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Guest natalia siew

hahah...u're rite :blush: but my god, what a body! not too muscular, not too skinny, just perfect! haha (i think i need to keep these thoughts in my head :P) . The only thing that bothers me is his model walk. It looks kool on the runway, but in real life, he walks funny...

yeah you're right...he walks slow and kind of lazy and slouchy

He does not walk elegantly like a crown prince do. dont you agree.

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Guest yansi

A MUSICAL?!?!?! lmao That I want to see. Actually, that would be really interesting. All the characters can kinda sing....Kim Jung Hoon can obviously REALLY sing. YEH isn't bad. And JJH...he's not too bad either :)

I live near Mountain View...so like 10 minutes away from you? lol

But he's not doing it truthfully. Your example works. But let's say that you're in a race with a friend, the friend is winning, and you decide to trip him. That's what Yul is doing to Shin. I would have no problem if it were a fair thing, but Yul is lying to CG to get her. I don't think "love" is an excuse for lying. Anyway, I still stand by my opinion that if he loved her, he would want her to be happy. And she would be most happy with Shin, who she already likes.

lol Jung Junho (quite cute, really, for an older man lol) did the slapping...who the slappee was...*shrug* It was in a movie that Jung Junho did though. I think the two came out on an X-Man episode along with the rest of the movie cast. :) It was funny

haha YEH is so strong! I bet it did hurt....YEH can beat Kang Ho Dong in some athletic stunts (he's a HEAVY emcee on Korean game shows if you aren't familiar with him)

i get what you're trying to say, but let's change the plot and say yul DIDN'T tell lies. what would have happened between shin and cg? she still would have overheard shin and hyorin's convo (would think shin still likes hyorin cause she knew shin liked her in the beginning + their thailand trip might still be lurking somewhere deep in her mind. i know it would be if i was in her shoe!), and other things. i don't think yul is obligated to tell cg that shin is over hyroin, it should be hyorin or shin telling her it....

the lies already left yul's mouth, but cg could have stood strong on her ground and not believe them


i really hope they don't drag all this drama over to the second season -__- maybe a bit would be okay hahaha. it still needs to 'feel' like goong!

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Telly...!! How are you? Feeling better now? I hope you are, so you can catch up with the madness of this week's episodes. I kinda dropped Goong for a teenie weenie while coz I was so upset with it. ~_~ Anyway, the problem is, there was an article saying that it's going to be an open-ending... imagine Friends season 8 Finale, Joey found Ross' ring and Rachel said I do... Why do the PDs want to make a revolutionary move anyway? :wacko:

my dear. the bottomLINE is he LIED with a capital L. lOlx..

anywayz. No point arguin bout this anymore..

CG is in love with shin doesnt matter lOlx

Yeah, the topic's getting old. It's not like he's going to change and say that he's sorry. We all know that he lies and will continue saying those lies. Didn't we also acknowledge that he hurt Chaegyung by saying those lies? Anything else we need to discuss? Well, if he stops lying and gives up and lives happily ever after, far far away, with his mother and Kang Hyun? I'm leaning towards Jangkyung/Kanghyun though. They stood side by side during the toast thingy and it's getting impossible trying to distract Yul from his Ultimate goal, making Chaegyung his Queen. Alrighty.

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Guest Telly

yeah you're right...he walks slow and kind of lazy and slouchy

He does not walk elegantly like a crown prince do. dont you agree.

for a model, i think he has a pretty bad posture in goong. like whenever he sits in a couch, you can see his back slouch prominently, and it's a little weird to look at sometimes, hehe =p but it's all good, shin's still hot anyways!

eeekk, RIERIE dearest, you're here =) i missed you!!!

hehe, i puked and did all that nasty sickly stuff, but i'm all better now =) i blame all of it on the spring allergies!

anyways, about that open-type of ending, all i can say is errrrr, ACK! they better not do that. that's suicide, unless they can pull it off really well like season cliffhangers seen in american television. gahhh, but that would totally suck. who could imagine waiting one whole year just to find out who-did-what-to-whom or what-happened-after-thing-did-thing-to-that? hahaha =p

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Guest clairdeluned

i get what you're trying to say, but let's change the plot and say yul DIDN'T tell lies. what would have happened between shin and cg? she still would have overheard shin and hyorin's convo (would think shin still likes hyorin cause she knew shin liked her in the beginning + their thailand trip might still be lurking somewhere deep in her mind. i know it would be if i was in her shoe!), and other things. i don't think yul is obligated to tell cg that shin is over hyroin, it should be hyorin or shin telling her it....

the lies already left yul's mouth, but cg could have stood strong on her ground and not believe them

CG wouldn't have as many doubts in her mind if not for Yul, for one. Yul has ALWAYS fed her information about how Shin loooooves Ho-Toot and will never have CG in her mind. If he hadn't said that from the very beginning, I don't think that CG would have the doubts that she does currently, despite the Thailand pics. She thinks that Yul knows both Shin and Ho-Toot more intimately than she does, and she trusts his judgment and opinions. Besides, there's a big difference between what you think and what happens when someone actually CONFIRMS your worst fears.

And I don't know if it's fair to blame CG's weakness on Yul. CG is a trusting person....that's why she's so lovable. She believes that Yul is a wonderful person, and doesn't think that Yul would ever do anything to hurt her (like feed her lies), especially since he always tells her that if he were her man, he would never hurt her.

Anyway, I'm done with my schpiel. CG and Shin are going to live happily ever after anyway, according to K-drama laws :P (love that is difficult to happen will always happen in the end, unless it's a tragedy)

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Guest bean_ee

goongers! I was looking through my photobucket and I found these pics of these shoes my sister made for me a while back when the first few eps of goong came out and I saw CG's shoes.



Aren't they cute? I encourage everyone to make their own CG shoes, the ones on GMarket are a ripoff. :tongue2:

can you tell me what your sister used to draw on thos shoes?

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Guest natalia siew

Sorry I don't want to play the blaming game......I know that others are also at fault here, and I never said that Shin or CG doesn't have faults of there own......I'm a Shin and CG shipper but even I admit that most of their actions are stupid and has a lack of judgement. My whole point that I'm trying to make here is that I just see Yul's lying as a wrongful behavior and it's something that is unbefitting of him. You seems to think that there is nothing wrong with lying if it's for love. But I don't think so! If you have to lie in order to get the girl, then that is way LOW. It shows that your character is shallow, weak, and dishonest. Lying means you're not telling the truth and that is what CG really needs right now....the truth and not the white lies that Yul's been feeding into her. <_<

Yeah, what you said! :) Everyone is at fault here, except for the late king. It wasn't his fault that fate steps in and took his first son away making Shin the crown prince and Yul is then de throne!

ummm, how is it stretching the truth when he says Shin don't love you, he love Hyorin even though he KNOWS that Shin REALLY loves CG? That's a blatant lie right there! <_< Noooo! The only people that is misunderstood is Shin and CG. Yul understands more than both Shin and CG what is going on. He already know that CG loves Shin and that Shin loves CG because Hyorin TOLD HIM so. Yul, I think is just too caught up in his fear and his pride to admit what his eyes sees.

Yessss! Exactly!! My whole point here is to point out that lying in a relationship is wrong! You can fib a little if your lie makes the other person feel better (ie you tell your girl that no she doesn't look fat) but the minute you utter a big lie, the relationship is doomed, just like when you're cheating.

As for Yul lying, In my opinion, I believe the roots of his lying to CG about Shin stems from his fear of the consequences if when CG learns the truth that Shin loves her, she'll go to Shin and break away from him. Another one is his pride as a man in wanting to outdo his cousin whom he believes stole his intended bride from him. But come on now, it wasn't Shin that did it, it was FATE. It was fate that Yul did not become crown prince and not get CG. It was fate that his ho toot of a mom did not become queen same as it was fate that Hyorin did not become the crown princess. If Yul needs to blame anyone, he should blame his dad for croaking before the late king did! <_<

correct me if Im wrong. It was Hyorin who rejected Shin's proposal first before Shin was even told that he has a prearranged bride. She did regret it later but definitely hers is her own self making she cannot blame anybody and not fated.

jeeeshhh! I'm tired from thinking too much about all this. :wacko:

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Guest cilik

Misooooo, thanks for the translation!!! I'm starting to think that our wish for JJH x YEH pairing in the real world isn't too far-fetched ^3^ kekekekekee. They look so friendly with each other...

Telly, how are you dear? Feeling any better? We missed youuuuu :D

why would yul give up this perfect opportunity to bad mouth shin? people have to be selfish at one point or another in their lifetime.

Umm...again, I wouldn't exactly call it bad-mouthing, 'cause as I've said before, he speaks of Shin's feelings as if he's speaking on Shin's behalf when none of what he's sprouting is true and he knows it. And I agree with Misoo's response to your race analogy. He's not leaving Shin behind when Shin trips in the middle of the race. He's purposely tripping Shin to gain victory for himself.

Okay. I'm going to try to stop my discussion about Yul's lie right here. I agree with pikachu, amanda, misoo, what?, and everyone else who says that telling a blatant lie to try to create a bigger rift in an already fragile relationship between a married couple (yes, MARRIED) is just plain low.

People have been saying that desperation & frustration were the reason for Shin's forced kiss, but they cannot be used as an excuse for his action. I agree, and I give Chae four thumbs up (my two big toes included - I forgot who said it first :P) for putting up with that idiot of a husband she married.

But the same can be said about Yul. Yes, he's much more tender, and unlike Shin, he has no problems professing his love for Chae. I don't think I'd have a problem with Yul (truth be told, I quite liked him in the beginning) if he didn't use despicable methods. While his lie may also be driven by his desperation to get the girl he loves, I don't think his desperation can be used as an excuse to hurt her by fabricating the truth. Some of you may think he's not hurting her, but if you were in Chae's shoes and you found out that one of your closest confidantes had been lying to you all this time about your HUSBAND (husband, ladies and gentlemen, not a crush, not a boyfriend, not a fiance, but her husband...I don't know about the rest of you, but being married makes that big of a difference in my opinion) in order to get you to look his way, how would you feel?

And I COMPLETELY left out Kang In in all this!! *slaps self* He's great, I can't really say it any other way. I changed my mind about him and Hyorin. Originally, I said he's too nice for her but now I can see a benefit to it: he can make her cool.

YEEAYY! another Kang In x Hyo Rin shipper.... \(^o^)/


yansi, I don't think anyone here has said that Yul deserves to die or get his eyes scratched out though :sweatingbullets: ^__^

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Guest taiping

Here are the links for the Goong compilations feat. Perhaps Love, Stay, & Parrot




Hope you guys will enjoy it!!! Sorry if its a big file... its a clear video and in mpg thats why its big... but i think its worth it.

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Misooooo, thanks for the translation!!! I'm starting to think that our wish for JJH x YEH pairing in the real world isn't too far-fetched ^3^ kekekekekee. They look so friendly with each other...

Yes, Misoo thank you soooo much for the translation!!! *Thank you to Amanda Panda too for the request.. hahahhaha.. now you can sleep well, dear?*

Manda cilik, I think we have quite a big chance of seeing JJH&YEH pairing in real life, judging from the BTS kekekeke.. I keep replaying the part where JJH *i don't want to refer him as Shin here :P* kiss YEH TWICE! O gosh, did you notice that the 2nd kiss *which the PDs gave their OK to* was much closer to her lips than the 1st one.. My heart was pounding... I can't imagine how she must have felt.. But then again, who can resist those pouty lips.. I'm so anxious waiting for the forced kiss BTS now... :P

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Misooooo, thanks for the translation!!! I'm starting to think that our wish for JJH x YEH pairing in the real world isn't too far-fetched ^3^ kekekekekee. They look so friendly with each other...

Telly, how are you dear? Feeling any better? We missed youuuuu :D

Umm...again, I wouldn't exactly call it bad-mouthing, 'cause as I've said before, he speaks of Shin's feelings as if he's speaking on Shin's behalf when none of what he's sprouting is true and he knows it. And I agree with Misoo's response to your race analogy. He's not leaving Shin behind when Shin trips in the middle of the race. He's purposely tripping Shin to gain victory for himself.

Okay. I'm going to try to stop my discussion about Yul's lie right here. I agree with pikachu, amanda, misoo, what?, and everyone else who says that telling a blatant lie to try to create a bigger rift in an already fragile relationship between a married couple (yes, MARRIED) is just plain low.

People have been saying that desperation & frustration were the reason for Shin's forced kiss, but they cannot be used as an excuse for his action. I agree, and I give Chae four thumbs up (my two big toes included - I forgot who said it first :P) for putting up with that idiot of a husband she married.

But the same can be said about Yul. Yes, he's much more tender, and unlike Shin, he has no problems professing his love for Chae. I don't think I'd have a problem with Yul (I quite like him actually, in the beginning at least) if he didn't use despicable methods. While his lie may also be driven by his desperation to get the girl he loves, I don't think his desperation can be used as an excuse to hurt her by fabricating the truth. Some of you may think he's not hurting her, but if you were in Chae's shoes and you found out that one of your closest confidantes had been lying to you all this time about your HUSBAND (husband, ladies and gentlemen, not a crush, not a boyfriend, not a fiance, but her husband...I don't know about the rest of you, but being married makes that big of a difference in my opinion) in order to get you to look his way, how would you feel?

YEEAYY! another Kang In x Hyo Rin shipper.... \(^o^)/

Yes, :sweatingbullets: all of this was making me sweat, I love Yul, Love Shin and Love Goong. Everyone know that the PD will let Shin and CG end up because if they don't everyone even Yul Camper will be disapointed, right? I remember this chinese Drama that I saw and its about how they got the wrong princess, anyone know about that drama, there is about 3 season to it, and all the season the prince would end up with the princess even if the have to give up being king, any one know what I am talking about? That Drama and Goong is almost the same.

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Guest yansi

i'm going to stop posting posts that'll start any debate, don't wanna get wrinkles from it LOL!!! yes, is yul lied and it's wrong, but i guess i was trying to say even tho he's wrong, he doesn't deserve to die or get his eyes scratched out xD hahaa. posting this thread has really stirred up my brain juices! wooo!! this thread rocks. i'm going to go and make some jangkang fanarts now!

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Guest clairdeluned

You're very welcome cilik Manda and mangoicy (oh dear...what's your real name? :))

keke It's much more fun translating funny scenes than translating ugly scenes from 17/18 :crazy:

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i'm going to stop posting posts that'll start any debate, don't wanna get wrinkles from it LOL!!! yes, is yul lied and it's wrong, but i guess i was trying to say even tho he's wrong, he doesn't deserve to die or get his eyes scratched out xD hahaa. posting this thread has really stirred up my brain juices! wooo!! this thread rocks. i'm going to go and make some jangkang fanarts now!

aigoo! don't break your head over it! since I don't have the subs for the last 4 episodes, I can only rely on the bits and pieces of what other people are saying was said, so, until then, I can't really give an INFORMED opinion on this whole lying thing! However, as an outside viewer, I don't think Yul knows anymore than CG that Shin is in LOVE. Honestly, from the way he's been acting lately, I'm starting to wonder myself if he is! Maybe he just has multiple personality disorder? So maybe PARTLY when CG says that at least Yul is "honest", just maybe she means he's not, oh, sneaking behind her back to meet other girls, talking to other girls about plans for the future, not admitting his true feelings from his heart... to mention a few!

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what is this I'm reading about Season 3 and 4? Why can't PD's just stick with their original plans and quit extending the episodes? This is my biggest pet peeve about K dramas. They're constantly modifying the storylines according to the viewers' demands [ie. My Lovely Sweetheart] and unnecessarily extending it, hoping to elongate the popularity tide. I just want a resolution to this series so I can stop dwelling on it, darnnit. :tears: Well, I guess the PD's are confident about this one. I guess we'll just have to stay put and see what happens.

I really hope there's not gonna be a season 3 and 4... I mean in reality, if we follow the typical formula of Kdramas, Shin and CG will eventually get together. I really don't want to wait until the 4th season to finally see them get together! :angry: And I can't imagine that after four seasons, they wouldn't get together right? I mean MBC would have fans breaking down the door if they didn't!

Now... if the PDs wanted to create a 3rd or 4th season to make CG end up with Yul, then I might understand. Not that I'm a Yul fan or anything, but in 40 episodes, I can see a lot of time passing in the story and maybe a lot of different incidents happening in the storyline that can change a characters and their relationships, you know?

But I really think that's a slim (to zero) chance of that happening. If it does, then I give the PDs credit for breaking the typical Kdrama mold.

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You're very welcome cilik Manda and mangoicy (oh dear...what's your real name? :))

keke It's much more fun translating funny scenes than translating ugly scenes from 17/18 :crazy:

I know what you mean.. it's frustrating to see already for us who don't understand :wacko: This particular two episodes just drained out all of my good mood... Though I still want to keep my hopes up for the next episode, especially since we haven't seen any preview yet.. *praying for a steamy episode*

Btw, you can call me audrey :)

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Guest yansi

aigoo! don't break your head over it! since I don't have the subs for the last 4 episodes, I can only rely on the bits and pieces of what other people are saying was said, so, until then, I can't really give an INFORMED opinion on this whole lying thing! However, as an outside viewer, I don't think Yul knows anymore than CG that Shin is in LOVE. Honestly, from the way he's been acting lately, I'm starting to wonder myself if he is! Maybe he just has multiple personality disorder? So maybe PARTLY when CG says that at least Yul is "honest", just maybe she means he's not, oh, sneaking behind her back to meet other girls, talking to other girls about plans for the future, not admitting his true feelings from his heart... to mention a few!

or maybe they realized they need an evil guy in it to balance things out. i do think it would be a bit bland if yul was the mr always nice guy xD

i really do think that's what cg ment when she said yul is honest, since he did admit to her face that he likes her

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Guest clairdeluned

I know what you mean.. it's frustrating to see already for us who don't understand :wacko: This particular two episodes just drained out all of my good mood... Though I still want to keep my hopes up for the next episode, especially since we haven't seen any preview yet.. *praying for a steamy episode*

Btw, you can call me audrey :)

Ooh. Hello Audrey!! *wave* :D

I HATE how they didn't include a preview. Argh. Now I'm going to be nervous until Tuesday, when the long preview comes out *sigh* How am I going to wait until then...

Anyway, I'm going to go watch Korean TV now keke. Good night everyone!

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Guest kyotoji


woo.. haaaa..woo... haaa. this is humorous... nearly fall from my chair.

He can now be the new spokesman for cometics AD LOL.

Any takers ? :P










Credit from: www2.kdocn.com

Reading this from my backlogging -

The next season will continue with the same 4 main casts. That means Hyorin will be back to the Goong screen next season.

This is interesting and i suppose this has actually capture most of the Goongers' eyes here - "新誕生的一對:李信的好友對彩靜的朋友一見鍾情"

This means there will be new couple in the Goong. I suppose they are Jang Kyung and Kang Hyun. Their 'so-called-coming-to-sparkle-in-love" scene is showing in epi 18.

OOO.. this line really captures me -


So what? No ending for the current showing one? O.. no... how can it be like that ? all of us here are waiting for good ending and now the PDs say "no ending"? And what? It states that The PDs will work and shoot according to the manga, but they will add more substance to the 4 main leads actors and actresses.

So what is what now? No ending for this season and the complicated and unknown love interest still continue in the next season.

What is this meh? how long is it going to stretch? (i mean the 4-in-entangled love)

I am going to STOMP down and *(&*(&*(&(87 the PDs.

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