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[jp Upcoming Drama] 絶対彼氏。 Zettai Kareshi. Absolute Boyfriend

Guest cee.jay

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Guest minilight1080


Soshi explains his reason for resigning. His Aniki dismisses it as irresponsibility but feels it's better for his brother to learn to stand own his own two feet and experience a few hard knocks. Dad tells Masashi to keep Soshi's resignation letter for now. Back in the department, the staff learns of Soshi's leaving and they are shocked when Night announces that Riiko will be participating in the patissier competition with Soshi. Natsumi hears of the news as well. A hilarious moment ensues when Night barges into Masashi's office and starts calling him in affectionate terms. This is the first time we get to see a truely awkward side to Masashi other than his usual serious demeanor. He sends Night out in a bid to stop the nickname-calling while Natsumi watches, tickled pink. At Kronos Heaven, Namikiri notes the recent accelerated rate in which Night uses up his battery power. He continues to conceal Night's genuine condition while handing fake reports to his director. Riiko and Night step into Liberte and get a surprise. Who is that new staff hired? It is none other than Soshi who welcomes them with a grin. "Table for two?"

Night takes a blow when Soshi becomes the star of Liberte. Lady patrons would rather take their orders from Soshi than him. "SHOCK!" he falls into a comic moment dramatically. Soshi explains he will move out once he finds lodging. He is determined to stay independent. Another guest steps in. "WELCOME!" the 3 Liberte ikemen shout in unison. It is Namikiri who wants to check in on his precious. As Namikiri changes Night's battery, Lady Boss catches them in action. She looks somewhat troubled when Night confides in Namikiri that he really wants to make Riiko happy. Back in the bar, she questions Riiko about Soshi in private. "Riiko, you cannot have feelings for a robot." "I know, I know."

At home, Soshi joins Night and Riiko in taste-samplings. The ever man-hungry land lady zooms in and they all smile when she goes into esctasy after one bite of Riiko's carrot cake. Things are looking good for the two of them. Riiko's creation is finally entered into the competition. Soshi makes a trip to Asamoto to get his things. Natsumi invites him to sample one of her creations. They lapse into conversation about Riiko and Soshi talks about her fondly. Meanwhile, Mika has also left Asamoto. Night apologises for any wrongdoings on his part that might have caused her to want to quit. However she tells him that she is tired and starting to hate herself. Life is meaningless for her unlike Riiko, whom she is envious of because Riiko pursues her dreams bravely no matter how Mika made life difficult. "Riiko has always regarded you as her most important friend." "I'm not satisfied that Night, you, chose Riiko over me, but now, I somehow understand why." All this is happening with Riiko standing nearby. She and Night watch as Mika walks away.

Liberte's a crowd as the bar now has too many employees. Natsumi brings the unknowing Masashi for a visit. "Ma-kun!" "Aniki!" Bless Natsumi, credit should be given to her for constantly trying to bring the siblings together. Masashi is made to stay for a beer. Another cute moment happens when Night unwittingly interferes (as usual!). All of them watch as the brothers make reluctant small talk. Things still end on a bad note with Soshi upset. Why does his brother not understand?

The time has arrived for the results to be announced. How will Riiko fare? As she paces anxiously waiting for Soshi's call, he arrives to tell her personally. "Izawa...you did very well already..." Soshi says with a face full of regret. There is no big reaction on Riiko's part as she is already mentally prepared. But as Soshi walks away, she is puzzled by huge envelope stuck onto his back. "Hmm???" Soshi points to his back. Riiko shrugs and runs forward to catch a closer look. It is a letter of qualification. Soshi beams. "We are past round one!" "YATTA~ WE DID IT!!!!" "The next round would be the finals. Ganbatte, Riiko." "Yes!"

There is also good news for Asamoto. Like Riiko, Natsumi has made it to the next round. With staff all gathered, Night announces that Riiko has also qualified. They are astonished and impressed with Riiko's capability. She is now officially Asamoto's rival. Celebrations go awild at Liberte. Natsumi joins in. She applauds Riiko. "Riiko-san is so capable, no wonder this is the first time I see Soshi so enthusiastic about something." She proceeds to invite them to a day at the theme park.

The four of them end up on a double date at an ocean park. They have alot of fun. Night and Riiko go for a rollercoaster ride and Natsumi pulls Soshi along too. But he squirms at the sight of the rollercoaster. He is afraid! Natsumi looks on disbelievingly, "You can't be kidding..." The quartet then splits up for an arcade game. Night displays his amazing robotic prowess. Team RiikoXNight beats Team SoshiXNatsumi hands down to a score of 16-0. They proceed to get some food and then go for a dolphin show. As the dolphins kiss their trainers on the cheek, Night tries to plant one on Riiko's. The other 3 turn and look at him. After the show, the two men hang out. Soshi tells Night, "You don't seem to be embarassed huh, always keeping the word love on your lips." "If there's love, then it is meant to be said out loud. Isn't that a natural thing to do?" "Yeah..of course." "Soshi, have you never told Natsumi before that you love her?" "Ah, how can that be?!" "I feel you should tell her..Riiko's smile makes me happy. I want to protect her happiness. Riiko's smile is my happiness." Just as Soshi seems to be enlightened, the ladies arrive back from the toilet. They leave for home. Soshi sends Natsumi home. As they walk, Natsumi tells Soshi to go to Paris with her if she wins tomorrow's competition. She feels Soshi and her will make a good team. Riiko and Night have dinner at Liberte. Night hands Riiko a present. It is a patissier chef's uniform. Riiko is touched. "You are indeed a perfect boyfriend." "That is because I love Riiko very much." "Night, for you, I will ganbatte." "I will for you too, Riiko."

It is the day of the finals. Night, ever the comedian, tries to support his girlfriend in the most dramatic way. Riiko is embarassed. The judges enter. They go to each contestant and sample their creations. At the same time, Namikiri turns up at Liberte at the invitation of Lady Boss. She speaks to him about Night. Back at Kronos Heaven, Namikiri's apprentice rats him out regarding Night. Natsumi has won the competition to present Japan in Paris with her chocolate and cayenne pepper creation. One of the judges, a french chef, approaches Riiko who stands a distance away. He tells Soshi and Riiko that he was reminded of the old Asamoto founder after tasting Riiko's cake. He shakes Riiko's hand and says, "I look forwad to seeing your potential." The Asamoto staff gather round Natsumi to offer their congratulations. Masashi is surprised when Natsumi credits her success to Soshi. Riiko apologises to Night for losing. Night waves her failure off.

"Natsumi, about Paris..." "Sorry about that, looks like I'd better go to Paris alone." "Eh?" Natsumi explains to Soshi her analogy of chocolate and butter akin to love. "I have already missed the best timing. The very day 3 years ago. Soshi, don't miss it like me." Soshi understands. "Natsumi, ganbatte!"

As Riiko sits looking at her uniform, Soshi joins her. They engage in conversation. Soshi thanks her. Riiko thanks him in return. "It is great to be working with you." Soshi steps forward. He seems to want to say something. In the background, we see Night at a distance. "I..." "Yes?" Soshi finally gathers his courage and confesses bravely. "I like you!" Riiko reacts. "Eh?!?!?!" "I like you..." Soshi repeats. Night's worst fear is coming true. He quickly walks over to stop things from happening. But it is too late. He stops short when Riiko tells Soshi, "Me too. I have been liking you..." As the two gaze into each other's eyes, Night raises a limp hand to his chest. The episode ends as he clutches at his breaking heart.

In Episode 10

Soshi discovers Night's true identity while Night continues to malfunction.

thank you for the spoiler. Yes I am getting excited, Soshi finally


. I been waiting for this moment. I can't wait for sars finishing subbing ep 9.

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Guest ethopia

^ :tears: just stepped into work and cant help but read some spoilers at baidu.com, .... just to add on yours pro_girl :blush:

Soshi was given an opportunity to go the Paris, and he asked Riko to go with him. Night knowing this, supported Riko to go as this is a great opportunity for her to realize her dreams. He prepared a farewell party for Riko.

He said sth like, ' I can meet Riko, spend time with you, I'm very happy already. Every single second that I have spent with you, is my treasure.

I will be wishing you the best even if we have to be apart, because I want your dreams to come true. Don't worry about me, I'll wait for you to come back, I will take good care of the chores and cook a great meal for you when you are back. Go to Paris without a burden. I said this not because I'm programmed to, do you know? I said it because I love you, you are the best girlfriend for me.'

then little rat apprentice let Engineer talk to Riko, telling her Night has his own thoughts and self consciousness. She ignores Soshi and dashed to rescue Night. But they already started the reprogramming/rebooting...

I think we need to have tissues ready watching this ep....

but I think we'll get a satisfying ending for Night-droolzers


OMG! just reading ur post made me teary eyed... :tears:

i think i will really need a box of tissue when i watch epi 10 :tears:

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I really liked episode 9 :blush: So much more human/character development and loads of Soshi :D

I think a lot of dissatisfaction with this show stems from expectations based on the manga. But for those of us who didn't start this drama with preconceived notions, I think it's pretty okay.

It doesn't make any sense to me for a woman to fall in love with a robot AND Night is in almost every scene so this is still about him. It's just not about her falling in love with him. It's more about the robot falling in love with her.

Soshi's storyline about cream puffs was developed because there are three major characters. So for Soshi's storyline, it's about him becoming independent and getting close to Riko through a shared interest (desert).

All in all, I am looking forward to episode 10!

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Guest dionne_wu


***sad episode ahead***

We are once again brought back to where Episode 9 ended - with Soshi and Riiko confessing their love for each other. We last see Night being heartbroken. He cuts a forlorn figure as he treads along the river path. He seems to have been greatly affected by what he saw earlier for he starts hyperventilating. His body temperature rises to dangerous levels and his computer system goes into error. Namikiri receives red alert at Kronos Heaven and he is alarmed by Night's condition. He rushes off to save the robot. Meanwhile, Riiko bumps into Lady Boss on the street, tells her about the competition and asks if she can talk to her. Namikiri gets Night repaired and realises Night's CPU is burning because it cannot withstand human emotions (and thus is breaking down subsequently). It is evident that all is not well with Night as he is more subdued from his usual boisterous self.

At Liberte, Riiko confides about Soshi. She is hesitant about things with him. She is happy but somehow things do not seem right. Lady Boss knows the reason for her hesitation and tells her as a matter-of-fact that Night won't do. Riiko says she understands. On the other hand, Night tells Namikiri about what happened. He does not want to lose to Soshi. Namikiri pains for his robot. Because of Riiko, Soshi is in a jolly mood. His father notices the happiness despite losing the competition and asks for the reason. Soshi merely smiles; he cannot stop smiling.

Back home Riiko awaits for Night's return. For some reason, the air is tense and awkward between them. Night dissolves it by promising her that he will work three times harder from now on to provide for the both of them. The next day at work, Namikiri's cat in out of the bag. He tries to cover up Night's condition but the Director is already aware of what is going on. Namikiri is ordered to take back 01's main system IC chip. We see Namikiri's attachment and love for Night as he refers to him as "the guy" and not "the machine". The Director reinstates a robot's purpose - to love but not be loved. A robot who cannot be mechanically controlled is dangerous. Who is then to take responsibility if people get hurt? "Namikiri, as of today, all interactions must end between 01 and Izawa Riiko." He is also to drop all duties and work concerning 01 and start researching for the development of a new robot.

At Asamoto, the organization ends its contract with Riiko. She is to leave by the end of the month. Night and Riiko ponder over future plans while having dinner. They bump into Soshi who's on his way into Liberte. Riiko looks like she needs a hole to hide in; she scurries away. Night seems to have something to say to his rival. But he decides otherwise. He also leaves. Soshi is immediately aware of the difference in Night's attitude. He finds out about Riiko's termination and pleads with his brother but to no avail. However, he gets a mysterious call.

Riiko does flower arrangements as a source of additional income. Night helps and she is impressed with his array of skills. She gets a scare when he suddenly falls to the floor and convulses. Noticing the heat emitting from his body, she touches his forehead. "Night, you are having a fever!" "Oh? But I'm fine. Really, I am." Nodding, Riiko gets back to her flowers but Night falls a second time. This time, he doesn't get up. "Night!!!"

By morning, Night seems to have recovered. His fever subsides. But when Riiko leaves for work, his system starts malfunctioning again. Things are not good. There is some good news, however. Riiko can now go to Paris. Turns out one of the final teams pulled out so there is an available spot. Apparently, Chef Lucian who in Episode 9 complimented Riiko on her carrot mousse was the one who reccommended her for the spot. He is also keen on mentoring her and hopes she can go to Paris asap. It is unbelievable news for Riiko. But her joy is dampened when Soshi reveals she has to stay there at least for three years. "You will go, won't you?" "..........." "Is it because of Night?" "..Of course not, how can it be!" "Then will you go to Paris with me?" "...With you?" "I am also invited..."

Soshi tells Riiko that although rushed, they'd have to leave Tokyo in three days. "This is your chance." Soshi walks away with these parting words. Unknown to them, Night has seen them. At Kronos Heaven, Namikiri tries to log into Night's files and system but the password has been changed. He tries to ask his apprentice for help. "It's no use, 01 will be scrapped ultimately - soon or later. Namikiri-san, don't you blame me?" "Things like these cannot be helped. Now I don't even know if it's right or wrong for engineers like myself to create robots as lovers. But one thing's for sure - Riiko and Night are increasingly harder to separate. They cannot live without one another. We don't have the right to take his feelings away, do we?" "I still believe in the ideals of the Director."

The apprentice and the new engineer end up at Riiko's residence. They apologise for Night's abnormalities. Riiko learns of the state of his condition. She is alarmed that he is going to die. The Kronos Heaven duo explain that if the heat coming from Night is constantly ignored, it will cause a total cease in operation. One alternative would be to change the system but that would cause Night's data files (memory) to be entirely wiped out. In the event of Night being repaired, she will be sent another newer and better product. Riiko objects. Night's memories are precious. She asks for some time to consider.

While having dinner, Riiko notices Night coming down with a fever again. She is worried. She calls Namikiri but is unable to contact him. His phone has been confiscated. Namikiri tries escaping from the research room but is forced to retreat back as security is tight. He is desperate and anxious. In the meantime, his robot confronts Soshi to seek affirmation about his sincerity towards Riiko. Soshi tells of Riiko's hesitation in leaving Tokyo. He also tells Night that he is very important to her. "If you really want the best for her, will you encourage her to go to Paris?" Night thinks for a moment and then collapses a third time. Soshi tries to call for an ambulance but Night stops him saying, "I don't want to waste money on repair." "Repair?!?!" He has no choice but to send Night back home.

Soshi lets Riiko in on Night's high fever. Night tells Riiko he's fine but he falls into a crumpled heap. Riiko takes care of sick Night. Soshi looks away from the both of them and his eyes accidentally catches sight of something weird. It is the Nightly Series 01 manual! Flipping the contents of the manual, Soshi's mouth drops agape when he sees Night's picture. "It can't be..." he realises. He leaves immediately in shock and goes to Liberte to digest the severity of the situation. Night and Riiko share a sweet moment when she gives up her bed for him. Riiko smiles. "You're a robot but now you're just like a human who can fall ill." When Riiko goes to work the next day, the staff congratulate her on going to Paris. She decides to pay Mika a visit. On and on we are also constantly reminded of Night's nearing demise as he continues going haywire. Now that Mika knows the truth about Night, her psychological barriers are gone and the two resume being friends.

In addition, we also learn of how Riiko's Paris chance truely came about - courtesy of Masashi. Soshi hands Riiko the plane tickets and tells her that he's serious about her. "I'll pick you up tomorrow evening." She gets a false alarm when she finds an empty home. But it is just Night giving her a surprise farewell party. "Riiko, congratulations on going to Paris!" "Eh?!" "I've heard from Soshi..." He gives her a slice of cake he made decorated with a four leaf clover. "A clover will bring happiness. This is like an amulet to keep all things smooth-sailing for you." He assures her of his unwavering support even if they are apart. He tells her not to worry about him; he will wait to welcome her back at home. Astounded by his words, Riiko marvels. "Your programming is incredible.." "It's not the programming, you should know. It's because I love you."

When Night cranks up yet again, Riiko is reminded of what Namikiri's apprentice told her. She finally decides to send him for repair. Night refuses to but he relents knowing that Riiko will not go to Paris without peace of mind. He leaves with the apprentice and the new engineer with the clover he gave Riiko. "I hope this clover will protect you and get you repaired well again." He thanks Riiko and with what remaining strength he has, he walks towards her and gently pulls her into an embrace. "I love you." (My tears just fell at this part) Upon hearing that, Riiko nods and Night's wrist sensor beeps a bright pink. Namikiri's apprentice looks on somewhat amazed. The two part, each saying their well wishes and goodbyes.

At Kronos Heaven Night is being analyzed. The Director, Engineer and Apprentice encounter problems with him as they cannot fathom what is going on. They decide to wipe out his data files before things take a turn for the worse. As Riiko prepares for Paris, Lady Boss comes to give her a hand in packing. Riiko confides of Night's importance to her. The downtrodden Namikiri is informed regarding their plans with Night. It is clear he has had a hard and difficult time. His apprentice appears to have a change of mind - he now understands what Namikiri has been trying to tell him all this time. They plan next on what to do. Namikiri successfully office-breaks and calls Riiko. "Riiko, you've been tricked! They are planning to do away with 01! 01 has been acting on his own emotions, and not his programming!" "His own emotions?" "Because he loves you so much, he began having his own set of feelings. The Night now is not just an appliance anymore; he is Tenjo Night who lives for another person!" Riiko, upon hearing that, rushes out to Night. She meets Soshi on the way out and tells him she is not going to Paris any longer. Soshi pulls her and asks why. Riiko tells him she cannot leave Night alone. With that, she leaves him standing there alone and thoroughly disappointed.

Night is about to get reprogrammed back to his initial stage. Just as the engineer is about to press "Enter", Namikiri stops them. "Wait!!!!" However, the engineer's finger still hits the keyboard. A loud beep rings out as Night is initialized. Namikiri and his apprentice look on in horror. Riiko runs for Night's life.

The clover Night has been clutching in his hands falls away.

There's not much of what happens in the final episode. Instead, the preview is replaced by a recap of NightXRiiko moments.

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Guest whatever0024

thanks for episode 10 synopsis. what a sad episode.

i like how Namikiri takes really good care of Night, as if Night is his own son.

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Guest mookie

Thanks for the great ep 10 synopsis, Dionne.

I got this fr baidu.com, and I'm translating it fr the chin trans, bear with me with my inaccuracies. Also, I'm not sure if this is the real deal, so read with caution. :)

Thanks to shikyo5 @baidu.com

Spoiler ep11 (final):





不断买东西约会郊游,奈特和梨衣子关系持续加深,梨衣子开始偷偷给奈特织东西,后来奈特知道了创志要一个人去巴黎,考虑着原因。 这期间,奈特的身体一点点地发生异变了 。


There is a problem with the initialization and it didnt go through smoothly. Riiko told the engineer Naito is not a defected product and took him away. Riiko refuses to go to Paris with Soshi, while talking her out, Soshi told her he knew Naito is a robot. But Riiko didnt change her mind. When Riiko and Naito got home, she gently kisses the ailing Naito. Cant tell if it's due to the effect of the kiss, the next day Naito is all well. Riiko went back to the office, and didnt head off to Paris to everybody's astonishment. Riiko said she has found the most important thing with a smile. Soshi saw the smile on Riiko's face, and decided to go to Paris alone. Then Soshi and Fukijo-san (bar boss) heard from Namikiri (?) Naito has his own self consiousness and all that has happened. Fujiko-san, after hearing that, supported them.

Riiko and Naito were getting ready for a picnic date, their relationship continued to grow. Riiko started to knit for Naito secretly. When Naito found out Soshi is going to Paris by himself, he pondered why. At this moment, Naito's body goes berserk....

Again I'm not sure how accurate my translation is, please feel free to add on! :)

Here's the official trailer for the final episode

Zettai Kareshi Final Episode Trailer source: fujitv

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Guest crosshealchild

i've just watche ep. 9....soooooo sad. i felt so bad for night. i wanted to give him a big hug and say....its okay, you've got me!! hehehehe

But after watching all these episode...i notice how Rika resemble BOA a lot. They look alike to me. anyone think so?

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Guest f_r_E_a_K

Can anyone please post up animated GIFs from this series, if they have any? :blush: Every other drama seems to have their own wide collection of GIFs, and I don't want this fantastic one to be ignored! :) Thanks in advance <3

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Guest joolee.

I felt so sorry for Night during the end of episode nine. :( It sucks how he actually has feelings too, so it does hurt him. I can't wait for episode ten!

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Guest choliese

ah so there are 11 eps in total?

I just finished watching 5 first eps & totally hooked up on this series <3

hope the full eps will be uploaded soon on crunchyroll

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Guest discofuse

Okay so after reading the spoiler of episode 11. I decided not to continue watching it, cause it looks like there will be no Soshi-Riko happy ending. I feel bad for Soshi =(

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Guest tuna_madunna

I stopped reading at the first paragraph of dionne_wu's summary.

My forehead frowns, I'm excited yet anxious to read all of it! AHH~ Must resist! :]

I'm still rooting for RIKOxNIGHT till the end,

even though it's impossible for a robot to love a human

but at least let the human love the robot...

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Guest sabchy

dionne_wu'I could kiss you right now!!!! thnx soo much

it was indeed a sad episode... seeing Night acting like a human being, suffering made my heart tore apart

before I was always complaing that the show didnt have any progress, that Night and Riiko´s ralationship didnt get any deeper... but the truth is.. Riko has been falling in love with Night (hm i dont want to get my hopes up soo Im leaving a space for : not love but affection) right from the beginning she just didnt want to admit it.... I mean, how could you admit that you fell in love with a ROBOT ? isnt it just pathetic? that you cant feel love towards another human being :unsure: ... so I think she wanted to fell in love with Soushi, maybe bcoz he was actually someone she could love... but now that Night´s life is in danger she realized just how much she needs him, how important he is for her

even poets, far back in history, said that we dont know what we have until we lose that thing.. I think that is what happened to Riiko.. when she was about to lose Night she realized he means much more to her than she wanted to admit

well thats just my opinion ... you have to know Im Night and Riko shipper all the way :sweatingbullets:

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Guest mookie

^ Hi sabchy, I agree on Riiko always having feelings for Naito, she has constantly been pushing it off, rationalizing it as he's programmed that way, but she cant deny it anymore. And yes, I do think at times we're not as clear in matters of love like Riiko, so it's at moments when she is going to lose Naito that she realizes how impt he is to her. I think the development and the disclosing of her true feelings r handled very very well. When at first she just thought he's impt to her, maybe still as an appliance, but after Soshi's declaration, she realizes more this may not be what she wants in love afterall, it didnt feel right, so that provokes her to seriously consider and sort out her feelings towards Naito.

I'm not fully a riiko/naito shipper till ep 8. I'm a tiny bit put off by Soshi's constant need of urgings fr others including his ex to say what's on his mind. And is it a dorama thing?! I expected after the mutual declaration, they will have at least a hug or some scenes tog that show the blossoming of their relationship, but they didnt even walk back to Liberte tog...

All in all I think this drama is very entertaining, and it got surprisingly better and way more intense as it is towards the end (esp comparing to Last Friends, though very well made, but I have to ff thro the last eps) And I have to say this is the most easy-on-the-eyes cast all around for me. Usu watching dorama, I have to suffer thro couple characters that I find.... ugly.





source: hayami mocomichi bar@ baidu

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