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Guest coreana

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Guest echoRy

i have no symphaty for yul.. he brought it upon himself..

my love is only for Shin!!!! :D:):P:lol:

:lol: not even a little...just a teeny bit?! :lol:

i pity Hyorin and i feel for Yul. i love him, i want him happy at the end.

i hope they get him a girl in the continuation. he deserves to be happy too :)

>>>peeps, PM each other about IRC, it's NOT related<<<

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Guest Pikachu

pikachu...i have trouble connecting to the irc server. It's repeatedly gave me this msg "Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)".

Any help to solve the error?? What's the IRC network?? maybe i need to add server or something... :unsure:

Try this other servers: (just replace irc.opa-ages.com with any of those below)






ALso... are you behind a firewall/router or any program taht might be blocking IRC? @_@

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Guest echoRy

angeline.. i just saw the chinese forum as well.. i think alot of ppl are waiting for sweet scenes between cg and shin.. but we are apparently NOT getting any :fury:

i'm worried too and :fury:

but hey, we've been mislead before right.

i'm going to keep my hopes up and pray that we

do get some nice scenes between the two.

season 2 surprised me Bear, i mean 6?

that's not a season, thats like a TV movie or something.

but then if it is that short, then maybe they'll let us become aunts,

and give us the triplets u've always wanted :w00t:

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Guest piano4112000

i noticed that only the ng section of the happy time ngs for this week were posted.

there happened to be another section starting from 12:58 to around 24:00 that was on goong. it was like a special and there were some parts that weren't seen before.

anyway here it is.


Can you upload again because its already blocked. Thanks in advance.

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Guest Telly

Can you upload again because its already blocked. Thanks in advance.


leechers, tsk.

i'll upload two YSI mirrors, hold on =D

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Guest SillyYun


《宮》制作公司EIGHT PEAKS一相關人員表示“系列2制作目前正以確定的方面做檢討,但是演出人員的協調以及和MBC的簽約還未到期。”

另外對續集2的內容則表示“到目前爲止已大致上討論了6個故事,《宮》系列1制作前就以立憲君主制作爲設定,是個有趣且夢幻的連續劇,因此有許多以這樣的背景發展多樣故事的提議,” 據該名相關人員表示到目前爲止討論的系列2的內容有以主角們成爲大 生後的故事,以及前任黃帝時期的故事等討論。

這名相關人員表示“如果系列2制作成功的話,會以事前制作的方式進行,系列1的情況雖然以事前制作爲目標,但情況卻不允許,也因此在劇情後半部分因而受到觀衆反應的影響而讓劇情結構産生了變化” 訴說了可惜的部分。

他又表示“現在先將劇情做有密度的修改,爲了系列2的結尾會將部分修改完整,但爲了當初系列1制作時所決定的結尾將不改變。” “爲了系列2,當初系列1決定熒妣n將不會有太大的改變。


MBC's weekly wed and thurs drama Goong ending and season 2 details is being concerned..

Goong production Eight peaks spokesman expressed that making and confirmation of season 2 is still being discussed, but the casts are still under contract with MBC.

Regarding Season 2, they are in discussing of the storyline between the stories of the main characters and the previous emperor's period..

The spokesman said that they're still editing the story for season 2's ending. The ending for season 1 will not be changed.

I think they're making changes in the storyline for season 2. Due to the what i read, theres a line saying that the viewers said its a pity with that ending..?? thats what i can translate at most..

They will film the drama beforehand instead of rushing

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Guest gglover

The Chinese article pretty much just states that though Season 2 is in the talks, the contracts with the actors aren't finalized yet.

Also, due to protest from many fans, most of the season 1's original ending is going to remain the way they were. Only slight adjustments were made to fit a season 2 storyline.

somehow, i doubt they made a "slight" adjustment with the 4 added episodes.

Episode 20:

After seeing Hyorin fufilling her dream of being a dancer, Shin gains more self confidence to his own and sees the hopes to his and cg's future. To his crowned prince position, he tries his best to secure it. To his thoughts on his marriage, he openly expresses them to the public.

aww, Hyorin actually influences Shin in a good way for once...

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Guest cutie_song

Whew i have to backlog alot of pages :sweatingbullets: .. i juss hope the PD wont disappoint us. o after seeing pictures from epsidoe 19 where shin is holding on to chae is sweet :sweatingbullets: it protected her from all the reporter.

okies here my gifts too all the crazy fan of Goong.. i know is not the greatest but this is my gift to all of you in here. Enjoy!

O call me niki :D





rc8qjp.gif ... more be coming soon..........

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Guest donilpark

Also, do to protest from many fans, most of the season 1's original ending is going to remain the way they were. Only slight adjustments were made to fit a season 2 storyline.

somehow, i doubt they made a "slight" adjustment with the 4 added episodes.

But then again, can you imagine how they would end everything in mere two episodes now?

It would seem like rushing to me. In any case, they've said far in advance that they had plenty of stuff planned to talk about that they couldn't fit all in 20 episodes.

Well, I see some of you are already thinking the drama is dragging and losing interest...

While I don't necessarily agree with that, I'm almost sure the viewer ratings will fall this weak...


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Guest tiffany


《宮》制作公司EIGHT PEAKS一相關人員表示“系列2制作目前正以確定的方面做檢討,但是演出人員的協調以及和MBC的簽約還未到期。”

另外對續集2的內容則表示“到目前爲止已大致上討論了6個故事,《宮》系列1制作前就以立憲君主制作爲設定,是個有趣且夢幻的連續劇,因此有許多以這樣的背景發展多樣故事的提議,” 據該名相關人員表示到目前爲止討論的系列2的內容有以主角們成爲大 生後的故事,以及前任黃帝時期的故事等討論。

這名相關人員表示“如果系列2制作成功的話,會以事前制作的方式進行,系列1的情況雖然以事前制作爲目標,但情況卻不允許,也因此在劇情後半部分因而受到觀衆反應的影響而讓劇情結構産生了變化” 訴說了可惜的部分。

他又表示“現在先將劇情做有密度的修改,爲了系列2的結尾會將部分修改完整,但爲了當初系列1制作時所決定的結尾將不改變。” “爲了系列2,當初系列1決定熒妣n將不會有太大的改變

I'll try to translate this...

Goong's production company Eight Peaks's spokesperson said that Goong 2 is now under discussion on the direction it should proceed, but they have yet to co-ordinate with the casts and sign with MBC.

As for the storyline for Goong 2, there are about 6 stories being discussed now. Goong 1 orginally was meant to be about xxxx (the life of the palace?) as the main topic, it's a interesting fantasy drama, hence there are many suggestions using this as the background. The spokesperson mentioned that amongst the storyline discussed for Goong 2, there are stories about the leads after leaving university and the previous emperor.

He also said that if Goong 2 goes ahead, it will be produced as it was planned for Goong 1 originally. Although Goong 1 had aimed to do this initially, but circumstances did not permit it. The second half of the drama was changed because of the fans' reactions and hence some parts were axed.

Now, they are editing the story. For the ending of Goong 2, they will have to change some parts but the decision for Goong 1's ending will not be changed. There will not be too much changes for Goong 1 because of Goong 2.

Sorry, my Chinese is alittle rusty..... Hope it helps.

- edit - oops, someone has already translated....

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Guest SillyYun

yeap thats what the chinese post said..because of disappointment, they are making the editing for the storylines now and discussing about it..it stated that they will talk about the previous emperor's period..so i guess there might be new casts as in the YOUNG tae hu? and YOUNG king? haha..season 1 ending will not be changed..i think its like a disappointment..

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Guest la vifzetta*


《宮》制作公司EIGHT PEAKS一相關人員表示“系列2制作目前正以確定的方面做檢討,但是演出人員的協調以及和MBC的簽約還未到期。”

另外對續集2的內容則表示“到目前爲止已大致上討論了6個故事,《宮》系列1制作前就以立憲君主制作爲設定,是個有趣且夢幻的連續劇,因此有許多以這樣的背景發展多樣故事的提議,” 據該名相關人員表示到目前爲止討論的系列2的內容有以主角們成爲大 生後的故事,以及前任黃帝時期的故事等討論。

這名相關人員表示“如果系列2制作成功的話,會以事前制作的方式進行,系列1的情況雖然以事前制作爲目標,但情況卻不允許,也因此在劇情後半部分因而受到觀衆反應的影響而讓劇情結構産生了變化” 訴說了可惜的部分。

他又表示“現在先將劇情做有密度的修改,爲了系列2的結尾會將部分修改完整,但爲了當初系列1制作時所決定的結尾將不改變。” “爲了系列2,當初系列1決定熒妣n將不會有太大的改變。


one of the workers of goong's production company, 8 Peaks, stated that "season 2 production is currently under construction, but cast and contract with MBC have not be set."

Also, to the sequel, the plot has so far, " 6 stories discussed, will continue from the same style as Goong S.1." It'll be about the characters' life in uni, and the ex-imperial era as story plot.

This worker also says, "if S.2 is successful, then they will progress with this idea. S.1 's original plot has been altered due to audience's remarks, and they don't want this to happen w/ S. 2"

He also says, "right now, there'll be alterations to the plot to make season 2 perfect. but the original ending to s. 1 will not be changed."

^ translations

credit me please if you do want to take it out. it's really rough though.

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Guest gglover

Unless the PDs originally decided to give us a depressing ending... i think Goong 1 will end happily. *crosses fingers*

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Guest Telly

nyahaha, season 2 better be perfect!

i just hope they don't lose viewership/ratings or whatnot =D

good job to those who translated from the chinese article, thanks a lot <3

mwahahaha, and JESS, your video, it's GOOOOOOOOOD. what do you mean you don't like it.

oh well doesn't matter, because i LOVE it =p

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Guest SillyYun

so i guess season 2 will have more of tae hu mama...oh my god?! anyway i thought they're in high sch or college not Uni haha..

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《宮》制作公司EIGHT PEAKS一相關人員表示“系列2制作目前正以確定的方面做檢討,但是演出人員的協調以及和MBC的簽約還未到期。”

另外對續集2的內容則表示“到目前爲止已大致上討論了6個故事,《宮》系列1制作前就以立憲君主制作爲設定,是個有趣且夢幻的連續劇,因此有許多以這樣的背景發展多樣故事的提議,” 據該名相關人員表示到目前爲止討論的系列2的內容有以主角們成爲大 生後的故事,以及前任黃帝時期的故事等討論。

這名相關人員表示“如果系列2制作成功的話,會以事前制作的方式進行,系列1的情況雖然以事前制作爲目標,但情況卻不允許,也因此在劇情後半部分因而受到觀衆反應的影響而讓劇情結構産生了變化” 訴說了可惜的部分。

他又表示“現在先將劇情做有密度的修改,爲了系列2的結尾會將部分修改完整,但爲了當初系列1制作時所決定的結尾將不改變。” “爲了系列2,當初系列1決定熒妣n將不會有太大的改變。


MBC's weekly wed and thurs drama Goong ending and season 2 details is being concerned..

Goong production Eight peaks spokesman expressed that making and confirmation of season 2 is still being discussed, but the casts are still under contract with MBC.

Regarding Season 2, they are in discussing of the storyline between the stories of the main characters and the previous emperor's period..

The spokesman said that they're still editing the story for season 2's ending. The ending for season 1 will not be changed.

I think they're making changes in the storyline for season 2. Due to the what i read, theres a line saying that the viewers said its a pity with that ending..?? thats what i can translate at most..

They will film the drama beforehand instead of rushing

it say basically the sequel 2 will have 6 stories and that .before sequel one was in production ..it always been the objective to develop the storyplot from the establishment of a constitutional monarchy and stories will stream from that main plot ..which will create a interesting and fairytale (dreamy ) like drama ..

(i think it meant that the intention is to use the main plot of having the monachary under a consitution.aka with a royal family still valid and representing the country )

and sequel 2 will concentrate on their university life as well as also stories on the previous king period ( er i think is that shin grandfather ? ) ....

sequel 2 producion will follow the concerpt of pre boardcast production ( ie .produced before it is boardcasted ) ..they intend to follow that model for Sequel one but due to some issues , they were unable to and hence the storyplot of the last few esp have been influenced by viewers opinion and that is a pity

He also commented that now firstly now we are ammending and editing the storyplot in order to link up to the sequel 2 . But the ending that was orginally developed for sequel one will remain unchanged .

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My new MV for "Parrot", request from Beautifulxmess fufilled.

Don't mind the messiness...WMM hates me!!! It took me all weekend...and I'm not satisfied with it so I'll make a new one later this week. Stay tuned!

"Parrot" by HowL




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