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[drama 2008] Spotlight 스포트라이트

Guest f0reveralways

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As for the book...ya..it's so well thumbed through...it's like his personal bible/guiding principles for a journalist. Do you know what's the title of the book?

lol actually if i am not wrong , i saw the cover for one split second , it look like

The Secret

by Rhonda Byrne . i browse through the book briefly at a bookstore quite a while back . since it was like on bestseller chart, everywhere i go i see it . it sort of have a collection of motivational and positive thought , with alot of quotes . . maybe i should pick up the book


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lol actually if i am not wrong , i saw the cover for one split second , it look like

The Secret

by Rhonda Byrne . i browse through the book briefly at a bookstore quite a while back . since it was like on bestseller chart, everywhere i go i see it . it sort of have a collection of motivational and positive thought , with alot of quotes . . maybe i should pick up the book

OHHHHH i think my cousin has this week or something. wiill ask her about it

not into this kinda inspiration books but i shall try it out for this show LOL

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Thanks, chief for the info. I think i'll get it.

OHHHHH i think my cousin has this week or something. wiill ask her about it

not into this kinda inspiration books but i shall try it out for this show LOL

LOL . i did think it was abit too inspirational when i browse it >....AND i found out what bag that was used for the "bribe " JUST IN CASE ANYONe give this to you all ~LOL FROM husbands or BOYFriends , MUST REPORT TO ME~ .

Louis Vuitton Suhali Lockit


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Finally almost caught up ... first couple episodes weren't that great but by EP 4, it was cooking some good stew. Really enjoyed EP 5 even started to tolerate Lee Soon Cheol guy. Heading into EP 9, it seems our intrepid reporter is heading into waters even more trecherous than even Jang Jin Gyu, corporate malfeasants and involvement of her own upper management. Cool. Just stopped by the say hi to everyone again.


yup. more dangerous and trecherous then Jang Jin Gyu. it is sometimes the system itself that can be more fatal . but it sure make me want to clench my fist with all these iinjustice ...NOW WHY IS TELLING THE TRUTH SO HARD IN REALITY! .

Episode 10: (SPOILER AHEAD)

I really like episode 10 a lot. Not only does the episode explore the meaning of love in its various forms and shades, it brings to focus SWJ's fundamental belief in journalism and through her suspension, forces her to re-examine the reasons for choosing to be a journalist. The episode marks the coming of age for SWJ, who emerges stronger professionally and individually, a better person. At the company level, the management is forced to re-evaluate their basic beliefs and rules of survival in this realistic and often cruel world. Most importantly, the episode gives us hope- at the end of the day, all is not lost and what we hold dear is not in vain.

all newcomers posses that fundamental belief in what is the true meaning of journalism but like what Cap Oh say , the strenght of justice need to be strong ,otherwise , there is no power to uncover the TRUTH .

Shuky, my post goes between your two posts...

As for the deal between GBS and YW Construction,

I think GBS promised not to report anything negative about YW Construction any more.

So, bureau head was delighted when the report on New City (prepared by SWJ and LSC) was out on the news. Without mentioning a single word about YW Construction, GBS simply reported on the lives of residents of New City.

YW Construction, after receiving materials collected by OTS, SWJ and LSC, promised not to withdraw their commercial ad from GBS and direct the newspaper to amend the news on SWJ's accepting bribes.

everyone take a step backwards .to make compromise to get out of the mess , because it is going to turn more ugly if both parties decide to fight on.

i think GBS also had to issued an annoucement for news correction for the mis-use of words in their report of YW Construction (i still dun really what is the difference in the terms that woojin used in her first piece of news on YW , regarding how the auidt committee acting for the newcity devlopment comrpised nearly 40% of YW staff or something , apparently thi shift of personnel was done before the newcity project was annouced ? anywya the GBS had called it outrightly as violation of law which is not technically correct ?) , which is a compromise with YW contruction and also the interview with the sanbei was not telecast .the Director had make a copy of it .and gave it to YW Contruction to indicate they have this piece of evidence and . and in silence exchange , they want YW Contruction to back down too . * lol i really nearly didnt get what happen at first * then i realise ohhhhhhhh when the news was not shown ...

actually i kinda of like how Cap Oh deal with this and also that include how Reporter Lee confront him about this . Cap Oh must really be quite seasoned from all his dealings ...but Lee is still a newbie ..he wont understand why .but slowly .he will. i wont be surprised if Cap Oh was once like reporter Lee before ..lol

you know , when he was reading what the rules of conduct and ethic to Woojin ..somehow i keep remembering what he had done to his own father too . a truly professional journalism , the rules of conduct is so demanding ...sigh it was quite harsh to hear him say you cant really believe anyone ...such a lonely life sometimes .

i think the final news that was boardcast , focus on NEW CITY development itself, rather then pinpointing who is the culprit . i thought it was a really fine report . the true meaning of the redevelopment plans had gone to ruins when the original resident cant even afford to own a place in their previous residential area . And according to the statstic they show , seem like less then 10% of of the original residents are able to get a place in the redevelopment property ( hinting also at the ridicoulsy overpriced properties ) this is really against the ideal of what a redevelopment project is all about , giving the area a new life .especially for its resident .

lol and ya they didnt even mention the YW construction name even once in the report >SO the YW construction cant really do much abt this NEW and i really like MR AHn comment haha "if this is not even allowed ,then you might as well say that the people of korea is not allow to any news at all *

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Guest shuky

OHHHHH i think my cousin has this week or something. wiill ask her about it

not into this kinda inspiration books but i shall try it out for this show LOL

Thanks Shirley for the book title. Must have gone to the wrong bookshops (and read all the wrong books) as I didn't even know there was so much buzz about this book.

Thanks Markho826 for the info on the deal. Actually, I think I'm just not wired to understand the intricacies of the New City deal, even with the help of the chinese subs. Shuky has a missing chip in the brain!! Just when I thought I have finally found the answer, more questions arise. I think I shall leave it to the capable hands of the subbing team to unravel the whole mystery. :lol:Liquidfir and gang, jia you!!!

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Guest shuky

Episode 10: (SPOILER AHEAD)

A question of love

a. SWJ's parents' unconditional and self-sacrificing love for her

b. LSC's friendship with and loyalty to her

c. SJH: A betrayal most cruel

d. OTS's abiding love for her

a. SWJ's parents' unconditional and self-sacrificing love

i. SWJ's meal with her father

Earlier, we saw that her father's firm had dealings with one of the subsidiaries of YW Group. YW threatened to withdraw their contracts with SWJ's father's company if he didn't convince her to drop the New City story. WJ's father did not even raise it with her and resigned from the company. WJ found out about it from her brother and was most apologetic when she had the meal with her father. Her father told her not to say sorry. Rather, he was disappointed that he couldn't protect his child. To make her feel less guilty, he told her that he had planned to retire next year and spend more time with her mother as they travel and see the world.

ii. SWJ crying in her mother's arms

Guilt-ridden, SWJ was in tears when she told her mother that she had done wrong. Her mother, without questioning, stood firmly on her side. She encouraged her by saying that WJ had always done well and it was not her fault. Instead, she blamed the wicked world we live in.

b. LSC's friendship with and loyalty to SWJ

Just some additional notes since I've dealt with some bit earlier.

LSC's fight with OTS at the beginning of the episode

Earlier, we saw LSC's hot-headed approach in helping to clear SWJ's name. At the crying square (office rooftop),he was shouting slogans in his desperate attempt to rally support for SWJ. He explained later in the episode that his chest-thumping act was a result of his fear that the company would not stand by a second-line reporter, and by implication, sacrifice her in the wheeling and dealing in the corporate world. Later, he confronted cap for his seemingly inaction and the lack of urgency in proving SWJ's innocence.

(Abridged version based on c-subs. All mistakes are mine)

LSC: Do you plan to continue watching and not do anything to help SWJ? Didn't you feel that SWJ was innocent too?

OTS: Do you want me to shout slogans as well just like you?

LSC: That's because the report was false and my colleague's in trouble. If we don't retaliate with our versionof truth,then, what good is a journalist?

OTS: What proof do you have to say that First Daily's report was wrong? We will only be accused of sensationalising the news if we do not have the backing of proof/evidence.

LSC: I thought you were different from others. Looks like I'm wrong.

OTS: If you want to deal with the accusation of bribery, you need to find SJH. We need him to tell the truth.

LSC: Then, I'll use whatever means to find him.

And so LSC went to the incompetent policemen and the debt collector while OTS sought the help of a friend to trace SJH through his sister via some financial records. But it was SJH who contacted OTS first.

c. SJH: A betrayal most cruel

I'll not go through this again as Liquidfir had done an earlier translation (SWJ and SJH in the cafe). Also, you may like to refer to OTS conversation with SJH in the park in an earlier post.

d. OTS' abiding love for SWJ

While his expression of love may be understated, there's no denying that it's there and it has grown through this ordeal.

i. His series of text messages to SWJ

1. Do you really want to tire me out? Return my call quickly

2. Give me a ring, please

3. This is not something you can solve with your resignation. Please answer my phone calls.

ii. His active role in clearing her name

iii.OTS and station chief

OTS was arguing his case before the chief to run the story on SJH's on-camera confession. This would apparently be the perfect retaliation to expose YW Construction's role in fabricating story on WJ.

C: Do you think you can win in this game?

OTS: We can. No. We must.

C: While the headline news is important, GBS can also end up as a laughing stock.

OTS: But we shou;dn't give up just because of it.

C: What's wrong with you? Do you really want us to risk death and take on YWC just because of SWJ? Why has your sense of judgement been affected? Is it because of SWJ? Don't you understand me? I'm asking you. Do you have any special relationship with SWJ?

(After some hesitation) Love this portion!!! hoho... it's ok, OTS, just admit it!!


C: Then what is it?

OTS: Right now, what I can vouch for is that First Daily's report was obviously fabricated and planted. It is no longer about SWJ. It's about the public right to know, especially since we know the truth. Even if it doesn't involve SWJ, I would do the same.

Enters GBS' President

iv: SWJ and OTS in the park: His way of showing concern and encouragement

While LSC was good company and a drinking buddy, OTS provided the intellectual fodder in helping SWJ regain her confidence and walk out of her doldrums. He passed her the book, which we now know is entitled "Secrets". OTS told SWJ not to thank him as he didn't solve the problem on his own as the Chief went to see YWC personally. He went on to say that he could perfectly understand what she was feeling then- how to deal with the evil in society, the trust in people, and whether to continue to be a journalist. But, he stressed that to win, she would have to pull herself out of this quagmire, then would she grow stronger. He told her that whenever he felt this way, he would read the book a few times. (* shuky rushes out to get the book as OTS swears by it :lol: ). If she needed more time, she could take her time but he warned her not to take too long. Otherwise, she would really be defeated in spirit and all.

v: OTS outside the cafe when he caught LSC and SWJ red-handed, complete with killer, megawatt smile (*swoons)

Pls refer to Liquidfir's earlier translation.

vi: OTS welcomed SWJ back to the fold (again, the killer smile)

He basically said that it was nice to see her again in the context of the newsroom.


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LOL . i did think it was abit too inspirational when i browse it >....AND i found out what bag that was used for the "bribe " JUST IN CASE ANYONe give this to you all ~LOL FROM husbands or BOYFriends , MUST REPORT TO ME~ .

Louis Vuitton Suhali Lockit


Wish to get a sugar daddy for this gift. :lol: :lol:

Din realise it is LV Range. Thkz...

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LOL . i did think it was abit too inspirational when i browse it >....AND i found out what bag that was used for the "bribe " JUST IN CASE ANYONe give this to you all ~LOL FROM husbands or BOYFriends , MUST REPORT TO ME~ .

Louis Vuitton Suhali Lockit


this is freaking hell gorgeous??? think i can get it for my 22nd bday LOLLLL AHHAHAAHA

shall beg for this no? it looks like a delicious milk chocolate candy LOLL

anywayz no updates on episode 11 yet

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Guest shuky

everyone take a step backwards .to make compromise to get out of the mess , because it is going to turn more ugly if both parties decide to fight on.

What led to the decision for the trade off? Conversation between station chief and GBS President

C: This could (to run the story of SJH's on-camera confession) lead to legal entanglement between companies. This could also develop into a prolong war with no ending in sight. I don't know how much trouble this will get us into. Therefore, I cannot decide.

P:Don't you have any confidence? If you don't have any confidence, don't do it. Chief, if someone were to hit me, I would retaliate. When I complain against someone, someone will also complain against me. If I questioned someone, someone wiould also do the same to me. If I lashed out on someone, I would be angry with myself. These are teachings from Buddhist scriptures. Chief, aren't you from the same school as YWC President?

The decision to take a step back, I believe, stemmed from the Buddhist teachings that there will always be a reaction to any action taken and there will be no end to this vicious cycle. However, this does not mean that GBS is compromising on their fundamental belief- news is all about telling the truth and the truth must be told, without fear and favour. Indeed, as pointed out by Shirley earlier, they did "retaliate" later with a different but better story which hits out at YWC without naming them.



The Deal

Actually, nothing was decided at the meeting in the cafe, except that the envelop containing a copy of SJH's interview was pushed from chief to YWC and back. It was only when the YWC President asked if the station chief was free over the weekend for a round of golf that the deal was cut. Later, at the meeting with his key editors, it was announced that YWC will continue to place advertisements on GBS as pointed out by Markho826 earlier. They would also block the media authority's warning. Chief tasked cap to communicate with First Daily's reporter to do a corrected story and likewise, GBS would run a corrected story on the New City Development.

The aftermath: A sell-out, bowing to pressures of deep pockets?

Cap announced to a stunned newsroom that the corrected story would be top news for the night and they were not running the SJH's interview. Naturally this almost caused a revolt as Chae Rim's brother (sorry, cannot remember his name) felt that it was ridiculous since it was only a word that was wrongly used. This was a familiar refrain from vice-cap and CME. Cap explained that this was company's policy and they would have to follow without any questioning. Enraged, LSC boldly refused to fall in line and argued that it was a blatant disregard for justice/what was right. What cap said subsequently, I feel, best summarised the whole saga. Cap reminded them that they could not uphold justice if they could not even report the truth without making a single mistake. What good was justice if they did not have the strength and were incapable?

In a way, I don't see running a corrected story as a compromise as they have definitely done wrong and made the mistake. It may just be a single word, but it changes the whole meaning of the story. And in journalism, the truth is sacred. What they did compromise is not running the SJH story in retaliation but used it as a bargaining chip to swing the deal. As pointed out by Shirley, the younger reporters may not see it as such and judge this as a sign of weakness, that it was a sell-out as they have buckled under pressures from deep pockets. LSC said as much when he confronted OTS on the rooftop.

OTS and LSC @ the crying square

LSC told OTS that the person SWJ admired most was him but she would be most disappointed to hear what he said earlier. OTS reminded him that he didn't know the whole story. With his limited vision, he could only see the tip of the iceberg and for that, he had no right to throw a hissy fit.

OTS: If your foundation is deep, if you want to uproot it, it takes a lot of strength. This is the reality.

Again, I don't see them as conceding defeat to harsh reality. Rather, if they were to take on an influential conglomerate like YWC, and rightly so especially since they were involved in shady deals, they must first get their facts right, backed by irrefutable evidence. The truth must prevail, otherwise, GBS is no better than a mouthpiece for YWC or whoever that could exert the most pressure. Which is why I was so happy that SWJ did the story as sweet revenge right at the end. As pointed out by Shirley, I simply love what Mr Ahn said right at the end. "If they (YWC) come down hard on us, then, there's really no point in doing news in Korea". There is hope after all and that truth will prevail in this cruel and wicked world.


Acemaverick, I totally agree with you that SWJ is such a fortunate girl. Nothing beats having a boss/bosses who stands by you (not just OTS but the station chief and the President as well). :)

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Guest acemaverick

after watching epi 10, i find SWJ really fortunate.

supportive family.

a boss which refuses to give up on her, [or could it be that without him knowin he already developed feelings for her?] hopefully it wouldn't turn out too melodrama.

and a subordinate/junior that's going out all lengths for her. [or is it he's doing it out of love too? hehe.]

ah, wish so much my work life is like that too! hehe.

if only the National Service guys under my charge will do that for me hehe. but not for the other stated reason lah. only doing it for a boss, is it possible?

looking forward to epi 11. but coming to that, it;s ending soon. it;s sad. every time a show ends. gotta start over again. wish it jus stays in the middle.

right now, startin on WHo are you as well.

do i sense some jealous from the vice cap?

love the look on CAP's face when he picks up the phone and it's SJH.

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11회 ㅣ 2008-06-18 주요장면 미리보기 :

조회 :

국장은 태석에게 심층리포트를 정규 프로그램으로 편성해 보는 게 어떻겠냐는 의견

을 전하고, 태석은 우진과 순철에게 회의 내용을 전달한다. 심층리포트 프로그램 진

행은 여기자 단독으로 할 예정이라는 태석의 말에 우진, 명은은 태석을 보고, 진행자

는 사회부 내에서 테스트를 거쳐 뽑기로 한다.

태석은 우진과 명은에게 자료를 조사해서 각자의 시각에서 기사를 만들라는 첫 과제

를 낸다. 취재를 마친 우진과 명은은 태석의 심사를 받고, 태석은 이런 경쟁 하고 싶

지 않다는 우진에게 끝까지 도전해보라 말한다.

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Guest markho826

11회 ㅣ 2008-06-18 주요장면 미리보기 :

조회 :

국장은 태석에게 심층리포트를 정규 프로그램으로 편성해 보는 게 어떻겠냐는 의견

을 전하고, 태석은 우진과 순철에게 회의 내용을 전달한다. 심층리포트 프로그램 진

행은 여기자 단독으로 할 예정이라는 태석의 말에 우진, 명은은 태석을 보고, 진행자

는 사회부 내에서 테스트를 거쳐 뽑기로 한다.

태석은 우진과 명은에게 자료를 조사해서 각자의 시각에서 기사를 만들라는 첫 과제

를 낸다. 취재를 마친 우진과 명은은 태석의 심사를 받고, 태석은 이런 경쟁 하고 싶

지 않다는 우진에게 끝까지 도전해보라 말한다.

1.The Chief passes on an idea to OTS, to organize a regular programme called 'Deep Report' (again???), and asks for OTS's opinion.

2.OTS tells SWJ and LSC about that.

3.It's planned that one female reporter will be responsible for the new programme.

4.The female reporter in the new programme will be selected from OTS's team through a test.

5.SWJ and CME (the crazy senior?) meet OTS discussing about the new programme (again???).

6.The first task to SWJ and CMW, is to investigate and make reports expressing their own view about a topic given by OTS.

7.OTS will decide who is to be selected.

8.But SWJ does not want to compete with CME to the last minute.

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Guest shuky

1.The Chief passes on an idea to OTS, to organize a regular programme called 'Deep Report' (again???), and asks for OTS's opinion.

2.OTS tells SWJ and LSC about that.

3.It's planned that one female reporter will be responsible for the new programme.

4.The female reporter in the new programme will be selected from OTS's team through a test.

5.SWJ and CME (the crazy senior?) meet OTS discussing about the new programme (again???).

6.The first task to SWJ and CMW, is to investigate and make reports expressing their own view about a topic given by OTS.

7.OTS will decide who is to be selected.

8.But SWJ does not want to compete with CME to the last minute.

Hey, thanks so much for the translation....zap..zap...more OTS/JJH killer charm and smile going your way!!! Sorry, I don't know how to post caps... hohoho :lol: .

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Guest Akombakom

Hi Everybody,

I'm new here, I'm from Europe, and I don't speak either Korean or Chinese. I'm still hooked on Spotlight, and I'm watching it without understanding the words fully - I mean I deduce the meanings and also read forums so I can follow the story more or less. I think the two main characters are a sizzling couple. I hope their romance will get to full bloom... Not like in Dae Jang-Geum, where - in my opinion - at the end we had to miss out most of the romance. (In our country the national tv channel has finished broadcasting the drama a month ago. And although I'm a bit disappointed because of the romance line, I still fell in love with that series! And also the language. And JJH as well... :rolleyes: )

Sorry if I interrupt the conversation about the current episodes, but I would like to turn back to episode 7 for a short while, to the bottle-spinning game. It's seems soooooo funny, yet I cannot find any exact translation of the sentences. Could someone write them down in English for me, please? What is it that SWJ is so unwilling to say at the beginning? (I can only understand something like "Mommo". ?) And later, what questions does SWJ put to OTS? I could understand "just answer with 'yes' or 'no'!" But to what? And why are the others laughing so impishly?

Thanks a lot,


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Hi Everybody,

I'm new here, I'm from Europe, and I don't speak either Korean or Chinese. I'm still hooked on Spotlight, and I'm watching it without understanding the words fully - I mean I deduce the meanings and also read forums so I can follow the story more or less. I think the two main characters are a sizzling couple. I hope their romance will get to full bloom... Not like in Dae Jang-Geum, where - in my opinion - at the end we had to miss out most of the romance. (In our country the national tv channel has finished broadcasting the drama a month ago. And although I'm a bit disappointed because of the romance line, I still fell in love with that series! And also the language. And JJH as well... :rolleyes: )

Sorry if I interrupt the conversation about the current episodes, but I would like to turn back to episode 7 for a short while, to the bottle-spinning game. It's seems soooooo funny, yet I cannot find any exact translation of the sentences. Could someone write them down in English for me, please? What is it that SWJ is so unwilling to say at the beginning? (I can only understand something like "Mommo". ?) And later, what questions does SWJ put to OTS? I could understand "just answer with 'yes' or 'no'!" But to what? And why are the others laughing so impishly?

Thanks a lot,


the bottle spinning thing goes like this.

whoever spins the bottle gets to impersonate the person the bottle is pointing to

so basically they exchange roles, like e,g woojin becomes taeseok and taeseok becomes woojin.

wj: nice to meet you. i am the new captain seo woo jin

from now on call me captain when u see me, try it once now.

ts: captain

sunchol: this feeling is good.

wj: oh taeseok, right now you answer my question by answer yes or no.

if you lie to me, i will make you do all the basic dirty job understand?

ts: yes

wj: do u have any 'hateful' feelings towards me?

ts: dont have

wj: answer by saying yes or no.

ts: NO.

wj: then why did you make things so difficult for me during this period of time?

dont tell me you are jealous of me ?????

ts: no.

wj: how dare you show your teeth while smiling. shut your mouth.

ts: who is the prettiest in our social department???

me me me me me

answer answer answer

wj: all are pretty

what is that~~~

you have to answer that asap.

man: if u dont wanna answer it directly, then use their initials then

Miss S---- or mIss C-----

wj: what is that, the cap is asking you a question how dare u....

answer the question before you answer the call.

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