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Guest coreana

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Guest cheli001

It's 14h30 where I live now, it's summer time, ( it must be 13h30 (winter time)), normaly, I can watch Goong live at 14h.

They don't change time (winter-summer) in Korea?

I'm not quite sure... can't help you on that dept. for i'm not from korea... hehe :D

Anyway, m using tvants and news is almost over..... enjoy watching!!! :)

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Guest Jolee

to all those who will watch goong ep 23 live, if you will post the spoilers, please change the font color to yellow, or other colors which can't be read unless highlighted to give way to those who haven't watch the episode yet and doesn't want to be spoiled.. thanks :)

I'm sorry I won't be posting live anymore as I respect #13 of the updated Forum Rules .. my apologies for having done so the past few times .. Chongmal Beahnaeyo ..

Ep 23 ..starting very soon ..

Here' the English translated gist of Ep 24 preview .. thanks to muimui for posting in soompi ..









ChaeShin in Shin’s room. Shin tells Internal Officer he is mentally prepared .. his father acted in the interests of the Imperial Palace.. he would have done the same..










信:喂,话虽然是那么说 不过你应该说还是想留在我身边吧





ChaeShin in Shin’s room. Shin teases CG for crying again.. she denies it. Shin asks if CG is leaving the next day.. tells her that it’ll be difficult for him when she’s not around but he’d endure it to protect her from being “banished?”. CG assures him she’ll be alright but Shin says even so, she should have said that she’d rather remain by his side. CG says it’s her punishment for making a mistake – she has to keep to her bargain with the people .. because she’s the Taejabi. Shin also promises not to give up as he’s the Hwang Taeja.(original poster says this part is difficult she has no confidence (to translate?) .. thanks to HS .? for the help ?)


母: 慢点吃。

弟: 你不给姐夫拿点呀?

母: (第一句不太明白) 那位呀,吃这个话不噎着才怪的。

弟: 那小猪羔呢(指彩静)

父: 我们家公主才不挑食呢。

彩静: 不要哭,在宫里干好你的本分,不要担心我。(看样子只是离开一小下吧,如果废妃的话,他父亲也应该辞掉公里的工作了。又有点高兴的说) 我就算是掉到沙漠里也能活着出来。

母: 这才像我们的宝贝女儿么。已经长大成人啰,还知道安慰父母了。


父: 我家公主,

彩静: 也许开始很难,现在想想也未必就是坏事。这里学到的许多东西会成为我的飞向更广阔的人生的翅膀。(我理解的)


父:在宫里不能做的事,在外面做个够再回来。( “再回来”三个字已经又能让我看下去了。)






CG and family. This whole part is about her parents encouraging CG to experience whatever she’s unlikely to be able to do if she’s still in the palace .. .. feeling very proud of her .. CG assuring them she’s okay .. taking this experience as part of her growing up process.. CG’s brother shows her proper respect as he’s also maturing into a young man ..







彩:从自己的星到别的星,宇宙征服就要开始了,为了征服的那一天,a za(两人伸手指)


ChaeShin at doorway .. CG is playing with front of Shin’s suit. [aw .. so sweet ]..telling him not easy to realize her hope to be Shin’s soulmate .. Shin confesses that CG IS HIS SOULMATE .. she is so full of light that he can’t look directly at her !! .. because of her.. he knows the real world ..

CG congratulates Shin and says that he is now able to travel from his own planet to someone’s world .. stretches out her finger .. “prepare for flight .. aja” ..






Internal Officer tells Shin that the arsonist has been found. CG is happy but Shin notes that the Internal Officer doesn’t look happy about it.

Yul’s mom and her journalist conspirator hearing news at press conference ?









Farewell scene .. CG crying .. Great-Queen can’t bear the parting .. tells CG she believes in her and wishes her well.. crying .. * regrets *

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Guest hugodadog

so envious....if possible.. can u guys who are watching live give a commentary ? in yellow of course.. otherwise u might be banned for putting up spoilers...

thanks people

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Guest AznGrlz

oh...whats the point of watching if i can't share the fun with you grlz/boyz....everyone who wants to watch it live go here---> once u there...see a lil box with an arrow pointing dl, click on it to dl...and when ur done installing, go back to the page that u dl that, scroll down and click on the lil voice thing in the far left side of mbc...my directions are a bit confusing, but hope that helps :D

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Guest linatan

Omgg cant believe..such a passionate kisss..............btw did they sleep together after the kiss?? hehhe the scene where SHin cutting the vege and playing with kiss very cute...hehhe

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Guest leechunsa

here's the english translation for the chinese translation of the pay preview of episode 24 :

I know you guys don't want spoilers so I'll yellow this for you guys <3


Shin and Chaegyung (CG) sitting on the same chair in Shin's room...

Internal Affairs Officer (IAO): (er, something I don't really get here - 臣惶恐 - it's probably a honorific) Your Majesty...

Shin: I am ready for this.

CG: Shin...

IAO: Your Majesty...

Shin: My Father is doing this for the Palace and the Royal Family, if I am in my Father's position, I might do the same thing...


Shin and CG in Shin's room...

Shin: (looks tenderly/cutely at CG's bowed head) Hey, you crybaby. Are you crying again?

CG: Not crying, who says I am crying?

Shin: You're leaving tomorrow, right?

CG: Yes...

Shin: That's good, then.

CG: Why?

Shin: Without you, I think I can't stand living here anymore, but because I need to protect you, I can't let you stay here any longer.

CG: Don't worry, I'll be fine.

Shin: Hey, I know I said what I said, but shouldn't you say that you wish to stay by my side?!

CG: I really want to. But, I've done wrong, so I must receive the punishment, I need to respect the rules of the country and the people. Because I am the Crown Princess of this country.

Shin: Good. I won't give up either. Because I am the Crown Prince of this country. (He actually said something about not giving up before something - 沉冤昭雪 - but I don't understand what this meant)

- This is hard, there's no telling what will happen, everyone please stay tuned, thank you to the sponsors (I think) -


CG's family...

Mum: Eat slower.

Bro: Aren't you taking some for Brother-in-Law?

Mum: (First sentence not clear) Him...if he eat this without complaining, it'll be strange...

Bro: What about Pig (CG)?

Dad: Our Princess are not picky about her food.

CG: Don't cry, just do your duty in the Palace, don't worry about me. (Looks like CG is just leaving for a while, if CG is being divorced/thrown out of the Palace, her father should leave his job in the Palace. Happy to say!) Even if I fall into quicksand in the desert, I will still be able to get myself out.

Mum: Now this is like our precious daughter. You're already grown up, an adult, you know how to comfort your parents.

CG: You are my family, if you need to worry about me, how can that be?

Dad: My Princess...

CG: Maybe in the beginning it was very hard, but come think of it, it wasn't entirely a bad thing. I've learnt many things here, that will help me grow and flourish in my lifetime. (I understand)

Mum: Of course, you're my daughter!

Dad: Things that you cannot do in the Palace, enjoy doing them before coming back. ("before coming back" - these three words make me want to continue watching)

Bro: Please come back safely, Big Sister!

CG: Hey, you always call me "Pig", why are you calling me "Big Sister" now?

Bro: I'm already going to be in high school, do you think I won't grow up?

- Everyone laughs -


Shin and CG standing against the doorframe, CG plays with the buttons of Shin's jacket.

CG: I want to be the one to share Shin's worries, but it looks like it's not going to be easy...

Shin: You are the one to share my worries. You shine so much, I don't even dare to look at you directly...it's enough...because of you, I know what is the real world.

CG: Congratulations, Shin has conquered the universe.

Shin: What kind of words are these?

CG: From your own star to someone else's star, the conquer of the universe has begun, until that day...a za...(their fingers touched)

IOA: Your Majesty...I've found the source of the rumours/trouble..

CG: Really?

Shin: Looking at your expression I don't think it's good news...

Queen Mother (QM), The Queen (Yul's mother heard of the news from the press conference)

Saying goodbye to QM

CG: (crying)

QM: Bingung...

CG: (crying)

QM: I'm sorry, I cannot look at you like this...

CG keeps crying...

QM: I believe you, you must have a good life...(crying)...this is unfair...

credits to nezumishi @ GOONG LIVEJOURNAL COMMUNITY. Please don't transfer anywhere.

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Guest AznGrlz

Omg i screamed so loud the neighbors rushed over thinking someone broke into our house for the again lol :blush:

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Guest leechunsa

Omgg cant believe..such a passionate kisss..............btw did they sleep together after the kiss?? hehhe the scene where SHin cutting the vege and playing with kiss very cute...hehhe

I think I can die early.

MAKE WAY HEAVEN! Anyone up for reservations? they come with chocolate! loL~ and wedding invitations! nyahahaha!!!

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Guest Jolee


THAT KISS is so real !! .. beautiful .. simply beautiful .. it doesn't look like acting .. omo .. omo ..CG was still crying and sniffing when they were kissing and her hands went up to Shin's head and touched him so tenderly .. and they broke off and re-kissed not just once but at least a few times .. open-mouthed... omo ..omo ..

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Guest _yinsyung*--

i am in love with this episode :x

it starts of with a replay of the fire scene before it fades into the opening theme...

and then it's the scene we see from the preview where the two officers say that Shin is their major suspect.

the king and queen have a talk with shin etc

and CG overhears. (??)

and then CG and Shin talk

later on in their room; i'm just giving this in random sewuence now...

CG and Shin are in Shin's room and then Shin is about to leave? i can't remember

but CJ runs up behind him and hugs him

and there's the part that, CG says to Shin that she loves him for him and not because he is the prince...

Afterwards, CG walks away slowly, and Shin tells her not to go? or what seems like something like that


then it cuts to Alfred hiding behing his hands OMFG so cute

and then it's back to them and CG's lying on Shin and they think about what married life could be like; and that wehre the scene with the kids come in and OMFG it's so adorable

and they play it out as if they were CG's mum and dad

and it's just oh so adorable

and i'm so not paying attention to the sad scens right now because i can't think straight...

RNDOM: YUL spoke english...he went soemthing like "well...mum something transaction..." kind of thing but i couldn't hear very well because i have my speakers on minute volume


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Guest linatan


THAT KISS is so real !! .. beautiful .. simply beautiful .. it doesn't look like acting .. omo .. omo ..CG was still crying and sniffing when they were kissing and her hands went up to Shin's head and touched him so tenderly .. and they broke off and re-kissed not just once but at least a few times .. open-mouthed... omo ..omo ..

omgg did the King just now said that Cg must leave the palace for a while????? can anyone do spot translation for me????????thanksssthis epsd CG smiles a lot..i luv her smile...hehhehehehhe this week epsd is very sweet.

EDIT..i own page...may be this is the last time i own the page in this thread..cos the drama is going to end soon:(

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Guest leechunsa


I swear I can die early, I'm so excited, my dad fought with rights to the computer lol~ he can't use it cause I am using it. The poor thing. lol~

I'm about to die any second now. <3

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