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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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^ I love my mini too!

I also bought the entire set of Diana lenses for my dslr... but I really regret it... The effects are soo minimal 'cause of the crop.. Spent $200 on nothing D: So I'm thinking of getting a Diana, but I already have the mini... BLARGHHH.

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eccentricGIRL_ : the only difference is that the diana F+ has a flash, while the diana + does not. yeah the flash is that expensive. haha.

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Guest Uverstar

does anyone have that maybe problem of the film not clipping onto the gear spool? when it gets on the take-up spool and it winds up it just skips of the gear spool...I'm afraid I'm just shooting blank photos...T_T

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Uverstar hmm? make sure the film counter is moving at the same time you move the advance wheel.

that's how you know if the film is advancing properly.. if not then.. I dunno :S

I haven't posted pics here in a while.. so I shall photospam :D

4236829712_017c666846_s.jpg4232572797_29e1f03f48_s.jpg 4268394129_2eee5f5669_s.jpg4268394333_210847bbc3_s.jpg 4270097538_a02f3f78d8_s.jpg4273227491_e50557dd83_s.jpg 4275827064_e1320c0b3d_s.jpg 4275880472_8cf97fa848_s.jpg

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squares are from my Diana and the bottom ones are from my Gakkenflex :D

I'm going to Big Day Out (awesome music festival~ PASSION PIT :wub:) tomorrow and I'm bringing some disposable cams!

hopefully they'll turn out alright~ continue shooting!!

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Guest Uverstar

finally you're back XD and yeah the film counter moves when i forward the film so I guess it's okay? haha let's hope so because i was trying some of the missions in the booklet that came with the diana mini...I don't want all that trouble to go to waste haha

oh man Leah you better be careful with your cameras at the big day out haha

EDIT: 4292968218_14fbcc2ef4_t.jpg4292226799_7217ba78bb_t.jpg4292975020_583047eeeb_m.jpg4292228937_e9075fb80c_m.jpg4292224981_04e21f6eae_m.jpg

these are my recent shots haha

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Guest jjennuhhferr

does anyone have the lomography fisheye? i just got my first roll developed but they said my film was "burned" and nothing came out :l but idk how my film could have, would anybody have an idea?

i think i loaded/unloaded my film incorrectly though...because after loading my film and taking pictures people would sometimes open my fisheye door and the film would be exposed and when i was rewinding the film to unload it, i had the fisheye door open for most of the time ._. would this be the problem? cause i dont want to do the same mistake to my other 2 rolls >.<

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Guest Justalilodreamer

^ yeah that is definitely the problem. You should never expose your film to light unless you're in a dark room (photography dark room) or until you've completely rewind it.

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Guest graceeiscool

jjennuhhferr deff never open the film door unless the film is completely rewound. once light hits the film, your pictures will be exposed, causing the film to "burn"

anyway ive been lurking for a while, but i finally decided to post some pics hahaah

these are all fisheye 1 heh




& i just got the diana mini & vivitar ultra wide and slim

(well, i got the superheadz yellow peace version, but its the same thing right? hehe)

so ill be sure to put up those one i get them developed!

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Guest babytina

I have a Fisheye lomography camera (in the mike perry edition) that i got on sale @ urban outfitters. I was really excited to try it out and stuff... only to find out my film was BLANK?!

so i tried another film. turned out blank again.

is this normal? for a film to be COMPLETELY empty? im getting really upset and pretty much on my way to abandon my fisheye.... :(

i've exposed my 1st film... but after reading online, i did my very best to not expose my 2nd one. and it still came out empty. what's the problem?

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Guest nobody knows

I was just looking around ~

and the fisheye photos look really cute xD

the only downside for me is that it's film so I can't just spam the button until I get a shot I like (and I won't know if I got the shot I wanted until the film's out)

ahhh the downsides of being too poor to constantly buy film D:

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i kinda forgot bout my uws and 2 rolls of film and left it in the car for few months. will the films still be okay since its kinda exposed to the heat even though i kept them in a bag?

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Guest Uverstar

^ your film will be fine....just refrigerate them next time haha and it's nothing my dad left this old roll of film like the 90's on our clock that get's exposed to light and sun for years and we developed it recently and all the photos came out fine haha (Y)

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Guest kevykevvv

Hi everyone, I was wondering if everyone here who is experienced with lomo cameras could help me with something! I'm pretty familiar with DSLRS, but lomography to me is a whole nother field that I have no knowledge about haha. I want to get my girlfriend a lomography camera as a graduation present and it's nothing super special or anything, but I know that she'll probably be going far away for college and it'd be nice to have a different camera other than digital.

I want to get her a fisheye because of the effect, before I go google a bunch of stuff, could you guys help me with info on is there more than one kind of fisheye camera, is one better than the other, and is there anything special about using it besides pointing and clicking?

Thanks for any help, I want to make sure I have all the bases covered before blindly buying something. I'll go ahead and find time to read every page of this thread later!

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Guest strawberry.llamas

Hi everyone, I was wondering if everyone here who is experienced with lomo cameras could help me with something! I'm pretty familiar with DSLRS, but lomography to me is a whole nother field that I have no knowledge about haha. I want to get my girlfriend a lomography camera as a graduation present and it's nothing super special or anything, but I know that she'll probably be going far away for college and it'd be nice to have a different camera other than digital.

I want to get her a fisheye because of the effect, before I go google a bunch of stuff, could you guys help me with info on is there more than one kind of fisheye camera, is one better than the other, and is there anything special about using it besides pointing and clicking?

Thanks for any help, I want to make sure I have all the bases covered before blindly buying something. I'll go ahead and find time to read every page of this thread later!

there really isn't a science to lomography. You find and connect to a camera and just shoot. No worrying about whether the ISO is high enough, or if the shutter is way too open, etc,etc. It's all about being spontaneous. So find one that will appeal to your girlfriend, buy her some film, and tell her to just have fun.

remember it's a toy camera, you're supposed to have fun :]

sorry if i was of no help but I feel like that lomography is suppose to be carefree and spontaneous ^^

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Guest breathless.

I want to get her a fisheye because of the effect, before I go google a bunch of stuff, could you guys help me with info on is there more than one kind of fisheye camera, is one better than the other, and is there anything special about using it besides pointing and clicking?

There are two fisheyes, the original and number two. If you want more than a 'point and shoot' go with the #2, it has a bulb setting and then a set setting at 1/100th @ f/8. It has flash capabilities. There is a switch for when you want to do multiple exposures.

The original is more simple and she would probably have to stick with only sunny days.

OVERVIEW (fisheye #2)

Size: 4.25" (10.5cm) x 2.5" (6cm) x 2.5" (6cm)

Weight: 0.5lb (0.23kg)

Format: all 35mm (color negative, slide, b&w)

Field of Vision: 170 degrees

Approximate focal length: 10mm

Fixed aperture: f/8

Shutter speeds: 1/100, “B“

Flashes: Standard hotshoe & built-in flash (powered by one “AA“ battery)

Multiple Exposure switch for unlimited shots on 1 frame

Film can be processed at any 35mm lab, supermarket, drug store, swapmeet, etc.



I'm not that spontaneous' actually lol. It's film, I mean, I have fun, but I'm not going to randomly shoot from my hip because the lomographic society tells me too, yaknow?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest elle912

hello everybody,

i've recently taken an interest to lomography and i really really want a camera. I'm usually a grade A lurker on soompi, but I had a question about the holga and superheadz cameras that was eating me alive.

so anyway, i was wondering what the difference between a holga120 and superheadz slim angel is? i googled like crazy but couldn't find anything so i'm beginning to think they there really isn't. heh, but i just want to make sure before i order both

thanks in advance :D

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Guest strawberry.llamas

There are two fisheyes, the original and number two. If you want more than a 'point and shoot' go with the #2, it has a bulb setting and then a set setting at 1/100th @ f/8. It has flash capabilities. There is a switch for when you want to do multiple exposures.

The original is more simple and she would probably have to stick with only sunny days.

OVERVIEW (fisheye #2)

Size: 4.25" (10.5cm) x 2.5" (6cm) x 2.5" (6cm)

Weight: 0.5lb (0.23kg)

Format: all 35mm (color negative, slide, b&w)

Field of Vision: 170 degrees

Approximate focal length: 10mm

Fixed aperture: f/8

Shutter speeds: 1/100, “B“

Flashes: Standard hotshoe & built-in flash (powered by one “AA“ battery)

Multiple Exposure switch for unlimited shots on 1 frame

Film can be processed at any 35mm lab, supermarket, drug store, swapmeet, etc.



I'm not that spontaneous' actually lol. It's film, I mean, I have fun, but I'm not going to randomly shoot from my hip because the lomographic society tells me too, yaknow?

Haha I meant for you to be carefree and have fun as well...I hope my post didn't give off the impression that you had to follow every rule of lomography :P

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elle912: hmmm, i think the holga 120 actually gives you more control in the sense that you will have to do some kinda adjustments to the settings or modes (N and B mode, focus etc), while the superheadz slim angel is like a point and shoot camera (no adjustments). and then for the holga 120 you will have to use 120 format film while the slim angel uses 35mm film. 35mm film is easier to find i think, and the cost of developing is cheaper too. it's easier to find a place that develops 35mm film too if i'm not wrong. oh, and i think the slim angel doesn't have flash. the holga 120 has various models, and some have built-in flash.

holga 120 operation instructions (erm, in there you can find lots of stuff about the functions of the camera since it's like an instruction booklet lol) - http://holga.taken.jp/about/manual.html

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Guest insertnameHERE.

i just developed my first roll of film off my wsa ! how exciting .

surprisingly, it wasn't as expensive as i expected .. it was $3.48

it's been in my wsa since september !!

it has been severely neglected due to me dominantly using my DSLR :P


i'm looking to buy the fisheye 2,

and usually i would go to urban outfitters to buy it ,

but when i went onto their website, a huge selection of cameras seem to have disappeared ...

so does anyone else know where in toronto i could get a fisheye 2 ?

and around how much is it ?

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