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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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kids these days. <_<

what were their parents thinking? :blink:

i tend to laugh really hard when i see some young graders wearing clothes like that with super thick make ups on like they're in beijing opera or smth in shopping malls.

im 16 btw.

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Guest Dollyholic



It's okay when the 12/13 year olds wear abercrombie, but thongs? :crazy:

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Guest l3luenoOdles

i myself is 13 and i AGREE!!! i want people to act their age and to stop trying to be someone else!!!!!! it annoys me on how hard they try to be 'cool' and they think that by buying those 'brand' clothes they'll fit in and be 'cool' >.<

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Guest sodapop

hahah, kids like that made me not want to go to my mall back home anymore. although i feel the same way about highschoolers too...i might just be getting old.

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Guest kawaiimonstarr

i dont really care. it actually explains alot about them.

i dont usually judge ppl. by there looks, but i do. i do.

sometimes, they look even older than me. i look like a 11 year old and im 16!!

but sometimes, i think its wrong. esp, when they show too much skin. nope!

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Guest JOONIE.su

I'm 17 and I die of laughter when I see 14 year olds or younger trying to dress like they're 3 years older. Honestly, their outfits are HORRENDOUS. The makeup looks noob and they end up looking like clowns.

You might think you're hot and all, but trust me, when us real teenagers look at you, WE DIE OF LAUGHTER.

Dress your age please. Enjoy the carefree phase while it lasts ;)

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Guest chineseduckling

im 15, but i look older than i really am, so i include myself as part of the older group, not the one trying to be old.

it really scares me to see girls in 7th grade carry their juicy couture and dooney and bourkes sometimes when i pass the middle school. its like...wow.

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Guest Disco_Mouse

i'm 20.

i agree. i've always been thinking about this issue for a long time. Cleavage? Thongs? Why don't they just go to school NAKED. Less things the better, right? Why don't they also get rxped by a lot of weirdos aging from 14+, cuz they obviously look like they're asking for it.

anyways, about the whole brand stuff...if they can go get a job and work for it, then its cool. If they bug their parents for it, BOO. They're spending their college money. lol

If they wear too much make up, it'll ruin their face. You don't know the long term side effects is going to be. The next thing they know is that they look like a deformed frog when they reach 20.

When I was around that age, I didn't know any brands like coach, LV, etc. (until when I was 18 or 19). I have never been interested in wearing a thong, cuz I hate wedgies and I heard it gave people bladder problems. As for make up, I only had one black eyeliner, which I only used 2 times throughout the whole school year and then lost it. Right now I only use products to help my acne and my oily face.

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im 14...i dont wear clothes like that and i've never touch makeup in my life ><

i like to be conservataive and wear non-reavealing clothes...lol xD i dont even have clothes from Abercrombie...=/ not my style

and i hate kids who wear clothes like that ><;; and im seriously glad that my friends are not like that xP

this is the reason why im sometimes scared to go to the mall lol xD

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I'm 14... I like perfume (: It smells nice. But it isn't as if I spray enough to choke someone or anything. I don't like LV to begin with so I'd never wear that. I do like Dior though. Abercrombie is... Not available here. And I think my mother would kill me if I went and bought a thong so no go there. I don't really think I'd flaunt what I don't have or whatever, I have seen people like that and it creeps me out...Sooo... I am hopefully none of that aside from the perfume thing. :sweatingbullets:

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oh geez this topic again... lol

sometimes its not even the child's fault. a lot of the spoiled kids i know are spoiled because their parents are the ones who decide to buy expensive clothes for them FIRST. they dont go around demanding their parents to buy them marc jacobs, d&g, etc. their parents and other family members are usually the ones who say "hey, wear this, it'll look cute!" and then they'll start liking that brand. they come from very high-class, wealthy families, and are expected to follow. if thats the case, then i really dont know why people should bash them. if they have the money to do so, let them be.

no matter what, people will ALWAYS complain about what the younger generation is wearing. they will bash even though they don't know the kids personally. there are some extreme cases (like the pictures the TP posted), but most of the time, its not even that much of a big deal. what will complaining do? kids these days are growing very fast compared to the past, and even the economy is moving fast. more money = more designer brands = more complaining.

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Guest yourface

i don't think it's just a 13,14,15 year old thing.

Have you seen those little kids that are like 6-10 that wear revealing clothing or clothing that have unnecessary writing on it?

That's what I call despicable because it actually reflects how their mothers dress them. And sometimes they are a minature doll of their mom. I'm 16 and I constantly see little girls that wear clothes that I would never touch or consider wearing. IT'S WRONG.

I saw this little girl wearing a mini skirt, revealing singlet, boots and carrying a purse. THAT'S NOT RIGHT. IT WASN'T EVEN HOT. IT'S NOT EVEN CUTE.

But to the actual topic which is about 13-15 year olds I'm pretty whatever about it. So long as it doesn't affect me. It's their choice if they wish to look like a richard simmons and a complete try hard and ruin their face and making themselves look ugly. Seriously I'd only get uptight about it if somebody I'm close to does that. But apart from that it's their choice.

I don't hate it. But i don't love it. BUT THONGS? WTF?

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Why are we hating on the kids for? It's not their fault. And we can't blame the parents either, because they just want their kids to be happy. 13/14 is a pretty sh-t age to be. You're not really a little kid anymore, but you're not quite a teenager either. I remember being really awkward and not knowing where I fit in at that age. And at that young age, they're easily influenced. So I guess we have the media to blame. Everything is about money these days. They're exposed to all this sexual content on TV every day. Heck, even my 6-year-old sister is a bit... like that. But what can we do about it? Throw the TV out?

Oh and I'm 16.

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it's disturbing to know that junior high kids & elementary kids are shopping at abercrombie, hollister, american eagle, juicy couture, etc.

they're too young !

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i think it's creepy if they are preteens...i don't mind if they were abercrombie as long as they can afford it n plus if its the kids version of the store..if they have designer purses..well i find that disturbing..maybe because i feel like once they get older, they would want something more..more expensive..and that's the time when they get out of hand..

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I'm 20.

This kind of stuff drives me insane. Primarily because they're trying to ACT older, so they think by dressing more "maturely" (yes, because thongs, expensive A&F clothes, and D&B/LV bags really make you more mature) they'll automatically become "more mature." WOW. Childhood is GREAT. I remember in 6th-8th grade, where I didn't have a care in the world, and I dressed in old ratty jeans FINALLY JUST stopped wearing sweatpants (I hated jeans up until 6th grade) and ratty sweatshirts and I didn't care.

And now that I am at a more "mature" stage (with bills, classes, college, grad school apps, internships, etc), I really really miss those days. Being "more mature" is NOT more fun than back then. Yeah, there are some mild benefits (like a car and driving), but on the whole: I'd much rather be at home not caring about how I look and taking the schoolbus home everyday.

It's pretty sad, but that's how technology is working and evolving and media and marketing is really just making people think that they need/want/deserve a lot more than they really do need/want/deserve. I have a younger brother who is 15 and when *I* was 15 (a mere 5 years ago), I did even THINK about owning a cellphone. Now, he throws a fit if he doesn't get "exactly the one he wants" along with a generous monthly plan (something like unlimited texting and internet access or whatever). You're in SCHOOL -- with a cellphone blocker -- for 8 hours of the day!!!! WHEN are you going to be using this phone?

it's amusing to read the 'enraged' reactions of those 12-13 year olds that are replying to this thread.

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Guest hfkpo mae

ok im 13 :}

umm i dont care if the kids are wearing designer stuff but it pisses me off when people my age have their boobs showing and crap when they dont even have boobs :o

they might have a LITTTTLE but theyre just kiddie boobies :P

yeah its stupid like helllllllla

ummm i wear abercrombie and stuff my self but not anymore i used to like last year?

but now its just about having style and not about what brand.

but i dont think looking good is bad. but HAVE SOME CLASS!

always gotta keep it classy stay covered up until you have something to show =]

as for makeup, i think its ok as long as its not CAKEY. i think cakey is friggin ugly. but yeah

but what i cant understand is why parents would let their kids wear these stupid shirts like that one "good to go" thing. damn that pissed me off. im guessing kids who are allowed to wear those things have parents that dont care about their childs future reputation? or maybe their parents alone dont have any class.

seriously. look good, not like a HO!

edit!-- i forgot to say that if my mom doesnt approve of something thats not "classy" i cant wear it :} well i can, but she'll just think im dressing sleezy hhaha cus my mom is all about being classy and dressing pretty and being ladylike but still being totally stylish

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