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Guest coreana

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Guest lovedrama

I don't blame Yul for showing his concern albeit unwanted concern for CG since he is in love with her in his own obsessive and warped way. I am more pissed with CG for being so reliant on Yul.Whenever she feels down, she will automatically confide in Yul,knowing full well how Yul feels for her.I can't help but feel that she is being selfish...using Yul to ease her burden although she does not have any feelings for him..If she knows the situation, she should just avoid him and not run into his "waiting arms" (literally speaking) whenever she gets into an argument with Shin. In this sense, the portrayal of CG in the drama seems like the typical damsel in distress we get in most kdramas. I don't remember seeing her spending so much time in private with Yul in the manhwa though. In the manhwa, although she pines for home we still see her spunkiness and there were many comedic moments. The drama has veered into the melodramatic mode with little comic relief nowadays.

Besides, I don't think she has much right to be upset over how Shin treated Hyorin when she fell during ballet practice...She was practically cooing over Yul when he fell down protecting her during the birthday party...I may seem harsh on CG but I really don't like how she has double standards...one when she is with Yul and the other between Shin and Hyorin. If Shin did not show any concern for Hyorin when she injured her ankle, I would think that he is a heartless jerk..he will not be the Prince that we are all rooting for right? After all, she was his first girlfriend. It boils down to CG being unsure of where she stands in Shin's heart..that is why she is easily swayed by the poisonous insinuations of Yul. Sorry for rambling so much..just my two cents on the latest development in Goong...

Can't blame CG for feeling unsure, Shin is so cold and also Hyorin is his first love. If in the end CG and Shin are not together, it's because of Shin not telling how CG feels about her. He knows what to do but because of his pride he will end up losing her to Yul. :(

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Guest SlytherinPrin89

Call me evil or wateva u want but I am really happy w/ da way things r looking 4 CG and Yul in episodes 19 & 20. I think I may da only 1 here who is a Yul & CG supporter from da sound of things. I really dun understand wat u all have against Yul. He's not da evil 1 u all think he is. If ne-thing I think da only "evil" characters in da drama r Shin's mom & Yul's mom. Da 2 of them have their own personal war going on & every-1 around them is just getting dragged in2 dis.

Look I feel bad 4 Shin cuz he's had a hard time w/ all da drama dat Yul's mom brought on him & how his dad's been yelling @ him but seriously if he REALLY luvs CG he should stop playing w/ her. Itz lyk 1 minute he treats her lyk dirt & then da next minute he's being really nice & sweet & then he goes back 2 treating her lyk she doesn't exist.

Personally if I were CG I would want 2 go w/ Yul who treats me good all da time & not when he feels lyk it. I swear Shin has more mood swings than I do! Yul is always da 1 whose there 4 CG when Shin makes her cry or when she feels lonely.

As 4 Hyorin, itz lyk wat Yul said. She really is pathetic. I understand her pain cuz Shin was her first luv & all but 2 want 2 go 2 such measures as 2 take ur own life? Datz really stupid of her. I dun care if Shin's a prince, he's not worth killing urself ova! Aside from dat I think Hyorin needs 2 open her eyes & maybe c how nice dat otha guy has been treating her. (Sry I dun remember da name of Shin's friend) I mean da guy drives her wherever she needs 2 go, always does otha favors 4 her & makes sure she gets da best medical attention when she did her little stint w/ da pills.

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Guest lovedrama

Call me evil or wateva u want but I am really happy w/ da way things r looking 4 CG and Yul in episodes 19 & 20. I think I may da only 1 here who is a Yul & CG supporter from da sound of things. I really dun understand wat u all have against Yul. He's not da evil 1 u all think he is. If ne-thing I think da only "evil" characters in da drama r Shin's mom & Yul's mom. Da 2 of them have their own personal war going on & every-1 around them is just getting dragged in2 dis.

Look I feel bad 4 Shin cuz he's had a hard time w/ all da drama dat Yul's mom brought on him & how his dad's been yelling @ him but seriously if he REALLY luvs CG he should stop playing w/ her. Itz lyk 1 minute he treats her lyk dirt & then da next minute he's being really nice & sweet & then he goes back 2 treating her lyk she doesn't exist.

Personally if I were CG I would want 2 go w/ Yul who treats me good all da time & not when he feels lyk it. I swear Shin has more mood swings than I do! Yul is always da 1 whose there 4 CG when Shin makes her cry or when she feels lonely.

As 4 Hyorin, itz lyk wat Yul said. She really is pathetic. I understand her pain cuz Shin was her first luv & all but 2 want 2 go 2 such measures as 2 take ur own life? Datz really stupid of her. I dun care if Shin's a prince, he's not worth killing urself ova! Aside from dat I think Hyorin needs 2 open her eyes & maybe c how nice dat otha guy has been treating her. (Sry I dun remember da name of Shin's friend) I mean da guy drives her wherever she needs 2 go, always does otha favors 4 her & makes sure she gets da best medical attention when she did her little stint w/ da pills.

True that. :)

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Guest sweetshelly

True that. :)

DON'T SPAM!!!!! Two words is unaceptable

Have you read the first post. There are rules. Try not to break them. I don't want the thread to be close down because of way too many spamming.

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Guest brighterthansunshine

Itz lyk 1 minute he treats her lyk dirt & then da next minute he's being really nice & sweet & then he goes back 2 treating her lyk she doesn't exist.

Personally if I were CG I would want 2 go w/ Yul who treats me good all da time & not when he feels lyk it. I swear Shin has more mood swings than I do! Yul is always da 1 whose there 4 CG when Shin makes her cry or when she feels lonely.

As 4 Hyorin, itz lyk wat Yul said. She really is pathetic. I understand her pain cuz Shin was her first luv & all but 2 want 2 go 2 such measures as 2 take ur own life? Datz really stupid of her. I dun care if Shin's a prince, he's not worth killing urself ova! Aside from dat I think Hyorin needs 2 open her eyes & maybe c how nice dat otha guy has been treating her. (Sry I dun remember da name of Shin's friend) I mean da guy drives her wherever she needs 2 go, always does otha favors 4 her & makes sure she gets da best medical attention when she did her little stint w/ da pills.

i agree with the fact that shin has way more mood swings and he def. treats CG really nice one moment and then horrible the next...that often pisses me off but i think that the sweet moments between CG and shin make up for it :D personally im all about shin haha but i definately see where ur coming from and as the episodes go on I find myself feeling really badly for yul. as for hyorin...there is no hope for her..she;s a lost cause. i know!! that other dude that drives her everywhere is soo nice to her (i forget his name too), but sigh...she has to have shin.

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omg this episode annoyed the hek out of me

wat the heck is wrong wit chaekyung? she got so annoying...

she should know that shin's not good at being affectionate because he lived without it for 19 years..

shes so cold to him, its not even funny

does she NOT THINK its WEIRD that she always turns to yul and that yuls always trying to hit on her?




rating for today was 27%

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Guest donilpark

Episode 19...

Well, it wasn't as heartwarming to watch as some of the other episodes, but it was nevertheless a very good one.

Now everyone is having a time of self reflection and seriously considering their ways, trying to wrap their emotions up...

This episode was like episode 9 and 14.

I see them all maturing, and that is very nice to see, indeed.

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lol, I'm starting love Jang Kyung and he silly self..."swan".

Bella and MJ, I loved your theories on the symbolism of this eppie. Very much enjoyed reading your posts.

I haven't seen the eppie myself, but from the caps posted by wonderful fellow Goongers, it seems like this and the next eppie will surely test Shin and Chae's relationship and will push them to their limit. Achilles Heel, Bella? I liked that. Seeing how tight he clutched her hand, to me, symbolizes that he will protect her by all means.

I feel that now with Shin seeing the photo of his father and the evil Mo-Toot, he will surely fight for his position as crown prince, now knowing that his mother may suffer (and has suffered) if Yul gets the throne, he will fight for what is his, the throne and his wife, CG. More power to Shin, I say!

Ooh, bad timing for our Chae dearest (referring to scene with Shin and Hyorin on the stage).

thank you thank you i do try. Also another thing about that hand symbolism that just came to me, do you remember how in the beginning that CG was asking for Shin's help in guiding her around the palace, i think it was after their ceremony, well i think that him extending his hand signifies that she means something to him. In the beginning, both of them didnt want the marriage and didnt even think about being friends, i guess you can call it a marriage of convenience, one for saving her family from financial ruin, one for getting his parents off his back and getting a mini revenge in the process.

However, now, both of them had a change of heart and want to stay together. Hence the extending of the hand.

And Yul, i do think he has some serious plans of his own that doesnt include his mother because an absolute monarchy is just that, only one person rules and not some shadow men running the show. I think Yul realizes that his mom is probably using him as a puppet but he has his own ideas of what he has to do to get there. Talking about biting the hands that fed you albeit from a psycho mom. :phew:

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Guest saera

ARGGG. This drama is making me mad.

Scratch that. the PD is pissing the heck out of me.

If this were real, I would've killed Yul goon. :ph34r: I hate how everything would be solved if they just TALKED TO EACHOTHER. -_-

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Guest donilpark

ARGGG. This drama is making me mad.

Scratch that. the PD is pissing the heck out of me.

If this were real, I would've killed Yul goon. I hate how everything would be solved if they just TALKED TO EACHOTHER. -_-

And there won't be a drama for us to watch, because everything's gonna be over in two episodes that way...

Why don't you just sit back and enjoy how they solve things out?

Yeah, it would be easy if they became blunt and talked straight out about whatever's on their minds, but that's gotta be no fun... if you ask me...

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Guest echoRy

^^^ :lol: yeah, everything would be solved just by the use of their larynx!

they all need to bite the bullet and just say everything they want to say already.

ChaeShin, in reality would have already had a major blow-up. as in yelling

back and forth eventually letting everything out, but here no.

i'm praying they don't do that ending in a lot of KDrama's where it's at the very last scene,

that they confess their love.

~~~i see SnowApple typing away~~~

that tear drop is heartbreaking...



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For me, it's the opposite. All of Shin/CG's nice moments get overshadowed by their bad ones.

I'm fine with all the sweet scenes between Shin and CG too, yes, ME, the goddess of Shin dislikers here. It's just that they seem out of context with the rest of the series. Like the first ten minutes of episode 16? I'm going, wow, this is sweet, but where the heck is it coming from? It seemed more like a scene that would go at the end, when all the Hyorin and Yul stuff is resolved.

It's a lot of back and forth and I know that Kdramas are standard like that. To me, Shin and CG's sweet scenes just feel like *lowers voice* fan service. They fight and fight and fight and then they magically get along like nothing happened, then go back to fighting. Maybe the writers feel like they have to write random sweetness to keep fans watching. Don't get me wrong, I love sweet scenes as much as the next gal, but I also like them used right. Like as a resolution or climax? Is that so much to ask? :D

Does anyone else feel like Shin and CG, for ALL their talking scenes, have yet to actually talk about the problems between them? Vagueness City in this drama.

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