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Ju Jihun 주지훈 - [Upcoming Drama 2024] Dominant Species [Movie 2023] Project Silence [Movie 2023] Ransomed


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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong everyone!!!!  :-h :-h :-h
@Novchime- yep, maybe that's why he's so cocky on his poses! hihihihi! he looks very very good when his jaws are very defined. sexy is an understatement, really! hihihi! :x :\"> :\"> :Phehe! that's what I do, enjoy the homey feel that you guys make me experience here! (and bask on my craziness! ) >:D< >:D< >:D< hugsssss!!!! 
@Goongfan11- omo! hihihihi! it's nice that i can make you laugh! ahh! i just wish we could gather all around and talk in person all together about our love for JiHoon! that would be so much fun! and I bet there wouldn't be a dull moment if that happens! :D ;;):P :x
@witchwithnostick-annyeong! it makes me so happy knowing that he is loved by many then and until now! Same here- i will always be his fan. I might be new here in soompi but ah, I've been drooling at him since his Goong days! :\"> :\">
anyways, i will be sharing new pics of Jihoon... :-& :-& :-& =(( =((   and yeah!!!!!!! i'm turning greeeennnn with jealousy and my heart broke a little for myself and for the special lady we all adore.. arrrrrggghhhh!!!! [-X [-X X_X X_X X_Xomo!!!! waaaahhhh!!! i dunno! geez! :)) :)) :)) i think i might need an anti-depressant!!! =)) =))260498_4102464580341_879703913_n.jpg

huhuhuhuhu.... :(( :(|) :(( :((


and why does his face look so small in here??  i'm thinking maybe he lost weight... but he still looks uberrrrlllyyyyy handsome.. :\"> :x :x


and this one-----> i felt a pang in my heart so hard it made me ask, OH GOD, WHYYYYYYYYYYY?????? :(( :(( :(( X_X X_X #-o #-o


i need anti-depressant again!!!! =)) =)) =)) three times the allowed dosage, please!!!!! :P :P :P
and to combat my depression due to aherm, one sexy and seductive picture will make up for it! 1368779641-4122904512.jpg

yeah, smoking isn't really cool but how he manages to make it seem so, i don't know how he does it.... :\"> :\"> :\">
credit goes to Amy's page and Yayi's FB page.. hihihi! Thanks! 
i have to pacify the roller coaster of emotions surging through me. i am very much afraid my poor poor heart might not be able to handle it! :P =)) :)
see you again here, Hunnies! Sending my hugs to everyone on this thread:  @cynder @sophie @ziera25 @lualm @rivanaraja  @touchjjh omo! @cynder, i was thinking maybe you already found his clone?? :-? :-? :-? =)) =))I'm missing you here, sissy!!! keep safe! oh! and your hip???? hugs for you! >:D< >:D< :D ;;)

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Guest novchime

Hi @yannyayson, nice to see your last post.  The first time I saw the pictures, especially with the biting of the finger, I thought: he/they really have a sense of humor.  First he tried to eat the... how do you call it... the decoration with a drawing of himself.  Then the next picture, he was biting her finger.  It was like: he liked the food decoration so much, he kept on eating and before he realized it, it was finished and he was biting her finger already!  That is how I interpret the biting of the finger.  But I have to admit, I felt jealous for someone (you know whom), but we have to look at things objectively.

I think his leading lady looks beautiful and kind.  I "researched" a bit in the internet, and if I understood it right (have to use google translate a lot), she is also a singer, helps during disasters/calamities, likes travelling and is quite adventurous.  So I think she is a good person.  Like Jihun said, I hope he will have a memorable time in China.  By saying this, I do not necessarily mean that he will develop a special relationship with someone, but that he will enjoy this period in his life - his first time to do a movie abroad.  I hope he stays happy and develop good friendships with others (male or female, it does not matter).

I like a lot of pictures of Jihun, but I have to admit I do not like the last picture showing him smoking.  This is because I do not agree with smoking at all.  I think it is not good for his health.  If I can advice him, I will say: please stop smoking.  But it is his own body, and his own decision to do what he likes.  He can still be a good person even if he continues smoking.  But still, I hope he will change later.

Take care...

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you makes me laugh, girl yu have a great sense of humor, big hug for you and all the hunnies here >:D< :-*

and what is this abt finger-biting ?? the image wont show up on my screen [-(

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Guest novchime

O I am so happy now.  I was just listening to songs sang by JiHun in his fan meeting. They are very meaningful.  The one I like best (also because it is in English) is this: http://amy0827.pixnet.net/blog/post/39116737.  Thank you very much Amy for sharing a lot of the pictures and videos on the fan meeting.  By the way the song says: " I am the one who wants to be with you.... I hope you feel it too..... Just to be the best to be with you.".  I hope he means what I hope he means (I think you can guess what I am referring to here).

@goongfan11: it was nice to have chatted with you and Ajun while listening to the songs.....  It was like I was together with you two just now.  This is one of the advantages of online social network.

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong everyone! :-h :-h :-h 
Hello, @Novchime! yeah, i think she is pretty and that they look good together. she's tall, fair, and according to your research, she is nice and sings too. but still!!!!!!  X( :-& :-SS :-SS :-SS    omo! hahaha! am i being bad?? It just feels so -uhm i don't know... hehehehe! :P :P /:) :| :| i know you know what i really mean! hehe...I sure hope too that he would have a blast in China, and i am praying that that would not be his last. I am wishing that Love Suspicion would be the first of the many international movies that he would do.
I really don't like to see him smoking as well, i know it is bad for his health but maybe he needs it when he's stressed out. It may be interpreted by others that he (for the lack of any other word, forgive me, guys!) promotes smoking on that particular picture, but ahhh, i can't help sharing it cause he looks so fierce in there, hihihihi... 

@sophie- annyeong! :-h :x :P >:D< thanks and i'm happy that i can make you laugh! oooh, the finger biting??? hahahaha! i got real jealous on that particular picture! i'd be sending it through private message and see for yourself...  hayyyyy... omo!

anyways! the fanmeet was already done... the videos are already uploaded and we can happily ogle on pictures too! ;) 
waaaaahhhh! i am just so overwhelmed right now! :P :x :\"> :x ;;) ;;)
Pictures from yayi, amy and piano! kamsamnida, girls! 182873_448635488561882_489160971_n.jpg417963_4107164537837_1288211050_n.jpg970572_448688148556616_732280106_n.jpg376828_4106787288406_1824352210_n.jpg165440_451918894899574_707244644_n.jpg

enjoy, Hunnies! 
i will be off to dreamland and yeah, JiHoon's gonna be with me! :x :P :\"> ;;) >:D< ;;) :x :\">   i will be busy ogling at his pictures and his songs would lull me to a deep beautiful slumber...
Stay happy hunnies! Keep safe! >:D<  >:D< >:D< ;;)

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Hi to all
greeting to all... i want to introduce myself
i'm new member (just today!), and big fan of Joo Ji Hoon
in these previous weeks I read the comments in this forum, and always makes my day. Thanks to all for making my day happier
: D

this is my first time joining a forum, hope my comments will be OK enough
: )

i want to share my opinion for latest pics of Ji Hoon.. why he's keep slimmer? I think I like him the best when he was in "All of Me" DVD. Fresh, beautiful, gorgeous. awesome!
and how was the fan meeting. did alot of fan came? did he looks happy?

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Annyeong, hunnies :-h
To the new members...welcome >:D<   TO all the regular hunnies...i missed you guys a lot! Gosh, of all the days to pull double shifts...i missed his party :-(  I can see you guys were celebrating here...I know i still had a lot of videos to view but...
@yanny...missed you, sissy! Fat chance in meeting a JJH clone, HAH! But I have to say...the pic that you posted.. with her finger on his mouth thing....oh, my heart X_X :-S [-(  I am not ready yet to see this hahaha. (No wonder I can't concentrate on watching the other videos after I saw this pic.) Yes..it made me green with envy. I need to rationalize my thoughts. Here's what I can come up with so far~~Ok, fine...since he can't have my finger...let some actress take my place =)) :)(please ignore me and my delusional self). I need a big >:D< , sissy!! Btw, thanks for posting the fanmeet vids...lovin it! I guess...can't stay mad at him for long ;););))
@novchime...so you were jealous for someone?..hmmm...may I ask who might that someone be? I am totally being nosy :-P Blame @yanny for posting that pic and stirring the jealous side in me :-)). However, I do agree with you...I don't like it much when i see pics/vids of him smoking. I am worried that he does it a lot in real life. I can't really say if he does coz I don't really know him but one thing I do know for sure is that smoking is bad. Hope this one particular bad habit is something that everyone will be able to overcome in real life. Let's all keep our lungs healthy!! Fighting!!!
@sophie...i think someone up there is looking out for you...her finger in his mouth picture not opening in your end--must be an intervention to spare you from feeling your heart being stabbed (i know i am being overly dramatic--just really kidding!) or shocked, maybe?? :-))
But seriously....I am TRULY happy for his birthday! He seemed like he was having a great time as well~~~couldn't have wished for more :x :-* :x

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=)) yeah someone up there is def love me for not letting me saw those biting finger (well at least before @yanny send me those pics message, for sharing her burden for seeing those pics :D) considering how it makes you gals felt a lil jealous maybe wishing its our own fingers in his mouths kekekekekee

you guys are hillarious :P

hi and welcome, hope this thread makes you feel like home, just like it makes me :)

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@sophie...HAHAHA so yanny shared it, huh?( Smart move, sissy!!! ) One for all, all for one! 

@mabelle...welcome, dear! Hope you'll enjoy being here as much as we do. Like sophie said...hope you will feel at home soon :-)

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@Cynder & Sophie, thanks for your warm welcome. 

your comment on his finger things makes me smile and laugh. eventhough it's not in my mouth (well... hffft.. ehem!), at least i think hopefully he found it fun
haha... then he's 'normal', right..

moreover do you think the same, that he's losing weight? does he did it on purpose, or he just feel lonely and un-happy?

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Guest novchime

Hey guys, nice posts from all of you!  I actually have to work hard today because I am really nearing my deadline, but I cant keep myself from looking at this thread.

@ziera25 and @yannyayson: thanks a lot for posting the videos.  I wanted to post after watching yesterday but I just did not have the time anymore.  Nice to know that we like to share the same things about JiHun.

@sophie: I also thought of sending you the picture.  Good that Yanny did it.  I have to admit, it was also difficult for me to look at the picture the first time.  But after thinking and reasoning like I explained in my former post, I took it as a joke.  JiHun has a good sense of humor.  It is good that he has fun with others at work. 

@cynder: I had a big laugh while reading your post, especially about someone preventing/protecting Sophie from looking at the picture.  Nice thought!  Regarding who I was jealous for, just look at the Goong Soompi thread and you will know.  Anyway, I am quite at peace now: whatever/whoever makes JiHun happy is good (very good)!

@mabelle147: warm welcome to you.  I also thought JiHun has lost a lot of weight.  I think he has been very busy lately: trip to Europe, movie in S Korea, movie in China and fan meeting.  It could be that he did some modelling in Europe, as you can see from the pictures.  As a model, you have to keep slim.  Or maybe he has to be slim in the role he is portraying in the movies that he is making?  But there could be other reasons, like maybe related to his feeling lonely as said in January.  But I/we do not know what is the real reason for his weight lost.  On the other hand, I saw pictures of him in the past where he was also slimmer than he was in the AOM DVD.  There are advantages to being thin (as long as he is not very thin): his nice facial features are more pronounced and for his age, it is also not nice to have a lot of fat in his body.

Hello to others I did not mention.

I really like the fan meeting.  It was nice of JiHun to sing to his fans.  Very special!  Just like what he did in the BIFF concert in October 2012, I am sure this is his way of showing his appreciation for the faithfulness of his fans. And he can sing well and with such expression of emotion that you can think he means what he is singing!  To sing songs like: To be with you, In the Rain, Can't live with or without you, etc. - could it be that he was singing them for somebody?  And probably it is the same person all this time (he is faithful)?  "Life is love" according to JiHun!

I was chatting with others while watching the FM videos yesterday.  Maybe you can help my curious mind.  JiHun was wearing a shirt with a picture in it.  There is a couple in the picture, and the male has a long hair.  I thought the male looked like JiHun.  Do you recognize the picture in any of his old pictures?

Sorry for the long mail.  Take care all!

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Guest novchime

I forgot: @mabelle147: the fan meeting was especially made by Key East (company of JiHun) for Japanese fans.  It was like a package trip around his birthday.  Jihun has a lot of faithful Japanese fans. Many came as you can see in this link: http://amy0827.pixnet.net/blog/post/39114209).  I do not know if other fans were also allowed to enter.  The fans used a "simultaneous translator" (see http://amy0827.pixnet.net/blog/post/39114357) so they followed what Jihun said immediately.  There were a lot of responses whenever he said/sang something nice.  Pity I/we could not understand Korean.  We missed a lot of information.

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong Everyone!!! :-h :-h :-h
How are you doing Hunnies??? and yep, welcome to @mabelle147! enjoy your stay and let's join forces in loving and supporting Ju Ji Hoon forever!!! aja! hahahahahaha!  :)) :)) :)>- :)>- big warm hug for you!  >:D<ahhh, i've also noticed him losing a lot of weight, i even said on the picture that i posted that his face is even slimmer compared to his co-star in the Love Suspicion movie. omo! I hope he is not that stressed and he gains weight back again as soon as he is not that busy. It could also be that the role he's going to portray needs him to shed off a few pounds.. I hope he's not lonely anymore, i hope he doesn't think much anymore. whenever I remember what he said on the interview last January, my heart feels bad so much..  :-/ :( :( :(
@sophie- hahahahaha! so you think that someone looks up to you to spare you from the heartache? the sorrow, the pain??? oh gosh! too much makjang i got from FF, that explains the heavy words i used!  :)) :))  :))  and you guys think that i would allow myself to be miserable all alone??? think again, girl! >:) >:)    NEVER!!!! i have to share it with you guys!!! hahahahaha! :P :P :P =)) =)) =))and oooopps, he has her finger on his mouth?? I would give him my hands! both of them even! to hold his hands, -UNTIL FOREVER IS THROUGH...  :x :x :x :\"> :\"> :P :P
@cynder- so you think sissy that you're delusional?? what am i now??? =)) =)) Missed you too, sissy! Big time! >:D< >:D< >:Doh well, like what i said to @sophie- i can never let myself be "miserable" all alone.. might as well let you guys "suffer" too! hahahaha!  Super busy huh?? I thought you already found the clone! hihihi! haaaayyy, the moment i saw his fan meet videos, my jealousy evaporated into thin air. he looks so sexy when he sings! it felt like he was born to rock the arena and our hearts! :x :\"> :x :\">   take care sissy! don't be too busy! hihihihi! 
@Novchime- kamusta po?? How are you?? Hope everything went well with your school deadline (i suppose.. ;) )  happens to me all the time- i have to tell myself that i've to sleep and check soompi tomorrow but i fail each time.. your company Hunnies- makes it so hard to resist! ;) ;)i have to agree with you, it was very nice of him to sing for his fans last October for the BIFF. He has shown his appreciation and at the same time, he has got to do what he likes to do.. I loved it especially when he sang a few lines from"You're Beautiful" by James Blunt! :x :\"> :\"> :x additional 10000000 'pogi' points for him for singing that! hihihihihi! Omo! I hope he is singing all of those for one person! for her! ;;) ;;)and with the print on his shirt, the more i look at it, the more i think that it looks like two people-one giving a back hug to the other.. i dunno if my minds playing a trick on me but this is what my thick headed brain shows me- hihihi! 603623_4109488635938_366181575_n.jpg969940_4109489675964_1001391409_n.jpg
tenennnn!!!!! this is what I'm babbling about---
@ Novchime- will i be reprimanded by posting JJH and YEH's picture here?? It's just that it looks the same. i tried to look so hard and i don't know really, it looks the same! The print on the shirt is kind of vague and that is what my mind made me see.. and yeah, all those back hugs??? Goong started it! okay i have to stop now! :)) :)) :))

and contrary to what i said last night on my post, i didn't sleep right ahead, i was on tumblr, i slept 5am already cause i busied myself falling in love with JiHoon-ssshiiii! 
 is it because of your flawless profile????

is it because of your killer arctic melting eyes??

or is it your sunshiny smile???

 is it your perfect physique that leaves me so enamored and smitten???

is it your voice which comforts me, soothes me and makes me wanna sing a beautiful melody??

ahhhh,  i don't know... maybe because you're perfectly, simply you! hihihihi!

me getting so mushy and sappy! hahahahaha! my eyes were having a blast, my heart cannot stop beating wild while doing those! omo! I LOVE JI HOON to bits!!!! :x :x :\"> :\"> :\">

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