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Guest coreana

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Guest summer_angel

Thanks for uploading the preview for episode 18 the last part where shin was naked was really funny! CG's eyes were like "fishballs"!

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yeah...it would be the perfect setting if the girl he is in love with and tries to kiss a steal from wasn't his cousin's wife and the crown princess :ph34r:

Absolutely true...!!! Is he going to be that desperate to just jump on his cousin's wife..? Do the words wife & marriage mean nothing to him...? I guess not. *shakes head*

And CG, even after all those talks, Yul practically demanded her to divorce Shin, is she that dense to not see that Yul is not the cutey!Yul he used to be???? That's like totally WTF..!!! :angry:

Welcome to the thread, yukino78!! As you probably can read from our posts, we are busy squeeing after watching Naked!Shin and confusing whether Yul is actually going to kiss Chaegyung or not. I mean kissing which part. :D

{edit} kimtoa, you probably need to go to the Centre, the I.G.C.D.C :D

Attention!!!! The first post has been updated once again, and so is the thread bar!! Look up ^...!! :)

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Guest kimtoa

i only see the pix and it killing me already....I'm heavily lost soo much blood from my nose....I need a doctor quick quick

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Here are my comments for ep 17. If you don't want to know don't highlight. :)

Too much palace intrigue not enough CG and Shin scenes. LOL But the scenes they did have were cute. The hug scene came out fast, right at the beginning of the episode. CG is the kind of person who is touchy feely to the people around her, her friends, family, and to Shin. I like now how he doesn't pull away from her like occasionally grabbing onto his arm. Of course not now, since we all know Shin loves her now. :P Shin I guess what's to let Yul see he does care for his wife. Shin like took CG's hand or arm to go to their room. Love their interaction in their hotel room. Like they both were sitting and like in a way kicking each other's leg. LOL Shin is definitely a more happy and touching her kind of person with our princess. And them teasing each other w/ stripping off their clothes was cute. Shin has turned into a perv just like CG. LOL He doesn't even need the tonic. :P He's like all trying to take a sneak peek at a naked CG. But she instead leaves him w/ a drawing. And when they were both done w/ changing when they left their room they were like pushing each other in a way. SHin was like patting CG's head. Too bad they stopped when they saw Ho-Toot. They both looked happy standing there watching the friends bbq-ing. Then like CG, her friends and Yul were drawing. Yul gets up and is looking at CG. Cg wants to see Yul's drawing, but he won't let her. And is like blocking her, Shin comes w/ 2 of his friends and sees them. CG and her friends leave w/ SHin. And we see that Yul has drawn CG. Awww, so sad for Yul here. CG is looking for something, goes into Shin's bag and like unadvetedly takes out his underwear. LOL So she hides when Shin comes into the room. Shin then gets undressed. The teddy bears act out this part for this episode's teddy bear pix. LOL Naked Shin bear and pervie CG bear. And the episode ends w/ CG seeing Shin naked. Oh yeah, I think Yul notices that Kang In has feelings for Ho-Toot.

Previews for tomorrow look good. The Shin naked scene will be funny. Also Yul and CG are talking and Yul puts his hands on CG's face. Trying to comfort her I guess after seeing how Ho-Toot knows stuff about Shin that she doesn't. I think it looks like Yul might try to kiss her. 'Cause of the way he's holding her face. Shin says something, he's like standing there. Yul might really reveal his feelings here. Like actually voice them out loud to SHin, 'cause we know SHin sees it. But to have Yul confirm it out loud. CG gets up quickly. Shin goes over to them to like grab CG to leave. But Yul stops him.

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Wait, Shin talks to the Ho-TOOT like THREE times in this episode, or only twice? What is UP with that? First he goes to the hotel room to talk to her, then talks to her privately during the party, then he's on the phone with her in the hotel room???? WTF!!!! No wonder CG is hiding (though that scene looks like it's going to be priceless!) He deserves a good smacking around!

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Guest haydee

Episode 17 sounds pretty good. Hmm..if its true about the preview about Yul triyng to Kiss CG, I hope Shin does something. Yul needs to stop and realize the truth. His making a complete idiot of himself.

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I d/l the preview for ep18 and all it showed was the queen talking with the king (looks really sad), the birthday dinner where they're wearing masks (stupid HR, why does she have to go on and on and on grabbing all that attention?) and the bathroom scene with Shin and CG... does anyone have the scenes where Yul tries to kiss CG and Shin sees it yet???

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Guest rose7969

omg... can we skip epi 17 and go straight for epi 18?!?! :ph34r::lol:

shin campers (nah.. its just me, amanda, jess and angeline? i know cheryl is somewhere secretly raising her hands!!! :vicx: ) turning perverty eh... :sweatingbullets:

** edit **

omo omo.. whatever JJH wore for the scene.... must hv been pulled damn low to create the 'i'm naked' look :w00t:

** edit 2 **

i'm on my way home now!!!! yay!!!!

I'm a bit late rebby...Just finish my korean class...It's 11.oopm in malaysia now...Cannot wait for tomorrow... :blush: :phew: SHin naked....Well he's a model and must have perfecttttttt body ....How I wish I'm CG so that I can blick...blick to that part....pervert He...he.......

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Guest zaizai_f4_only

owhh i cant wait till tomorrow mornin.... >< i cant wait ..i want to watch eps 17..OMG yul is vorce kiss CG?! izzit tomorrow?! 0_o omg cant wait till tomorrow!!

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Hi Goong campers,it's been ages since i last drop by here,

and wow 1000+pages(really hard to keep up,so i gave up posting)

Anyway,here's what i got for today's Episode i recorded.

Episode 17



*note:A little problem on the sound on 45:00---55:00

:w00t: thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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nar wa. means you come.

probably shin is telling cg to come over here.

then Yul stops him

and u can see fireworks all around them. poor cg is stuck in the middle of it all.

i hope she drags shin away and kiss him to make it all better

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Guest SillyYun

its sad that its near ending but i wish theres lots more of this kind of drama..just cant get enough..waiting for ep 17 subs and 700mbs

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Guest Jolee

Summary Ep 17

Sorry may not be in sequence ..

Shin visited Hyorin at the hotel .. I think Hyorin tried to revive their sweet memories .. I heard the word "keo .. remembr " ..but Shin only looked sorry .. Hyorin spoke so much while Shin was silent .. he just made a one-liner comment before he left .. I think something about not seeing each other .. (is the word "mana" something to do with "see" ?? )...

Shin went to a pub where his friends were .. I think Kang-in told him off for not being able to give Hyorin happiness .. and I think Shin explained himself .. cos Kang-in didn't look all that angry .. he might have asked Kang-in to look after Hyroin for him as a friend .. I heard the word chingu at the end of their conversation ..

CG was worried to see some of the States Council men with Shin's assistant .. Shin came back and they had a discussion.. Then comes the scene where CG told Shin that she was worried and Shin hugged her .. yah .. it was a really tight hug .. CG was sort of protesting .. but after Shin's words .. stay by my side .. she sort of laid her cheek on his shoulder .. awww .. a really sweet moment ..

This part I find strange . because the very next day .. we see Shin and CG in her new Beetle and those hilarious monents of teaching her to drive .. CG's driivng skills are really poor !! .. just that scene with no linkage .. so I think this might have been out of sequence .. because CG's parents visited the palace and had tea with Shin's mu and Granny some several scenes later .. just before the trip thingy .. and if they were there presumably to deliver the car to CG .. then the Shin-CG car scene was shown too quickly ...

What happens next is not good for Shin at all .. mostly politics with the king involving Yul in the palace official matters .. appointing an assistant for Yul who later made a speech in front of some Councilmen .. nodding their heads .. obviously Yul is gaining favour ..

The queen had a talk session with Hyorin and might have made an offer to help her with overseas ballet training .. Hyorin had a shocked and resigned look .. I think the queen said that Shin was not for her and suggested that she think of her career first .. CG saw Hyorin as she was leaving .. during their peaceful talk Hyorin might have told CG that that's just her fate/life which she has to accept.. she even thanked CG and I think it made CG feel really bad ..

Yul's mum did her evil best but it didn't appear as if she managed to persuade Hyorin to sing to her tune .. I had the feeling that Hyorin sort of told her off gently but firmly that she'd accepted that she's lost Shin ..

.. goodness ! that scheming look on Yul's mum's face .. She had a meeting with her supporter .. evil things are a-brewing .. cos Yul also had a secret meeting with some officials.

Hyorin had a strange interview with a palace official (maybe she's being asked for her version of the events that happened) .. and Yul had a further "wake-up" talk session with Granny's lady-in-waiting (the sour-faced one who's relative to his mum) .. I think she told him to help his mother achieve her aim as it's his duty to his dead father .. or maybe she said it's his birthright ..

Yul's mum tried to make trouble for Shin in front of Granny and Shin's mum had a quiet confrontation with Yul's mum in the corridor ...

The king went to Yul's secret place (aha ... now I get it .. !! ) .. that's the secret place where he and Yul's mum must have met often cos . . he "saw" her when she was young .. well .. she was there but not in her young days .. in her Tae Ho Mama clothes .. (I really dislike the king here .. he looked so ridiculous .. reliving his past and I'm sure I saw him gulp when he thought it was the young Tae Ho Mama ) .. Then Yul.s mum did something which I thought was so unseemly .. she caught hold of the king's arm ..!! and said some things which made him look regretful and he left quickly.. .. seems that he might still have feelings for her ) .. I feel so sorry for Shin's mum .. cos I think she's aware of the past relationship between these two ...

Yul asked Granny and the queen for permission to have a birthday party .. guess the trip was decided then .. and I think Shin didn't want to go but CG managed to persuade him .. Hyorin went with Kang-in .. Shin came by and I think he must have scoffed at CG's driving skills which worried her 3 friends .. Shin drove off and Yul came by .. lols.. the friends were so funny .. stretching their hands at Yul like asking for help .. but didn't want to openly plead with CG not to drive ..

Yul trailed behind CG all the way .. and well .. plus points for Yul and minus points for Shin here .. cos it really should have been Shin doing his husbandly duty here .. room allocation time and some interesting moments .. Kang Hyun "decided" for CG by saying that Shin's CG's husband and so she should share room with him.. CG looked unsure .. Yul didn't look happy .. wor ... Shin's super bland look .. just twirling his room key in his hand .. Pool Yul .. couldn't do anything while Shin sort of smirked at him before pulling CG along ..

Shin and CG looked at home in their room .. I guess this shows that they are now very familiar with each other having shared a room so many times already.. a cute moment when CG told Shin not to peep while she was changing .. both were laughing as they approached the group .. CG-Shin are behaving as a couple now .. !!

Lunch session .. CG fed the fresh vegetable salad into Shin's mouth .. everyone was amused.. except of course .. Yul .. and Hyorin...

CG and Yul were sharing a friendly moment with some pulling and tugging .. when Shin and the others joined them .. everyone later dispersed and next .. we see CG coming back into the room and going through the luggages .. of all things .. she pulled out one of Shin's briefs ... not his famour CK brand .. but D&G .. then she head Shin talking on his hp saying "Hyoriin .. " .. in her anxiety .. she popped behind the closet door and dropped the briefs .. as she was trying to get it back .. she saw Shin stripping .. and ta-rah .. naked princely feet and thighs .. a great scream .. and .. and ... sigh .. sigh .. .we'll have to wait for Ep 18 tomorrow ..

(my apologies if I've left out any scene .. just doing this from memory ) ..

Have a Great Goong night . .!! :)

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Guest kyotoji


SHin naked....Well he's a model and must have perfecttttttt body ....

From the preview, he looks abit skinny without his clothes on. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks.. just my thoughts... will get to see more and better in vision in tomorrow's episode.

In episode 17, i find the closet abit lower than normal height. CG has to lower her body abit to go in.

Hmm... why is the closet so low?

OO.. can't imagine how Shin is going to go into the closet with his height?

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