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Guest coreana

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Guest kitkat_grl22

I can't wait for the last episode, I love all the spoilers... >.< Keke. Soooo good!! T^T I wanna see it so badly! Thanks for the spoilers!

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Guest leechunsa


WAAAAAAAAAHHH. I'm so jealous. Hehehe <3 I need to sleep. T_T But I'm missing goong :(

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Guest kimheami

awww....rebby you are so lucky.....

haha i can't wait till someone puts a link up for eps 24 i'm really excited and its so cute...

i heard that the 2nd season is only going ot be like 6 episodes....is that true?

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So it has ended for this season...*pouts and kicks dirt*

For the speculation of Chae being preggie or not, I am with those few who actually don't think so. As I was reading all your posts, I was thinking that maybe she just ate some bad food from when her and Shin went out to eat and it may just have looked like she had morning sickness. Of course, Halmamama will be all excited cause finally she's getting what she wants and has longed for, a royal great granchild, but I don't think Season II will open up with Chae being pregnant. The PDs wouldn't do that, they wouldn't jump from a kiss to Chae being preggie, of course they'll at least give us a Shin and Chae moving into ONE ROOM and then maybe Shin getting out of bed in BOXERS (although we know he's a brief man, lol) and Chae still asleep. Hehehe... I forgot where I am... :lol: .

Anyways, I have a thought...what if in Season II Shin has to fight his own sister for the throne? I don't know, it just seems to me that Princess Hye Myung isn't who she seems to be? Well, I guess we will just have to wait and see, won't we?

Well, Goongers, I have had so much fun crying :tears: , laughing :lol: , cursing, :vicx: etc. with all of you. For all the regulars who were here from the beginning to all the newbies who joined in a bit late...thank you. For those who have contributed in one way or another, thank you. For our great subbing team, this ride wouldn't have been as smooth if it weren't for all of you who helped us understand the story in detail, your dedication to the drama even when it was so called "dragging" was and is so much appreciated by this loyal Goonger here along with everyone else who had seen the drama or heard of it. Thank you, Subbing Team :wub: !

Lastly, if ever YEH or JJH or anyone member of the cast may stumble upon this thread, thank you to all of you for a job well done and for proving to those who questioned you that you could do the job and that you did it well. Thank you, PD Hwang In Roi and Writer In Eun Ha for a job well done. You both kept us guessing and inching for more, even when it seemed like all was lost, you surprised us and shed new light...thank you.

On to Season II we go, Goongers! I hope to see each and every one of you back here in 10 months or so...some of you...will still be camping out with me, right? Right. Let us all catch up on sleep, let us get our grades back up and get our jobs done, let us get to know our families again and our significant others too, cause once the ride begins again, the GOONG virus (loss of appetite, sleep deprivation, GPAs dropping, etc.) will return.


Rebby...I am so green right now! You very lucky duck! Lookie, Ji Hoon even wrote "To: Rebecca"...ahh! You lucky duck! Take me with you next time, okay!

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Guest beauwhale

WOw, you guys are great. a lot of information about the last episode. it makes me wanna watch it so deathly. i watched the wedding scene. i dont think CG is pregnant cuz we didnt see that She and Sin do somethign further than kissing eh. :D . it cant be pregnant :D

i tried the cartrider2000's CB and i am a member too, it seems doesnt work for me. It doesnt lead me to the file. it shows korean only and unfortunately i dont understand :( does anyone know the other CB that UL the last episode??

and where can i get the 1.5 special too? does anyone have it and please share with us, the goongers!!! :P

thank you very much :D

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Guest haydee

You lucky girl you Rebby. NICE! Thanks for the ppl who are uploading that specific scene. Hope someone uploads the whole episode soon though.

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Before I start backlogging.. walking down the memory lane *sigh*.. Lemme post my 2-cent for ep 24 *WATCH OUT FOR SPOILERS*:

- The wedding dress: Definitely could've been prettier. It was too "blah" for a CG. I'm thinking of something more elegant *simple is fine too, but ELEGANT* and definitely NOT with the flower on her head. A little tiara would've suited her better. But YEH looked magnificent nevertheless.

- The wedding scene: So that's the BIG SURPRISE... I kinda guessed it already.. with so many witnesses *fans report from Macau* I figured, there's no way they were filming a bed scene or even something close to that.. kkekekeke.. so it has to be something outdoor-sy. Without the wedding scene, ep 24 would be a BIG NULL.. I mean, after all the excitement in previous episode *with the hot kisses, huggles, CG laying on top of Shin bwuahahaha*, watching ep 24 was kinda a DOWNHILL ride. Not that it's bad or anything, I'm still HAPPY with the ending, but it's missing something. I was hoping for an ending with a BANG! and that didn't happen.

- The cliffhanger: Is she or Isn't she? I bet she is! Yes, I bet she is pregnant. Otherwise, they wouldn't put that vomiting part plus the bear family in the closing credit. That's gotta be the SPECIAL PART that will connect season 1 to the next season. EXCITED! I just hope my excitement can last for the next 10 months.


- THE CONCEPTION: When the heck did that happen???? There isn't any single trace that it ever happened! Well at least not until the translation comes out.. kekekeke.. My guess is the night before they got into the car that morning when Shin kissed her bare shoulder. For some reason they looked a bit awkward around each other, so that could've been the reason why. BUT that means they have to be there for at least more than 2 weeks.. coz usually the signs of pregnancy only start after around 2 weeks, doesn't it? Oh well.. not a mother yet, so I'm not sure about this too.. But it definitely tickles my brain!! Some people guessed that it happened after the hot-burning-kiss at Shin's room.. but then when she laid on top of him, he still wore his tie.. not to mention, his shirt and tie looked so neat. Come on, if they really made out, his tie would've been flying somewhere else and his shirt would be all crinkled *I'm thinking of something WILD* bwuahahaha

- Choi Sang Goon makeover: I was like WHOA! Purty purty looking Choi Sang Goon.. CG better keeps her eye on dearest husband there! But NOBODY beats YEH when it comes to wearing miniskirt! YEH's legs are her #1 asset. She should've bought insurance for those sexy thang!

- Macau setting: Beautiful, but as REBBY has mentioned, it was really cloudy those days.. which is too bad. I was hoping to see more sceneries. The church was so-so, kinda remind of Meteor Garden 2 setting.. bwuahahaha...

- Shin's sister becoming the Queen: Definitely a 2nd season material. I bet it's gonna draw objections from the elders and the general public.. Plus, I still want to see CG taking responsibility as the Queen of the country, and Shin as King.

- Yul & His mom: What's up with the light when they were leaving the Goong? Does that mean they finally left the palace life in peace? Still a big question mark. MoToot intentions are still questionable. For God knows, she could've still kept her grudge deep in her heart, and BACK WITH SUPER EVIL PLAN ON SEASON 2 *BWUAHAHAHAHHAA.. --> maniacal laughter* maybe then Yul can become her accomplice, since there's no reason for him being the GOOD BOY anymore.

- Jang Kyung & Kang Hyun: See you in 2nd season! Too bad there's no space for them at all in this episode. But I'm sure they will get more attention in next season. Good luck, Jang Kyung!! You go get her, boy!

- My Favorite Scene: NOT THE WEDDING scene, but *drum roll please....* it's when CG chasing Shin's car while crying and then the car stopped, Shin came out and gave her the sweetest embrace I've ever seen he ever gave to CG.. It was soooo emotional.. I didn't know whether to smile or cry with them.. *sigh*

and yes, Yul was left behind *again* and had to watch the heartbreaking scene.

IN CONCLUSION: I am satisfied with the ending *NOT ecstatic!* so in overall, HAPPY. BUT, i'm SAD beyond words, that it finally comes to an end. 10 months (40 long weeks) is NOT gonna be easy to live on without Shin & CG AND all OF YOU GOONGERS!!! I hope we'll keep in touch until next year!! It's been so much fun hanging out here with all of you. Truly, sincerely. :tears:

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Guest kitkat_grl22

For those that waiting to download episode 24 (LQ), can get it from iyagi CB. It's uploading in the clubbox atm. Should be ready soon.

It's up!! YAY!! Iyagi's CB has Goong, that's up!! That's the last eppie!! I'm d/ling! I LOVE IYAGI SO MUCH! *CRIES* I can't wait, when I finish d/ling, I'll upload it!

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Guest peachys2sleep

For those that waiting to download episode 24 (LQ), can get it from iyagi CB. It's uploading in the clubbox atm. Should be ready soon.

BOOOOOOOO you need a password

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Before I start backlogging.. walking down the memory lane *sigh*.. Lemme post my 2-cent for ep 24:

- The wedding scene: So that's the BIG SURPRISE... I kinda guessed it already.. with so many witnesses *fans report from Macau* I figured, there's no way they were filming a bed scene or even something close to that.. kkekekeke.. so it has to be something outdoor-sy. Without the wedding scene, ep 24 would be a BIG NULL.. I mean, after all the excitement in previous episode *with the hot kisses, huggles, CG laying on top of Shin bwuahahaha*, watching ep 24 was kinda a DOWNHILL ride. Not that it's bad or anything, I'm still HAPPY with the ending, but it's missing something. I was hoping for an ending with a BANG! and that didn't happen.

- The cliffhanger: Is she or Isn't she? I bet she is! Yes, I bet she is pregnant. Otherwise, they wouldn't put that vomiting part plus the bear family in the closing credit. That's gotta be the SPECIAL PART that will connect season 1 to the next season. EXCITED! I just hope my excitement can last for the next 10 months.


- THE CONCEPTION: When the heck did that happen???? There isn't any single trace that it ever happened! Well at least not until the translation comes out.. kekekeke.. My guess is the night before they got into the car that morning when Shin kissed her bare shoulder. For some reason they looked a bit awkward around each other, so that could've been the reason why. BUT that means they have to be there for at least more than 2 weeks.. coz usually the signs of pregnancy only start after around 2 weeks, doesn't it? Oh well.. not a mother yet, so I'm not sure about this too.. But it definitely tickles my brain!! Some people guessed that it happen after the hot-burning-kiss at Shin's room.. but then when she laid on top of him, he still wore his tie.. not to mention, his shirt and tie looked so neat. Come on, if they really made out, his tie would've been flying somewhere else and his shirt would be all crinkled *I'm thinking of something WILD* bwuahahaha

But NOBODY beats YEH when it comes to wearing miniskirt! YEH's legs are her #1 asset. She should've bought insurance for those sexy thang!

- Shin's sister becoming the Queen: Definitely a 2nd season material. I bet it's gonna draw objections from the elders and the general public.. Plus, I still want to see CG taking responsibility as the Queen of the country, and Shin as King.

- Yul & His mom: What's up with the light when they were leaving the Goong? Does that mean they finally left the palace life in peace? Still a big question mark. MoToot intentions are still questionable. For God knows, she could've still kept her grudge deep in her heart, and BACK WITH SUPER EVIL PLAN ON SEASON 2 *BWUAHAHAHAHHAA.. --> maniacal laughter* maybe then Yul can become her accomplice, since there's no reason for him being the GOOD BOY anymore.

- My Favorite Scene: NOT THE WEDDING scene, but *drum roll please....* it's when CG chasing Shin's car while crying and then the car stopped, Shin came out and gave her the sweetest embrace I've ever seen he ever gave to CG.. It was soooo emotional.. I didn't know whether to smile or cry with them.. *sigh*

and yes, Yul was left behind *again* and had to watch the heartbreaking scene.

IN CONCLUSION: I am satisfied with the ending *NOT ecstatic!* so in overall, HAPPY. BUT, i'm SAD beyond words, that it finally comes to an end. 10 months (40 long weeks) is NOT gonna be easy to live on without Shin & CG AND all OF YOU GOONGERS!!! I hope we'll keep in touch until next year!! It's been so much fun hanging out here with all of you. Truly, sincerely. :tears:

wow i was thinking the same exact thing. Actually your favorite scene was my favorite scene. I really wasnt crazy about the ending and as i watching it, i kept on thinking if that was it? i mean really.

It was definitely open ended and expected but some things just didnt make any sense. I do hope season 2 will be more interesting. yea the storylines of CG's friends hooking up with Shin's friends is cute and so is finding someone for Yul, but i think i would like to see how both Shin and CG really survive on their own and grow and mature together. With normal relationship problems.

Im waiting for CB to load the 1.5 special so i could see what is going on between JJH and YEH but i have to admit, even that was a disappointment as i mentioned before. I dont even think it was a tie in either.

Someone mentioned in here when YEH was asked about that last scene and from what i can hear aside from the freezing, she didnt really answer it i think. maybe it was my computer but i thought she said that it was 'an upset stomach' as a joke or something in response to the question.

as usual i was right, they didnt show any BTS, NG of those kiss scenes at all. only the ep 18 and that was the slap part.

Overall, im ok with ending, disappointed yes but hopefully season 2 will be ok. Maybe will look forward to it when they start filming and the cast is going to be confirmed.

all i can say is that i highly doubt that the main two will do it again, one for the enormous amount of CF contracts/dramas/movies/sleep they will receive/need before filming starts in october again. And im sure they dont want to be typecast either. But who knows, maybe the script will entice them or they will feel some obligation to do it.

if not, no loss and hopefully there will be media leaks perhaps about the fact that they are dating. Now that in itself would be interesting.

LASTLY> i wanted to thank all the generous loaders, translators, pics and just general interesting observations/analysis in this thread. It has been enormous fun and time to get back in the real world now. Waiting for news on the DVD, hopefully a director's cut now because i will most definitely be buying this.

Love ya all! ;):w00t::D


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Guest beauwhale

OMG, i just keep checking this forum to see if there is any information about Goong. i am dying to watch it. :D

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