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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest Deziel

No, pass. Too Lazy. No time. Mess it up later anyways. I'm always late for school. Nope. Nope. Nope.

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Guest yummers

i make my bed ecery morning without fail. i can't NOT make my bed, it just doesn't feel right leaving home with an unmade bed.

most of my friends just leave their's though cos they don't see the point in making it when it's just gonna get messy again.

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Guest bomjit

nope, i'm more of a 'too lazy' person rather than a person who thinks it's a waste of time making it as it's going to get messy the next morning.

When i have nothing better to do i'll make it.

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Guest _beBiiyOo_

i do! because my mom feaks out if she sees the mess -.-

sometimes i'm just too lazy and when she asks

i tell her: "mom, I'm SO busy for shool!

you undertsand right?" LOL

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Guest ladee_bug

I never make it o_o

But I used to lol.

I should get back into the habit of doing it. It makes my room look worse and messy rofl

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Guest lavenderluv

it bothers me when i dont fix mah bed...

it makes it look like...mah bedroom is messy!!

...so...i alwaise do it...fix mah bed...

nd i yell at mah sis when she doesnt do hers...

like most of u guys/gurls, she says, "wats the point in fixing it, just put it at the corner of the bed."

...dont ask me...i just get annoyed when theyre not fixed

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Guest Hιtσмι

Yep i always make my bed in the morning

my mom forces me to do it when i was little, i was ready to leave for school

she'd call me back into the house and tell me to make my bed....

so i guess it became a habbit...first thing i do is make my bed when i get up

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Guest kayara<3

nope, i never make my bed. unless i'm procrastinating from studying... THEN i make my bed/tidy my room/ do whatever i can to put off studying.. lol.

my parents ALWAYS bug me about it, though... but yeh, i don't see the point. if you're going to be at home, and nobody's going to come over and see your room or anything, then there's no point.

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Guest drgnclwk

no don't see the point when I'm at home unless guests are over or if I'm staying over at someone else's place

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Guest BigBangLuv

ROFL NO... usually my mom nags at me to do it

but then I just ignore her then she does it for me ROFL!

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Guest proFRESHional.

Yes, I make my bed every morning I wake up.

If I'm late to class, then I leave it as it is

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Guest discofuse

I used to but I'm really annoyed now cause the next morning i need to fix it again (daily routine) so i stopped.

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Guest -charmed.

I do . Cause you never know when you'll have guests

and I HAVE to anyways or my mom will keep nagging me >_>

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Guest dorkyy

My parents never tell me to make my bed, I do it on my own when I don't like looking at how messy it looks.

But I never make my bed after I wake up because I'm usually in a rush to get ready for school, rotfl.

I'll mostly likely do it when I get home from school or something, unless it's the last month of school and I'm in that lazy mode and 'too much homework' nonsense; then I throw everything every where.

Regardless. When it gets too messy, I clean it all up.

When I know I have a friend coming over after, I do it right when I get home and lock them out of my room for a few :D

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Guest mndz

i find that there is no point, your gonna mess it up when you go back to sleep.

making it would be wasting your time. :)

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Guest missychick

no point in making my bed plus i like it messed up when i go to bed so i don't have to worry about wrinkleing everything and what not

plus i'm lazy :lol:

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