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Guest coreana

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Guest Pikachu

CK figured out from deductive reasoning as well as some snooping that Hyo Rin is not from a rich family like she assumed but rather from a humble background like herself. She figured that Shin must have known about it and despite all of that, he liked her and was in a long term relationship with her so it confirms for her that he loved/liked her and it was sincere at one point and there could still be lingering feelings for her.

Yeah I know Chae Gyeong knows but she's just assuming that Shin knows. Shin hasn't confirmed it right?

Well, it was never explicitly shown, but the princess know about Hyorin. Remember that scene in episode 16 where the empress and princess gets the news of Hyorin's suicide attempt?

The fact that she knows must mean that Shin knows about it too.

(just a side note, the princess also said that Hyorin is not such a weak of mind to commit suicide. Thus Yul's mom's manipulation. Of course she didn't tell Hyorin outright to kill herself, but she's the one who's making it harder for Hyorin to let things go.)

@_@ I don't see how this can lead to Shin knowing about Hyo Rin's poor background. (well I haven't seen that ep with subs yet, but based on what you're telling me, you're just saying Shin's sister knows about Hyo Rin.. I don't see where Shin knowing about Hyo Rin's poor bg comes into this? o_O; Like I mean, Shin looks up to his sister very much so he probably told his sister his secret relationship with Hyo Rin...

Did his sister say something specifically with regards to her background? XDDDD;;;

Anyway, if compared with the manhwa, Shin dind't find out about Hyo Rin's "dark past" till he got engaged... so he went along thinking she wasn't an illegitemate child... o_O; XDD But yeah, I just want to confirm since well... if this is confirmed, then that changes some of my views on things. :o

does anyone have the preview to episode 17 or/and 18?

clip or summary is fine either way.. thanx :D


The episode preview summary is in this post

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First, let me apologise for my bit if i infringed the thread rules.

i was just going with the flow when someone asked about singaporeans so i replied and suggested a meet-up.

those who still interested to do so please pm me.

no more of this from me in the thread and will be more careful in future. *bow 90 deg*

just watching the Ep17 preview again.

think Shin really feels threatened - not about losing his Crown Prince title but about losing CG along with it

Shin: Even if I'm no longer the Tae-ja, you must stay by my side.

he's so worried, so much is at stake

if he is dethroned and with Yul at the sidelines, will he get to keep CG? or rather, will CG stay with him?

poor guy! my heart goes all out to him. about time we see a few "jade" (=tear) from him huh?

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Guest Telly

wow, so many problems the characters have yet to solve, ehh? =| let's break them all down to see just how much the directors are dealing with, in terms of showing and/or hopefully solving all conflicts by hrmm, 8 episodes?

a. shin and chae gyung's marriage & relationship

b. shin and hyo rin's situation

c. shin and yul's *real* relationship

d. why yul and his mother got kicked out of the palace

e. yul's mother and shin's father

f. yul and chae gyung

g. kang in and hyo rin

h. the 'potential' death of the current sick king [?]

i. political tug-of-war [with the help of allies and paparazzi] between yul/yul's mother and shin/shin's family

feel free to add more =)

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haha soooooooo dreamy.

yul is but annoying sometimess.. him and his mom

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Guest echoRy

i love this so much!


they have a convo again...Hyorin better not make Chae cry or anything!!!


can't wait for the ball! Yul's looking at KangHyun...hehe!


and we all saw this already, but i didn't see this particular cap of Chae's espression.


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Guest donilpark

Yeah I know Chae Gyeong knows but she's just assuming that Shin knows. Shin hasn't confirmed it right?

@_@ I don't see how this can lead to Shin knowing about Hyo Rin's poor background. (well I haven't seen that ep with subs yet, but based on what you're telling me, you're just saying Shin's sister knows about Hyo Rin.. I don't see where Shin knowing about Hyo Rin's poor bg comes into this? o_O; Like I mean, Shin looks up to his sister very much so he probably told his sister his secret relationship with Hyo Rin...

Did his sister say something specifically with regards to her background? XDDDD;;;

Anyway, if compared with the manhwa, Shin dind't find out about Hyo Rin's "dark past" till he got engaged... so he went along thinking she wasn't an illegitemate child... o_O; XDD But yeah, I just want to confirm since well... if this is confirmed, then that changes some of my views on things. :o


The episode preview summary is in this post

Well, in episode 16 at about 40:50, the princess says to the Empress "Unlike what is known about her, she [Hyorin] is a poor girl."

She couldn't have known that but through Shin.

That means Shin knows about it.

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Guest Telly

darn, ANGELINE, now you're the faster one to upload =p

i found one more of those TV screencaps:

some kang in and shin rivalry going on here =|


haha also, in the 3rd set of caps you posted, it looks like yul is checking kang hyun out, eh? hahaha or is it just wishful thinking =p

Oh Angeline.. where did you get those caps? Are those from the pay preview or something else entirely?

i believe they're TV caps, they have great quality, and it seems a bit different from the online one =)

haha, and ANGEEEE dearest, no need to worry, we can be fast during different times, moohahahhaah [maybe i need to take a little break, my imageshack account is growing so big and fat] =p

but if you have more goodies, keep them coming, and i want them FAST =p

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Guest echoRy

darn, ANGELINE, now you're the faster one to upload =p

:o i think h*ll has frozenth over! hehe, wow tellsss but i'm sure it was just a fluke

and probably won't happen again. ur always the faster one sweetie! :D

and yes Pika, what TELLSSS said.

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Guest Pikachu

Well, in episode 16 at about 40:50, the princess says to the Empress "Unlike what is known about her, she [Hyorin] is a poor girl."

She couldn't have known that but through Shin.

That means Shin knows about it.

Ahh okay. That's what I was looking for.. though now I wonder.. if she means poor as in money-wise or poor as in pitiable/unfortunate in the emotional/psychological sense? (don't know if korean language has a specific word for either meanings) XDD

(hdfjasd sorry if I'm being really picky about this. XDDDDDDDD :sweatingbullets: )

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wow, so many problems the characters have yet to solve, ehh? =| let's break them all down to see just how much the directors are dealing with, in terms of showing and/or hopefully solving all conflicts by hrmm, 8 episodes?

a. shin and chae gyung's marriage & relationship

b. shin and hyo rin's situation

c. shin and yul's *real* relationship

d. why yul and his mother got kicked out of the palace

e. yul's mother and shin's father

f. yul and chae gyung

g. kang in and hyo rin

h. the 'potential' death of the current sick king [?]

i. political tug-of-war [with the help of allies and paparazzi] between yul/yul's mother and shin/shin's family

feel free to add more =)

I know, I was thinking about all the unresolved plot points today and wondering, since they ORIGINALLY had only planned 20 episodes and we're already at 17-18, how were they going to finish in only 4 more eps???? Now they've added 4 more, but supposedly that is meant to try and tie into a new season a year from now... so.... urgh (I'm still 100% against a second season...)

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Guest donilpark

Ahh okay. That's what I was looking for.. though now I wonder.. if she means poor as in money-wise or poor as in pitiable/unfortunate in the emotional/psychological sense? (don't know if korean language has a specific word for either meanings) XDD

(hdfjasd sorry if I'm being really picky about this. XDDDDDDDD :sweatingbullets: )

Both actually.

She said Hyorin was a poor girl (bulssanghan ai) and than went on to say that she is of a poor family but didn't lose the dream of becoming a ballerina...

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Guest echoRy

Both actually.

She said Hyorin was a poor girl (bulssanghan ai) and than went on to say that she is of a poor family but didn't lose the dream of becoming a ballerina...

sis knows alot, it must have come from Shin. who else, thanx donil.

was this particular point of view posted? sorry if it was.


can anyone clarify what the caption on the kiss cap says? pretty please?


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Guest Bebot

^ I have more than you, I don't know the exact number, but I know I have more.

Oh oh...the "Royal Parparazzi" has discovered their Crown Princess' past:


hehehe... :P

creds: imbc.com

OMG! I remember this X-man Epsiode!!! This is such a romantic episode for YEH (Cg) and KJG.. when he covers her ears... :wub::wub: I really like YEH in X-man, she's a good dancer and EXTREMELY strong! :D Before she did Goong, she was regular in X-man.. I wonder if she's coming back for a guest appearance after Season 1 is over... I would really love that! What about the WHOLE cast of Goong!!! If they do, I think the "OF COURSE" game would be interesting :phew:

Thanks again for the SUBBING TEAM!! Also the previews, spot translations, pictures, and updates!

I also want to say that this past few episode I'm really feeling sorry, not just for CG, but for Shin also... I know that at the beggining, he did so much stupid stuff on CG, but now I realise he's been going through so much too.. even before he married CG. You can see the sadness in his eyes.

Being a Prince and future King is not all glitz and glamour. It comes with a lot of Responsibilities. From the very beginning, his personal life is extremely limited. Everywhere he goes, people are crowding over him. He has no privacy whatsoever. All his movements and almost everyting he does is being monitored by the palace and by the public. How do we know that his friends are really his true friends? They're all from rich families... There's a possibility that they were just his friends just because he is the crown prince, right? They don't have the closeness that Cg and her friends have.

Also, he never really had a regular childhood. I feel bad for him that he can't even call his mom "OMMA". :tears: that's is sad. What about his dad? Is he allowed to call his dad "appa"? I doubt it.

Also, Now that Yul came back, he now has to worry about losing his title as the future King, and keep his wife by his side. The feeling that he feels for CG right now is probably foreign to him too. We all know that he like Hyorin before, but what he feels for CG is so different from his previous relationship that he has no idea what do. He really has nobody to turn to. Unlike CG who runs to Yul all the time, He has no one to turn to. :tears:

It is also important for us to remember that Shin and CG are only in High School. "HIGH SCHOOL" They're so young! Are they like 18-20ish ? They're still kids. I feel bad for them that they have to deal with so much stuff at such young age. They have to deal with Royal Resposibilities, MARRIAGE, and LOVE!! All at the same time! :wacko:

Sorry about my ranting! I just need to get all that out of my chest... I'm done now! :D

This is such an addictive Show! Can't wait for tomorrow! :D GOONG FIGHTING!

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Guest Bebot

double post.. sorry

I'll comeback and post someting goong related! :)


I just resize this banner. made it smaller. feel free to use it!


This thread is going so fast, just incase someone missed it before:


animated avatar! [made by my sister!]

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Guest mmmlove

I still think that Chae isn't just dreaming about the whole imperial and her becoming a princess. In the beginning she said that the palace was empty, and all that, maybe it became empty after all the tragic happened. Meaning, she & Shin probably become a commoner, and since then the imperial fall apart.

Who's with me on this?

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Guest Pikachu

Both actually.

She said Hyorin was a poor girl (bulssanghan ai) and than went on to say that she is of a poor family but didn't lose the dream of becoming a ballerina...

:D thanks for clarifying everything. XDDD!! Everything makes sense (in my head at least) now. Now I can't wait to see what the Queen will say to Hyo Rin... and I also wonder what else Mo Toot has planned now that Hyo Rin will (I hope anyway) backfire on her... (unless Hyo Rin is just lying to the Queen and all XD)

I still think that Chae isn't just dreaming about the whole imperial and her becoming a princess. In the beginning she said that the palace was empty, and all that, maybe it became empty after all the tragic happened. Meaning, she & Shin probably become a commoner, and since then the imperial fall apart.

Who's with me on this?

I don't think the imperial family/monarchy will fall apart in just a short period of time. Something as big as that will require a huge revolution, bigger than an "unfit" crown prince can bring. And even if Yul dissolves the monarchy, I'd imagine there would be procedures to go about this or osmething and obviously the politics involved, and the uproar it will cause. XD It'd be more believable if this is just Chae Gyeong's imagination than the monarchy falling apart. XDDDD

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Guest AznGrlz

Hey Everyone! :am i allow to post this? :sweatingbullets: don't worry its *GOONG* related! I'm just wondering sumt...you all know how the rule in the palace is that all princes...except for the *crown* prince must live outside of the palace...well if shin is no longer the crown prince and yul is, that means shin and his mom would have to leave the palace...then yul and mo-toot would move to the *KING* :uh-oh: place...more chances for mo-toot to meet up with two-times-player kingdaddy...could that be the reason why the present king wants yul to take shin's place? Or maybe he found out by any chances that yul is his son :o:sweatingbullets::o

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