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Ju Jihun 주지훈 - [Upcoming Drama 2024] Dominant Species [Movie 2023] Project Silence [Movie 2023] Ransomed


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Coming here and reading all the comments posted by fans and nice pictures of our JJH really make my day.

However, i personally find that we are all too involved with Goong hence we keep dreaming that our "Royal couple" really going after each other. It is not a wrong thing creating our own "dream" but we need to you know "wake up" and face reality. Unless someone manage to "catch" them dating in the public then that is another story (Fans will be thrilled!!). If JJH n YEH are really a couple in reallife, they would very much want their lovelife to be in private rather than appearing on entertainment news all the times; I don't wish to see them getting stress.

Goong has definitely outshine a lot of Kdrama series, let's hope the sequel will make the same impact as well.


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Guest ally2207

~ Hi yuru! :) Yeah... i know what you mean, maybe our bubbles too overrated. Sorry for that, and don't give up to post again OK! :(

~ Dear sHaziEe, erh... did you have same point like yuru too? :unsure: I'm soo sorry again, OK! But we really didn't mean that way, we just want to keep oppa thread alive 'till Goong 2 or forever! :)

~ I'm feel really sorry if our bubbles hurt you girlz, but please... never to give up oppa thread b'coz of that! :tears:

~ B'coz i really find this thread more warm & friendly, not much arguing thingy here! :vicx:

~ Afterall bubbles just a bubbles, it's didn't hurt. ;)

~ Don't misjudged my words, hope you girlz can understand that! :sweatingbullets::lol:

* WORLD PEACE * For all people in this thread! :ph34r:

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Guest lualm

hi jamieyn...thanks for reposting the pics even if they have been posted before... i am a newbie here and i must admit i dont have enough time to surf each and every page here..though i would love to... anything that i see here really makes my heart skip a bit faster...and so i am extending my appreciation for you, same goes to the people who originally own these works....

gracecherry...yeah me too, i was worried yesterday...as any avid fan would be reacting...but as others have pointed out...we need to get a grip of ourselves...its nice to know we have friends here to comfort each other...

re the tension...i sense that there are some who take things seriously...i hope we can all co - exist here without hurting anyone...and just have pure fun....i also think goong2 petitiononline is not a waste of time since it is an expression of one's earnest desire to have jjh and yeh back together on screen...regardless of what the outcome maybe...what matters is goong fans are gathering up to be heard...proving again and again how popular this series and the stars have become and how deep it has embedded into our hearts.

peace !!!

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Guest momo08

MIZZLINHIE> i think i will just have to cope with it like the rest of you guys :) i'll follow you guys' steps and just ignore things i don't wanna see. *sighh* hope i'll get used to it soon though, because it drives me crazy when i read those kind of things. thank you so much for supporting a newbie like me :D

(the pix of oppa and unnie are too cute, thanks..OH...the huge mag scans are wayy nice! i'm drooling now HAHAHA)

CHELI001> lol i hope ALLY'S quote could be a bit more effective though ;) cuz some people are just too stubborn to understand it...:P

GRACECHERRY> ^_^ THANKS for comforting me!!! i feel right at home in oppa's thread now..so many nice people! :D

LIQUIDFIR> so so true...lets try to be a huge family! weee :D

JAMIEYN> yay world peace (again)...by the number of times we've used this quote..why do some people still don't understand?? **confused**

LABELLE> someday i'll try to post something in YEH's thread..cuz seriously, i wanna support her too, but omgosh..**shakes** it'll take me time before i can make my move overthere..hahah such a chicken i am

ALLY> nice to see you again too :D

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Hey peeps!! I've got an article to translate for you guys...hope it hasn't been posted yet!!

Recently, Korea has had many up and coming actors..other then Lee Junki, another actor who acted in Goong as the Crown prince, Joo Ji hun has appeared. Starting out as a model, he turns 24 this year, stand at 187cm and 68kg. Outstanding figure. Having studied in Dong Won University's drama course, he has great physical coordination. Having flimed many CFs, acting is something not too tough for him to handle.

The single eyelid Joo Ji Hun...can we call him handsome? Actually, not really. At first look, he appears to be only an ordinary big boy, with a tinge of melancholy in his eyes, but when he smiles, his charms shines through, winning him tonnes of fans. His appearance in Goong even allowed the ailing MBC to return to life after being " on the verge of death". For fans in taiwan, Goong is due to be aired in the later half of this year.

Joo Ji Hun likes to play computer games, basketball and swim, nothing too different from the ordinary youngster. When he was in high school he was the naughty student, the typical bad boy. A little hoodlum...but maybe it was this quality that led to him being spotted by talent scouts. He then started modelling and flimming CFs. After that, he branched into acting and has found fame with the drama adaptation of the manhwa, Goong.

Goong was originally scripted to only be 20 episodes long but because the viewershipd of it set a new record, it was decided that 4 more episodes would be added. Maybe it was because the media got too nosey, it was rumoured that Joo Ji Hun claimed that he did not receive payment for the last 4 episodes. this caused tension between the actor and the television company. To this, before Joo Ji Hun left for Macau to flim Goong, he openly expressed his gratitude to the production team for their help and that he owed his fame to them, hence he flimmed the last 4 episodes for free, at the same time pushing back all other movies, dramas and CFs till later.


Joo Ji Hun has been made the spokesman for casual wear Naknine. With the days getting hotter, and to suit the summer season, the beach was chosen for the shoot. The clothes make him look real man!!

Ok..that's it...I don't know if the article is 100% true so don't shoot me if anything appears different to you..and I did my best translating..ahah..sorry if it was bad..hehe..

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Guest momo08

MOJOBOBO> thanks for taking the time to translate this article...we're too friendly in here to shoot anyone.. :phew:

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thanks mojobobo!

its not 100% true of cuz as the Naknine 'beach' shoot was done indoor at a studio :lol:

sometimes they just can't get such basic facts right how do they expect readers to believe them totally...

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Guest cheli001

mojobobo, thanks for the article.. and for translating it! we appreciate it very much. :D

momo08 and lualm , i also hope that we could all co-exist w/out hurting each others feelings. this used to be a safe place... anyway, world peace! (ally, i'm using it again... haha)

chigurl, loved the gif file. so cute haha

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Guest ally2207

~ ThanX for posting that artikel mojobobo! No one will shoot you here, we really glad you can post that here! :)

~ momo don't be sad, it's happen in other thread too! Let it go, i'm not good at using harsh words. My mom said it's not good to hurt other with BAD words. :P We just keep our manner, and save our energy for more meaningful thing! :)

~lualm, we stay PEACE FOREVER! B)

* WORLD PEACE * For all people here! :ph34r:

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reminders time

if you don't hv time to check out the revised rules, allow me to quote it here:



1. No Convoying Rule

Please refrain from saying too much hi, bye, goodnight, good-morning, good afternoons greetings, waving, in colourful colourful words.

Why we don’t want it? Because it breeds a chatroom-like environment which is not suppose to be what this forum is used for.

2. Non related chat.

Please discuss purely about the topic. Personal talk and other irrelevant conversation should be restricted to Private messages, other means of communication. Please keep birthday celebrations out of thread topic unless related to the stars of the thread involved.

3. No Spam Rule.

Please do not post for the sake of bumping the pages.

Please do not make it a habit to post one liners for the sake of post increase or to annoy others.

He’s so hot, omg he’s so hot, he’s hot hot hot.. is the same. There is no need to repeat / and echo the same replies. No more post announcing “I OWN THIS PAGE” or any more “Thread Milestone Celebrations” because, we don’t know when we’re gonna trim the pages so no point celebrating.




Hi Everyone,

Just want to remind everyone again about re-quoting pictures.

Please, do not re-quote full pictures (unless the pics are small). Sometimes there's no need to requote every single picture posted by another poster. Sometimes we have a thread full of re-quotes and its really bothersome to some people.

So please, take out the image tag when you are requoting.


9. Re-quotes of pictures

If you need to re- quote a picture. Post the link, or a thumbnail instead of re-quoting the whole picture.



i don't want to name other threads as examples but there are several threads that people just cannot stop convoing and do something constructive that it keeps people from visiting.

see i'm not the only one who had voiced out and there are more people doing so.

you can choose to ignore this since its useless to you, maybe it would be a happy end for all to hv the mods come in and take a look and decide to lock this thread.

remember soompi did not exist to provide a chatroom environment.

now before anyone accuse me of all talk and no action, here's another photo taken by JJH in london.


notice the singlet worn by the guy? its the same design worn by JJH...

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Hiya peeps! Thank you for the reminder, Rebs. First things first: I understand we can get too excited when discussing such a hottie like JJH (I guess this goes to YEH & Goong thread too) :P , but please keep the private conversations aka chit-chats among yourselves via PM or IMs. Of course, Insightful comments, news, pics, speculations-with-substantial-evidences are most welcome here, so please do share them.

Last but not least, kind words is the safest way to voice your opinions. No name-calling or harsh comments please. Even disagreements can be expressed in a nice tone, right? :)

I'm saying all this because I care about our beloved threads and don't want any to be closed down *or soompi to crash again*, and no pun intended to anyone.. I was once guilty of spamming too, you know :) It's all good when we get reminded once in a while.. All in the name of love :blush:

And oh, here's JJH riding a bike like that gangsta' that he is *NOT* kekekeke... :P


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Guest momo08

Hmmm..it’s so quiet here :(... I really MISS the BUBBLES!!! The bubbles actually made this thread so alive :)

thinking the same thing as you...**sighh**..hmm i'll try to go around and find some pix to post up.. :sweatingbullets:

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~ Hi yuru! :) Yeah... i know what you mean, maybe our bubbles too overrated. Sorry for that, and don't give up to post again OK! :(

~ Dear sHaziEe, erh... did you have same point like yuru too? :unsure: I'm soo sorry again, OK! But we really didn't mean that way, we just want to keep oppa thread alive 'till Goong 2 or forever! :)

~ I'm feel really sorry if our bubbles hurt you girlz, but please... never to give up oppa thread b'coz of that! :tears:

~ B'coz i really find this thread more warm & friendly, not much arguing thingy here! :vicx:

~ Afterall bubbles just a bubbles, it's didn't hurt. ;)

~ Don't misjudged my words, hope you girlz can understand that! :sweatingbullets::lol:

* WORLD PEACE * For all people in this thread! :ph34r:

Hi Ally

I do enjoy reading all the articles and bubbles posted on this site, really. There are a lot of potential script writers here.

Sorry if i have confuse you and other readers.


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