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Guest coreana

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Guest lilogurl

Yea I wouldn't worry about that blog issue.

They didn't even mention where the blog came from.

I read the news from an online HK newspaper. They probably just translated from other sources.


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Rumors are just too cruel. I hope it doesn't affect on the ratings and people's views on MBC. They suffer enough already and deep down I want MBC to rise up again after so many turbulence.

*winks* ^_^

Helloowww Shenny *and her deadly winks* !!!

Turbulence is not even close to describe what they have put us through these past weeks.. Hell is more like it :sweatingbullets: I agree that they wouldn't want to risk their well-respected reputation for this kind of action. They, of all people, should know best about copyright & plagiarism thingy.. they are in the showbiz industry after all.

Thank goodness this hell will come to an end in 2 days. I can't wait to see heaven *2 days in a row!!* :phew:

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Guest aw311

i was in a rush when i posted the fan report, so i didn't get a chance to translate it at the time.

but here is my rough translation of Far_wing_07's report:

The first scene was CG and Shin eating, and a foreigner will speak to them.

Because the foreigner's dialogue was funny, there were many NGs

Also, there was a scene where CG feeds what looks like a slice of pizza to Shin, it's so sweet!

We were very very close to them and they were so compatible!

Because while they were filming no pics were allowed to be taken, so we don't have any pics of filming

After this scene, they separated to film

After CG filmed the bike scene, she went into a store

Since this scene was filmed 6, 7 times, I think CG was very tired

Shin was eating in the "dining room" (?), not filming, so fans were waiting for him at the door

The streets were very busy

After waiting for a long time, Shin came out! Fans rushed up to get autographs but he politely said "I'm working now"

Afterwards, Shin + his assistant came out, swarmed with fans

(this part i don't quite understand so the translation's probably off)

Suddenly a crew member loudly said "Come over here!" and scared us all

Because they were filming and we were in the way

So Shin + assistant returned to the "dining room"

We saw Choi Sang Goon, she's really pretty! Very nice figure. But hasn't seen her in the filming yet

As for Shin + assistant, some fans saw them in the dining room smoking, won't go into details here

After CG finished the scene, crew started packing up

CG really likes to eat! A fan from Taiwan bought food for Shin and CG to eat

When CG saw the food, her eyes lit up! haha! Immediately told her assistant to get the food and started eating in front of the fans, saying "It's delicious!"

We followed them to a very quiet and regal (?) residence

it's already 7, only about 20 fans left

we saw CG drawing clothes on the shin doll. she only took 2 minutes to draw a tux on one side and a vest on the other side

CG and Choi Sang Gong first come off the car and goes into the residence, not a lot of fans surrounding CG

Then Shin came off and was surrounded by everyone. I loudly called out to him "____" (korean characters, prolly along the lines of "fighting!")

He immediately replied, "___" (korean characters, no clue the meaning) Wah, really makes one happy!

He also autographed for a couple fans, very friendly

We really had to leave because we would've interfered with filming

~~ the end :)

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Guest KissMe-ImContagious

I saw partial preview for episode 23 with Chinese translation (got it from one of chinese web site.) From the preview, I think CG believes Shin was not the one who set up the fire. She felt sad for Shin and she tried to cheer him up. I am glad that Yul will be no longer interfer with CG and Shin's relationship in last two episodes;however, what i am worried about is the palace politics and the king that might oppose CG returning to the palace. Yes, I am totally agree with you, I will be "pissed" off(sorry for using this language) if Yul or Hyo-rin come back into the picture in season two! :fury: I am just hoping that there are lot of fun things to watch in season two especially between shin and CG and other characters in the story. Do you think Yul's mom will come back into the picture and continue to revenge for what she had lost in season two? I really want to see Shin and CG having their own kids!! :P Let's hope for the best!!

Yeah, same here...Ha, I can see it, little Shin and CG kids running around. :w00t:

Season two better not be as angst-y as it is turning out right now. :P

But I don't think the king would really oppose CG coming back too much, Shin would probably still meet her anwayy :D and Yul's mom is just really getting on my last nerve. :fury: she's being so evil...I don't think she'll come back and do anything MAJOR, I just hope that the king finds out what a backstabber she is. And the king is really sick anyway, so he might die in season 2 :sweatingbullets: ...lol, me and my mom where discussing this while watching Goong today..is ep.23 coming out on Tues?

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Helloowww Shenny *and her deadly winks* !!!

Turbulence is not even close to describe what they have put us through these past weeks.. Hell is more like it :sweatingbullets: I agree that they wouldn't want to risk their well-respected reputation for this kind of action.

Audrey! ^^ hellllowww! ^^ lol. Actually I was referring to those 'turbulence' that they've experienced in the past with the past dramas :D not referring to all the hellish days back then (from eppie 18-on) :phew::D

but yeah, I agree. Those hellish days are, hopefully, over as of Thursday this week.

Or else, I dunno what else to do during those sub-editing times when I just have to rewatch the show over and over again during the process :sweatingbullets:


Dee hun! thank you for all those wallies. Lovin' them all! ^^

Gosh... I do really want to get to know this LAPAMPAM person lolz.

PS 2:

Reading all those reports and news about our dearest Royal Couple... I really feel like we're so close by to them lolz..

even though Macau is such a thousandmilesaway from here...hehehe

Thank you for all the translations, spoilers and whatnot. You all ROCK!! ^^

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

I totally understand how you feel!! I finished watching the first part of drama (12 episodes) in one day since I am on vacation these two weeks, and continued watching the episodes 13 to 22 that I have downloaded from the web site on Friday and Saturday! It's too bad that I could not understand what they talk about in episodes 18 to 21 since those are the ones without subtitle! But, I am happy to watch them though even without the subtitle..... :rolleyes: I really love the episodes that show shin and CG go to the beach and stay a night at the summer palace, and the scence that shin was riding in the car with CG while she was first learning how to drive, and their interaction in the room when they went to Yul's birthday party. Episode 20-22 are really heartbreaking though..... :wacko:

Now I'm totally crazy of wanting to see the rest of the series. OMG! I've seen some episodes in youtube w/o subs hahaha! I can't understand what they're talking about but I really can't wait. it is so hard to wait in vain! Hahaha!

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Audrey! ^^ hellllowww! ^^ lol. Actually I was referring to those 'turbulence' that they've experienced in the past with the past dramas :D not referring to all the hellish days back then (from eppie 18-on) :phew::D

but yeah, I agree. Those hellish days are, hopefully, over as of Thursday this week.

Or else, I dunno what else to do during those sub-editing times when I just have to rewatch the show over and over again during the process :sweatingbullets:

PS 2:

Reading all those reports and news about our dearest Royal Couple... I really feel like we're so close by to them lolz..

even though Macau is such a thousandmilesaway from here...hehehe

OhOhOh, I see what u're saying now :P. I know, it must be 100 times harder for our subbing-team to rewatch the hellish episodes over and over and over again... my heart goes out to all of you :tears: If I were you, I'd probably throw my chair at the monitor screen already :P So.. I pledged my soul to you guys.. Please keep it safe with all the other souls you have collected :D

Yeah some of the Macau pics are right on their faces.. hahahahha.. Lovin' em!! Thanks everyone, especially those who reporting directly from site *including our own Rebby!!*.. gosh, thousand miles away for a glimpse of our beloved casts from such close distance :crazy: It is surely worth it.

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

Ep 23 2006-03-29


Suspected of arson and cornered Crown Prince Shin (JJH). He claims his innocense, but all evidence points to his involvement. Only CG (YEH) believes in his innocense and is hurt by his depressed look. But because he has her confidence (belief), he is no longer lonely and begins to calmly analyze the situation.

Yul (KJH) recognizes Hwa-Yeong's (SHJ) scheme and tries to stop her, but her ambition knows no bounds. Subsequent investigation raises public discussion of even eliminating monarchy. Emperor (PCH), in order to calm down the public disatisfaction, suggest that Crown Princess abdicate her position. CG decides to agree to this punishment as a Crown Princess and her duty to the royal family.

Wanting to show Shin her world, CG takes Shin into the city outside of the Palace. There they build special memories as a couple, rather than as Crown Prince and Princess.

Ep 24 2006-03-30


As arson investigation continues to clarify the situation surrounding the fire, Shin may become less of a suspect. Even in most turbulent times in the Palace, trust between Shin and CG becomes even more solid. Even without hearing that CG was studying to become better suited to very knowledgeble Shin, they are becoming very much alike.

Despite the outcome of the investigation, Emperor declares that only one who has respect and love of the public can take the Emperor's throne. Hwa-Yeong, with confident smile launches her last and final scheme.

Empress treats CG, who is becoming more and more like a true Crown Princess, for the first time as a true daughter in law. With her encouragement and armed with her husband's special token, CG rises to protect her new family and life...

Thanks for the translation! I think I'll die of waiting! Aaaargh!

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is ep.23 coming out on Tues?

It's coming out on Wed 9:55pm Korea time (or Wed 4:55AM Pacific time --> West coast US).

By the way, I actually don't mind to see Yul & HR coming back for the second season. At least after this week's episodes, everyone is clear about each other's feelings.. We can put to rest the misunderstanding issue for a while *phew*.. which I think is the most frustrating part of the the past 2 weeks' episodes. After Shin & CG's relationship is much stronger, I'm not too worried about Yul & HR coming between them to break them apart.. unless if suddenly these two become super-evil and conspire to plot a nasty scenario *but i doubt that.. Yul & HR are not naturally evil*. My guess is, there will be much more political plots than the romance, and not so much focused on Shin&CG's relationship anymore *well not until the babies are born..kekke*.. more like Shin+CG-against-the-world type of storyline. :P

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Guest hsinyi069



I just read the news about the ending...

Though MBC told the fans to keep everything secret, the press did spoil it

Me not sure if that's what the fans saw in Macau tho cause I weren't there to witness.. :sweatingbullets:

However, I think I should keep it quiet, cause I dun't want to break "the rule" just in case MBC changed their mind... hee hee hee

pic credit to koreanwind

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Guest alohajessie

Yeah, same here...Ha, I can see it, little Shin and CG kids running around. :w00t:

Season two better not be as angst-y as it is turning out right now. :P

But I don't think the king would really oppose CG coming back too much, Shin would probably still meet her anwayy :D and Yul's mom is just really getting on my last nerve. :fury: she's being so evil...I don't think she'll come back and do anything MAJOR, I just hope that the king finds out what a backstabber she is. And the king is really sick anyway, so he might die in season 2 :sweatingbullets: ...lol, me and my mom where discussing this while watching Goong today..is ep.23 coming out on Tues?

Yeah, I really agree with you. Yul's mom is really somthing.... At first, I felt sorry for her but she is too evil!! She really makes me sick!! I also hope that both grandmother and the king can find out what her true face is too. By the way, did you read the summary for episodes 23 and 24 in previous pages? Is it really what it is going to be? I am really hoping Shin and CG can be together as a real couple eventhough they get kicked out from the palace. And as for the king.... you might be right, he might die in seson 2 and then Shin and CG may return to the palace?? ( It's just one of my predictions! ;) ) Afterward, it is the story about the prince and the Crown princess in the palace, right?

According to other goong fans, ed 23 is coming out this wed!! Oh, I really wish there is Eng sub. though;otherwise, I would just have to watch it without knowing what they are talking about :unsure: Hopfully someone will update us what happens in the ep.23 and 24! Oh, the long waiting is really killing me :tears:

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Guest chief

虛擬皇室港澳兩頭走 (蘋果日報)

宋 智 孝 撇 韓 太 子 逛 迪 士 尼

於 韓 劇 《 宮 》 中 飾 演 皇 太 子 初 戀 情 人 閔 孝 琳 的 宋 智 孝 , 雖 然 在 第 20 集 已 經 出 國 遠 離 傷 心 地 , 但 宋 智 孝 並 非 如 劇 中 所 說 到 英 國 深 造 芭 蕾 舞 , 而 是 走 到 香 港 迪 士 尼 與 友 人 散 心 。 另 一 邊 廂 , 朱 智 勛 與 尹 恩 惠 大 前 日 飛 抵 澳 門 拍 攝 大 結 局 外 景 , 即 時 被 韓 國 及 東 南 亞 fans 全 程 跟 蹤 。

this is news report from hk

while shin and cg was filming in macau, HR was nearby in hk for her photo shoot, she even went disneyland.

source from kdocn

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Guest lenakeem

rawr if yul or hyorin comes back in season 2. im not gonna wtch it.. okay maybe i will a little.. okay i WILL.. but still ill be mad.. rawr

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Guest alohajessie

It's coming out on Wed 9:55pm Korea time (or Wed 4:55AM Pacific time --> West coast US).

By the way, I actually don't mind to see Yul & HR coming back for the second season. At least after this week's episodes, everyone is clear about each other's feelings.. We can put to rest the misunderstanding issue for a while *phew*.. which I think is the most frustrating part of the the past 2 weeks' episodes. After Shin & CG's relationship is much stronger, I'm not too worried about Yul & HR coming between them to break them apart.. unless if suddenly these two become super-evil and conspire to plot a nasty scenario *but i doubt that.. Yul & HR are not naturally evil*. My guess is, there will be much more political plots than the romance, and not so much focused on Shin&CG's relationship anymore *well not until the babies are born..kekke*.. more like Shin+CG-against-the-world type of storyline. :P

Hmm... it sounds interesting.... Shin and CG-against-the-world and maybe the pressure of having the kids at their young age from the royal family members? Ha... :P

rawr if yul or hyorin comes back in season 2. im not gonna wtch it.. okay maybe i will a little.. okay i WILL.. but still ill be mad.. rawr

I think if it is going to happen... I will be... :fury: On the other hand, as long as shin and CG stay strong and trust each other, it won't be matter if Yul or hyorin come back in season 2. What about yul and hyorin become a couple? :unsure: But, I kind of feel sorry for the guy who likes HR though, maybe they should be together instead!

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Guest mayetlovesjisung

It's coming out on Wed 9:55pm Korea time (or Wed 4:55AM Pacific time --> West coast US).

By the way, I actually don't mind to see Yul & HR coming back for the second season. At least after this week's episodes, everyone is clear about each other's feelings.. We can put to rest the misunderstanding issue for a while *phew*.. which I think is the most frustrating part of the the past 2 weeks' episodes. After Shin & CG's relationship is much stronger, I'm not too worried about Yul & HR coming between them to break them apart.. unless if suddenly these two become super-evil and conspire to plot a nasty scenario *but i doubt that.. Yul & HR are not naturally evil*. My guess is, there will be much more political plots than the romance, and not so much focused on Shin&CG's relationship anymore *well not until the babies are born..kekke*.. more like Shin+CG-against-the-world type of storyline. :P

I really can't wait to see their kids and I'm so glad that the final episode will be aired there tomorrow. It means a day less waiting in vain here in the Philippines but I think I'll get a copy on the 2nd or 3rd week. Soooo sad! :(

btw, how do i multi-quote? it's a really stupid question but i don't know how. i've been a member since october last year but it's only now that I started posting.

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Guest gglover

ah... could you guys share the hk newspaper article? I wanna be spoiled... just put them in yellow or pm me please

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Guest lenakeem

well if that happens it'll seem liek the directors er producers .. er whatever decides on thses things are just pairing the left overs together.. which would be kinda weird;; man.. 2 more days.. YAY!! omg.. if they had babies together it'd be SOOO CUTE!! liek a little family.. lskjfdlksjdflksjdf i would like die if that happened how cute!! XP

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Guest aw311



I just read the news about the ending...

Though MBC told the fans to keep everything secret, the press did spoil it

Me not sure if that's what the fans saw in Macau tho cause I weren't there to witness.. :sweatingbullets:

However, I think I should keep it quiet, cause I dun't want to break "the rule" just in case MBC changed their mind... hee hee hee

pic credit to koreanwind

is this them during a break from filming or an actual scene that will be in the drama??

wahhh so cute if it wasn't part of filming (actually cute both ways) - but they would look so much like a couple if it was them on break, sharing egg tarts. :w00t:

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Guest sweet_treats1812

btw, how do i multi-quote? it's a really stupid question but i don't know how. i've been a member since october last year but it's only now that I started posting.

jst click on the quote buttons on every post u wanna quote then click add reply..the things u wanna quote will be in the box then :)

anyways~ the ending is almost here!!! hahaha~ im debating whether i wanna be spoiled or not, but knowing myself, i think id wanna be spoiled too :sweatingbullets: im happy that the ending seems to be of a happy note..thanks everyone for sharing all those pics and summary translations ;)

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Hi guys...Can't wait 'till the end of Goong. If thats will air as the translation did, that would be WOW!!!I'm not gonna miss it. Thanks for those who are put much efforts on translating the articles,news or whatever relating to Goong (even this drama put many people suffer). Keep it up gang!!!I'm much appreciate them. I'not sure I'm gonna trap myself again in the Goong season 2 things. I feel tired to think what gonna happen next like I did now...waiting the next episode each week. I do hope season 2 will be better than season 1. Really hope that they (production line for Goong) could develop the characters better with the outstanding script.

Could anybody suggest to me what should I watch after Goong ends? :unsure:

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