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Guest coreana

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i just don't think chae gyung is that cruel-hearted.

also, all four main characters in the drama are still young; they deserve some slack.

there's only so much 18/19 year-olds can do. they're still teens, they're supposed to have fun, make stupid mistakes and frolick around like there's no tomorrow. i mean, that's the only way they can learn from their experience/mistakes, right?

I am sorry to say this, but CG can be that cruel-hearted. Because that is exactly what happen in manhwa bk 11. She will mention about the divorce in the live interview, right after Shin told them that he loves her. :tears:

Regarding cutting them some slack, I maybe cruel but I think it is time for them to wake up already.

Shin is of royal blood. He is raised to be king. Although I agree the method used can be cruel (telling a five year old he cannot call his own mother mom :tears: ), but it is specifically such to prepare him for the lonely life of a king. But the previous emperor specifically prepares a commoner wife for the king-to-be. Like donilpark wrote, it could be his way of 'helping' his grandson who will be king. So Shin needs to stand up for what he really wants. (I think he's going to do so in ep 20 so I am waiting for it)

As for CG, yes it is hard life in the palace. But hey, she comes from a happy family background. For the past 19 years, she has always receive loads of love from her family. If she's a really strong person (which she was at the earlier episodes), she would make use of this foundation of love, to get closer to Shin and understand his position and have some faith in him. Actually she was more clear headed in the earlier episodes. Remember the scene with Alfred where she is mending his hole, she told him that Shin is always lonely, keeps things to himself and suffers alone, so she and him(referring to alfred) have to be more understanding and always stay by his side. If only she can continue to show such strong determination. sigh.

I think the combination of the misunderstanding and brain washing by yul is causing CG to break down.

BUT, I have faith in that girl and shin (or should I say I have faith in the scriptwriter :P ) . I am expecting a great ending to this drama. Let's all just watch patiently how they will turn the situation around. :blush:

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why does Chae Gyung look so sad in those pictures??? What am I saying shes been looking sad in every picture we've seen from epi 19 + 20. Everyone is sad in this drama. None of the main characters are happy except for Moo Toot and Shins Dad (that perv and jerk. how dare u do that to ur wife?). Moot too is getting exactly wat she wanted. Her place back in the palace and her old lover. Gross! The same for Shins Dad his beloved first love has come back and he is totally neglecting his wife! What kind of man ar eyou? I've seen Shin crack a little teensy hard to tell smile once. Hoo Toot is sad, Yul is sad (that jerk, what do u need to be sad for???), Shin, Chae Gyung, Shin's Mom (i feel so bad for her. never was loved by her husband) and even Halma Mama.

As for the others, Kang Yun and Shins friend are defintley cute together. We should forget the Chae Gyung and Shin relationship and focus on them more! They are truly the real couple here! Even tho Kang Yun thinks hes a freak! hehe u gotta love them!

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Guest haneul love

I really LOVE ChaeKyung's outfits >_<.

And everything's just in a big mess right now - _ -;; i feel really bad for Yul T_T.

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Guest xx-outsider-xx

Self-reflection and growing up, you say?

I thought that was exactly what they were doing in episode 19?

I also quote myself from 2 pages ago.

Geez, i haven't even watched episode 19 [not even downloading it. somehow didn't feel like it] yet i could feel the tension between the three characters. :sweatingbullets:

so they did do some self-reflections this time? good.. good..

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Guest linath

CG is confused and vulnerable and Yul is taking advantage of that. He is using her to get on Shin's last nerves so he (Shin) gives up on his place and maybe gives up on CG as well. Does he really love CG? Maybe. But I think his desire to get the crown is far greater than his love for CG. If he can prove that he is the rightful crown prince, he feels that CG is part of that deal. :angry: Yul isnt blind not to see that CG loves Shin but he is probably thinking that once Shin is out of the picture CG will be his. CG isnt a toy that is transferrable and that they can pass around.

I cannot blame CG for thinking that Shin is still carrying a torch for Hyorin. She after all heard him propose to her and next thing she is the one being married to him. Even though she was the choice of the late king, she isnt Shin's choice and that hurts. And Shin's continued care for Hyorin isnt helping ease CG's mind. It may seem easy to have Shin just confess his love for CG but coming from someone who cannot even call his own mother "mom", that is one giant leap for him. One that could either make him very happy or devastate him. And this fear that CG may or may not have the same feelings is why he keeps on going to Hyorin. Its because she is the "familiar". Hyorin sees in Shin someone who could have saved her, who could have changed her status in society and she is just making amends with herself because she let him go. She probably hopes thats she can still correct things and Yul and his mom continually making her believe that is her fuel but she doesnt realize that sadly its too late. :(

I totally agree with you, CG is not sure abt Shin's feelings, so certainly, She feel uneasy.

And Yul, why he talk something that make CG hurts, while he asks others, Ho-toot & Mo-toot, dont hurt CG ???? :(<_<

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Guest Telly

Yeah he's perfect alrite! Perfect at manipulating people's feeling, perfect at lying, perfect at stealing someone else wife, and perfect at sabotaging his cousin position. :phew:

yul wasn't all that bad first.

he was actually the nicest character.

people turn bad for a reason.

in this case, i'm saying maybe it's a 'crime of passion'

he did have more freedom in the beginning, but he didn't have freedom from his mother.

his mother has been like a bee buzzing in his hear about 'revenge' and 'taking back what's rightfully theirs'.

his feelings for everyone were sincere at first;

he was so kind to chae gyung; he helped her ADAPT to the hard palace life;

he was so close with shin, they were like brothers.

but all that came to a stop when yul saw how shin was mistreating chae gyung.

chae gyung was sad; and she came to yul when she was sad.

yul felt sad for her as well, and he wanted to relieve her of her misery.

this is why he asked his mother to make him king.

he maybe a liar and manipulator now, but that's because he loves chae gyung.

and maybe he wouldn't try 'stealing' chae gyung if there was nothing to steal in the first place.

i believe the only reason yul is trying to 'steal' chae gyung is seeing how miserable she is.

i mean, a happy princess shouldn't be always crying, right?

hee, i know i might've sounded a little debateful, but it's only because i love yul that much =)

it won't hurt to give everyone a little taste of both sides of shin and yul =D

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Guest donilpark

Geez, i haven't even watched episode 19 [not even downloading it. somehow didn't feel like it] yet i could feel the tension between the three characters. :sweatingbullets:

so they did do some self-reflections this time? good.. good..

Oh, ok, I thougt you were not happy with Chaegyeong's behaviour in episode 19.

Sorry about just assuming other people are at the same place as I am.

Anyway, that's the impression I got from watching episode 19.

Watch on, watch on.

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In any case, I see the same thing that the late Emperor and the Empress Dowager saw in Chaegyeong.

The Empress did want a well-educated girl from a reputable family as her son's wife.

But what did Empress Dowager say about that? (in episode 2)

She saw that Chaegyeong had a great potential for growth and that she's the kind of girl who would be able to bring about the change in the palace that will realize what the late Emperor so wished- union of the imperial family and the people, a friendlier imperial family.

The late Emperor also saw the same thing in Chaegyeong and her grandfather.

That's why he made a marriage arrangement to begin with.

At least given what he wanted happen with the imperial family, I think Chagyeong is just the person.

Someone like Hyorin might have been a good Empress too, but she wouldn't have been any different from the present Empress. If status quo was what they were going after, then she was the girl.

*clap clap* I have always like donilpark's observation. :D

I think hyorin will make a perfect queen as per the old standard. But the previous emperor obviously wanted to change the way the royal family should be, hence he arranged for the crown-prince-to-be to marry a commoner. Although CG may not be as refine as hyorin, she has the warmth that will appeal to the commoner. something to balance the coolness of Shin. The royals tend to be cool so with CG bringing in some warmth, that should make the royals closer to their people.

They need someone strong because if the person is weak, the person will just crumble in the palace. CG was very strong initially, she's kinda weak now but I am sure she will come out a stronger person after all these episodes. :D

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Guest echoRy
can it just be like in the Manga where CG only imagine herselft announcing a devorce on national TV??? don't make it real please please...I don't think she was that cruel to Shin using 2 feet to kick him knowing he might be dethrone in the future....BTW the way Yul talked to CG about Shin get dethrone...can CG a little bit clear head to notice how confident of someone talk about your husband being dethrone so lightly???? baboo :crazy::crazy::angry:

that was from Chae's imagination??!! for sure it didn't happen or ur wishing it didn't?

because that would take a load of, if she didn't really say it.

i'm on stiches, i hate what's about to come!

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Guest Telly

i'm thinking these pictures are from episode 20 [?]

shin looks like he's in the airport; maybe saying good-bye to hyo rin?

and those shades he's wearing; are they for his tears?


i'm hoping this is some way of communication between the two of them


ah yes, confrontation


she's looking so sad =(


is this the face of regret?


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Guest sophendo

Goong Ep 19 - 168 mb - YSI Links

I own page 1449!!! ;) MANY THANKS TO SOUTSADA7!!


Link to post: http://www.soompi.com...&p=1987405


Hey guys!! I was able to get the 168 mb version from SOUTSADA7 (SO GIVE SOUTSADA7 LOTS OF LOVE, TOO!!!) So... here are many MANY MAAAAANNNNYYY yousendit links to Episode 19!! Enjoy <3

Thanks for the comments! *sophendo gobbles them up and gains 20 pounds* @_@

See you tomorrow with Ep 20 YSI links! Go, go Goong fever!!!

v Check my signature for archive links (they may have expired...^^;;) and please PLEASE PM me if a mirror becomes blocked so I can scratch it out! Plus, it will tell me that I need to upload more!

GIVE ME LOVE AND I WILL LOVE YOU BACK! It takes me several hours to get these up.


<3 Why? 'Cuz I love you guys.

Um... If you need lq Goong episodes and you're not picky on which version (I have some under 100mb), then give me a PM. Sometimes I respond quickly. Sometimes it takes a day or two. ^^;; It depends on whether I'm at school or not.

***sophendo goes off to upload some for episode 15 and 16*** hehehe

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Guest idream

Lots of Goong things~


Goong Ost

Princess Hours OST (MBC TV Series)

Goong Ost Music Sheet

Perhaps Love(Melody) - Princess Hours OST

Perhaps Love(Piano) - Princess Hours OST

Na Neun Ba Bo Yim Ni Da(Melody) - Princess Hours OST

Na Neun Ba Bo Yim Ni Da(Piano) - Princess Hours OST

Goong Chae Kyoung Seriese

Chae-Kyoung's Rena Chris Tiara Hair Pin

Chae-Kyoung's RenaChris Miss Cat Ponytail

Chae-Kyoung's Rena Chris Heart Ponytail

Chae-Kyoung's Rena Chris Apple Ponytail

[Princess Hours(Goong)]Chae Kyoung's Mickey Mouse ponytail

Goong Doll Seriese

Princess Hours' Alfred Bear : Replica 2006(Limited Edition)-Including three of postcards

Goong Bear

Goong Bear melody cellphone accessory

Chae Kyoung's "DooBoo" doll

Teddy Bear recording doll

Goong Chae Kyoung's Fashion Seriese

Chae-Kyoung's Cap

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's Coser white shawl

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's Coser embroidery blouse

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's embroidery OPS

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's Coser gull tank - set

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's coser gold foil embroidery fusion Korean dress

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's Coser embroidery Korean jacket

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's coser chiffon dress

Chae Kyoung's CoComiu backpack

Prince Shin's backpack

Goong Chae Kyoung's Accessory Seriese

Crown Necklace

Chae Kyoung style cute earring 1 - (For 2 set)

Chae Kyoung style cute earring 2 - (For 2 set)

Chae Kyoung style cute earring 3 - (For 2 set)

Chae Kyoung style cute earring 4 - (For 2 set)

Chae Kyoung style cute earring 5

Chae Kyoung's rabbit earring

[My Girl/Goong] Stylish stone necklace&earrings set 1

[My Girl/Goong]Style necklace&earring set 2

[My Girl/Goong]Style necklace&earrings set 3

[My Girl/Goong]Stylish stone necklace&earrings set 4

Goong Brooch

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's coser trinkets handphone rope(Small size)

[Purchasing agency]Chae Kyoung's coser trinkets handphone rope

Goong Starionary

Princess Hours(Goong) comic printed clear file set

Princess Hours(Goong) comic printed note book

Princess Hours(Goong) comic printed schedule pocket book

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Guest lenakeem

uh oh.. i havent seen the eps yet but words of CG saying divorce on national television.. lskjflksjdflksjdf if she does ima stop watching the drama.. no joke.. actully joking im too addicted XD

so everyones saying how CG is not cold hearted and such.. but .. think.. we ALL though Yul was this perfect little angle.. but hes now EVIL! and he has talked to CG alot latly so that evilness can be rubbing off on CG.. hopefully not XP slkdjflsjflksjd fi hate these moments of dramas.. like when the girl rejects the guy after shes been tryign to win over his heart for ever!!.. like its in EVERY drama!.. like MNIKSS after samsoonie wanted him she gave up and had her mind set on it RIGHt when hyunbin started to liek her.. and wedding jangnala stopped liekign the guy when the guy starting to LOVE her!... rawr!!.. but good thing?? those 2 dramas ended with the girl with the guy at the end. so maybe goong will end the same with CG && SHIN <33

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Guest linath

i'm thinking these pictures are from episode 20 [?]

shin looks like he's in the airport; maybe saying good-bye to hyo rin?

and those shades he's wearing; are they for his tears?


i'm hoping this is some way of communication between the two of them


ah yes, confrontation


she's looking so sad =(


is this the face of regret?


nice pics, Telly, Mrs. YUL :D

This drama comes to the saddest part, when will it reaches the climax, like some says abt "they create a mess and find a way to resolve it, eventually".

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