men? I dunno...but at least in this scenario he remembers to cover himself with the towel. =^.^=


I really really wished that he would go for the lips, but eh. But I guess since it's just on the cheek it makes it more gentler and sweet. But my heart flutters a little whenever I see anything like this anyways because it's so fairy-tale like, what with the princess asleep and the prince coming to see her and kissing her. *clings to shin plushie once again*


Oh, don't you think that I only was able to come up with one WTF award. Believe me this episode was full of that. While the rest of these awards make it seem like I really like this episode, the entire time (especially for the second half) I was about ready to shove my hands into my computer screen so that I could slap all the characters all the way to Australia and back. But this will be addressed more in the next award, but I do wanna mention the biggest wtf of this episode. The forced kiss. This is undoubtedly one of the hottest kisses in Asian history and they ruined it because CG refused him, yet Shin crossed the line. And this has nothing to do with Shin. It's the stupid writer's fault. It's episode 18 for goodness sake. What are you doing making the male-protagonist out to be some wild animal at this point? Which brings me to my next award...


So I guess the writer, the PDs, the director, and everybody else on the production crew had a relapse in their crack addiction...

At their rehab meetings

In Eun-ha: Hi, my name is In Eun-ha and I'm addicted to crack.

All: Hello Eun-ha

In Eun-ha: Well, I've been doing really well these past few weeks since episode 9, but um...I accidentally relapsed and now episode 18 is an entire mess! *cries*

Group Leader: It's ok. We're here for you. But uh...are you _sure_ it was just for episode 18? I mean, look at all this crap from some of the earlier eps...

Hwang In-roe: Hey! I thought the naked teddy bears was a good idea!

Group leader: ....

No seriously. WTF has been up with the writing? Everytime I walk into #goong or when I talk to Apple on AIM, I'm always whining about how Goong had the potential to be oh so good. If only they had better writing and better wardrobing things could have been so much better. But look! Screw ups left and right! Just look at the screen caps I took:


First off, I'm not really comfortable with CG's mother going all over the palace trying to get people to buy her insurance. It's a bit much if you ask me, she should just stick to outside people. Also, she shouldn't go off about how it's an injustice for the Sanggoongs to not be able to get married if none of them are complaining about it. Like Choi Sanggoong said, it was her choice to enter the palace. She knew very well what the restrictions were. And CG's mom should be a little more respectful towards Hwang-hu mama and Halmama if she wants to discuss this stuff with her. I hate it when people are shouting about stuff they want. Try to be more more civil k?

Secondly, where the eff did this Jang-kyung thing come from? I had my hopes pinned up on Kang-hyun and Yul trying to get together. I had dreams of them getting engaged and her entering the palace. You can even ask Apple about this. I had their wedding planned. I mean, I'm not opposed to Jk/Kh shipping, if they end up together, they end up together. But if you ask me, this is a wee bit easy

Third, I've had enough of the King being all high and mighty. You're not so perfect yourself mister. Why are you taking this out on your son? And uh...did you happen to forget that you're sick? Haven't had faiting spells lately have you? I think you better hurry up and die because you're not contributing to much, so unless you get your act together no one's gonna miss you.

Fourth: Look! Even more reason for the king to die! This was the most disgusting thing

I have ever seen in my entire k-drama history. Fantasizing about that evil, manipulative witch. Just gag me why doncha?

Fifth, if Hyo-rin has supposedly given up on Shin and has recognized the relationship between CG and Shin, why the heck make her all snooty in front of CG by showing off all the knowledge she has about Shin? I mean, it's one thing to stop him from drinking the peach champagne. It's an entirely a different thing to tell stories or to mention other allergies. *bops In Eun-ha on the head again

Sixth, I can't believe Yul kissed her on the forehead. I know a lot of you have defended him and think this is absolutely sweet, but I beg to differ. Despite the fact that Yul thinks CG is being mistreated by Shin, despite the fact that he loves her dearly, despite everything else, Yul NEEDS to know where his bounds are. CG is a MARRIED woman who he KNOWS has feelings for only Shin and views him as just a friend. If he truly loved her, he would stand back and work for her happiness by knocking some sense into Shin. Plus I hate how he was telling all those lies to CG, especially when Hyo-rin told him about CG/Shin.

Seventhly, what is up with CG/Shin/Yul??? Pabo CG hurts her finger and allows herself to be whisked away by Yul. And she seems to show more concern over Yul's wellbeing over Shin, at least outwardly. But still... And Yul doesn't need to take CG away to get her finger healed. He could have gone to the bathroom or something and then come back. And SHIN. My god Shin, why the heck are you just _sitting_ there? But like I said. This is more a result of bad writing than this just being the characteristics of the three. By this point CG shouldn't be such and idiot and Shin shouldn't be so closed up, yet they are. STOP DOING CRACK!!

Finally, WHAT IS UP WITH ALL THIS MISUNDERSTANDING???? Way to drag things out. The only thing anybody knows how to do is to eavesdrop, and they don't even listen to the entire thing. And no one knows how to communicate. You know, if CG had asked Shin to clarify what he was saying to Hyo-rin, she wouldn't have spouted off about how she wants to leave the palace and stuff. And if Shin had just confessed already, no one would be in this mess. And I'm not even at the core of my rants b/c you'll see in future eps there's lots more of this crap in store.... whoopee...[/sarcasm]

Overall thoughts: Wow, this is the first time where I had one of everything...unless you don't count the pucnhed award hehe^^ But yea, while this episode had it's good moments, I think I have to say I hate this episode the most. Even more so than episode 9. But you all understand where I'm coming from right? Oh btw, I gotta mention. I _loved_ it when Yul's mom was out to unsettle Gong Nessi, but instead he mentioned that room she's always meeting the king in and then _she_ was the one who got unsettled. It's like...score! Puehehehe. Ok, I'm done. Oh wait! Don't forget to JUST SAY NO. If not for yourself, then for the sake of all drama lovers out there who do not want to watch another crappy episode. Thank you.

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Guest sylpha

*whee* first of all...rebbeca you´re so lucky ...argh i am jealous...*joojihoon* ^o^

then next...thanxs to everybody for sharing their stuff ...even though i joined in pretty late i was always having a great time with my fellow goongers ;) i luv you guys for you are as crazy as me... :P

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Guest usyagitntn

EEk actually the pic of Shin's sister looks kinda freaky. OMG power struggle again?!? Shin's sister seems to be so nice but as someone said that she is not who she seems to be. And in ep 24 when the great Queen was crying wih CG on the floor, the look on her face made me feel uneasy a little bit but I thought that I was just thinking too much, and now this comes in.

She doesn't seem power hungry though I wonder what her motive is. And she seems pretty close to Shin and they have a good relationship. So it's kinda weird seeing that. Does she think that Shin is not fit to be the future King anymore or she just wants to control the country as Queen?!? So many unanswered questions. This is gonna be a long wait


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Guest jdlx24

I'm slowly making my way through the thread (still on page 1282) BUT im doing it for my love of GOONG :D

Could someone explain to me about Hyorin? I thought she came from a rich family? Didn't the drama say she came from a rich family?

Thanks :]

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Guest lilystar222

...after swearing off kdrama's for awhile, my friend forced me to watch a couple of episodes of Goong and I was :blush: hooked. I haven't been able to stop... wanting to catch up as quickly as possible!

I randomly came across this forum to find a thread of over 1600 pages. WOW. It's so amazing to see how quickly links for downloading, pics, etc get put up here! Though I'm a [newbie] ... and i regret not being a part of the [regular crew]. I still wanted to post a great big


for all the hard work that goes into making everything so available!! so quickly!!

* I can definitely see Shin's sister becoming/vying for the King title. CG's pregnancy (whether true or not) may be reason enough for her to come back to the Palace. If what i heard is correct, that Season2 will be only 6 episodes long, what else can they throw in there to make us go even crazier? :P

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Guest rainydayryani

i believe that she's pregnant too and that it happened the night she got the hiccups...after all, we never did know what happened that entire night. in the end of that scene we only saw CG's room (from front) ...shin might've stayed over and they spent the night together and...andd.... :w00t:

about season 2, i think it's gonna be more about CG's dilema: having a sehson and her dreams(she want's to be a designer right?). i think in this upcoming season they're all gonna graduate and work...but for CG it's gonna be a little different. unlike her friends, she allready has a 'job' as future queen and to give birth to a sehson...in the other hand, i'm sure she wants to fulfil her dreams too...so that's the main theme for season 2 in my opinion..... :D

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Guest doom89757

...after swearing off kdrama's for awhile, my friend forced me to watch a couple of episodes of Goong and I was :blush: hooked. I haven't been able to stop... wanting to catch up as quickly as possible!

I randomly came across this forum to find a thread of over 1600 pages. WOW. It's so amazing to see how quickly links for downloading, pics, etc get put up here! Though I'm a [newbie] ... and i regret not being a part of the [regular crew]. I still wanted to post a great big


for all the hard work that goes into making everything so available!! so quickly!!

* I can definitely see Shin's sister becoming/vying for the King title. CG's pregnancy (whether true or not) may be reason enough for her to come back to the Palace. If what i heard is correct, that Season2 will be only 6 episodes long, what else can they throw in there to make us go even crazier? :P

Well u will never no wat kind of plot they're going to bring up, that y have few month to make up an exiciting plot, but hopefully it will be interesting

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Guest christina

hmm...i was confused at the ending because they think she's pregnant but when did her and shin have sex? huh..

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Guest sharonstar

^ ooo did she do it with yul?! lol tha'll be bad.. bad CG bad!! spnaky spanky

tha'll totally be a BANJUN for next season tahahaha..

sorry i havent seen 24... so... yeap



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Guest sweet_treats1812

^ ooo did she do it with yul?! lol tha'll be bad.. bad CG bad!! spnaky spanky

tha'll totally be a BANJUN for next season tahahaha..

sorry i havent seen 24... so... yeap



bwahahaha! now that's something!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Guest sparkled_silver

This is just my own imagination ---->

CG was really pregnant. at first they were really happy and decided to live outside the palace from then on. BUT. the sister or the sister's boyfriend (that she will have) wants the seshon dead because if CG gives birth to a boy then the boy will be the next heir. Therefore Shin wanting to protect CG and his child goes back into the palace. He will be king if that means protecting CG and his child. (this will all happen in CG's 2-5 months of pregnancy?) so that her stomach won't show much.

OR the other is what someone already mentioned in the previous pages. CG actually isn't pregnant but the grandma thinks so, so the grandma makes the king let CG into the palace. =) and so shin and CG tries to hide fact that she's not pregnant from the elders. lots of complications also happen. at the end CG gets pregnant.

XP almost done. Does anyone know what's showing after this?

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Guest sweet_treats1812

sparkled_silver, i think the next drama after this is dr. keng...the one with yang dong gun and han ga in..there's a thread for it here on soompi already...

anyways..interesting plot uve got there :lol: hmm..it cud also be that cg wasnt really pregnant and that she jst suddenly had the hiccups hahaha~ but i definitely cannot dismiss the fact that there was a baby bear in the picture...

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Guest sharonstar

i think... a drama called Dr or Mr Kkeng.. forget -__- with hangain and this one rapper (who i like.. he funnie guy~ lol) yeah


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