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Guest coreana

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Guest V A L XD

Rawrr, i still haven't watched epi.20 yet! i had a power outage well i was at practice in the middle of my dl. -______- Now CB is being HUGE B**ch to me. or least my computer 'cause its keeps freezing.

I'll wait till someone kindly uploads a HQ version on to Sendspace :)

I'm dying for "Saranghae"

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Guest penguinna

somehow the scene at the eatery..... how i wish when they exited from the eatery....shin is not holding cg's hands...instead, hugging her from behind, reflecting that he's protecting her...and this way, they would not have the scene of hands letting go........

consolation...he did gave her a welcoming/protecting hug just before entering the car....and he also gave a super richard simmons off look back at the reporters...hee

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Guest SlytherinPrin89

Okay people this is getting ridiculous. I think all of you guys are out of your minds! Stop blaming Yul for everything that goes wrong with CG and Shin's relationship! Yul is not what all of you are saying he is. He is a man who is very much in love with this girl who loves someone else. I don'tknow if any of you have ever experienced that but you know what give him some credit for trying. I mean seriously think about it. He's putting his heart on the line telling CG straight out that he likes/loves her (unlike a certain someone else...). If anything you all should feel bad for Yul! Whenever CG has a problem with Shin, who does she go to? YUL! Yul is always there for her without questions asked and then once CG feels better she goes running off to Shin. Hello?! She knows Yul is in love with her and yet she basically uses him. So stop saying Yul is evil! He is anything but evil.

Even if Yul is as you people say "evil" and "brain-washing" CG I think he's earn more than enough right too. I mean this is the guy who is constantly being used and then dumped when he is no longer needed. Aside from that you people also have to remember that he didn't resort to "brain-washing" and being "evil at first. He tried to wooCG by taking her out whenever she felt too suffocated in the palace or when she was lonely. For God's sake the man made her lunch! He brought her chocolate amd helped her whenever he could at the palace (ex: Prince William). Like I said in my earlier comment I would so choose Yul over Shin any day. I don't want a guy like Shin who plays with me and keeps me guessing when I can have a great guy like Yul who treats me nice all the time.

I really do feel bad for Shin. I truly do. I was watching that episode when he called the Queen "mom" and she yelled at him for it. (See! I told you she's evil!) I feel sorry for the childhood that he must have had to become the Crown Prince and all that pressure he has to deal with but still it's no excuse for how he is. Some of you people have said that, "Oh, Shin just can't express his feelings too well." TOTAL CRAP! I think he's pretty darn good at expressing what he feels or thinks. Maybe not like CG or Yul but still you can tell that he was angry and you could tell he was in love with Hyorin. For all of you who still wish to use that as an argument just remember that actions speak louder than words. He cherished everything Hyorin gave him that's how we knew he was in love with her. He said cruel things to CG, went to Thailand without her showing he was ignoring her and treating her cruelly. AND If Shin really likes/loves CG he should have told her from the first moment he felt it. I think its really stupid and selfish of him to wait until like the very last minute when he feels threatened by what Yul spoke to CG about to annouce that he loves CG. He's playing her like a harp.

Another thing I wanted to point out was CG feeling for Shin. She has told Yul countless times that her heart indeed belongs to Shin. She explained to Yul that she liked Shin because when she first moved into the palace she had no one else so leaned on Shin. She also said that she liked Shin because she understands him and feels bad for him. That's like saying she loves him because she pities him. I think at this point Yul is pretty much the only one out of the 4 our them who has his heart in the right place. Hyorin thinks being suidicidal is the answer to gaining Shin's heart, CG might as well fall in love with a stray puppy or something, Shin needs to grow a back bone and get a brain.

But the point I really wanted to get across is that Yul is not evil. I repeat NOT EVIL!!! I think Shin's mom and Yul's mom are evil but not Yul.

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Guest miimisunshine

whoa ppl are really getting upset abt episode 20.. but i can't complain.. .. wut yul did and also CG .. i am happy shin confessed... can't w8 too watch it!vtoday i just found out that my friend also watches it.. !! yay!!

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Guest echoRy

This is going too far.

She is whining too much.

He's being nice to her.

She thinks he doesn't love her.

She's being ignorant.

Her boobs are really saggy. It comes out her stomache.

She's mean to him.

He's nice to her.

That is not love.

She wants to get out too much.

율 (Yoor) gets on my nerves.

Drama is dragging the audiences around.

what the h*ll! she does not have a saggy chest, YEH slouches!

and that is so unbelievably rude of u to say!

---V, me too! Shin tells the whole of Korea that he loves his wife and he doesn't tell


Chae's fickle but she needs to hear it, suspecting isn't enuff for the girl. and she shouldn't

have to ask...HE should tell her himself!

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Guest donilpark

Well, I seem to be the only one who likes the way drama is going.

I mean, we finally see the outburst of suppressed emotions and conflicts.

That's 14 years of self-suppression, vangeance, and dreams all breaking at once.

I'm really interested to see how it will work out. In terms of anticipation, I am looking forward to next week's episodes more than ever...

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Guest hsinyi069

Anyone lives in Macau?

it is said that the team will be in macau on the 25th to shoot the last epi.. Shin, Yul, and CG will all be there...

if any of you are living there.. lucky u.. maybe will bump into them on the street~~ :D

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Guest sweet_treats1812

Okay people this is getting ridiculous. I think all of you guys are out of your minds! Stop blaming Yul for everything that goes wrong with CG and Shin's relationship! Yul is not what all of you are saying he is. He is a man who is very much in love with this girl who loves someone else. I don'tknow if any of you have ever experienced that but you know what give him some credit for trying. I mean seriously think about it. He's putting his heart on the line telling CG straight out that he likes/loves her (unlike a certain someone else...). If anything you all should feel bad for Yul! Whenever CG has a problem with Shin, who does she go to? YUL! Yul is always there for her without questions asked and then once CG feels better she goes running off to Shin. Hello?! She knows Yul is in love with her and yet she basically uses him. So stop saying Yul is evil! He is anything but evil.

Even if Yul is as you people say "evil" and "brain-washing" CG I think he's earn more than enough right too. I mean this is the guy who is constantly being used and then dumped when he is no longer needed. Aside from that you people also have to remember that he didn't resort to "brain-washing" and being "evil at first. He tried to wooCG by taking her out whenever she felt too suffocated in the palace or when she was lonely. For God's sake the man made her lunch! He brought her chocolate amd helped her whenever he could at the palace (ex: Prince William). Like I said in my earlier comment I would so choose Yul over Shin any day. I don't want a guy like Shin who plays with me and keeps me guessing when I can have a great guy like Yul who treats me nice all the time.

I really do feel bad for Shin. I truly do. I was watching that episode when he called the Queen "mom" and she yelled at him for it. (See! I told you she's evil!) I feel sorry for the childhood that he must have had to become the Crown Prince and all that pressure he has to deal with but still it's no excuse for how he is. Some of you people have said that, "Oh, Shin just can't express his feelings too well." TOTAL CRAP! I think he's pretty darn good at expressing what he feels or thinks. Maybe not like CG or Yul but still you can tell that he was angry and you could tell he was in love with Hyorin. For all of you who still wish to use that as an argument just remember that actions speak louder than words. He cherished everything Hyorin gave him that's how we knew he was in love with her. He said cruel things to CG, went to Thailand without her showing he was ignoring her and treating her cruelly. AND If Shin really likes/loves CG he should have told her from the first moment he felt it. I think its really stupid and selfish of him to wait until like the very last minute when he feels threatened by what Yul spoke to CG about to annouce that he loves CG. He's playing her like a harp.

Another thing I wanted to point out was CG feeling for Shin. She has told Yul countless times that her heart indeed belongs to Shin. She explained to Yul that she liked Shin because when she first moved into the palace she had no one else so leaned on Shin. She also said that she liked Shin because she understands him and feels bad for him. That's like saying she loves him because she pities him. I think at this point Yul is pretty much the only one out of the 4 our them who has his heart in the right place. Hyorin thinks being suidicidal is the answer to gaining Shin's heart, CG might as well fall in love with a stray puppy or something, Shin needs to grow a back bone and get a brain.

But the point I really wanted to get across is that Yul is not evil. I repeat NOT EVIL!!! I think Shin's mom and Yul's mom are evil but not Yul.

i really love how eloquently u expressed ur feelings here..i agree with some of your points, and although im neither a shin nor a yul camper, i do think that yul is smtimes "strange" in his own way..right now i cant figure out if he's got some plan of his own or if it's really jst fine with him to see how his mother is handling things. but then i also think that he isnt as evil as one could say he is..after all, he is jst after the girl he loves, and even if he knows somewhere inside that tumbling heart of his that he can never get her, he's still trying his darnest to win her love..

as for cg, i think she is the one that needs to get a grip...if she wud jst sit there and quietly think about the possible reason's of shin's weird behaviors, she might jst understand that the guy is falling for her..i mean, if she says that she understands him, she shud be able to figure that out right? hmmm~

as for the shin's mom is evil thing..im not quite sure wat i think about that just yet..all i can see now is that yul's mom is the ultimate evil in all of this...

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Guest donilpark

Anyone lives in Macau?

it is said that the team will be in macau on the 25th to shoot the last epi.. Shin, Yul, and CG will all be there...

if any of you are living there.. lucky u.. maybe will bump into them on the street~~ :D

Macau, eh?

That seems to say a lot about the ending...

I'm curious.

What can be there in Macau for them?

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Guest safiresteele

Okay people this is getting ridiculous. I think all of you guys are out of your minds! Stop blaming Yul for everything that goes wrong with CG and Shin's relationship! Yul is not what all of you are saying he is.........

You are right... Yul is not as evil as we all make him out to be. He's in love.... But it still boils down to one fact... Shin and CG are married. He shouldn't interfere. CG and Shin are by no means blameless for their relationship mess, but Yul isn't making it any better... He's making it worse.

:wub: SHIN CAMPER :wub:

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Okay people this is getting ridiculous. I think all of you guys are out of your minds! Stop blaming Yul for everything that goes wrong with CG and Shin's relationship! Yul is not what all of you are saying he is. He is a man who is very much in love with this girl who loves someone else. I don'tknow if any of you have ever experienced that but you know what give him some credit for trying. I mean seriously think about it. He's putting his heart on the line telling CG straight out that he likes/loves her (unlike a certain someone else...). If anything you all should feel bad for Yul! Whenever CG has a problem with Shin, who does she go to? YUL! Yul is always there for her without questions asked and then once CG feels better she goes running off to Shin. Hello?! She knows Yul is in love with her and yet she basically uses him. So stop saying Yul is evil! He is anything but evil.

Even if Yul is as you people say "evil" and "brain-washing" CG I think he's earn more than enough right too. I mean this is the guy who is constantly being used and then dumped when he is no longer needed. Aside from that you people also have to remember that he didn't resort to "brain-washing" and being "evil at first. He tried to wooCG by taking her out whenever she felt too suffocated in the palace or when she was lonely. For God's sake the man made her lunch! He brought her chocolate amd helped her whenever he could at the palace (ex: Prince William). Like I said in my earlier comment I would so choose Yul over Shin any day. I don't want a guy like Shin who plays with me and keeps me guessing when I can have a great guy like Yul who treats me nice all the time.

I really do feel bad for Shin. I truly do. I was watching that episode when he called the Queen "mom" and she yelled at him for it. (See! I told you she's evil!) I feel sorry for the childhood that he must have had to become the Crown Prince and all that pressure he has to deal with but still it's no excuse for how he is. Some of you people have said that, "Oh, Shin just can't express his feelings too well." TOTAL CRAP! I think he's pretty darn good at expressing what he feels or thinks. Maybe not like CG or Yul but still you can tell that he was angry and you could tell he was in love with Hyorin. For all of you who still wish to use that as an argument just remember that actions speak louder than words. He cherished everything Hyorin gave him that's how we knew he was in love with her. He said cruel things to CG, went to Thailand without her showing he was ignoring her and treating her cruelly. AND If Shin really likes/loves CG he should have told her from the first moment he felt it. I think its really stupid and selfish of him to wait until like the very last minute when he feels threatened by what Yul spoke to CG about to annouce that he loves CG. He's playing her like a harp.

Another thing I wanted to point out was CG feeling for Shin. She has told Yul countless times that her heart indeed belongs to Shin. She explained to Yul that she liked Shin because when she first moved into the palace she had no one else so leaned on Shin. She also said that she liked Shin because she understands him and feels bad for him. That's like saying she loves him because she pities him. I think at this point Yul is pretty much the only one out of the 4 our them who has his heart in the right place. Hyorin thinks being suidicidal is the answer to gaining Shin's heart, CG might as well fall in love with a stray puppy or something, Shin needs to grow a back bone and get a brain.

But the point I really wanted to get across is that Yul is not evil. I repeat NOT EVIL!!! I think Shin's mom and Yul's mom are evil but not Yul.

wow, long post SlytherinPrin89, but I read every word :P Nicely put! I agree, "Evil" is definitely not something we can use to describe Yul's behaviors, at least comparing to his mom. We all can sit here taking sides. We got CG camper, Shin camper, and Yul camper. Is there a camp for someone like me who hate/love them all at the same time? Cuz as of rite now, I'm so disappointed in Shin/CG/Yul :lol: I think I should blame it on the script writers. Very bad character development! A lot of contradictions and unreasonable aspects....too many to list! Do they write this as they go along or something? Do they actually sit back and analyze the characters' behaviors from beginning til end? Alot of their actions/behaviors don't make sense to me. Also, it seems a bit draggy now. Let's hope the last 4 eps. are worthwhile.

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Macau, eh?

That seems to say a lot about the ending...

I'm curious.

What can be there in Macau for them?

Yeah....i'm wondering myself too....why Macau?? Are they doing some sort of promotion tour for the country :lol:

According to the manga, there won't be any overseas travel...unless the author & PD is revealing something new to the upcoming volume.. :unsure:

Hsinyi: Where did u get the news from??

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Guest donilpark

Yeah....i'm wondering myself too....why Macau?? Are they doing some sort of promotion tour for the country :lol:

According to the manga, there won't be any overseas travel...unless the author & PD is revealing something new to the upcoming volume.. :unsure:

Hsinyi: Where did u get the news from??


It's not a promotion, but they are shooting the ending in Macau.

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Guest manderley_angel

some GOONG goodies for you guys <3






as usual just credit me + upload on your own!

~~ all fit soompi's signature rules!! :]

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Guest SukarDrops

lol yul is EVIL hhahahaha..I mean really he even said it his self at first he only wanted her because she was "supposed" to be his..so that means he didnt want her but he started pushing his self at her he basically MADE his self fall in love with her..he keeps putting his self in her biZnaSs...hes being a trickster..trying to play good guy and "being there for her"..pshhtttt please smack him off of a cliff he knows shin loves CG thats why hes getting worse pouring salt on CGS wounds...throwing gasolin on the fire...sharpning the blades!!! :ph34r: itso funny how when they were watching shin what was he fixing hyorins ankle??anyways why the hell didnt CG see the box??? lol i mean its right there in plain view..and yul looked at her like told u soo loool psycho kid he basically took CG's best friends spot...hes EVIL and crazy and psycho...I hope shin punches him again in eppie 21...(let me dream dont burst my bubble hahahaha) :rolleyes:

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Guest hsinyi069

Yeah....i'm wondering myself too....why Macau?? Are they doing some sort of promotion tour for the country :lol:

According to the manga, there won't be any overseas travel...unless the author & PD is revealing something new to the upcoming volume.. :unsure:

Hsinyi: Where did u get the news from??

i learned it from the news link

as MBC wants to keep the ending as top secret

the team decided to shoot it overseas. (Cause last year’s MNIKSS, the fans spoiled the ending before it aired, they are afraid of same thing happening to Goong)

they’ll be in Macau from 25-28 and after returning from overseas shooting, the main characters will be attending the special program, which will be aired on the 30th after epi.24, on the 29th..

I hope it answered your question~~ ^^

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Guest kayomlicious

^ uh theres literally billions in pages before...thanks to everyone who uploaded ^^

man this drama has gotten me all confused. the only person i can sincerely hate is yul's mom. cg i feel bad for her. i think i would go nuts too if my life was a show for everyone to critique. i feel like everyone's in a place where they can't do much about their situation or help anyone else..(does that make ne sense??) im glad that shin at least is going to take her hand. From what i briefly saw on the manga the ending of this uh interview was kind of an emotional disaster for the couple...T.T;; darn~ xP

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Guest donilpark

Hm, it may be a mistake for them to reveal the date...

People might actually follow them to Macau.

Or they may be using a diversion tactic, like saying they would shoot ending in Macau but actually staying in Seoul...not.

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