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When 12 Year Olds, 13 Year Olds Wear Abercrombie, Lv, Perfume, Thongs And Dress 5 Years Older.

Guest chimneytoplove

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Guest justxlouise

These little kiddies tend to think they're very "mature"

So mature they think they're adults

Boy do they have a lot to learn

But then again, they may just be conformists

Yes I'm only 15, but I'm not dressing 5 years older than I am

But hell, I don't care if I wear branded items or not

Brands are just brands, every item is a brand

I really do dislike the kiddies getting all dressed up for nothing though

Maybe to impress the boys but heck, wtf ;S

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Guest malachi

age: 16

most of the elementary and middle schoolers where i live dress slutty and try to pull the 'rich' look. the boys all try to be cool skaters and lug their skateboards around everywhere even though they suck at it, but the thing that bugs me the most about kids nowadays is their attitude. they all think they're so hot and cool and try to act so grown up, it's almost laughable. little kids have yelled racist things at me when i'm just walking down the street. when i walk past some of them, i usually hear them swearing and talking about stupid racist things. at the mall, little 12 year old girls with super skinny jeans, air jordans and coach purses try to act as if they're better than me. it just seems really funny and sad at the same time.

i don't really care about what they're wearing, but the attitudes of most of the kids these days are terrible. they need to learn how to be mature before they end up in jail by the time they're 20.

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Guest treehunny

age: 19

i don't mind them wearing a&f because that's the style for their age i guess (?). makeup and thongs? whaaat. kids are so eager to grow up and in the wrong direction! i mean for crying out loud, i don't even wear makeup! what's WRONG is their parents supporting every bit of it for paying for their stuff. no 12 or 13 year old can afford LV. c'mon now...

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Guest kokichi

18 year old. I think its disgusting. They should just act like regular kids and have fun at chuck E cheeses or something instead of trying to show their goodies when they're flat like a wall.

Dude my 6 year old cousin wanted a two piece swim suit to like attract boys in her swimming class. She was saying how her one piece whatever swim suit didn't show enough skin. I was like OMG!

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Guest SweetSerein

20 years old--i dont wear any of those stuff

I totally agree with what you're saying. its so funnie and sad that nowadays, these young girls are wearing short @$$ skirts & tops..with their "birdnest" hairstyles..brand name stuff..you name it! little girls arent little girls anymore...*tears* im glad my little sister is still very kiddish. anyways im somewhat bothered that they are trying to act older but not really to..i dont really care cause as long as it aint me then its all good. they can do whatever they want..its just sad..that's all!

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Guest bonbons

this is why I won't have kids especially girls when if i ever get married. I'm afraid that my kids will turn out to be these...children. >< I'm not saying that i'll be a bad mother, I'm just afraid that there's a BIG chance of them doing something like it haha. ><

I never wanted to look like whatever look they're trying to go for. when i was like 12 i wanted to go to chuck e cheese all the time and play at the arcade o_o;;;

I went to a Sephora store and saw these girls(not older than 13) wearing designer clothing and TONS(like totally caked on) of make up, and this little girl about 10 prancing like she owns the store with a big attitude. i kind of wanted to go up to them and slap them for dressing and acting like that. teach them the right way. i wanted to slap the mother more though lol.

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Guest resa_massu

age: 21

i do think children are growing up faster in our generation. its a shame they want to feel older.

its just dangerous in a way but hey, what can we do. its up to the parents to deal with their children.

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Honestly this coming generation is growing faster and faster. I didn't even know crushes and such...even when I was 12 years old.

And then I hear like 11 year olds having bfs/gfs!? I'm like WHAT THE...I didn't even know anything until I was like 15-16?

lol 2 years ago was when I figured out theres such things as liking a person. While these 8 year old kids talk about it as if it were nothing.

I guess innocence is going down the drain even more. I'm soo sad, I worry about the future.

I am too. I'm turning 16. I never wear makeup. Not even for a special occasion. I personally dont want to spend money on any makeup :sweatingbullets: . I'm not a girly girl, i dont like to wear dresses, skirts, short shorts, ect but i find it really annoying to see those girls dress and act like that esp if they're 11 and under. oh man.

I'm worried about my future kids.

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Guest tranced_azn

Age 17 and YES whenever I see those tweeny girls in the skimpy clothes and think they're oh so cool because they have cell phones, wear makeup, and have "designer" clothes I just cringe :vicx: sometimes it's even worse when I see a mother wearing Juicy sweats and a Hollister tee, with an LV bag with her 10 year old daughter in the same exact clothes. It's a very horrible sight but hey, they're not bothering me. Unless they get all snobby and get up in my face, well...I'll give them a piece of my mind :angry:

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I always find it bizarre to see girls wearing skanky (ahem, pardon me.. I mean, mature) clothes at younger ages than ever before. When I was in middle school, none of the "trends" were mature beyond their years

I guess it really does have to do with the media's growing prominence in our lives. uuugh not good

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im 14.. and ive owned too many designer bags such as lv chanel and dior bags especially.. i also have alot of designer clothing and personally i dont see anything wrong with it the majority of people at my school own one lv bag or a dior bag by the time there in year 9 or 10 .. not surprisedddd !!

.. im more looking into long term investments not like little one season peices ..

make up .. everyone wears it , u have to start at some age, most people at my school start in year 7 (about 12 - 13) its normal .. i dont find it unusual

edit :: i meantt its very unusual for someone at my school not to have any makeupp .. and in australia its very common for someone to have makeup not too sure about other areas

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Guest xkrankydankyx

my friends and i always laugh when we see little kids wearing skimpy stuff too

but hey, the parents are the ones that are LETTING their kids wear them

i think it's pretty ridiculous how some of these kids dress

kids need to hold back the makeup these days too

there's nothing wrong with dressing your age

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Guest mytigerlily

age: 19, 20 this year

kids will be kids i guess. looking back, i hated myself when i was in middle school. always trynna be cool and just fit in. i think middle schoolers have nothing else to really think about other than that. before fitting in didn't require expensive clothes, accessories, or makeup, it was all about who your friends were, how many friends you had, and more based on personality.

it's kinda sad to see this younger generation turn into media hungry tots. it only makes you wonder what they'll be like in high school. i mean, teenage angst is bad enough without the whole brand name/makeup/revealing clothes. imagine if they started young? *shudders.

and also: the third picture is obviously photoshopped. surprised no one really saw that?

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Age: 18

Lol. I like that, prostitots.

Honestly, it annoys me to no end. I used to work at Forever 21 and used to be absolutely amazed when these 12-13 year olds would come up to the register with total club clothing (and the cash to pay for it all). I just think its absurd, and unnecessary, and I can't understand why their parents let them dress like that, much less fund that type of dressing.

Kids these days.

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Age: 19. turning 20 this year.

I find it utterly disturbing to see little 12 or 13 year olds dressing all sexy, or showing off their bodies. Good lord, they aren't even developed yet! I wish they would cherish their childhood more, because once it's gone, it's gone. I don't know why these girls are rushing to grow up, I would love to go back to my careless childhood days, lol.

I also don't see why they have to cake their face with makeup. I didn't even start to put on makeup until I went to my senior prom, and that was just for prom. I don't even wear makeup daily, just only when I go somewhere nice.

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Whenever i go to the mall (or even looking around on Soompi) , and there are kids who are 12, 13, 14 even, who wear Gucci, Prada, makeup and heels, thongs, perfume, and abercrombie and have these LV purses.......a part of my soul always withers away, shrivels up, and dies a bit. whenever i'm at the malls with my friends and we see kids like these, we try not to laugh, but it is hard.

Age: 16~

i have to agree on that one. i remember when i first came to australia, i saw all these little kids and people my age (i was 12 that time) wearing makeup.. not just make up, its like CAKED ON.

my first reaction: :crazy: ????

i remember when i was a kid, gosh.. (about hmm.. 10?) i was so lame >_> i tried so hard to be cool and fit in =.=;; good thing i realized it was useless after about 6 months and stopped caring about it ^^ kids will always be like that, but what disturbs me is that the age for this keeps.. going down..

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Guest dreamyxxx

i'm 16

and i agree with you

it's quite sad how kids these days dress like theyre 20 or something

i was walking around the mall and i see a bunch of what, 12 yr olds?

they were wearing SUPER short minis with high heels and a whole lot of make up caked on and all

wasn't a pretty sight =\

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