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Guest coreana

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WOW +____+ *first time in this thread* I had no idea Goong was that popular 0.0 Honestly to me, it's not all that good xPP It was so laggish and boring until the 6th episode XD I find myself still watching it though =\ It's not like "OMG. WHAT A GREAT DRAMA <33" it's okays, I can endure it but .. I dunno the plot just isn't that believable to me so I guess that's why I'm not as crazy over it as others are. However, I still tend to watch it hehe. There's also the oh so adorable Yul in there :P:P

Anyway, I was just wonderiiingg does anybody know the song that Yul sings to Chae Kyung with that one ring tone? I liked that song.. ^____^ I don't renember what episode it was T__T & where can I find it / download it (if it's not on the first page) thanks in advance if anyone can help :]

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Guest mmmlove

Hey Everyone! :am i allow to post this? :sweatingbullets: don't worry its *GOONG* related! I'm just wondering sumt...you all know how the rule in the palace is that all princes...except for the *crown* prince must live outside of the palace...well if shin is no longer the crown prince and yul is, that means shin and his mom would have to leave the palace...then yul and mo-toot would move to the *KING* :uh-oh: place...more chances for mo-toot to meet up with two-times-player kingdaddy...could that be the reason why the present king wants yul to take shin's place? Or maybe he found out by any chances that yul is his son :o:sweatingbullets::o

Awwwwww :w00t: Your scaring me with your prediction. I dont' think Shin would give up easily on being the king, I think his reluctant to lose his chair as the KING because he might lose Chae too. I think Shin just lacks confident in confiding his true feelings to CG. I meant, all he has to say to Chae is ---- Sarang hae... haha.. how hard is that to say?? hehe

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I don't think the imperial family/monarchy will fall apart in just a short period of time. Something as big as that will require a huge revolution, bigger than an "unfit" crown prince can bring. And even if Yul dissolves the monarchy, I'd imagine there would be procedures to go about this or osmething and obviously the politics involved, and the uproar it will cause. XD It'd be more believable if this is just Chae Gyeong's imagination than the monarchy falling apart. XDDDD

well, it might... think about it, what if it's true that Yul's mom manipulated both her dead husband and the current king, and that Yul and Shin are half brothers, imagine the repercussions of that coming to light?? then add the problems with Shin, the fact the King might actually end up dying, the continued manipulations of the MO-TOOT, the list kind of goes on and on...

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Guest rose7969

Hey Everyone! :am i allow to post this? :sweatingbullets: don't worry its *GOONG* related! I'm just wondering sumt...you all know how the rule in the palace is that all princes...except for the *crown* prince must live outside of the palace...well if shin is no longer the crown prince and yul is, that means shin and his mom would have to leave the palace...then yul and mo-toot would move to the *KING* :uh-oh: place...more chances for mo-toot to meet up with two-times-player kingdaddy...could that be the reason why the present king wants yul to take shin's place? Or maybe he found out by any chances that yul is his son :o:sweatingbullets::o

think as long as Shin father still the king/is still alive, Shin and queen should be able to remain in the palace. Unless the present king die and Yul become the crown prince, then Shin and queen will force to stay outside by the palace law.

But don't worry, I believe my Yul will be a considerate king if he become one....which I don't think our goonger will like the idea of Yul become the crown prince..... :o

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Guest clairdeluned

Good evening, Goong-ers (I see Angeline! *waves*). Oh my gosh, the preview for episode 17 was so good. When Shin and CG are talking, and she's about to walk away and he just grabs her and holds her....*dies* And when he's in the car and starts squealing (his voice goes higher and higher :lol:)

I can't wait for the next episode :D

Though just a quick question...is Shin officially off the Crown Prince role, or did his dad just say that to him because he was so angry and didn't really mean it? *cross fingers*

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Guest rose7969

Hey Everyone! :am i allow to post this? :sweatingbullets: don't worry its *GOONG* related! I'm just wondering sumt...you all know how the rule in the palace is that all princes...except for the *crown* prince must live outside of the palace...well if shin is no longer the crown prince and yul is, that means shin and his mom would have to leave the palace...then yul and mo-toot would move to the *KING* :uh-oh: place...more chances for mo-toot to meet up with two-times-player kingdaddy...could that be the reason why the present king wants yul to take shin's place? Or maybe he found out by any chances that yul is his son :o:sweatingbullets::o

think as long as Shin father still the king/is still alive, Shin and queen should be able to remain in the palace. Unless the present king die and Yul become the crown prince, then Shin and queen will force to stay outside by the palace law.

But don't worry, I believe my Yul will be a considerate king if he become one....which I don't think our goonger will like the idea of Yul become the crown prince..... :o

Sorry for the repeatition...This network giving me some problem

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Guest AznGrlz

Awwwwww :w00t: Your scaring me with your prediction. I dont' think Shin would give up easily on being the king, I think his reluctant to lose his chair as the KING because he might lose Chae too. I think Shin just lacks confident in confiding his true feelings to CG. I meant, all he has to say to Chae is ---- Sarang hae... haha.. how hard is that to say?? hehe

Hi mmmlove! Haven't talked to you in awhile! :hug/hug: hehe

you're right! But, for a person like Shin...i bet he would have to practice the :i love you: scene about 50 times with :albert: before he can actually say it to CG :lol: 'cause he hasn't even said it to hyorin yet :i think...:

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Guest Katrina

i made a screencap of our couple during the filming of 'honeymoon' scene... they are soooo cute...! :wub:


pardon the low quality of the pics... i only used windows media player and paint... :blush:

credit: Me...

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Guest mmmlove

Hi mmmlove! Haven't talked to you in awhile! :hug/hug: hehe

you're right! But, for a person like Shin...i bet he would have to practice the :i love you: scene about 50 times with :albert: before he can actually say it to CG :lol: 'cause he hasn't even said it to hyorin yet :i think...:

Hi Azngrlz :)*waves* .. haha.. yeaa.. It would probably take a long time. I'm hoping that the PD would do that soon, not like in episode 23 when it's almost finish... I hate it when they do thatttt..

I was thinking of what they would do for season 2... did anyone read the manhwa... shin and cg end up together right? did they have kids? hahha...

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thanks for the preview of 17!

After I watched the preview, I think Shin's friends are leaving him and siding with Yul and I don't like the way Yul is ignore Shin.... sorry Yul's fan... it is just my observation.

I hope his dad does not mean it because how could a dad want to de-throne his own son and promoting someone else. To me, Shin will be a better king because he was raised to be one while Yul was raised as a normal civilian..... must run before get hit by Yul's fan :P

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Guest AznGrlz

But don't worry, I believe my Yul will be a considerate king if he become one....which I don't think our goonger will like the idea of Yul become the crown prince..... :o

:raises hand: ne...i'm teaming with you on that! I want yul to be the king too :whispers: then shin and cg can run away and actually live happily ever after...

Can someone plz do a spot translation to the part where shin and cg argued in shin's room :i think...: in preview 17? Thanks in advanced! ooooooo...17 is coming out tomorrow :dance around:

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Guest Pikachu

well, it might... think about it, what if it's true that Yul's mom manipulated both her dead husband and the current king, and that Yul and Shin are half brothers, imagine the repercussions of that coming to light?? then add the problems with Shin, the fact the King might actually end up dying, the continued manipulations of the MO-TOOT, the list kind of goes on and on...

eh but are all those personal/family related problems enough to bring a revolution against the monarchy of Korea? I mean if you look at all the problems of other existing monarchies today, and the scandals they've been involved in wasn't enough to bring the monarchy down.

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Guest hotelier_love

episode 17 didn't come out yet right??

if it did, what page are the links listed?

yea..ep 17 is still not out yet! it would be out tonight!

if i remember correctly it would be shown in Korea at 9.55pm!

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Guest mmmlove

i made a screencap of our couple during the filming of 'honeymoon' scene... they are soooo cute...! :wub:


pardon the low quality of the pics... i only used windows media player and paint... :blush:

credit: Me...

HEHE.. unwashed hair of CG? haha.. well Shin deserves that since he smoke..... haha... he was so cute and tall, slender, almost the perfect guy.. but when i found out he smoke.... it went down the drain.. haha... i wish he didn't smoke hehe... poor cg though... she has to kiss a guy who smoke.. haha.. sorry shin camper...

btw, what's shin and cg's real name? haha... korean names are so hard to remember.. hehe

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Guest hotelier_love

btw, what's shin and cg's real name? haha... korean names are so hard to remember.. hehe

Shin = Joo Ji hoon

CG = Yoon Eun Hye

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Guest AznGrlz

Hi Azngrlz :)*waves* .. haha.. yeaa.. It would probably take a long time. I'm hoping that the PD would do that soon, not like in episode 23 when it's almost finish... I hate it when they do thatttt..

I was thinking of what they would do for season 2... did anyone read the manhwa... shin and cg end up together right? did they have kids? hahha...

the manhwa hasn't finished yet...so its hard to tell who ends up with who...especially in the drama :they love to make a sudden turn :sweatingbullets: : lets just all pray for the best...omg! what if season 2, mo-toot comes tagging back to take action on our lovely royal couple :tang! tang! TANG!: and this time...they put her in jail for good! :I call 4 celebration!:

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Guest farhrunzy

I still think that Chae isn't just dreaming about the whole imperial and her becoming a princess. In the beginning she said that the palace was empty, and all that, maybe it became empty after all the tragic happened. Meaning, she & Shin probably become a commoner, and since then the imperial fall apart.

Who's with me on this?

Me! i'm with u with the theory...

at 1st there was a monarchy system but now it's dissolved. they r commoners therefore no longer allowed to live in the goong. i think the cause of the dissolution is the power struggle play by yul's mom

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Guest poody

shin smokes in real life or in the drama...?

eww~~ -ㅁ-;;

shin smokes in real life or in the drama...?

eww~~ -ㅁ-;;

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