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All I can say is that...doesn't the bathtub looked kinda small for him?~hahaha He couldn't even stretch!...which means I can only stare at his knees. I was so embarrassed to really watch him play with the bubbles...i am an idiot, right yanny??  X_X  :-\" 
@yanny....I do get what your saying though...he does seem so carefree in that video. He always seem to play the mysterious, brooding, quiet, man of a few words. The video was totally refreshing. He was too relaxed that even when he smokes (which is not cool)...he makes it look good. He's just smokin hot!!
@novchime....thanks for the vid!...I think I broke my hip :))  =P~  8-}

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Guest novchime

It is almost Jihun's birthday.  Here are two more videos produced in 2012 and 2011.  The first is by 05jutaka16 and the second by haneybee1257.

@sophie, I think this link has answer to your question on the leading lady (http://amy0827.pixnet.net/blog/post/39093673; thanks to Amy).  Only I cannot understand all that was said.

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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong Hunnies!!  :-h :-h :-h
OMG! that's all i can say! hahahahahaha! :)) :))how can someone be so amazingly sexy whilst modelling, acting, playing with bubbles and goofing on the camera??  :x :x :x :\"> :\"> =P~ =P~care to tell me how HE can do it??? oh my, this guy's really IT! hihihihi..oh, @Novchime, i was extra-extra nice at work today, no one was able to remove the smile plastered on my face the whole shift, thanks to you! :D :D :D 
such cute video, @ziera25! hihihi! thanks for posting nice videos of JiHoon-sshii! ;) ;)
annyeong @Cynder!  the bathtub really looks so small for him, maybe because he's too tall.. and yeah,  we can only see up to his knees! :\"> :\"> :P :P  the first time i saw that particular video, Omo! i can't help but blush and blush and smile like an idiot too! but it made me want to replay the video again and again and again! LOL! =)) =)) :\"> :x =P~ =P~  waahhhhhh!! you think you broke your hip??? hahahahaha! :)) :)) how many weeks will it take for your hip to recover?? I hope not too long cause @Novchime will for sure post more vids, that'll be bad for ya! :PI think i lost it.. my sanity, that is! 8-}this guy is really driving me crazy! 
posting one video by steraplace again.. droolfest starts now! =P~ =P~ =P~

Bye Hunnies! Keep Safe! Stay Happy! :x :x >:D<

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Guest ziera25


@ cynder,

Hello there !, how are you ?. sorry to read about you hip after the fall. How are you recuperating ?. Take care and get well soon !.

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Annyeong, hunnies :-h 
@yanny...you really are cracking me up! Girl...you really do bring much laughter in here... >:D<  >:D<  >:D< for you, sissy! I can tell JJH really brings out the girl in you :-P With novchime posting hot, HOT vids...you and I won't be needing a blush (make up) for awhile ~haha
@novchime...good video finds. They are all done with love :x The videos from piano JJ are one of my favorites...love her choice of music :-bd
@ziera...hi! Am so sorry...I was actually kidding when i said i broke my hip in response to novchime's teasing when she uploaded "The Model" video. She was saying how the video will make us fangirls fall to the ground :-) Though I am so touched of your concern...i felt so bad having misled you. Forgive me? [-O<
Let's all stay safe, healthy and happy!!

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Guest novchime

Two more days and it is Jihun's birthday!  I have here 2 videos which were made in 2010.  The first is from rararalandy1974 and the second from MrJuLove.  They contain some pictures which I have not seen before.

@cynder: nice that you liked the videos.

Greetings to all!
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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong Hunnies!!!  :-h :-h :-h
How's everyone??? Hope you guys are all doing great! 
hayyyyy, @Novchime- i would never have to worry about my heart's health ever again! Your videos are my daily source of heart exercise! hahahaha! :)) :)Omo! they really make my ventricles work hard! Plus like what @Cynder said- we never have to think about using blusher anymore! :\"> :\"> :\">  just thinking about the hotness of JiHoon makes me turn tomato red automatically! :\"> :\"> :\">  I look like a love sick puppy whenever i look at his pictures and watch his videos.. hahaha! 
@ziera25- forgive my silly jokes, girl if i had you worried.. hihihi.. am naturally crazy.. :P  
missing everyone on this thread. Annyeong to @Lualm @sophie @selasih @touchjjh and i will never forget @Goongfan11 who made me laugh so hard the last time she was here... hihihihi!
got new pictures from Amy's page..  from what i understood, the movie that JiHoon is doing in Shenzhen is about to be released this year as well. I hope it materializes as planned! If that happens--------->>>> Ji Hoon fest this 2013!! Yey!!! =D> =D> :D :D <:-P <:-P <:-P 1368464065-928989073.jpg1368495731-930749353.jpg?v=1368495732
Stay Happy Hunnies. Keep Safe!!! Aja!!

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Guest novchime

Hello all,

@yannyayson: I am a bit jealous at Singing Jill!  That kind of look!  Even YEH said she gets nervous when she looks at the handsome face!
@cynder: how is your hip??? :)  Take care, it is dangerous to have friends like us!

Tomorrow is Jihun's birthday.  I still have 2 videos from the past years and would like to share them here.  The first was made by akiaki and uploaded to YouTube on May 16, 2010.  The second was made by Gung7 and uploaded May 15, 2009 (a long time ago...).


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Guest yannyayson

Annyeong!!!!!  :-h :-h :-h
@Novchime- JiHoon fest starts here cause of your videos! omo! I love them soooo much! Thanks!  >:D< >:D< >:D< >:D<
@Cynder- hope you're doing fine! see you around, sissy! :x :x
shoutout to all my cyber buds, hope everyone's doing well... @Lualm @sophie @selasih @touchjjh @Goongfan11 and all the lurkers here on our Love's thread.. :D
and of course, if by any chance, if there's any probability that he reads his fanpages (which i doubt, to be honest.:-/ :-$ :(   )i want to greet----
JU JI HOON a verrrrrrrrrrryyyy HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Hope that this year will bring more success in his career, continuous health and overflowing love, happiness and peace within that he truly deserves!  

did something which i have on my tumblr for my forever crush.. hihihihihi..tumblr_mmv5lfOSUO1s5hjowo1_500.jpg

Keep safe Hunnies! Stay Happy! 

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its already 16th May at my place so,

Saengil chuka hamnidaaaaa.....




pics and gif credit to punjabigraphics.com

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Guest f927


Credit: gung7

Happy birthday JiHun sshi! Wishing you all the best. ~ wifey :P

Hiyeeeeee to all hunnies in the house.

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Guest ziera25



Hello JU JI HUN shi !






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생일축하합니다 , Ji hun ssi!
It doesn't matter if we don't know each other.What is important is that you have made an impression in my heart and you will always remain there! 
Happy Birthday and have great year ahead 

Here's wishing you something so nice....

credit to eaglerocktv
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Guest rintintintin

Hi Mr. Handsome guy, Happy, Happy Birthday... wishing you more blessings and works to come. See you in a Korean drama someday. :) Fighting! 

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