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Guest coreana

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Guest junki_saranghae

yes I like Yul more and can't stand by that girl Min Hyorin...

I was angry when I saw her face, don't know why..haha...

but I love ChaeKyung very much...so cute she is...

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Guest juliehuynh

can someone please upload the song near the end of Ep 14 (the one, which shin & yul look for chaeyoung). 'cuz i've looked for OST, it doesn't have that song. thank you,

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To answer ur first question: Only God and Shin know exactly how he feels.. bwuahahaha..

That's the funniest thing I've read since the last time I said this phrase. :lol: It was when snoopy wanted to know if cussing in the subs would be okay and somone said, "just use ho toot." *cracks up* Okay, anyway...

Shin is the posterboy for the phrase, "You don't know what you got til it's gone." Sure, he likes CG, anybody with eyes can see that, but he's got a lot of baggage. For the most part, he's been a jerk with some good tendecies (Cinderella scene, and beginning of ep 16 being the prime examples). And hopefully he can get it together and stick to those tendencies by the time we're all 80.

Speaking of Cinderella, the thought occurred to me that Shin and Hyorin's story, strictly on its own, is sooooooooo sweet. Isn't it???? :D I mean, she's a Cinderella figure in her own right. A poor girl in a rich house who has her own set of messed-up fate, runs away and runs into the Prince, of all people. And they both finally find someone who's as lonely as they are. He loves her despite her humble beginnings, she loves him despite his incredibly unhumble ones. That's a GREAT plot. Dare I say it's sweeter than Shin and CG's. *ducks from campers*

Too bad Hyorin is the way she is. She could have had my favor a long time ago if she realized how good her own story is.

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Guest Telly

Too bad Hyorin is the way she is. She could have had my favor a long time ago if she realized how good her own story is.

i agree, hyo rin didn't realize how lucky she was until chae gyung came into the picture.

i guess 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone' applies to her, too, because she only started 'chasing' after shin when she realized he was going to marry someone else other than her.

she was too ambitious and prideful at first to become 'locked' in the palace like a 'caged bird';

but she never knew what she was missing out on.

and then she sees all these news clips and photos of chae gyung and shin together, she suddenly wishes it was her up there with shin.

ack, regrets, regrets and even more regrets. hopefully kang in can patch her up =)

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Guest HomelessBird

I agree with SnowApple about Hyorin's story (woohoo, for quite a long time, I use her name as it is ). I think the PDs and script writter intend to make every character ( at least the 4 main ones) has their own story, so the viewers would love them more or less. Hyorin and Yul are examples . They suppose to be bad guys here, but the PD want us to give the bad guy some sympathy. I absolutely love that for Yul, but for Ho Toot ... NO ! No matter what the PDs try to make her looks pity(with a poor background ,and talented dancer...etc), I just can't stand her ! Gee ! Oh well, she may have her own story in another drama though, but not with JJH ! JJH is for YEH only ! Lol !

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Guest Pikachu

can someone please upload the song near the end of Ep 14 (the one, which shin & yul look for chaeyoung). 'cuz i've looked for OST, it doesn't have that song. thank you,

If you look at the first page, on the very first post, under the "Goong OST" they have "additional songs" (or something like that) and you'd find the song uploaded on both megaupload and sendspace, plus the romanized lyrics.

PS It's called "Parrot" by Howl (in case you can't find the section I'm talking about in the first post. XD)

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But apple, does Shin know about Hyorin's secrets?

Yes, I do agree that their story is a fairytale in itself. I liked her all the way till the part where she was in Thailand and she saw the news broadcast of Shin's wedding and she had this look on her. I was wondering why would you have that look on you when you refused his proposal and knew that if you didn't marry him, he'd marry someone else? Maybe I'm just weird, but I felt that that was the moment where I saw Hyorin in a diff. light. Of course that wasn't exactly when she went evil, but that was the part for me when I realized that she was jealous. I say we all just blame this on Shin....waddaya say? lol!

Nah, I'm kidding. I think I'mma have another GOONG weekend and see the story from the beginning.

People, REMINDER, please check the first post thoroughly before asking for goodies, our lovely "first-post-maintainer", Ririe (along with Nancy and Theed) have worked hard on it to help all of us. If you can't find what you're looking for, then ask and we GOONGERS will get ya what ya want :D .

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Hmm... I quite agree with ^ the theory as well. But, not to make me feel from converting myself from being ChaeShin shipper. I think Chaegyung said it also in the show, Shin must have love him Hyorin (kekeke) truly, if he never cared about Hyorin's background in the first place. So yeah, I sometimes feel like Chaegyung is the other woman. *kills herself*

Telly... Have I told lately that I love you? Fill my heart with Shinness... Take away all my toot-ness... Over dose me with Shin's back, that's what you do... *throws confettis* {edit}it's a lyric from Rod Stewart's song... you have to sing it first, Telly...

zinc... Thank you for the file!! You've been spoiling us like mad with all the clips. *BIG HUG*

Another upload :

Behind The Scenes ep 17/18 made by fans

(courtesy of zinc@soompi, xiechi & xunyangen@kdocn forum)

Angeline... I think they just want to add drama in this already dramatized (BUT STILL LOVELY & HAWT) show. I mean, the Stooges & Hyorin are taking sides with Yul now. That's just plain wrong. I want my cute Stooges back *devoted Stooges camper*

Now, to all Goongers...


People wanted a Goong IRC chatroom to fangirl/boy and dork around in after episodes, or just to discuss developments in a more live environment than forum threading, and I am here to give you one. :D

First, download an IRC client, whichever, really, though I use mIRC, and it's probably the easiest to use.

Click on the little arrow button, next to the QUOTE..... PM), and you'll be directed to the original post, there's a follow up by the same user down abit. :)

I know I haven't put this on the first post yet, I kinda lost the page number the first time. Please forgive me, I won't do it again in the future *bows*. I promise I'll put it up on the first page asap. *pinkyswear*

Anyway, considering the latest drama in this thread, I think that it's a great idea to actually start on it now. Preparing for the flood of posts which will surely come tomorrow. Of which I'm sure, will be filled with spoilers, especially from people who are going to watch Goong live. We just love to comment on the show. :P

Well, anyway, I'm now free for any technical questions regarding this IRC chatroom, minor ones though. Major questions, I'll try my best. Feel free to PM me with any kind of difficulties you find while you're trying to connect to the chatroom. Like I said, I'll try my best to answer them. :)


Manda-cilik has also offered her help to answer the technical questions. Click her name to send a PM *send her more btw :P... j/k*

Apparently, a guideline/tutorialhas already been made. Manda-cilik has sent me the link. Thank you Manda... *big Hug*

IRC Guide

or you can go here, click it from there.

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Guest Telly

I say we all just blame this on Shin....waddaya say? lol!

meehee, i agree, he needs a good slap/hit/punch/kick =)

maybe his noona can kick his butt for us? =p

but in all honesty, i can't picture hyo rin in chae gyung's wardrobe =| she's pretty, but i can't see her playing cute-sy--especially when she tried pulling a 'cute' one on shin in thailand; it got pretty annoying =|

haha, RIERIE, yay, more confettis =o you deserve an overdose of shin's back and neck and arms and legs, and everything else, because you've been doing such a great job with -the first post- hahahaha =p

also, i found this cute clip of kim jung hoon/yul a few minutes ago =)

it features him riding a horse, moohahahaha, and the video ends with a little encouragement for goong fans =p

download it here

and here's another video clip i found of what really happens behind-the-scenes in the goong set [it's VERY noisy and VERY busy!]

the video is mostly concentrated on yul because yul fans made the video [you can even hear their giggles in the end], but we see a glimpse of chae gyung! hehehehe

download it here

kim jung hoon/yul talking about filming the drama during christmas =p

download it here

watch it on youtube

>> video clip creds go to onlyhoon!

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Guest Pikachu

but in all honesty, i can't picture hyo rin in chae gyung's wardrobe =| she's pretty, but i can't see her playing cute-sy--especially when she tried pulling a 'cute' one on shin in thailand; it got pretty annoying =|

I think this is the main difference between Chae Gyeong and Hyo Rin, and I guess why Shin later on realized why Chae Gyeong is the right one for him to marry. DIdn't he say in ep 11/12 or something that since they have lots of similarities, they would live their whole lives harmoniously since they'll always get along? I guess in some ways that's kind of boring, and with Chae Gyeong... he gets the sprinkle of sugar and spice in his life and it wouldn't seem too monotonous.

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Guest echoRy

Bumble-Gee, Kang In doesn't need to fight for her, who would he be fighting against? Shin is trying to move on with Chae, yet Hyorin doesn't want to let go. If he is to fight with someone, he needs to fight with Hyorin, to make her understand how he feels about her. Why can't these guys just say it already! Only our lovely Yul has expressed how he feels to the girl he loves, but too bad it is his cousin's wife! Aigoo...I have little steamlets coming out from the top of my head.

:lol: who would he fight againts?!!! i guess ur right PoohBear lolxxxooo

KangIn needs a backbone though with Hyorin, dang he should knock some sense into her already.

and did KangIn really say "what's up" to Yul in the preview! he did right, i think i heard it :D

and the way Chae drives is insane. i'd be holding on to my seat for dear life like Shin did!

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Guest uberquirkiness

can you imagine hyo rin in the palace? dressed up in all that traditional korean dresses... ? takes a while. hmmm

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Guest Pikachu

can you imagine hyo rin in the palace? dressed up in all that traditional korean dresses... ? takes a while. hmmm

Well, we did sort of see her in traditional (?) korean clothing in that.... MBC new year's special or something? I don't remember exactly what that thing was but the whole cast were wearing traditional clothing. :o

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Guest tinyxtina

But apple, does Shin know about Hyorin's secrets?

Yes, I do agree that their story is a fairytale in itself. I liked her all the way till the part where she was in Thailand and she saw the news broadcast of Shin's wedding and she had this look on her. I was wondering why would you have that look on you when you refused his proposal and knew that if you didn't marry him, he'd marry someone else? Maybe I'm just weird, but I felt that that was the moment where I saw Hyorin in a diff. light. Of course that wasn't exactly when she went evil, but that was the part for me when I realized that she was jealous. I say we all just blame this on Shin....waddaya say? lol!

Nah, I'm kidding. I think I'mma have another GOONG weekend and see the story from the beginning.

People, REMINDER, please check the first post thoroughly before asking for goodies, our lovely "first-post-maintainer", Ririe (along with Nancy and Theed) have worked hard on it to help all of us. If you can't find what you're looking for, then ask and we GOONGERS will get ya what ya want :D .

To be honest, I had this bad vibe from Hyorin since her first appearance. Just the sight of her I realized that she's the other half of the "love triangle".

Yeah at some point I felt sorry for her like in the earlier episode when she was changing in the ballad room and some of the girls were discussing how Shin was going to marry some "mystery" girl at their school and Hyorin smiled b/c she thought it was all her. However, her response towards Shin confronting the info she got kinda pissed me off and pulled me to dislike her character even more.

I see her as selfish and confused. She can't go on life w/o the guy and for her selfish reasons she decides to get him back even if it means to take him off the throne. Also, how I see her treat CG when all she did was show her nothing but respect, totally boils me. OH YEAH! and that scene at Shin's bday when his friends and Hyorin were making fun of CG in english? Man, that's low.

So when the Thailand incident came around. The fact that she went out searching for him and didn't show it but she emotionally encouraged him to play "hookie" w/ her. OMG! T_T Then towards the end of the trip, she goes as far as kissing him? Even knowing that they have been followed that whole entire day? I mean true... they didn't show them being followed to the airport, but they should have been more careful. However, the fact that she kissed him? She has forever been branded to me as a "homewrecker"

Yul on the other hand. I feel bad for him, yet, he seems to slowly evolve more like Hyorin and his mother. He is truly a gentleman but being the fact that he is flirting w/ CG knowing that it'll not go unnoticed from Shin is still pretty low. And the whole plan is to steal someones wife for himself? C'mon?! Does that ever work in the drama world? -_-

Oh yeah! And another annoying moment, when Shin called on Hyorin when CG was missing? How Hyorin got all offended that Shin asked her if she knew the where abouts of CG and the care in his face. And she had that "How dare you" voice + look. God!!!

Ok... that was my rant.

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Guest Telly

so, i was just re-watching episode 01, and something hit me =)

who else thinks shin fell 'in like' with chae gyung the moment she spilled that water bucket on his shoes?

there was something more there, it wasn't annoyance--more like awe.

i don't think he expected chae gyung to actually stoop down and clean his shoes up for him.

or maybe it's just me and my own weird goong withdrawal? =|

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Guest echoRy

and it was a good "rant" tinyxtina, well said!

it only happenes on television peeps! but i want a satisfactory ending for

most of the characters. Yul the most of course...and even Hyorin.

Mo-toot is the only one i could care less about, she should just be banished again.

the only downside is if she get's a really bad ending, then understandably

Yul won't be happy about it.

TELLSSS- i forgot to thank u for the vids, they're great.

i love the small convos between EunHye & JJH! and KJH's just lovely :wub:

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Guest neverletgo

this thread is growing super fast! i wasn't really planning on watching this drama because the cast didn't seem appealing but it started showing on my alltv korean channel. i only finished watching the third episode but i'm really looking forward to the chemistry between the main two. i wanted to stay away from this thread so that i don't spoil it for myself (i always do in the end) but i can't resist!

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Speaking of Cinderella, the thought occurred to me that Shin and Hyorin's story, strictly on its own, is sooooooooo sweet. Isn't it???? :D I mean, she's a Cinderella figure in her own right. A poor girl in a rich house who has her own set of messed-up fate, runs away and runs into the Prince, of all people. And they both finally find someone who's as lonely as they are. He loves her despite her humble beginnings, she loves him despite his incredibly unhumble ones. That's a GREAT plot. Dare I say it's sweeter than Shin and CG's. *ducks from campers*

Too bad Hyorin is the way she is. She could have had my favor a long time ago if she realized how good her own story is.

Well said, SnowApple.. It totally makes sense, though it doesn't make me hate her less.. She ruined her own reputation ever since she agreed to conspire with Yul's mom..

Jess, the moment when i just lost it with HR was when she thought that the rumoured princess-to-be was her and she confronted him about it *with that proud smile on her face*.. YUCK! How can a person be so over-self-confident as her?? Geez.. does she think that Shin has no face after she dumped him?? Grr... :fury:

I know, in a sense, CG is the "other woman" but she's much more deserved to be the Crown Princess than a deceiving person like HR..

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