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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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I think I'm getting my very first lomo camera soon. I'm still debating over the white slim angel or rainbow v.

Anyways, I have a question. After you guys are ready to develop the films, where do you usually do it at? by yourself or give it to a camera shop or stores (like walmart? costco?) Do you develop and print pictures or have the pictures saved to a CD(without prints)?

I'm really a newbie at this. :P

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Guest wiwi_an

^i bring my film to a photo place that develops 120mm film. (so decide wut film u shuld use and where u can get it processed)

then after they get processed, i get to look at my pictures and if i like some of them, i decide to get prints (its like $1 T.T)

OR i wuld buy color-slide or black/white film and just scan the pictures into the computer..

how do u take off the lens of a holga? i dunt wanna break mine..

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Guest breathless.

7lotus:They are both UWS clones, so it doesn't really matter which one you get lol ~ Get the one that is cheaper? Prettier (to you)?

I don't know how to work in a darkroom yet. I just get them developed at my photo lab on campus. You can get them developed anywhere that you trust... if price is an issue, you can go to a pharmacy. I went to walgreens last week because I was dirt poor--but I'm iffy on the service because I don't know if they wear gloves while handling the film (I asked for uncut negatives and they were just rolled up without plastic covering.) If I see physical fingerprints, I'm never going back lol. I guess it depends on how much you value your film.

I hate scanning but I'm starting to scan on my own so I just ask for negs.

wiwi_an: you can't o_o or actually, you shouldn't? They aren't meant to come off...?



vistaquest 1015

I love this little thing, but I don't think it will replace my film shooting entirely.

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Guest the kite

bloo. : those are 110 films. it's for cameras like the ikimono, matopara, book camera [it's just a camera that looks like a book]. i think they're under the superheadz brand? not very sure about that though.

Wow, the cameras look so unique. I'm reluctant to get something that I can barely find film for though (and something that's impossible to be developed). But thanks ! I've never seen a 110 before. It looked so weird :P

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wiwi_an I see. Thanks for answering my question.bringing the films to professional is a good idea but I don't think there's any shop like that near me. I kinda wanna try cross-processing my films...but that'd probably require a professional who's willing to do it for me.

breathless. Ok, thanks. that's so cool that you get to develop your films on campus. I really want to learn that, it's very interesting,...wish my school has a photolab/darkroom (it might..LOL)

I'm so excited for my cameraaaaa.

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vistaquest 1015

I love this little thing, but I don't think it will replace my film shooting entirely.

Awesome shots! Makes me anticipate the arrival of mine even moreeee! You've got some lovely vignetting going on in the first shot and the colours in the second shot came out great.

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Guest breathless.

That's pretty BA I like it.

You're fond of multiple exposures I see haha (:

yuns: yeahhhhh so far I like it. I do have a few complaints, the battery being one of them, but overall, it's great. I'm still struggling to figure out what exactly the camera sees since the view finder is virtually useless. I can't really tell the focal length.

What color did you get? :D

I've never really introduced myself haha. My name is Alyssa, I'm 19, Korean-American, I'm from VA and I go to to school in upstate NY.

v OH HAI !! Totally didn't recognize ya (: Yeah, I take the battery out-- I'm contemplating modding it, but I'm a bit nervous. I have a blue one (used though, so I had no choice).

Basically, I will have to point and shoot and pray since there is no way of telling unless I had my computer in hand. It's definitely more like film in that respect.

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That's pretty BA I like it.

You're fond of multiple exposures I see haha (:

yuns: yeahhhhh so far I like it. I do have a few complaints, the battery being one of them, but overall, it's great. I'm still struggling to figure out what exactly the camera sees since the view finder is virtually useless. I can't really tell the focal length.

What color did you get? :D

I've never really introduced myself haha. My name is Alyssa, I'm 19, Korean-American, I'm from VA and I go to to school in upstate NY.

I think we've met before on Ficaholics? I was Calliope on it. =) I'm Tuyet, btw.

I guess you just have to shoot and hope it turns out well lol? I've read about some people pulling out their batteries when they're not using it to save batteries. I'm thinking of blu tac-ing one end of the battery when I'm not using it but I don't know if it's possible since I haven't got the camera on hand yet. I picked the black one. ^^

leeahh Let's go shooting when I get it, hehe. XD

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bloo. : yeah it's pretty hard to find a place which develops 110 film. i wanted to get the demekin fisheye before, but because i don't know where to develop 110 film, i didn't get it. the demekin fisheye camera is so small and compact that i'm afraid i might end up breaking it.

Uverstar : i wanna jump on that! haha.

breathless. : the first photo looks awesome!

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Guest parenthesis

Hi, I'm very very new to photography, very very very new.

So i was just wondering what's the difference between the toy cameras and the actual cameras.

I want to get one but i don't know which one so any recommendations ?

Also I was planning one getting on off of ebay... are cameras on ebay trustable?

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Guest Uverstar

oh~ yeah~ I've bought my two lomo camera's from ebay and they've arrived fine..though the people I buy my cameras from is REALLY bad with packaging lol just look at their feedback and you'll be fine :)

not really sure what the difference between regular film cameras and lomo cameras except that lomo camera's are made out of plastic..well the majority of it and they have plastic lenses :D

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Guest soogerlips

Okay, so I've been obsessing over lomography for a bit now.

At first, I was gonna buy a DSLR but it's WAY too expensive as of right now. (I'm broke :( ) So, I decided to get a Diana+. I actually like the pictures that it produces because it's more vintage looking and whatnot.

I'm gonna buy a DSLR later, when I actually have enough money for at least the body of the camera. xD

But my Diana+ should come in on the 17th and looking at all these pictures on here makes me anxious about mine.

I bought one that uses 120 film, but I bought an adapter too so I can use 35mm because it's cheaper. xD

What I'm worrying about is if I can take good pictures and not make it look so 'digital film' like as if I'm touring a place.

I'm just wondering what kind of film is best for a Diana+ 35mm or 120mm.

Is it better to buy the film online or can I find the same type of film at like a pharmacy? I might go check out a camera place somewhere downtown, but I don't want to drive down there and see that it doesn't have lomo film....

Any suggestions? :P

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Guest Uverstar

well your first question..not really sure what you mean haha

second question, I only buy expired film online from ebay haha but if I see a good deal on like a bundle of 35mm film on ebay and is generally cheaper than in stores I will buy it haha

I always look on the internet before I spend my money on 35mm film in my area hahaha

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My Vistaquest 1015 came! Took some of these pictures at a friend's birthday + walking home today. And the viewfinder is a bit off sometimes. The battery level indicator keeps changing too. T_T The AAA battery included in it died after about 150 shots. The camera's kind of a hit and miss but it's fun to play with. When it's bright, things get REALLY overexposed and white things just glow lol. It's definitely not a replacement for my dslr but I like it. XD


Excuse my ugly foot. :lol:




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yuns omgah finally!! i checked out your set and they're epic!! i actually quite like the detail of the grass in the first one~ havies ftw! and i really like the somewhat distorted look of the pole in that second one :D :D welcome to the lomo family B)

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yuns - woah i'm loving the vignette.

after a year, i finally scanned in my first roll taken with a holga 135bc. most of them are either blurry or have the wrong white balance lol only a few came out somewhat decent *sobs*






seems like i like windows very much eh? :lol:

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