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Guest coreana

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Guest sandie

if i start watching now, would i really be behind or lost or confused?

if so, you can always download the episodes.

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Guest charitee

thank you for the information. hehe...now i have motivation to finish my hw and studying early. thanks soo much =]

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Ok, i hate to play bad cop here but is possible that we can refrain from the questions regarding which channel, what time or what station this drama is playing in LA. Everyone is watching this drama from around the world and not just from the US. Please PM each other regarding questions like these. This is one of the rules of the thread and im sure that everyone is aware that we have been warned by the mods to stop the small chit chat. Thank you

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Guest q12345

Anyone notice when they let go hands in the restaurant scene? Shin tells CG to hold his hand until they get to the car because the mob could be dangerous. Then she says to herself, "How long until I can not let go of your hand?" - meaning, she is grasping onto him because she loves him, but will it change in the future. Then they go through the crowd and Shin let's go of her hand. In slow motion, she's the one who holds on til the end and he opens up his fingers first. This is definitely a sign of things to come!

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Anyone notice when they let go hands in the restaurant scene? Shin tells CG to hold his hand until they get to the car because the mob could be dangerous. Then she says to herself, "How long until I can not let go of your hand?" - meaning, she is grasping onto him because she loves him, but will it change in the future. Then they go through the crowd and Shin let's go of her hand. In slow motion, she's the one who holds on til the end and he opens up his fingers first. This is definitely a sign of things to come!

more things to come? wat do u mean? if Shin is letting his hands go first doesnt that mean he'll leave her? i'm confused. please explain. i havent watched the episode but i did see pictures of it so i kinda understand what your talkign about

ooo I owned another page! hehe 3rd one yay! :P

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Guest sandie

Anyone notice when they let go hands in the restaurant scene? Shin tells CG to hold his hand until they get to the car because the mob could be dangerous. Then she says to herself, "How long until I can not let go of your hand?" - meaning, she is grasping onto him because she loves him, but will it change in the future. Then they go through the crowd and Shin let's go of her hand. In slow motion, she's the one who holds on til the end and he opens up his fingers first. This is definitely a sign of things to come!

what ep. is this?

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Guest girl5

I don't know. Yul is supposed to be evil and all. But for some reason I was really annoyed with Chae gyung these past two videos. I means she's dumb and I know she's supposed to be hurt and sad and all. But I don't know. Maybe it's because she can't act as well. But when she acts sad and all, it doesn't make me feel sorry for her but angry at her. Because the way she acts when she's sad feels soo, "poon soo", and it gives me the heebie jeebies. I don't know. I liked her and all, but there's so many awkward moments in this drama, when I watch her. I wonder if I'm the only one that feels this way. I don't want to say anything negative, b.c I like the drama and all, but I was soo annoyed with CG, and when Shin was acting sad, I really felt sorry for him. He just acts a bit better.

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Guest piano4112000

For those who has seen the BTS Ep. 20 and the NG clip how was it? Was there a lot of interaction between our two main couple? I would love to see it but I'll wait for someone to upload it later on.

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Anyone notice when they let go hands in the restaurant scene? Shin tells CG to hold his hand until they get to the car because the mob could be dangerous. Then she says to herself, "How long until I can not let go of your hand?" - meaning, she is grasping onto him because she loves him, but will it change in the future. Then they go through the crowd and Shin let's go of her hand. In slow motion, she's the one who holds on til the end and he opens up his fingers first. This is definitely a sign of things to come!

i think it symbolizes that he is setting her free. pretty much giving back her freedom, from the palace and its rules.

However, i think its more along the lines of " if you let that person you love go but they come back to you, then you know that it was meant to be and forever."

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Guest tklovex3

This is going too far.

She is whining too much.

He's being nice to her.

She thinks he doesn't love her.

She's being ignorant.

Her boobs are really saggy. It comes out her stomache.

She's mean to him.

He's nice to her.

That is not love.

She wants to get out too much.

율 (Yoor) gets on my nerves.

Drama is dragging the audiences around.

wow you took the words out of my mouth. except the saggy boobs part. :huh:

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i think it symbolizes that he is setting her free. pretty much giving back her freedom, from the palace and its rules.

However, i think its more along the lines of " if you let that person you love go but they come back to you, then you know that it was meant to be and forever."

That makes sense. so basically Shin is doing what he thinks will bring happiness for Chae Gyung. He know's Chae Gyung is much happier when shes not living in the palace. I bet he now wishes he hadnt locked her up in the palace like a doll. So will Shin actually let his beloved Chae Gyung leave? I guess if he does it will prove to Chae Gyung that he really does love her and wants her to be happy even if it means he has to let her go. Poor Shinny :tears: Hes been through so much the past 2-3 episodes. Why cant Chae Gyung see Shin's having a harder time than she is? :tears::tears:

At least Shinny finally professed his love for Chae Gyung, even though it was in front the entire nation of Korea. I would have liked it if Chae Gyung had a better face when he said that. Like total shock and surprise, not thinking about telling the nation of korea that she wants a divorce Shin. His confession wasnt romantic but it did mean something.

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just finished reading some of the post. i agreed with some of you guys with the series dragging and not getting to the direct point.i dont understand what the PDs trying to do with this series with only 4 more eps left. gosh im so mad at chae why cant she see that the only person that is suffering the most is shin, finding out that his own father is against him and the only person he needed most by his side wanting to leave him.i feel more bad for shin than yul.these last eps is not humor and funny as in the begining now it so dramatic and not going to direct point.chae need to wake up and smell the coffee cuz she is hurting everyone.

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Well... you have to consider all of the things shin's done to CG before. And its very evident to us that Shin likes CG because of all the things he's done; telling HR that he's starting to fall for CG, saying goodbye to HR, giving the box back to HR. But all those things CG doesn't know of. Instead, she's seen and known a guy that told her "i wouldn't want a person i like to be stuck in the palace." She's heard Shin and HR talk about their dreams in traveling to paris (?) and she's seen Shin help HR when she fell on stage (ep 20). She still thinks Shin likes HR, and i guess she's tired of it all.

And yul is no help <_< . from her time in the palace, Yul has been the person that openly shows concern over CG. And so she trusts him, and listens to him. Plus she's tired of being in the palace...

... how can she be sick of being in the palace?!? she's so often running away from the place that I rarely see her there!! :crazy: haha.

I loved the scene where Shin tells MoToot that he'll return that slap someday... I enjoy it when Shin is being more strong and forward rather than the scenes where he's constantly trying to get CG to be in a good mood.

CG needs to get over herself and see that Shin is also facing a lot of issues in his life. If you really loved someone wouldn't you notice when he's got something on his mind and want to try to share in their burdens? But honestly, 75% of CG's scenes in Ep 20 is her looking off somewhere and wallowing in self-pity. HM GongJu needs to come and tell CG about all the starving children in Africa who have no clothes on their backs and no food on the table-- maybe then CG will stop whining about how crappy it is to be stuck in the Palace and realize that she's one lucky girl.

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Guest sophendo

Goong Ep 20 - 159 mb - 60+ YSI Links

MANY THANKS TO SOUTSADA7 for the first ysi link!! From one comes MAAAANNNYYY...

===UPDATE: ALL 62 MIRRORS except Mirror 1 and 23 to my knowledge ARE WORKING===

Go here for the yousendit links to Episode 20:


I also really appreciate those who post a link to this post (or page number) in their subsequent posts in this thread (remember to write something of substance and relevance to Goong!). I think it helps those who are too lazy to check a hundred pages back (lol) and do not know that sophendo exists. XD!

The link to this post is: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=1999643


Thanks for the comments! *sophendo gobbles them up and gains 20 pounds* @_@

See you NEXT WEEK with Ep 21-22 YSI links! Go, go Goong fever!!!

v Check my signature for archive links (they may have expired...^^;;) and please PLEASE PM me if a mirror becomes blocked so I can scratch it out! Plus, it will tell me that I need to upload more! If you know how to use mIRC, you can get the lq versions of Episode 1-20 if you connect to the ircHIGHWAY server and join the #ambrosia channel. heh. I'm usually "sophendo|bot" or "afk|sophe." Just send me a message on irc :D Or ask on the channel. I'm sure 'tenchimal' won't bite you. XD

GIVE ME LOVE AND I WILL LOVE YOU BACK! It takes me several hours to get these up. ...but please write something of substance in your post, so it won't be considered 'spam.' XD


<3 Why? 'Cuz I love you lots!

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Guest luluchan

hi ppl~ first time posting here....mmm...i just boiled the whole 19episodes in like 2 days..now im waiting for my ep20 to finish dl~

im not realli in the mood to type that much~

but i do wanna say that YUL IS SO ANNOYING!!!!hahaha

im prolly the 1/10 person who will say that..since SO MANY ppl lve him~

haha yeh he's quite cute n stuff..btw his super red lips realli richard simmons me off.....but seriously his character is so anal~

He's always telling Jaekyung how HyoRin and Shin is the best couple ever, it's fate and that shin will ever love her. omg...he's so selfish and annoying....

and he's always like huggin her, holding her hands...acting so EMO which is SO ANNOYING!

hate his EMO-ness pluz STONE-ness...he looks sad, like the world is dead 24/7..jeez~

and he onli has ONE EXPRESSION throughout the whole drama....

and it's so GAY of him to always say to JaeKyung how she should've been his blah blah all these BS...and saying how when shin and her divorce, he will marry her and make her super happi n blah blah~

aii..he's so annoyign and selfish..plz grow-up.thx~

and i was totally WTF when he kissed her head....even if he loves her or whatever..she's married okay?? so leave her alone...or watch his actions~

okay..im done...im not bashing YUL....just saying my opinion towards his character~

oo i love PRIDE BEAR! so cute<333

and i like JaeKyung's frends...they're so cool, funny, REAL, happy~

hehe and i think Shin's frend who turns out to like Jaekyung's frend is so cute..hahah~

im so gald that HyoRin decided to leave Shin...yay~

Shin should realli express how he feels~

Shin and JaeKyung are so cute~

Loved their "first night", although their kiss was kinda random~

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Guest gglover

omg i'm watching the chinese subbed one of ep 20 and shin is sooo sweet. When the queen called cg to see her, shin told cg to not to tell the queen that she was with yul because it'll damage them both.

edit.... and the elders found out that she lied about yul... that's why the queen lashed out at her

go shin!! he threatened mo-toot that he'll reveal her secret with the king to yul...

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^ uhh I dont like Yul! I want to shoot his head off even though thats mean. Hes a selfish brat with the mind of a 3year old thinking "i want that, i want that, i want that, i want that NOW!". Such a loser and acts so inoccent and helpless. Hes far worse than Hyo Rin, at least she didnt brainwash Shin. I swear Yul must have taken some hypnotic, manipulation, brainwashing classes while he was studying in England or something because Chae Gyung is falling rite into his trap. Stupid, stupid, stupid girl. She has been acting like such a bimbo in the past two episodes and it drives me crazy! Shin is the only victim here and it sucks seeing him so much despair :tears:

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Guest q12345

i think it symbolizes that he is setting her free. pretty much giving back her freedom, from the palace and its rules.

However, i think its more along the lines of " if you let that person you love go but they come back to you, then you know that it was meant to be and forever."

Hit the nail right on the head! Shin's beginning to realize what love is all about and, more importantly, he's acting on it. Maybe he'll finally realize that love is an action not just a word . . .

more things to come? wat do u mean? if Shin is letting his hands go first doesnt that mean he'll leave her? i'm confused. please explain. i havent watched the episode but i did see pictures of it so i kinda understand what your talkign about

ooo I owned another page! hehe 3rd one yay! :P

I think it means he is finally ready to let her go because he really cares for her well being (i.e. he finally realizes what love is and that he loves her). It's ep 19 I'm referring to.

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Guest SukarDrops

wow alot happend in eppie 20..ppl getting smacked...ppl gettting yelled at to the point of no return.....shin confessing his love on TV wow that should tell her something shin with all his pride told her he loved her on TV...and did you guys notice cg is always hearing seeing the wrong things but the parts shes supposed to hear and see she doesnt?? what the flip...and whats up with her hyorin hair style now?? lol I was actually hoping shins mom or hyorin would smack some sense into CG..PSHT as if she has the right to be upset if your gonna listen in on somebodys convo you listen to the whole thing if your not then dont do it at all..all her being "pissed off" is because of her stupidness...and what the hell did she say to shins mom that made her look at her like wtf????and that peabrained king how the hell he thinks hes gonna tell shin anything???stinkster shins mom just needs to smack that beadie eyed 2 timing hoe <_< ....

shin sooo became the old CG the way he keeps tryna talk to her and she ingores him or says something smart and walks away and hes left looking sorry poor him :unsure: ::::smacks the little crapster CG::: :rolleyes:

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