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Guest coreana

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Guest echoRy

same question.. its gettin confusing now.. people are saying next winter.. some people are saying rite after season 1.. soo confusing...!~..

SEASON 2 is going to air JANUARY 2007!

that'll give us all some time to get our lives back to normal before the new season... :D

here's a MEGA:


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Guest echoRy
yul is a bastard. telling her to say she wants a divorce DURING the press conference..

poor shin.

yup poor Shin, and that's why he needs to get over his insecurities

and tell Chae exactly how he feels! "i love u d*mn it! don't ever leave me!"

...then they can battle the witch together!

oh and Shin needs to yell to hell at his father too, then the QueenMommy

needs to yell at KingIdiot!

if all that happend, i'd be a happy girl!

~~~and yay for everyone putting up mirrors! kudos!~~~

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Guest your_sheroe

i'm confused too.. why is season two only 6 episodes?? why dont they make it all into one season? i cant wait that long for CG and Shin to get together!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I feel your pain! :tears: and to make it worst i havent seen ep. 19 but i'm reading some really sad stuff :tears: please let ep. 19 beeeeee good... or at least ep 20 tomorrow...

btw; i like ur siggie, i love her shoes! :lol:

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Guest charles0702

i saw the preview for eppy 20 and it looks to be as sad as eppy 19.. if my theory is right, there will not be any happy episodes until eppy 24 :tears:

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Guest hillz3388

mushcos gracias para los LINKZ! haha dunt know linkz is espanol! ohwelz! xD

wonder how itz gna go for this epi!

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Guest safiresteele

Just finished watching episode 20 preview..... Is Shin giving Hyorin the box of junk (all Hyorin collectibles and memories) back? It seems as if Yul is becoming more and more hateful. Hate to say it and never thought I would.... I think it's about time that Yul disappears too, but I know that's not possible because we still have several episodes to go. I hope CG doesn't ask for a divorce. I'm starting to feel sorry for Shin too while my sympathy for Yul at the moment is none. The more I think about it the more I believe that the PDs are going to leave us with a cliffhanger at the end of episode 24. I guess all we can do is wait and see. BTW...thank you to everyone who posted links to episode 19.

:wub: SHIN CAMPER :wub:

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I don't blame Yul for showing his concern albeit unwanted concern for CG since he is in love with her in his own obsessive and warped way. I am more pissed with CG for being so reliant on Yul.Whenever she feels down, she will automatically confide in Yul,knowing full well how Yul feels for her.I can't help but feel that she is being selfish...using Yul to ease her burden although she does not have any feelings for him..If she knows the situation, she should just avoid him and not run into his "waiting arms" (literally speaking) whenever she gets into an argument with Shin. In this sense, the portrayal of CG in the drama seems like the typical damsel in distress we get in most kdramas. I don't remember seeing her spending so much time in private with Yul in the manhwa though. In the manhwa, although she pines for home we still see her spunkiness and there were many comedic moments. The drama has veered into the melodramatic mode with little comic relief nowadays.

Besides, I don't think she has much right to be upset over how Shin treated Hyorin when she fell during ballet practice...She was practically cooing over Yul when he fell down protecting her during the birthday party...I may seem harsh on CG but I really don't like how she has double standards...one when she is with Yul and the other between Shin and Hyorin. If Shin did not show any concern for Hyorin when she injured her ankle, I would think that he is a heartless jerk..he will not be the Prince that we are all rooting for right? After all, she was his first girlfriend. It boils down to CG being unsure of where she stands in Shin's heart..that is why she is easily swayed by the poisonous insinuations of Yul. Sorry for rambling so much..just my two cents on the latest development in Goong...

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Guest safiresteele

I may seem harsh on CG but I really don't like how she has double standards...one when she is with Yul and the other between Shin and Hyorin.

I guess I didn't think about it that way because I was too busy feeling sorry for them, but I think you're right... CG does have double standards. I think she's so confused that she doesn't think that confiding and spending time with Yul, who is crazy about her, is a problem. It's a huge problem because she is confusing Yul into believing that he has a chance. What it boils down to is... Shin needs to wipe away all CG's confusion and insecurities by telling her how he really feels about her.....hopefully before this season is over.

:wub: SHIN CAMPER :wub:

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Guest missy

thanks for all the lovely links! <333

ok i just finished watching ep. 19 and the preview for 20. today's episode wasn't AS bad as i expecting it to be... alot of down moments but it could have been worse, so look on the bright side people. i refuse to believe this season is going to end badly!!! i won't believe it! haha anyways, i'm really glad they put in some moments to lighten up the episodes (ie resterant scene, cg's parents being their funny selves, etc.) otherwise it WOULD have just been depressing.

thing i'm confused about is why they put the scene between hyorin & shin in the ep. 20 preview when it already aired in ep. 19 o_O

*crosses fingers that ep. 20 isn't going to be as depressing as it looks*

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weee thanks everyone for the wonderful links.

this thread is just way TOO awesomeeee.

wah epi 19 i dont hear is all that great.

well we'll see.

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Guest xthreebears

hey can anybody give us a lil detailed summary of episode 19? hahah i mean doesnt have to be too indepth, just want to know what's actually happening, you know the main points..because epi 19 was sad to watch, & especially since i dont know whats happening, so its even more sad! hahahaha tthank you in advance!

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The drama has veered into the melodramatic mode with little comic relief nowadays.

So so agree with your point here. Towards the beginning, it's so fun to watch Goong.. it's sweet *sometimes bittersweet*, and funny.. Lately, it's just driving me insane *yet still hooked*.. and the frustration is just too much to bear, ya know? My only consolation is my faith in the PD to give us an ending that will relieve our frustration.. but the thought that we will have 4 hellish episode before it ends makes me just wanna kill myself.. Aarrgh!!! :wacko:

Btw, Muchos Thanks to Sophendo for so many links to share.. I'm still uploading mine right now, and will post it here when it's done. Let's continue this loving Goongy cycle, you guys! Let's keep re-uploading for others. Caring is Sharing :)

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