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Guest sunhee *

I know it's wrong and perverted of me to say this, but I thoroughly liked that kiss at the end that Shin forced on CG. Cue in the word 'byuntae' for sunhee! It was so passionate and had a lot of fire in it. I know it was forced and that he deserved to get slapped from Chaegyong's's stance, but his desperation was emanating left to right. The thought of losing her to Yul is driving him to see red. (about time) I liked that blazing jealousy that he showed- now he's suffering for all the pain CG went through in the previous episodes.

muhaha, Shin, the tables have turned.

Arrogant and a conceited richard simmons that he is, Shin does have a magnetic charmisma of his own though.. minus his spitfire temper, I'd totally fall head over heels, heels over head for a guy like him. I tend to find guys who are reluctant to say "i love you" to be just woah. There's something really unattractive about a guy who throws around the L word as easily as he changes shoes. [just my opinion] Yes, there are the gentle, poetic, and tender guys like Yul, but methinks Shin is hot. Actions speak louder than words.. although Yul earned points himself in this one, unhesitatingly acting as the gallant knight to CG, throwing himself selflessly like that. And Shin was just sitting there, staring at his beloved wife sprawled all over his cousin-cum-rival. Very good, Shin. Very good. This viewer thinks you deserved the slap in that respect, and Yul deserved that kiss.

Sophendo, I'm simply amazed. You're a blessing to all the Goongnians.

It saddens me to think that Goong is coming to an end without a resolution (until 2007). Gah, why why why? por que? wae? *pouts*

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sunhee.. i totally agree.. i know it wrong to like that kiss.. but let's face it.. in normal circumstances.. there WILL NEVER be a kiss like that... WOOOO and did u see how many times he kissed.. he came up 2 times for air.. ok.. that sounded like a pervert... but i love that scene.. CG just ruin it with that slap..

she shld just fight him off a first and then slowly accept his kisses.. wooo that will be a sight

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When she fell because of that brick, for a split second there, I really think she has double-feelings, for Shin AND for Yul, and I really hate that in a kdrama. When she was asking Yul, "gwen cha nah? are you hurt? are you okay??" with that super-worried tone, I was like, WTF!!

That girl did that deliberately and arggghh, I'm really furious at her right now. Don't get me wrong. I still love and adore her, but in ep 18, she really has me doubted. What she did, really shows Shin that she is indeed, have some feelings over Yul. Yes, now I kinda believe that she is not too sure about her own heart, or if I'm wrong, she sure hasn't done a good job proving to me (and Shin) that she only has one guy in her heart, and that is, indeed, her babo husband.

Back to CG. Could she spare some thoughts that her super-jealous-high-pride prince hubby might get jealous???

Or if she really couldn't, at least go to the basic "You are married." rule.

Once you're married, you shall not show that kind of care towards other guys rather than your hubby. Period. No exceptions whatsoever.

So no matter is you're still furious or jealous because you just witness your hubby with his ex TALKING together. (Yes, this talking between hyorin and shin is so freakin' unnecessary. I feel like smacking the PD right about now. wtf.)

*little steamlets puffing right off my head* *shenny fans herself*

Wow, really long observation :D Just want to share my comments on some parts.

Regarding the part where CG fell and going oh-i'm-so-concerned-about-yul part, although I don't think it's a smart move, I do think it's a natural reaction one will have. Imagine if you fell and someone else breaks your fall and got hurt, naturally you will be worried about that person right? Unless the other party is your sworn enemy whom you can't even bear the thought of being in contact with him/her. Basically what I am trying to say that part is probably just a knee-jerk reaction that CG has.

But I do agree that she needs to stay away from Yul, at least until he realised that there is NO future for the two of them. Very bad move on CG part for always running to Yul everytime Shin treats her badly. But I guess the PD are doing this so we get frustrated. So we need to blame the PDs. :sweatingbullets:

As for the talking of Hyorin and Shin, I feel this is actually a very important scene. Because it highlighted how CG has become someone/something that is as important (if not more!) than his dream and that he's planning a future with CG in it. Unfortunately, CG only heard the front portion and resulted in the misunderstanding. And all the drama started from there. *damn you PDs*

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sunhee.. i totally agree.. i know it wrong to like that kiss.. but let's face it.. in normal circumstances.. there WILL NEVER be a kiss like that... WOOOO and did u see how many times he kissed.. he came up 2 times for air.. ok.. that sounded like a pervert... but i love that scene.. CG just ruin it with that slap..

she shld just fight him off a first and then slowly accept his kisses.. wooo that will be a sight

yea, I kinda liked the kiss too. Keep in mind it's just the kiss, not the context. Like, have you ever seen a guy go for it like Shin did in any other k-drama? No. Which makes this bittersweet b/c they could have had him do this in a better situation, but instead they made him look like a jerk. Argh! I seriously need to go ninja on these writers. :ph34r:

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HAHAHAHA!! any koreans here?

did SHIN's friend called kanghyun a SWAN? baek jo?

LOLX>>><<<<< i listed for it 10 times and it registered

and outsider.. i was thinkin as well..



hahaha... that will be a classic scene. Unfortunately, our dear Prince is an ice-prince, so I can't imagine him doing that.

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Guest sunhee *

sunhee.. i totally agree.. i know it wrong to like that kiss.. but let's face it.. in normal circumstances.. there WILL NEVER be a kiss like that... WOOOO and did u see how many times he kissed.. he came up 2 times for air.. ok.. that sounded like a pervert... but i love that scene.. CG just ruin it with that slap..

she shld just fight him off a first and then slowly accept his kisses.. wooo that will be a sight

that kiss was indeed... too hot for words. :)

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yea, I kinda liked the kiss too. Keep in mind it's just the kiss, not the context. Like, have you ever seen a guy go for it like Shin did in any other k-drama? No. Which makes this bittersweet b/c they could have had him do this in a better situation, but instead they made him look like a jerk. Argh! I seriously need to go ninja on these writers. :ph34r:

pls.. when u go ninja on themm inform me.. i will strangle them with my bare hands..

i mean....

when are they gonna STOP torturin the both of them?

wadever let yul be the crown prince.. i couldnt care less.. just allow shin and cg to be together

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Guest vignette

As for the talking of Hyorin and Shin, I feel this is actually a very important scene. Because it highlighted how CG has become someone/something that is as important (if not more!) than his dream and that he's planning a future with CG in it. Unfortunately, CG only heard the front portion and resulted in the misunderstanding. And all the drama started from there. *damn you PDs*

This is why evesdropping should never be practiced. You tend to miss out on the most important issues and ends up with the short end of a stick.

Is there a spot translation of what Shin and CG's friends were saying when they saw the kissing video?

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Amanda, i think i bought SnowApple's theory that Kang Hyun is secretly in love with Yul :lol:

its quite funny to see how Kang Hyun holds back Hee Soong from jumping on Yul before leaving with shin & CG for phototaking :)

and, did you guys see how gentle shin was when he came out and asked CG if she wanna go phototaking with him??? i really melted at that scene!!!

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Sunhee*, I just finished watching the eppie and I have got to say, everything you said...goes the same for moi. This eppie had scenes I hated, scenes that I loved (and rewinded quite a lot, hehe), and scenes that I just couldn't stop laughing about...it was a good episode. I, too, am one of very few who loved that kiss. Why? Read sunhee's post, that goes for me too!

Until Shin, Chae and Yul solve things, I think I'll be focusing on the cutie Jang Kyung and the lovely Kang Hyun...hehehe.

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Guest kitsune714

I know it's wrong and perverted of me to say this, but I thoroughly liked that kiss at the end that Shin forced on CG. Cue in the word 'byuntae' for sunhee! It was so passionate and had a lot of fire in it. I know it was forced and that he deserved to get slapped from Chaegyong's's stance, but his desperation was emanating left to right. The thought of losing her to Yul is driving him to see red. (about time) I liked that blazing jealousy that he showed- now he's suffering for all the pain CG went through in the previous episodes.

muhaha, Shin, the tables have turned.

Arrogant and a conceited richard simmons that he is, Shin does have a magnetic charmisma of his own though.. minus his spitfire temper, I'd totally fall head over heels, heels over head for a guy like him. I tend to find guys who are reluctant to say "i love you" to be just woah. There's something really unattractive about a guy who throws around the L word as easily as he changes shoes. [just my opinion] Yes, there are the gentle, poetic, and tender guys like Yul, but methinks Shin is hot. Actions speak louder than words.. although Yul earned points himself in this one, unhesitatingly acting as the gallant knight to CG, throwing himself selflessly like that. And Shin was just sitting there, staring at his beloved wife sprawled all over his cousin-cum-rival. Very good, Shin. Very good. This viewer thinks you deserved the slap in that respect, and Yul deserved that kiss.

Sunhee, I have to agree with you on this one--considering every episode leading up to this, I thought that that final kiss at the end was a long time coming. As I was watching it, I remember thinking, "I really hope she smacks him upside the head for that, because, while hot, so not cool." These two have a terrific chemistry and all that sexual tension had been building up for way too long. I do like that CG slapped him, because it was totally the right thing to do. It's good to know that living in the palace for so long hasn't quashed our girl's spirit. I think that Shin and CG are good for each other because they both have what the other's missing. CG needs a little structure and a little sense and Shin...Shin needs to know that it's okay to act one's age every once in a while.

I'd have to agree with some of the other posters with respect to what's going on with the writing--I don't know if that scene where CG tripped and fell on Yul was part of the manhwa, but I honestly expected Shin (or at least her girlfriends) to jump up and see what had happened. Also, a bit of clarification--was she pretty tipsy during that last half of the episode? I saw her knock back a few glasses of champagne, but knowing whether or not she was half-drunk might contribute to her complicity with Teh Kiss of Awkward Hand Placement.

As for how the series is going to end: I think that episode 20 might give us a nice resolution, as I'm pretty sure that the storyline was planned out with a good ending up until then. It's episodes 21-24 that I'm concerned about with the cliffhangers, particularly because they're going into these last four episodes knowing that they're going to be able to continue them. And considering that we won't be getting season 2 until 2007 (do they mean January/February 2007 or December 2007? Because it's going to be hard waiting that long!), I think they'd want to leave us at a point where we'd really want to tune in. Also, I'm assuming that Park So Hee will have finished off the manhwa at that time, so there might already be an established ending that the PDs are shooting for. Any thoughts?

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WHAHAHA! rebby

i juz saw this post from the chinese forum











credits to Hing.

She posted this post in the chinese forum which makes so much sense

she said : The Pds shld change the lines for yul

yul repeats his lines everytime :

shin wun love u. he loves hyorin more. shin and u are not compatible.

shin wun love u. he loves hyorin more. shin and u are not compatible.

shin wun love u. he loves hyorin more. shin and u are not compatible.

shin wun love u. he loves hyorin more. shin and u are not compatible.

shin wun love u. he loves hyorin more. shin and u are not compatible.

shin wun love u. he loves hyorin more. shin and u are not compatible.

shin wun love u. he loves hyorin more. shin and u are not compatible.


it sounds like a curse as it goes on. lOlx

puhahaha! this girl is SO FUNNie

and jess.. i totally agree that kanghyun and shin's fren are so darn cute? he calls her a swan.. lOlx.. and kangin slap him on the head calling him crazy? lOlx

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Just a note I wanted to post, in case someone might be waiting up late for this. I usually post the new HQ 700mb episode with SendSpace around this time or a little later. Sadly, my internet went out during my eppy 18 upload. It was 85% done too. :tears::angry:

It's went out twice since then. <_< It's uploading again, so hopefully I'll post a link early tomorrow.

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Guest echoRy
Sunhee*, I just finished watching the eppie and I have got to say, everything you said...goes the same for moi. This eppie had scenes I hated, scenes taht I loved, and scenes that I just couldn't stop laughing about...it was a good episode. I, too, am one of very few who loved that kiss. Why? Read sunhee's post, that goes for me too!

Until Shin, Chae and Yul solve things, I think I'll be focusing on the cutie Jang Kyung and the lovely Kang Hyun...hehehe.

the kiss was HOT!!! :excl: UBER HOT :excl:

i want more from them! i can't wait till Chae finally reciprocates a kiss from Shin.

i think i'll freak when that finally happens! and it beter happen!

TELLSSS- if ur still sick, feel better hun!!!

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Guest yansi

My last post was like page 1350ish and then the thread was up to 1422...WOW! o_o

Today MUST of been an :excl: :tears::w00t: :excl: ep! I mean @ 1st I was like ... BUT I haven't even seen the ep. and I've read the spoilers and seen the CAPS! I mean O-MY GOSH JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR!

sophendp- I <33 you for the YSI's tha tyou provided for ep. 17 and 18~ Thanks a lot!

sagi Thanks for the enseñame and the salvame MV's but I could not dl them.. could u reup on ysi, by any chance?!

Rebby- thanks for the NG's.. I've already seen them but this time I saved them!

I just realized that next week would of the official date that GOONG would of ended W/O the extention of the 4 ep's and season 2! I mean I still wonder how the drama would of ended then!

I'll get back to you all after I watch ep. 18! I'm sure that I'll have a QUITE a few remarks on the ep. as well!

i'm really confused about the airing of the second season. at first, i read that it would be filmed/aired right after the end of first season. but a lot of pages back, i read a few users saying that it's airing next year? :blink:

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the king has an exception, he's densed either way :his dream about mo-toot was just...uh! wth! nasty!:

I couldn't help but laughed out loud when I read your comment.

When she was asking Yul, "gwen cha nah? are you hurt? are you okay??" with that super-worried tone, I was like, WTF!!

I really don't see anything wrong with that. Out of courtesy, that's what she supposes to do. In additional to that, it's just her personality...she cares about everyone.

Some of you mentioned that CG should start acting like "a wife". Well, she's never gotten the chance to be one. In other people's eyes, she is Shin's wife, but has he ever respected her like one? On and off he'd be saying things like "you and I grow old together" or "you have to be by my side even I'm no longer the crown prince". And the rest of the time he would be screaming and yelling at her. His mood swing sure confuses her and gives her doubts about his true feelings. I don't know about you girls out there, but for me, if a man gives me doubts, my love will fade because I feel like I'm chasing after a shadow, never able to get a hold of it. CG's been very tolerant about the whole Shin-Hyorin situation. She never once hated Hyorin. She always try to be understanding toward Shin. Over and over she forgives and forgets. And here she is being comforted and kissed (seems more like a peck to me than a kiss) by Yul. It's not her fault...she was also shocked (if you look at her expression). Who else can she talk to about her situation with Shin but Yul? He knows her the best.

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i agree...*waves*...i liked the kiss too! i mean come on in those situations when all is tense...just grab her and kiss her...i mean there are times in other kdramas where i'm waiting for this to happen and it never does. finally a kdrama has included it! it was like "hotelier" byj confronts his leading lady and kisses her when she most does not want to listen to him. gosh it doesn't solve anything, but at least they both (ok shin more) was able to release some of his frustration, and in doing so conveyed that he "wanted" cg...i mean no matter how mad she got at him, she at least had to know that he wanted her. ok, i guess i'm a perv too, but that kiss...i think was a bit short...but it got the message across, now they got to do something about it, talk about it maybe or...it's like a ticking bomb...and if they avoid it, it'll explode...so it just sets up events for the next episodes!

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Who else can she talk to about her situation with Shin but Yul? He knows her the best.

hmm, actually she can talk to choi sanggong (she will give the correct advice) but if the PDs allows that, then they will not have any more yul-chae scenes to torture shin and us. :ph34r:

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