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Guest coreana

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you know wat i want to do: i want to give a nice, hard, stinging slap across Chae Gyung's face. she needs to wake up and smell the coffee because her world is totally screwed up rite now. Defintley turned upside down due to her stupidity and her inability to comprehend simple things.

as for Yul, I'd like to cut off his "peepee" or at least permantley damage them by kicking it. That'll teach him a lesson alrite. Dont mess with Chae Gyungs and Shin's relationship and you dont get ur family jewel taken away. Simple as that. Its his choice of wether or not he wants to keep interfering in a relationship that is none of his buisness. maybe Yul was meant to be a maid. he defintley has the qualites of one dirty made! hes dirty enough to be a maid who deals with crap all day.

i kno this wasnt a very apporopriate comment, but ya. its the nicest way i could put it

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Helloooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!Goong addicts, guys i just had the chance to browse this topic and i think its going to be shown here in the Philippines later this year at ABS CBN but as of now im already hooked to this already... I have already downloaded the manga scants and i really loved it.....For the episode summaries can u post the other ep guide aside from the ones compiled by rebbie.......please can u add new ep synopsis...thanks a lot. :D

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Guest HomelessBird


Credits: BaiDu Website

CG's mom look pissed in this pic , but CG's dad seems to be hella happy . :crazy: If this is going to be real in the drama, I dont think it s gonna be all happy scence ! I also wished that it is just gonna be CG's imagination.

This is my 2 cents of the next 4 eps, or at least the 2 last eps:

After all the CG's scandal, the evil Mo-toot will try her last shot , making a big blow to Shin. She may frame him for the arson scence. The whole Palce gonna investigate Shin and everything.... so to soothen the mood of everyone, Halma Mama or HyeMyong Princess would suggest that the King send Shin overseas to study/ or whatever . His destination would be Macau. After all the dirvoce talk, Shin dont want CG to go with him, so CG was left behind. While Shin is in Macau, they miss each other like crazy. CG can't stand for it any longer, and fly to Macau.Yul tried to stop her , but unsuccesful. Shin and CG share the sweet moments togehter . The Crown Prince's seat is still open for next season. Season 1 ends here !

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Guest echoRy

jamesyoon- hallelujah, praise the goong! AMEN!

porcelet - :o what is he doing in Chae's house?!!! i'm in

the twilight zone...i'm hoping it's a dream sequence, but it probably ain't!

---clears throat---

the things they're making Chae do are frustrating!!! but she is not to blame for all of it!

i'm standing by my girl; as lost, confused and baboo as she's being...it had to

happen some time.

how long can she take it all without breaking down herself and doing something stupid!

she's like that Shin doll, always dragged around, pulled at and sat on whenever the heck

people felt like doing those things to her.

she's uber confused and so lost on who she should trust. Chae is yelling out for help in

a sea of people who don't hear her at all! she's drowning and she needs her husband to

throw her a freakin lifeline.

that is what her character was made to be...the girl's strength

comes from her heart. if her heart is broken...then so is she.

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:crazy: ( Saw the Pic of Yul at CG's house ......) Is she mad??? WTF!!! * sorry for yelling :blush:

Somebody stop me :fury:I'm about to go to CG's house and beat the cr*p out of those two!!!

Oh, and the PDs... You've done a really good job... Maybe you should just give us the script and we'll help you re-write it :phew:


HomelessBird -- love your "2 cents" lol... PDs!!! read it!!! haha...

Sorry :blush: seeing those pictures of Yul at CG's house makes me furious enough to wish for a sad ending... CG doesn't deserves Shinny :tears:

SHIN FIGHTING!!!! ( sorry for yelling again :blush: )

I'm still hoping for CG & Shin happy ending though :lol:

zinc & un423524 -- thanks for the clips... :blush:

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Guest vignette

I'm really hoping that the scene in CG's house with Yul is just a "nightmare" because that girl will really lose it if it's part of the "reality".

I don't think Yul's father is still alive because there has to be a mourning that happened before and I'm pretty sure his family will not be banished from the palace if it's true.

HomelessBird I really wish that your scenario will come true to make the season finale bearable. Never mind if the position of Crown Prince will be left hanging as long as the love of Shin and CG will finally have a happy ending.

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Guest porcelet

김정훈 “마카오에 전 안가요” 25일 ‘궁’ 마지막 촬영

[뉴스엔 이현 기자]

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김정훈 소속사 측은 21일 “김정훈이 오는 25일을 마지막으로 ‘궁’ 촬영을 마감하게 된다”며 “마지막회를 촬영하기 위해 떠나는 마카오 촬영에 김정훈은 동행하지 않는다”고 밝혔다.

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세명의 주인공이 모두 함께할 것이라는 예상과 달리 마카오 촬영에는 윤은혜와 주지훈만 가게될 뿐 김정훈은 동행하지 않는다는 것이다.

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Translated from chinese: Basically it says that Yul will not be in the 4 day 3 nights shooting in Macau and Yul's agency has confirmed this news. At the end of the article, it also states that the last 4 episodes script will be in top secret.

Does that mean we will have more of CG + shin scenes in the last episode?? :w00t: *prays*

This is my 2 cents of the next 4 eps, or at least the 2 last eps:

After all the CG's scandal, the evil Mo-toot will try her last shot , making a big blow to Shin. She may frame him for the arson scence. The whole Palce gonna investigate Shin and everything.... so to soothen the mood of everyone, Halma Mama or HyeMyong Princess would suggest that the King send Shin overseas to study/ or whatever . His destination would be Macau. After all the dirvoce talk, Shin dont want CG to go with him, so CG was left behind. While Shin is in Macau, they miss each other like crazy. CG can't stand for it any longer, and fly to Macau.Yul tried to stop her , but unsuccesful. Shin and CG share the sweet moments togehter . The Crown Prince's seat is still open for next season. Season 1 ends here !

Hi HomelessBird, i like your ending. Wish it will come true. :)

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I guess the pics of Yul at Chae's house has never been posted, eh? Wow, everyone's so riled up!

I think and am hoping it's all part of Chae's imagination of how it would've been if she had married Yul instead of Shin. All happy-happy...but still, Shin is the one for her. She just needs to realize that. That babo girl.

Look, they're having lobster!

Thanks for the tidbit, Porcelet! :D

Hi, Gee, dear! Hello, Kyotoji too! Winny too, and everyone else!

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I guess the pics of Yul at Chae's house has never been posted, eh? Wow, everyone's so riled up!

I think and am hoping it's all part of Chae's imagination of how it would've been if she had married Yul instead of Shin. All happy-happy...but still, Shin is the one for her. She just needs to realize that. That babo girl.

Look, they're having lobster!

Thanks for the tidbit, Porcelet! :D

Hi, Gee, dear! Hello, Kyotoji too! Winny too, and everyone else!

best man win, right

hoping for shin to win CG's heart...

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Translated from chinese: Basically it says that Yul will not be in the 4 day 3 nights shooting in Macau and Yul's agency has confirmed this news. At the end of the articles, it also states that the last 4 episodes script will be in top secret.

Does that mean we will have more of CG + shin scenes in the last episode?? :w00t: *prays*

Oh, porcelet.. you always bring good news!! I LOVE YOU!! Finally I see some light at the end of this tunnel .. kekekkeke... Some hope, ANY hope, will be good enough for now, and this news sure does bring me some fresh air. I can feel my Goongy enthusiasm & excitement coming back to me *I thought i lost it already* :lol: Aah, now I can start breathing again :P Hopefully ep 21 won't be so bad after all, despite of the crappy preview <_<

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Guest porcelet

Oh, porcelet.. you always bring good news!! I LOVE YOU!! Finally I see some light at the end of this tunnel .. kekekkeke... Some hope, ANY hope, will be good enough for now, and this news sure does bring me some fresh air. I can feel my Goongy enthusiasm & excitement coming back to me *I thought i lost it already* :lol: Aah, now I can start breathing again :P Hopefully ep 21 won't be so bad after all, despite of the crappy preview <_<

:lol::lol::lol: u love me?? Then give me a kiss baby!! :w00t: Hehee...just kidding!! Anyway i hope the ending is a happy one with them kissing at the end and not a separation trip. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kyotoji

Thanks, porcelet for this piece of news -



Though i want to have Shin and CG ended up together, i still hope to see Yul in the ending episodes.

I guess the pics of Yul at Chae's house has never been posted, eh? Wow, everyone's so riled up!

I think and am hoping it's all part of Chae's imagination of how it would've been if she had married Yul instead of Shin. All happy-happy...but still, Shin is the one for her. She just needs to realize that. That babo girl.

ya... DREAM... a good one meh, jun ji. *give me 5*

There are times when CG ended up having dreams.

Remember the last one we have seen - naked Shin.

Okay, so in order not to make myself *angry with this pic scene*, i must think hard that this is just another dream of hers again.

Maybe Yul show up his true colours and ended doing something bad to her and her family and then she suddenly wake up...

and then she realised that Shin is always with her.

Ya... OK... must have this thinking now...

haaaaa... am i trying to deceiving myself ??? :unsure::vicx::ph34r:

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Translated from chinese: Basically it says that Yul will not be in the 4 day 3 nights shooting in Macau and Yul's agency has confirmed this news. At the end of the article, it also states that the last 4 episodes script will be in top secret.

Does that mean we will have more of CG + shin scenes in the last episode?? :w00t: *prays*

I Love you too!!!! :lol: Thanks for bringing good news... haha...

Me happy again....:lol: going back to work...:lol: be back tonight...;)

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Guest porcelet

Chinese forum was saying that last episode scenes may be shoot in Westin Hotel (Macau). Below are some pics.


I think this is Macau. (never been there before) :P


Some pics of CG when she was doing a bridal show last year.



Bears. So cute. :D



are there only going to be 20 episiodes?

There are 24 episodes. Pls read the first page of this thread.

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