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[jp Upcoming Drama] 絶対彼氏。 Zettai Kareshi. Absolute Boyfriend

Guest cee.jay

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Guest sunnydays.

Haha, oh man, I thought I was the only one who literally cried through the last few episodes of this drama.

But... i'm glad you guys did too. :P LOL.

Anyway. :| I miss this drama. It was a great watch - very funny & super touching. I fell in love with Night at the end. Siiigh. He totally grew on me. (: & the ending! Totally surprising, but I like how they did it.

I thought they'd end with a Soshi x Riiko, but they didn't. Well, it's kind of open, since Night is gone T___T, but they established Night x Riiko when Riiko chose Night once & for all. <3 I was so happy when she did. ;]

Oh man. It's so crazy, I cried so much. XD; Siiigh. But I seriously liked the development of Night's character from being a robot to more human-like. His acting definitely portrayed that, imo. (:

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Guest adorkableheo

this drama is so cute~

but the ending was :tears:

this was the second jd that got

me hooked beside hana yori dango.

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Guest mookie

For those in SF bay area, KTSF 26 is showing ZK every Sunday night 9:30 to 10:30!! It's without subs and on ep 5 already last night, but who cares?! :D

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last weekend, I spent whole sunday watching this drama, i had no life LOL

At first, I was disappointed that the drama wasn't like the manga.

I wasn't really interested watching it, because Night character was too stupid, unlike Night in the manga. He's like a kid.

But the storyline was getting better from episode 5 and I couldn't stop watching it.

The last 30 mins of the last episode, I was crying the whole time tears.gif

The part when Riiko watched Night's video was the worst.

I was so glad that my hubby wasn't around at the time, 'cuz I was too embarrassed crying in front of him.

Right now, when I'm thinking about the end scene, it still makes my eyes glossy. I'm so weak. T_T

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Guest angel_cutie

i started reading some of the manga but it was just tooo hard to wait for them cuz i have to borrow them from the library so i decided to watch them instead

took me 2 days ^^"

the drama is sooo fuuny annnd cute and dorky~~ i didnt get why rikko was so mean to him..like ignoreing him and stuff haha but then after he saved her they got so close i was soo happy haha

it was sooo sad in the end omg..i started getting reallly sad in epi 10 but i cried so much at the end of epi 11 and throughout 12 cuz i knew he was gonna die T_________T

night is soooo sweet omg...he isnt the ideal boyfriend for rikko only

i think hes an ideal for many others too. -sigh-

i dont know if i want to continue reading the manga..haha

its different from the book even thoe i only read like 3 so far but yah...

>.< i love the drama sooo much

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Guest sakura_dubai

it's a great drama.. i really liked it even though the ending was a bit sad. but it's true.. robot can't be real lover, so it's a good idea that even though you can find such thing in this world, it still can't last forever.. well it's like human being in this case.. but the idea of robot lover is good for many girls, but in theend, they can find their lovers somewhere around them..

even though he was a robot, he showed feelings.. and the word 'ai mini coopereru' became more and more powerful and with a lot of meanings..

To be able to act like a robot, i'm sure he did a great job. it was really hard to do, but he looked like a robot with all the movements and sound effects. Japanese drama has showed us a great ideas, with a great story.

I have read the manga before the drama, and it's so similar, but since i haven't finished the manga, i couldn't tell the ending.. but a friend told me about it.. so i was expecting it. Japanese are really good in making mangas into dramas.. the director knows how to make things different from its original. the feelings, the reality...etc so i really would love to thank everyone who worked on this drama, it's not easy to make something great, and this is just very great :)

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I have finished watching this drama and I really agree that this drama is one of the best Japanese drama I have watched lately. I did cried a few times while watching it because some parts are really touching, and you just cry before you know. The ending was good and pretty well explained but I still don't like the ending because I wish they can always be together since knight is a robot.

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Guest incomplete.

I love it

although at first I hate Riko for being mean to Night

and I just simply can't get enough of Night and Soshi XD

It was sad TT I cried a lot watching the last 2 episodes

I wish they have different ending but it was still good though

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Guest LionAngel

i skipped the first few episodes of this drama because i can't stand

riiko always ignoring and being mean to Night T___T but i loved the ending..

gahhh it was so touching especially the scene where

night was recording himself a message to riiko T____T

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I finished watching the drama a couple days ago, but it didn't hook me unlike the manga. I was

disappointed the storyline changed so much in the drama. And the Riiko character annoyed me

so much... but I managed until the end. The ending was definetely tearful!

In the end, Manga > Drama. They should've kept the storyline.

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Guest mookie

Congrads to Moko and Aibu for getting some recognition in The 57th Japanese Drama Academy Awards (touted as the Japanese Oscars for TV)

Results from the latest issue of The Television(20/8) below:

List of Awards

Voted by: The Television readers, official judges, TVcritics/reporters

Best Drama:

1) Last Friends


3) Around40

4) Gokusen3

5) Osen

Best Male Lead:

1) Takuya Kimura(CHANGE)

2) Hayami Mokomichi(Zettai Kareshi)

3) Mizobata Junpei(Hachiban Diver)

Best Female Lead:

1) Nakama Yukie(Gokusen3)

2) Amami Yuki(Around40)

3) Nagasawa Masami(Last Friends)

Best Male Supporting:

1) Nishikido Ryo(Last Friends)

2) Eita(Last Friends)

3) Abe Hiroshi(CHANGE)

Best Female Supporting:

1) Ueno Juri(Last Friends)

2) Fukatsu Eri(CHANGE)

3) Saki Aibu(Zettai Kareshi)

Best Drama Song: Prisoner Of Love - Utada Hikaru(Last Friends)

Best Directors: Kato Hiromasa, Nishisaka Mizuki, Endo Mitsutaka (Last Friends) (*wtf*)

Best Screenplay/Script: Asano Taeko (Last Friends) (*wtf*)

I'll just say it in this thread, but it's a disgrace that even professionals voted for LF. It's the most frustrating drama I have endured with some terrific sincere acting that at times I wanna poke my eyes out in contempt of the writing AND directing.




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Guest xdeathberry

ugh. I hated the drama.

She was soooo freaking mean to Night!


Ignoring him up 'til the last ep.


manga > live action

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Guest mookie

I miss the drama, TT_TT.

but I have to disagree to one of the poster.. Last Friends deserve those awards. IMO.

That poster must be me. I used to follow and was intrigued by LF early last season, thought it had some provoking themes but it failed in execution so horrendously towards middle, totally unacceptable plot twists towards to end, it's the most frustrating jdrama I've seen in years and years to come. Just coz it tried to talk about many serious issues, doesnt mean it was good when it was not dealt with the necessary sincerity, respect and thought. All the touchy topics of DV, homosexuality was manipulated, trivialized and thrown around for ratings. A total sell out. So it didnt deserved many of the awards esp on the directing and writing and not just imo, it's a matter of consequences when a trendy drama tackle these serious issues and didnt bother with channeling any realism into it, romanticizing/ glorifying DV perpetrator was downright deplorable.

Acting-wise Ueno was indisputable, but Eita did a terrific job with quiet dignity and was robbed.

ugh. I hated the drama.

She was soooo freaking mean to Night!


Ignoring him up 'til the last ep.


manga > live action

To each its own, I hated the manga, it didnt make one ounce of sense even considering silly highsch girl frothy romantic sentimentalities. She took things for granted, she was mean to Naito, but that's human. It was welll explained and plotted out as she's quite a conservative stuck up girl to start out with and for her to just fall for a robot no matter what is moronic. I do agree she didnt HAVE to be so mean to Naito and treated him as bad, but I cant guarantee I wont do the same considering there's no consequences in being a b8tch to a robot, he'll still stick around and be a perfect sweetheart.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OMG I LOVE this drama!

It's the most beautiful love story I've ever seen.

I don't like the ending though. It's too heartbreaking. I've never cried so much. It's funny how I both smile & cry when watching the last few eps. wish Riiko would end up with Night. If i'm Riiko, I'll probably die together with him or live the rest of my life miserably.

Hayami Mokomichi... you're totally a heart stealer. He and Aibu Saki make such a nice couple. I wish they'd go out in real life. It would be a dream come true... sigh.... I can't get this drama out of my head yet. It's so beautiful & captivative sigh sigh

The chemistry between Riiko and Night was so sweet and pure.

I so was hoping for Night to go back to live in the very last seconds where they show the laboratory room where he laid. I wish there would be another episode. I want to see if Riiko has pursed her dream of becoming a pastissier.

I don't want Night to just die like that. I want him to be with Riiko >.< WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????

After watching the drama, I feel like Night is growing in me & I can feel his emotions & feelings. I wish someone like him would exist.

The best Jdrama i've watched. It was funny, sweet, sad, romantic... and so worth watching.

Sorry for the ranting.

Totally recommended this drama <33333

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I was attracted by the cover of a DVD of this drama which only cost me USD6. I was not expecting anything as I have not read any reviews about it. But then after checking the forum here, and then watched it non-stop for a week, I would agree that this was one of the most touching, heart-warming and coolest Japanese dramas I have seen for a long time. All the actors and actresses really suited the role. Yes, I also could not help but cry non-stop in the last 1 hour of the last episode. I would highly recommended this, too. But get prepared with Kleenex at the end.

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