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hiyee hunnies .. :D
this thread so alive and kicking huh? thanks to all the not-so-newbies now eh..
so happy that he's getting along well with his Chinese co-star despite language barrier, but he's getting too close to this certain girl huh, and witchieee don't like it one bit.. **is it time to bring out my stick now???** hmmmmm.... :P
can't wait to watch his two movies, and hoping and praying for a rom-com series will be next, is it too much to ask? i haven't forgetten how many tears I've cried from Five Fingers huh!!! so please give us a lighter one this time, okie Ji-hun-ni.. :)
and this is for all the not-so-newbie-hunnies.. i still remember i keep on bugging Wifey aka F927 for this collage, and wollah surprise me w/ this one on my birthday four years ago, gosh it's been too long now, weeeeee!!!! so here it is **remind you guys to prepare your towel and wipe that drools.. :P ***
credit F927
Kabilag, nice to here from you.Tarits eonni, please get well soon, we miss you here already..Ubbie, miss you much ^__^ and to ck girl, cynder, yannyayson, novchime, ziera25, sophie, mabellle, goongfan11 and to all HUNnies out there, big shout out to yah all.. whoopsie sorry if i forgot someone.. 

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Guest novchime

Hello to all!

Waaah what a lively day in the house!

@yanny, you really bring sunshine here!  I was already wondering how you would react to the latest pictures with the Chinese actress.  Even checked if you sent a crying mail.  But then I thought, maybe you are trying to calm your nerves first, before writing about them.

@cynder, nice to see you here again.  Because of what happened to Tarits, I am hoping nowadays that absence does not mean sickness...  Had a laugh at your one-sided love affair.  Well, as long as you are happy and can drool about him (especially with the pictures from @witchwithnos..), it does not matter.

@ziera25, nice pictures of JiHun in black and white.  In one of the talk shows, they said that real (fashion) models look good in white shirts.

To the "oldies" @kabilag, @witchwithnos: we know you are just there, forever entranced by JiHun's spell.  @witchwithnos... what sexy pictures!  I can imagine you had a very memorable birthday.

To everybody...take care always...

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Thank you for keeping this thread alive.To all newbies, thank you for the pictures & updates and nice to see all of you become fan of Jihun.
Lualm & all old-timers hunnies, miss you gals.Especially Tarits. She must miss Jihun a lot these days. May Jihun keep her spirits up.

Enjoy your day, hunnies & hunniewives,

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Guest Goongfan11


said: hiyee


nies ..


this thread so alive and kicking huh? thanks to all the not-so-newbies now eh..

so happy that he's getting along well with his Chinese co-star despite language barrier, but he's getting too close to this certain girl huh, and witchieee don't like it one bit.. **is it time to bring out my stick now???** hmmmmm....


can't wait to watch his two movies, and hoping and praying for a rom-com series will be next, is it too much to ask? i haven't forgetten how many tears I've cried from Five Fingers huh!!! so please give us a lighter one this time, okie Ji-hun-ni..

and this is for all the not-so-newbie-hunnies.. i still remember i keep on bugging Wifey



for this collage, and wollah surprise me w/ this one on my birthday four years ago, gosh it's been too long now, weeeeee!!!! so here it is **remind you guys to prepare your towel and wipe that drools..



credit F927

, nice to here from you.

Tarits eonni, please get well soon, we miss you here already..Ubbie, miss you much ^__^ and to ck girl, cynder, yannyayson, novchime, ziera25, sophie, mabellle, goongfan11 and to all HUNnies out there, big shout out to yah all.. whoopsie sorry if i forgot someone.. 

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Guest yannyayson

annyeong haseyoooooo hunnies!!!!  :D:D :-h :-h
okay.. i was looking like this when i visited our home this morning...images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRy7rArPanASIXxlGXvS6C

waaaaaahhhhh!!! SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY IT IS! hihihihihi!!!!  :x :x :\"> :\"> :\">
I loved @ziera25's post... waaaah! that particular haircut make him look so boyish..  i will never get tired of Ji Hoon, really! Gomawa!   ;)
@Cynder---Sissy!!!!!! welcome back!!!!  ;) >:D< >:D<  nomu-nomu bogu shipda!  So your supervisor finally gave you some time off so you could spend it with your highly flammable chicken legged boyfriend, huh! Good for you, sissy!  :)) :)) :P    And yeah, he does not need to know that it's one sided.. hihihihi!And yeah, @Novchime really thought of that! it never crossed my mind to have it in one big shot! I was so in love with him, my brain's not working the way it should be! I'm lacking in logic when my heart goes over my head! :)) =)) =)) :P  Anyways, I'll get my turn after her, so I'll probably let her off that easy.. (Easy, meaning to say I would have him for 5 weeks straight! )   :P:P:))
and yeah, FRIENDSHIP NEVER END?????   X( X( [-X [-X %-( %-(   EXCUSE ME, MISS!! what you had in China, ends in China!!!!!   X( X( 8-| >:P [-(LOL!! I was just JOKING!!!! forgive me, people!!! hehehehe...   :D:D O:-) O:-) O:-)
@Goongfan- i missed having you here! hihihi! nice to see you again in here! And yeah! Oh My God, Jesus Christ Superstar! :x :P :\"> :x :PI was jumping for joy when I saw the thread! waaah! it's so good cause it's noisy today not just because of the noisy can here ( MEEE!!! ) but because of everyone! hihihi!  Nice pic, he's looking so suave and sexy in there.. And No clothing?? hahaha! I like that too!  :D:)) :))  Oh! and i suddenly remembered the i need to slap my face/ Fabric only comment in FB!  =)) =)) =))
@Novchime- honestly, I had to stop myself from sending you an email and bother you about that picture. Yapping and throwing a hissy fit like a kid who never got candy at the grocery cause mama said no?? I don't want to sound like that to you. But hey! What did i do a few days back?? hahahaha!  :)) =)) =))  Yeah, i calm my nerves so bad and i still grit my teeth harder than i should whenever i see those pictures! which i see very often cause I saved it on my mobile and on my lappy!    X( X( /:) /:)   Geez! OMO! I'm going nuts!  :)) :))  BTW,  I miss you! :x :x  You take care and don't stress yourself much.. 
waaaaaahhh!!!!!   ^:)^  ^:)^ ^:)^ :\"> :\"> :x :x >:D< >:D<   i loved your pic @witchwithnostick!!!  I ALMOST DIED!!!   =P~ =P~ =P~ and those snaps on that collage are enough for the litres of tears i cried when I saw Goong and The Devil and Five Fingers!  :)) :)) :))Thank you soooo much!  >:D< >:D<  and you have more of those?? hihihihihi!  :P:P :\"> :\"> :D:D Yeah, rom-com next please!! 
annyeong to everyone else! @sophie @touchjjh @mabelle147 @ck16 @kabilag @selasih @lualm :D >:D< ;)
will be sharing a video of JiHoon singing.. I don't know what the song was or what it means  :D:D:D  but he sang so well in here and he looks so hot with the same haircut shown in @ziera25's vid.. and the glasses! :\"> :\"> :\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=ncS38s22D5g

;)) 8-> 8->  and a very nice picture too!   Thanks to @touchjjh for this!  :x :x :x971201_4167284200791_1108271704_n.jpg

and i really like his smile in here.. and his somewhat salt and pepper-ish hair and his ring!!! :D :\"> :\"> :x :xtumblr_mebygq9xlT1rf82r3o1_500.png

Take care Hunnies!!!! Keep Safe! Stay Happy!
I feel like singing cause of the Topless collage, really! hahaha! I'm walking on sunshine I'm walking on sunshine I'm walking on sunshine And it's starting to feel good, hey All right now! 
im gonna go back to ogling and being sappy! aja!!! images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0HRkjJHi2bX5K39MH2dmtumblr_lvhuuq55N71qhoyau.jpgimtihan.jpg

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Annyeong, hunnies!!!!!!
@witchwithnos...oohhh lala =P~ =P~ 8-> kamsahamnida ^:)^ totally agree..another rom-com please....
@novchime...glad to be back. been missing Tarits too....but in my case...it's all because of work #-o. Sadly my schedule is kinda crazy these days so don't be surprised if i'll be missing a couple of days a week...anyways, i will keep coming back to get a dose of my one sided love affair :-P But boy..am I glad to be here today. Check those HOT HOT HOOOOT pics! :\">
:\"> :\">

@goongfan, @yanni...are you guys ok?~hahaha
@ziera...am lovin that schoolboy look of JJH...aaaahh when does he ever NOT look good??
@yanni...hi sissy! gomawo.... nado bohgoh ship uh. You got that right...I wasn't in my right mind too until novchime mentioned it. I guess am like that when I am inlove...i can take whatever I can get...pathetic, yes, but as long as it is my Ji hoon ssi....i can take it :-P
You tell her, sissy!! She better make the most of it....whatever they got going...it's better left in China X( X( X( 
@sophie @mabelle147 @ck16@kabilag @selasih @lualm and the rest of the hunnies----you all better come home soon and check out @witchwithnos collage....you won't regret it :-P

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i'm suddenly fainting, help, mpping my drools !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh those collage-naked-shirtless Jihun-ssi, wow ^:)^ @witchwithnostick, so it takes Jihun taking pics with a girl to shares your precious collection :)

waves to @novchime @cynder @yannyayson @lualm @goongfan11 @mabelle17 @selasih and everyone else here :D love to read your commentaries here girl :D

and @yanny, you can checking out my tumblr for gifs-spamming of Jihun on the naked kitchen :D

and to adding the collage from witchwithnostick, here is the gifs from ehmmmmmmm
please please please dont considers me as a pervert-stalker, would ya :)) if y'all uncomfortable with this gif, i'll deleted it :D

its amazing how SMA stay cool looking at what in front of her =))

and @yanny, i'm using photoscape to make gifs, its very easy,, i'll pm you the tutorial if you interested :)

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong Haseyo Hunnies!  :D:D :-h :-h
Yeah, sissy @Cynder, you have to keep coming back everyday, if you're not that busy to see your highly flammable chicken legged hottie boyfriend more! hihihihi! :x :x :\"> :\">waaahhhh, who could resist that school boy look??? No one, I bet! You mean like this, right??? School boy sophistication?? hihihi!tumblr_lw6akksk2O1r1h2pfo1_500.jpgddbad4af8ef9c39e09e74e57893e2d95.jpgde3ae71daa069706a42c09a896b2692d.jpgtumblr_ll9cdstWY01qa52m2o1_500.pngwaaaaahhh!!! and how i wish that that romantic get away that we babble so much about here??? I wish would happen! even only in my dreams! hahaha! :x :x :P:P   I've never been so crazy to any other celebrity like this! omo! well, it comforts me knowing that i'm not the only one! 
:)) :)) =)) =))  You're there, and @sophie and @Novchime too!  >:) >:) >:)
Omo!  already told her-- CHINA ONLY! Understand?!!!!   X( X( [-( [-( [-X [-X X( X(      I hope she comprehends! hahaha!   =)) =)) =))
Annyeong haseyo, @sophie! hihihihihi! what a cute gif!!!!! =P~ =P~ =P~ :\"> :P :\"> :P :\"> :x :x when is my drooling gonna stop???  At first it was @witchwithnostick and now, YOU! omo!!! he looks so sexy in there! :D:D ;;) my mouth's still open and yeah-- i'm looking at IT over and over and over! haha!  :\"> :\"> :x :x :)) :)) Sexy back! uhuh-uhuh! A verrry sexxxxy back he's got! Let's wait til everyone sees that cute gif that you have right there! hihihi!omo! yeah, please teach me how!  8-> 8-> I want to know how to do those kind of stuff..  ;) :\"> :P
No new pics of our Ji Hoon-ssshii.. but this one i'm sharing came from a recent magazine.. 

and yeah, it is this guy's fault why I am so keen in trying to find a cute, tall, chicken legged, snob but affectionate, cold but warmhearted, with sexy lethal eyes as a boyfriend! waaah! it's your fault, SHIN GOON! and i love youuuu!!!tumblr_lnp6ykEWbG1qem6a1o1_500.jpgtumblr_med61vDyv01r0cuheo1_500.png


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Guest NightGiggler

I am relaying this message from Tarits - "I'm glad to have taken the opportunity to take a look at this page.  I may register again under a different name because my eldest son deactivated my old soompi account where to my memory, I have posted over 2000 messages.  Nevertheless, when I am up and about, by God's grace, I should be back to posting in my old form.  I have seen the new pictures of Ji Hoon and I have to be honest in saying, he needs to add a few pounds and needs a different kind of hair style.  I don't know if how he looks now is for his new movie.  I am missing the old Ji Hoon, who has been my favorite since April, 2010.

I am glad to see the members of the global fans club actively posting here and I am glad to see my name mentioned and missed by many of you. I hope more members will post here and will continue to support Ji Hoon.

A special hug to Lualm, Red, witchwithnostick, pongky, and new friends nov chime, yannyanson, ziera25, goongfan, jjsweeter0211 and many others whose names will be too long to list.  It makes me happy to see all of you posting and continue to keep this thread active."

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Annyeong, Hunnies!!!
@sophie...now I am mopping my drool. My face turned tomato red looking at those photo collage but the gif...OMO! makes me wanna hit his behind just for kicks X_X
@yanny...that's it! i love that school boy charm of his...though he can be HOT in almost every look. But can you imagine having him at your school??? I would definitely LIVE in school =)) =))
@nightgiggler....thanks for relaying the message. Nice to hear from you, Tarits!  Keep it up and may you heal real well soon :-)

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Guest nikmah

Hello everyone,...Thanks to you're all for pictures & some vids & everything about Jihoon ssi...he's boyish charm, hot & sexy...made the heart melted to the ground, found the something true,(his cute & good looking in anystyles) really keep bleeding love,,,(oopps sorry i've mentioned leona lewis here he...) @novchime "gomawo" for NK lyrics (I don't anything but love) his so cute with SMA together & become attractive too in the kissing scene with her. anyway, for the oldies, nice to see your reposting here, & we're all always support Jihoon ssi, @yanny, @cynder, @mabelle147, @cyera, @lualm, @sophie I will wait for you're all suprise!" Annyeong all hunnies, "Have a nice day"

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong Haseyo Hunnies!  :D:D :-h
We are all looking forward to seeing @Tarits lovely posts once again, @NightGiggler. We all miss her and we are all thankful that everything turned out the way we hoped for. and yeah, I really do agree that JiHoon put on more weight. Hihihi! He looks better with chubby cheeks! But nonetheless, chubby cheeks or not, we would still love him just the same. Kamsahamnida, @Tarits!!! Fighting! Aja!!  >:D< ;;):)>-
@cynder- sissy!! Just for kicks, huh! hahahaha! omo!  :\"> :\"> :\"> I don't think I can! I think I'll just look at him from behind! yes, you read it right! BEHIND!!!  :P:P:P:D:D:))  Having him at school?? I'd probably try to have a double degree, then a masteral, and try to be a professor there too! or Librarian like Shin Min Ah!  :x :D
@nikmah- annyeong haseyo! enjoy your stay at our home and you're in for a lot of surprise! hehehe... 
Hello to @novchime @mabelle147@ziera, @lualm@sophie 

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Hello All Hunnies!!!! glad to come again, seeing all the posts, and love the all !!!!!! thank you soo much

i would like to share you
want to hear his? 0:55.. enjoy.... (who will not anyway.....) everytime i watch this, just makes my mouth dry.. huaaah.. pervert!
:D  .. our highly flammable one!

thanks to okiwait
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Guest novchime

Hello Pervies, eh sorry, Hunnies,

OMGJCSS!   It is getting more and more interesting!  Woaaaaaahhhh!   I do not know what to think anymore...... But I am sure we are all having a very nice laugh!  First the topless collage, then the shower scene (top and bottom less), and then the very hot kissing scene!!!!  I wonder how many times they had to shoot the same scene!  Just imagine!  Mabelle even took note where the best sound can be located!  Sophie, please do not make gifs of the most interest scenes.  My heart cannot take it anymore.  But do I hear Yanny say "more please (hi hi hi)"?  Ha, ha ha!  I wonder when we will get controlled by the Mother Hen!

I have quite enough of school now, but if JiHoon would be attending, then I will gladly enrol again!  And then I want to sit beside him.  Hear that, BESIDE him!  @cynder, there is still an interesting place for you, but I will not tell it here.  And of course @Goongfan11 can be our teacher.  She knows the best subject (ehem ehem.. about JiHoon) to teach. 

Nice to hear from Tarits.  She seems to be doing more and more things now.  We miss you Tarits!  We hope for your continued recovery!

Take care all......

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Guest Goongfan11



Hello Pervies, eh sorry, Hunnies,

OMGJCSS!   It is getting more and more interesting!  Woaaaaaahhhh!   I do not know what to think anymore...... But I am sure we are all having a very nice laugh!  First the topless collage, then the shower scene (top and bottom less), and then the very hot kissing scene!!!!  I wonder how many times they had to shoot the same scene!  Just imagine!  Mabelle even took note where the best sound can be located!  Sophie, please do not make gifs of the most interest scenes.  My heart cannot take it anymore.  But do I hear Yanny say "more please (hi hi hi)"?  Ha, ha ha!  I wonder when we will get controlled by the Mother Hen!

I have quite enough of school now, but if JiHoon would be attending, then I will gladly enrol again!  And then I want to sit beside him.  Hear that, BESIDE him!  @cynder, there is still an interesting place for you, but I will not tell it here.  And of course @Goongfan11 can be our teacher.  She knows the best subject (ehem ehem.. about JiHoon) to teach. 

Nice to hear from Tarits.  She seems to be doing more and more things now.  We miss you Tarits!  We hope for your continued recovery!

Take care all......

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Guest NightGiggler

Sharing new pictures from TARITS of Ji Hoon and his leading lady from his chinese project, Love Suspects (aka Love Suspicion). ENJOY!943582_10151629860576462_1128718835_n.jp943056_10151629860506462_755721366_n.jpg

"One more Japanese Magazine that featured Ji Hoon. Also, those who do not have the dvd of Ji Hoon's five fingers, please take a look at this. Credit: f4mom"

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Guest ziera25



Thanks !  for all those clips, gifs, write-up and many others. This thread is getting bigger and exciting.

Waiting for his two films to complete. What is happening to  eve of the wedding movie ?.

He didn't attend his colleague event greatly and secretly ?.

Welcome to NightGiggler, witchwithnostick, mabelle147, ck16 and to those I missed !

The beach scene could not beat the GOONG scene !. each director, different feeling and mood !.

Have a nice weekend everyone !! Take care !.

Tarits hope to hear from you soon !.




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@Goongfan... it's really Witchwithnostick & Sophie's faults from the beginning... i just follow them! Hahahahahahaa... Kidding! Love their posts!  :)>- :P

hallo all Hunnieessss.. @Ziera, @Yanny,@lualm, @Novchime, @cynder, @nikmah, @sophie, @Goongfan, @witchwithnostick, @nightgiggler, @witchwithnost,.. (hopefully I have mention all of you here).. Miss you all.. how's the weekend?

same here, I also can't wait to watch his new movies..
speaking about "New before the wedding".. I cant find any update news about the movie. has it wrapped yet? before he filming "love suspicious" maybe? is there any info about this movie?

and speaking about Singing Jill.... heeeem... have to be honest with you hunnies.. I think He did looks comfy with her companion.. I feel it from the Vids, then Bday Pics.., and now Yannie's pics. he just look relaxed. I think from the beginnging (when I saw in youtube about this upcoming movie press conf), I find that Singin Jill already looks as she's having interest into him (maybe to be his friend at least.. there was a good chemistry between them), instead of Jihoon with the other leading actress.

Oh well............. haah... as long as he's Happy.. I hope Singing Jill can be his good friend, so he'll not feel lonely abroad.........
cant be there with him anyway!

HICKS! :(:(( :((

@nightgiggler.. likes Ji Hoon DVDs.. it has different cover in my home country.. those in your pics looks very nice... wuuuaa... full of JiHoons pics... !

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