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What Book Are You Currently Reading?

Guest loO4la

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This reply is more like, A LIST OF WHAT I WANT TO READ:

Going Too Far - Jennifer Echols

The Luxe - Anna Goldbersen (and Rumours: A Luxe Novel)

Shadow Kiss - A Vampire Academy Novel - Richelle Mead

City of Bones/City of Ashes/City of Glass - Cassandra Clare

GOSH!!!! I want to read these books soooooooo bad!!!!!!!

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Guest _ping_

Q & A by Vikas Swarup ( better known as Slumdog Millionaire )

City of Bones/City of Ashes/City of Glass - Cassandra Clare

I wanna read City of Glass ><

love this trilogy <3

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Guest Amanda Plz

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Helping out a friend by reading it with her. I like it a lot. It's really interesting and the prose is amazing.

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Just finished Angels and Demons by Dan Brown ^^;

I couldn't put it down so I ended up reading it one day.

I'm interested to see how some parts come out in the movie.

I want to read The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger next

Or I might just re-read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë again :x

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Guest screamxlove

Revolutionary Road

Let the Right One In

You Suck

The Reader

The Time Traveler's Wife

A Great and Terrible Beauty

... I have this horrible habit of reading a book, never finishing it, and starting a new one T.T;

So I'm kinda reading them simultaneously lololol.

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The Soloist by Steve Lopez

met him and got my copy autographed yesterday at UCLA and saw his seminar panel with the musical director of the movie too

it was awesome :)

hope to get some reading done during cst tomorrow :D

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Guest iAM_Vindicated

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

Zzzz.. I can't get past page 21.

I'm really judgmental when first reading a book. If I don't enjoy it halfway through, I'm calling it quits. :angry:

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Guest --savers--

just finished reading Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

I'm currently reading Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I know I'm kinda late reading this. Because this was just the year I started reading novels.hehe.. It was intellectually written with many twist but it's main topic was about religion/Church but I believe that it was all fictitious. I'm not finished reading this and I can already tell that it definitely not be included in my fav. list.

My next book to be read after this were Angels and Demons and Breaking Dawn

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Guest xskyi

ehh nothing special for the moment, short with intresting books lately.

Harry Potter 2

Eclipse- re-reading

I know that my brother s reading some book called Candide something.

I read the first sentece and then threw it away. I dont know how he manage.

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Guest papasmurf

for last two weeks I finished reading:

-The book of lies

-Angels and Demons

-The shack

Currently i am reading Wrongful Death. After that i will read Boneman's daughters and after that i will read First Family heheheheheh

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Guest your--HEROine

The Giver -- Lois Lowry

I want to read Angels & Demons too because I want to try and read it before the movie comes out.

I want to read it, then go and see the movie.

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Guest starstung

The Luxe - Anna Goldbersen (and Rumours: A Luxe Novel)

These will not disappoint, though the third book (Envy) could have been interesting the whole way, not page 100 and after.

I'm reading two books, both that I had ripped off the New Book section in a library.

Book of Clouds
by Chloe Aridjis - I'm reading this one pretty slowly because it's from the adult section so the vocabulary is a little challenging. Hopefully those book reviews are right

Paisley Hanover Acts Out
by Cameron Tuttle - There's something about Paisley I don't like. I knew it before when I was reading but I forgot. Other than that, the book is great.

Can't seem to finish Princess of Gossip though. It's so full of dialogue and the summary on the back extends all the way to page 250, at least.

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Guest ninyaah

Angels & Demons.

I really need to finish this one. I read The Da Vinci Code for two days. It's been a week and I haven't even finished half of this book.

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Guest c'erine

The Amber Room by Steve Berry

only because dan brown apparently really likes it

and i've finished all of his books so i figured i might

as well move onto books he likes >.<

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