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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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age: 17

i think its ridiculous. i just got back from chuck e cheeses and there were these

little toddler hispanics dressing like 16 yr olds. wearing boots, bell bottom jeans (?),

spaghetti straps, and had their hair in someway i donno..

it made me go WTF

i'd kick the sheet out my kid if they dressed like that <_<

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Guest asianpanthers

that picture with the girl pointing at her shirt "work in progress/good to go" is photoshopped...i just thought i'd let you know...because you seemed pretty upset about it.

and yeah. i agree. girls should wait until they're at least 16-18 to dress like sluts.

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oh i hate it when i see those littles girls running around the mal with their little coach bags -____-". its like...go home and play with ur easy-bake oven >:o

i miss those days where i was most worried about not be 'it' in the next day's game of tag. ahhahh =P

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Guest be_mellow

I still find it weird to see young girls in heels. It just doesn't seem right. Sometimes their heels are even higher than mine! I don't mind seeing them wearing brand names or anything but I get irritated if they start flaunting their non-existence chest.

I'm 21 btw..

Maybe they wanna boost their midget height :phew::rolleyes:

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Guest skeezeee

Age | 13.

Kay, i really don't see why youngsters who wear Abercrombie

are labeled 'prostitots.' -__- Lmao, as long as they're keeping it clean.

I have a bunch of Hco / A&F clothing. o___O" I'm pretty normal & PG

if you ask me. (;

But I went to the park yesterday &saw these fifth graders.

OMG. Basically flashing everything they think they have at

the monkey baarss. LOL.& I was with a guy friend, too.

believe me, while you 13-year-olds think you are so hot strutting off your stuff in your brand-name clothing and hot underwear, us who are 16+ are kind of snickering.
I guess that happens with everybody. You'll always laugh/judge at the people younger than you.
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Thongs when you're 12 ? Goodness ! Well at the mall I saw boots with heels, like CHUNKY heels, for little 5 year olds. Seriously .. who would buy their kids that. They're just going to fall over. >___<

But maybe some of these "12 year olds" are just 16 year olds that look young, like me. (x

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Guest xdaisiesx3

I'm 15. Personally, I think that it's okay to wear a certain brand of clothing or have accessories; if you can afford it, go ahead. But it's ridiculous when I see the younger crowd cursing like madmen, inserting the word "f.uck" or "s.hit" between every two words they say, or when they're making out with their so called "boyfriends" or "girlfriends" who they last with for a week or so (they just slobber all over each other, thinking they're cool). It annoys me because they think they're being really "cool" in their own ways when in reality, the older crowd looks down on them like they're mentally retarded. But what can we do? There's absolutely nothing we can do to help this situation while the world is just changing. :rolleyes:

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im 17...and yes i roll my eyes at them. honestly that's unnecessary in a pathetic way...even worst if they have a snobby attitude and think they're actually hot.

but...like many ppl mentioned, there's nothing we can do. maybe one day they'll see the light.

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Guest chocopocky

I think it's okay if they afford the clothes as long as they don't flash it around so much. It does bug me when little girls put on so much makeup or try to look sexy when they're not developed yet.. Haha. Oh gosh, this thread is so similar to the little-kids-drinking-starbucks thread from last year.

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Guest hamdainvincible


my friends were 13 and they had DOUBLE D'S and wore make-up; had their butts touched at school; wore all these stuff.

and one of those 2 'double d sized' friends wore a thong, accidentally had her skirt flipped up and showed it all.


they made me feel small and un-matured. D;

but I'm glad I'm not like them now that I think it over.

I hate abercrombie / make-up / etc. (But I'm fine with other girls who buy Abercrombie and look good / fit it)

I'm up to do it when I'm 18, but not now.

I remember my 11 year old friend she asked me if I wore Christian Diore and I was like "WHO?"

and she pulls out her little make-up kit and O.O it was weird. >//<

And VANNESSA HUDGEN'S lil sis with the make-up, bikini, boyfriend. :o

And those little girls at the mall with their little 'fake heels' and little 'purses'.

BLEH; I gag.

I'm 14 btw; Even though only a few ages off of those 'girls'.

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Guest MaryMagdalin


I agree.

I didn`t even think of dressing myself till mid high school

and i didn`t apply makeup till first year of college...

i think kids are getting more spoiled. ( i`m generalizing not all of you obviously)

kids are also noticeably ruder as each generation passes..

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Age: 19

I think it's fine for girls to do the makeup and dress up with fancy brand names ONLY IF their parents ALSO do that. Otherwise, it's painfully obvious that the parents are sacrificing themselves just so they can buy that $1000 LV or Chanel bag their little girl wants. They shouldn't even be wearing thongs until they're in high school. Are they trying to become jailbait? At this age, it's obviously the parent(s)' fault! They're paying for it. It's the parents who don't have control in educating their kids about respecting themselves -.-;

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

I am turning 20 this year and I completely agree with you. I am actually a little bit more extreme.

Abercrombie is actually okay, there is abercrombie kids and a&f aren't that revealing.

But I do got a problem, with kids wearing designer brand clothings.

Like I understand if your family is rich and your mommy buys you expensive stuff, but the ones that have brand name from head to toe.

Especially in Canada, TNA bag, TNA jacket, UGGS. Like wearing $1000 on their body.

Well I blame the adults.

Kids just act like kids.

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Guest thislove

age: 21

I agree with all of u guys. I don't like seeing young girls dressing up as adults too but can't do anything about it. It seems like kids are growing up too fast these days. I remember when I was 12 I was still wearing shoes from payless. :rolleyes:

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Guest rufflezz

age: 15

believe me, while you 13-year-olds think you are so hot strutting off your stuff in your brand-name clothing and hot underwear, us who are 16+ are kind of snickering.

Omg, seriously. Whenever I go and visit my elementary/middle school teachers, I see these girls trying to pull off those slutty looks. It makes me want to barf. Young girl these days are following the media, which is NOT even a good influence to them. What the heck happened to playing with barbie dolls?! Geez, just because they have the money, definitely not the looks, doesn't mean that they should be struttin' like little slots .__.;

Let's just say.. some girls try too hard for attentions >__<;

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I'm kind of jealous when I see little 12-13 year olds with designer bags and clothes. But yeah, I see a lot of them around and me and my friends are always laughing (silently of course). Seriously, do they really need all that stuff?

And I remember one time a group of little middle school kids were laughing at ME because I was wearing a Disney's Thumper (you know, the bunny?) shirt and they were all in their abercrombie stuff. Hey! Just because I'm older than you doesn't mean I can't dress childishly once in a while. I think those kiddie shirts are pretty cute if you know how to wear them right. :P

I'm 17 btw...

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