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[jp Upcoming Drama] 絶対彼氏。 Zettai Kareshi. Absolute Boyfriend

Guest cee.jay

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thanks dionne_wu for the summary synopsis!

episode 11 was perfect. i'm really going to miss night :(

i couldn't stop crying when i was watching night's video to riiko.

i wish i could find a boyfriend like that <3

what a perfect ending.

zettai kareshi is one of my few favorite jdoramas.

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Guest --hearts.

I was impressed with how they ended it. Initially, I was worried how it would turn out, but they did a good job. I sense best acting awards coming up for this. <3

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Guest rokky123

The last ep gave me a bit of heartache

ALMOST cried but my sis was with me so i didnt :lol:

Ill miss this drama <3

This drama is deff goin to my 'fav drama' list ^^

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Guest mookie

@ 13 hearts: I do hope so!! :D But realistically, it's improbable for Moco with his physical attributes to get the his fair share of praises as an actor, rewatching his previous works, his acting is more subtle and never overboard compared to actors in his generation, instead of gaining him praises of controlled performances no matter how easy the role may seems, he was snuffed off as being wooden/cant act... I am guilty too, had a preconceived prejudice against him not being able to act and totally expecting just some flashings of pecs and eye candy, how wrong I am. Eita did a good job, but LP was an overrated dorama for me, Kimura is still in his own game (same old) in Change, which held my interest mildly....but not as surprisingly captivating and gripping as ZK. I didnt watch other doramas this season to judge. But just the prejudice against acting as a robot and being trivialized as just being himself and thus is effortless for the role.... I'm not putting my $ on Moco getting his well deserved acting award with his Naito. (But he'll be our fans fav, at least in this thread! :) )

This is a clip of Moco and Aibu promoting ZK finale on 6/24 笑っていいとも. Moco was being sexually harrassed by that comedienne... <_<


Nice simple wallies (last ep)




credit: TimeRegained@ baidu.com

cute gif (last ep):


source and credit: °速水點點@ baidu

more can be found here: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=423732505

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Guest ethopia

just finished it a while ago...

still crying my eyes out hehehehe...

me too im gonna miss night (he soooo kawaii at the last scene.. like i wanted to kiss him so that he can wake up) :lol:

loved the whole series esp 10 and 11... coz it made me cry hahaha... good thing im all alone watching this so i have no

limitations in crying :lol:

i hope and wish there would be a SP... but i have the feeling it will have one...

is there any guys left in this world like night?? contact me! hahahahhaa...

ZK is one of my top 5 fav jdoramas now.. (HYD 1 and 2, hana kimi to name a few) ;)

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First of all, thanks seirin for briefly translating that Veoh clip! :) Thank you!

I think u r missing how marvelous he's capturing his Night by a very long shot if u r critizing his acting as u've mentioned.

Again, sorry if there r spoilers splattered here and there in my long post. :blush:

I do think he has been 'hyperventilating' whenever his system has been having prob dealing with his humanly emotions. As soon as the overheating cropped up as of end of 8..he's been 'breathing' like that.

So I think u r being quite overzealous in criticizing his acting when u r assuming it's 'breathing' of a robot. If u look at it as a computer's cooling system with a fan circulating cool air and doing its thing.... that'll totally fit the bill.

And also, analyzing it more fr what the essence of Night's problem is concerned, he was developing a whole seperate id, which is no diff than urs or mine, ie a human, with humanly emotions, alongside his robotic self. His main IC cant handle all the conflicting data and quit/burnt. So it's totally plausible when he can be robotic one moment and totally human the next, he's esp human when he's having human emotions/feelings, but when it's back to binary rationality, esp with his dealings with Namikiri, he's robotic. What u find odd is actually an amazing calculated subtle job of Hayami since it's not sporadically happening without any explanations.

As I have mentioned I'm not really a fan of either of the guys before ZK, but talking about odd acting that stood out like sore thumbs...I would have to give it to most scenes Hiro was in. I thought all along Riiko can end up with either Night or Soshi and the story will still be reasonable, but that is solely based on Riiko having feelings for Soshi, I really didnt see Soshi/ Hiro showing enough of what his character's going thro. Esp that huggin scene in ep 6/7, it's odd and non romantic and Hiro looked blank and shocked when he should at that moment convey some feelings for Riiko in his eyes at least. But I only got a blank glare of pure shock, nth more...and that is repeated thro-out all the latter scenes when I was hoping Soshi is less a handsome cardboard cut-out of all empty talk. I totally was disappointed with the scene of Soshi and Riiko in 11 when he should be trying his mightiest to get the girl, but I'm along with Riiko feeling nth and not touched a bit with his whiny delivery. He has always been a player, he hasnt really done anything for Riiko and there and then he's manipulating his advantage of him being a human being vs Night being a robot and uttered those empty promises of only him being able to grow old with Riiko... I think if Hiro has put in some more Soshi's self doubt /longing for Riiko in those pleads instead of overacting and almost yelling as if complaining of Riiko making the impossible choice(with his usual glare again), at least I would be able to connect with what he's going thro. Maybe it's coz he has no chemistry with Aibu, coz I find his scenes with his bro or even Night in last ep way more palatable.

Thank you dionne, that is a marvelous, touching synopsis. I enjoyed reading it almost as much as watching it! :wub:

Well, I'm not saying Mokomichi didn't do a good job acting as Night. But I just noticed some odd stuff. I suppose I could understand why he acts robotic at times if he's fighting with 2 sides of himself. But I don't really buy the hyperventilation thing... Usually if my computer acts up it makes weird noises but doesn't actually shake per say. I can understand if he grabs his heart region. Maybe that's where the fan or battery is located? His main IC is in his head. Well, maybe I am over analyzing robots. I thought the shake was good though. He seemed like a mechanism malfunctioning.

As for Hiro, I didn't really notice him very much ^^; I just see him as an ikemen but he didn't do anything for me. Sometimes I have a tendency to like supporting actors if the role was done well like Rui in HYD or Nakatsu in HK but I didn't root for Soushi in the drama. I thought Soushi in the manga was better.

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Guest MoonBlue

But realistically, it's improbable for Moco with his physical attributes to get the his fair share of praises as an actor, rewatching his previous works, his acting is more subtle and never overboard compared to actors in his generation, instead of gaining him praises of controlled performances no matter how easy the role may seems, he was snuffed off as being wooden/cant act...

But just the prejudice against acting as a robot and being trivialized as just being himself and thus is effortless for the role....

Can't agree more. Of the forums I've visited, those who criticise his acting are mostly comparing him with the Night from the manga whom, ideally should be more animated and not so robotic. But who's to say that adapatations have to carbon-copies of the original? Each actor has their own interpration of the character and I'm sure his portrayal was given consent by the director and probably the mangaka herself. His rigid robotic movements not only added colour and humour, but also served to remind us that he was indeed a robot ~ an element that makes this drama different from your typical two-guys-and-a-girl love triangle and somewhat more realistic and believable than the manga itself. What impressed me most was his ability to show consistency through out: with his eyes always rolling first before he turns his head, followed by his torso turning and finally his legs; him tumbling down the hill with legs straight unlike humans who would always bend their knees to protect themselves; and him showing the same curvature on his lips whenever he smiles. He doesn't have a very good track record in terms of acting but I think people are writing him off far too casually that this time he simply fit the bill because expressionless monotonous robots are easy to play, when he clearly has put in a lot of effort to this particular role. To a degree, I think it is even harder to convey emotions when your gestures and tone of speech are so limited (and moreso when you've been degraded from a perfect flawless boyfriend to that of the annoying undesirable third wheel -_-).

Anyhow, what really matters is how the mangaka thinks and from her official blog, she seems to be moved by his performance in that last scene end of episode 9...so he must be doing something right.

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Guest miki_chan

Just finished it too. Cried my eyes out :(

Im impressed by ep 11 . Although heartbreaking, heartwarming also.

One of my fav dramas. I loved it.

I sense awards coming too ~ I hope they make a SP. or something.

such a great drama.

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Guest vintagechutzpah

i was starting to hate the drama version since the action between night and rikko was so slow compared to the manga but the ending kicked richard simmons! i was crying buckets of tears!

i hope korea also makes another version!

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I actually didn't like the drama and thought it was veryy disappointing- especially Night. I thought he was too robotic.. and I was also hoping for a high school thing but that didn't happen either. lol

But I'm satisfied. They did a good job- the changes they made seem necessary now.. and the last episode was pulled off well. I'm gonna miss Night~ that was so sad. I'm glad they ended it that way, though. I was worried that they'd do something weird. ^^;;;

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Guest f_r_E_a_K

^Yes, they crafted Episode 11 very, very well.

Ahh, even though I was one of the few who never really did like Night (more of a Soshiiko person :lol:), even the last ep proved to give some credit to Night from me. Great series overall though! :D

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Guest Storytime

This drama was awesome. To be honest, I haven't cried so hard in so long. The characters were perfect and Aibu was so cute. I actually liked the changes they made to the storyline, and I found Night so lovable. I was always torn between Night and Soushi. They definitely need a SP, even though I couldn't change the ending for the world.

I was so sad when Night died though. T__T

I think this is my favorite Jdrama yet.

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Guest LT<3

the ending was so unexpected!

it was heartbreaking, but it made me smile too.

very good drama ^^ one of my faves.

i loved Night's character, so sweet<3

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Guest lilf4ntasy

aww i just finish watching this and omg i LOVE it

one of the best jdrama i watched

night is soooooo dreamy omg i will miss him >.<

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Guest tuna_madunna

I just finished watching this series, at first I had all the rants why Riiko doesn't seem to like Night in the early episode (note: slow development).

But that rant seemingly disappeared especially in the last episode, I bawled too much especially when Night left that chip. I wish for a longer 11th episode though, like they should have shown how Riiko and Soushi recovered and such. Overall, I really really like this drama, didn't expect to cry as much as I did earlier. GAHHH T^T

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Guest about_me

I finished ZK today and in the end I cried really heavy T.T The last scene was so heartbreaking (Night lying in that thing with the scarf and the four-leaf-clover and Namikiri saying "Sweet Dreams 01") *sigh* I think it was a great drama, the stroyline was something fresh & new and the chemistry between the cast felt right. I laughed, I cried - therefore both thumbs up :-)

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Guest mookie





木村拓哉「CHANGE」 430(39.3%)

速水もこみち「绝对男友」 469(42.9%)

堺正章「无理的恋爱」 20(1.8%)

沟端淳平「81DIVER」 50(4.6%)

佐藤隆太「ROOKIES」 89(8.1%)

草彅刚「我的野蛮女友」 36(3.3%)


This is a poll done in baidu.com (which is one of the biggest forums in Chinese community) for Best Actor in 08 jdorama spring season.

And moco won (with 469 out of 838 (42.9%)voting for him)! :) I'm very happy for him, he deserved this recognition!

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