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[drama 2008] Spotlight 스포트라이트

Guest f0reveralways

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Guest shuky

ok this is sorta OT, but i noticed recently on other shows i see the GBS logo. i mean like here in the drama.

ive never really heard of it before is there really a GBS station?

im really enjoying this drama, its just tough when there arent many subs.

so many names and i get confused at times..

but all in all very interesting i must say..

As far as I know, GBS is fictitious. Glad you are enjoying this drama, like many of us. The honest truth is, even with c-subs, I get very confused too !!! :) (should have paid more attention in class!!)


Episode 9 (paraphrased based on c-subs)

SWJ and LSC at roadside stall drinking soju (about 50 mins) This was after SWJ was accused of taking bribes (as reported in the dailies) to write the vindictive report on YW Construction

LSC: Sunbae, I believe you will not do such a thing. It's not just me. Those who know you feel the same too.

SWJ: You know, (I always believe that) truth will prevail

LSC: If it doesn't, I will use whatever means to make sure it does. Don't worry.

SWJ: SC, assuming that you've gotten hold of a shocking headline. If you were to report it, those around you whom you love will be hurt. What will you do?

LSC: I don't know. Because of the right of the public to know and hurt those I love I love, it's no go.

SWJ: Why?

LSC: You know, it's like the law against harbouring a criminal. However, if the criminal happens to be your parents, children or siblings, you will protect them.....as human beings, we have feelings too. Therefore, you can't prevent this from happening.

SWJ: But for me, because of a headline, I've put my family's safety at risk as well as the survival of my company....I'm not a human being.

Here, SYJ, I feel, put in a stellar performance to portray the dilemma a journalist has to grapple with (the cost of fulfilling the public their right to know). You could feel her pain and disappointment as she realised the ramifications of her single minded pursuit of the truth, perhaps in this case, it's the enormity of her arguably foolhardy pursuit.

Actually, I feel the real issue here is not the public's right to know vs hurting your loved ones. Rather, what OTS and SWJ did err was that in their enthusiasm to break the news on YW Construction's wayward ways, they had neglected the cardinal rule of making sure that the facts were correct by checking and re-checking them. What I don't understand is, the story was vetted stringently, from OTS to Mr Hong(vice soc news department head or assistant editor) to Mr Ahn (soc news editor), how is it that none of these veteran journalists, with their years of experience, spotted the error (SWJ's story said that it was illegal for YW Construction to flood the approving committee with their employees, who in turn, would logically rule in their favour. More on that later). Still, it was the station chief who gave the go ahead to broadcast the story, surely he could have asked them to check that fact since it was the most crucial point of the story? Even if they were not sure, they could have sent the story to their legal department or seek independent legal advice outside since this is potentially an explosive expose'. If they get it wrong, they could be taken to court for defamation, which YW Construction had every intention of doing so.


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Guest shuky

Episode 9

What was the story on YW Construction that went on air?

According to SWJ's report, YW Construction had used a lot of illegal means in their attempt to secure the New City re-development project. The largest construction company in Korea had flooded the approving committee (about 40%) with their own employees. The committee played the important role of deciding which construction company to pick for the project and at what price. The report further alluded to the fact that the YWC employees joined the committee a few days before news of the re-development project was announced, suggesting that there was some insider leak (by the assaulted MP who was in their pocket). The result of having a committee that ruled in their favour? YWC secured the project on the cheap, paying something like $60 billion KW cheaper than the market rate. This would only mean that the poor people living in the slumps slated for redevelopment would have less money in their pocket to buy new homes. (ok, I'm still very fuzzy over how this works. Please feel free to correct me if my understanding of the issue is wrong :) )

Why did the station chief agree to run it?

To give the chief some credit, he had the guts to make the tough decision to run the story, even with the possibility that YWC, their largest advertiser if I remembered right, would pull out all their advertisement and sponsorship from the station. The basis of his decision? The red file containing a list of names of those on the approving committee. LSC, on SWJ's instruction, took a copy of YWC's employee names and counter-checked them against those on the committee. SWJ discovered that they constituted about 40% of the committee. While they had originally wanted to link the involvement of the MP to YWC, they didn't have concrete evidence to back them up. The chief made the decision to drop that angle.

What went wrong?

YWC was well-prepared in covering their tracks, and they certainly brought out a whole range of artillery to fire their first salvo (and bring pressure to bear)

a. The very next day, GBS received a complaint from their media authority that SWJ's report was wrong. There was nothing illegal about flooding the committee with their own people (actually, I don't understand the logic of this. Surely it's not right as the committee is no longer non-partisan, acting solely on the interests of the homeowners? Hmmm...maybe they don't have a law against this, so technically it's not illegal??) GBS could be given a formal warning from the media authority. The consequences? The reporter/(s) involved would have their pay cut by 30% and/or face suspension from duties. As cap was leading the investigation, he too could face suspension.

b. YWC would sue GBS for defamation. They swiftly withdrew their advertisements as feared, and barred GBS reporters from reporting their company news. YWC and the approving committee demanded a formal apology from GBS

c. The station chief said that even if they were to do a correction story to remedy the situation, it could be too late as the four major dailies had gone to town to hit them hard on their inaccurate reporting. (credibility of the news station at stake)

d. Not only did SWJ get the story wrong, she was also accused of taking bribes. What the papers didn't know was that the person snapped giving SWJ the offending handbag was an employee of YWC.

The accusation of bribery took OTS by surprise as he didn't know that SWJ had accepted such a gift (SWJ didn't report to him as she thought it was a personal gift from an old friend. Of course, we know later that she had to report to OTS going by the code of conduct) The key here was that OTS believed in SWJ's innocence.

Both were summoned to face the disciplinary panel. OTS helped SWJ by saying that she didn't know the person who gave her the bag was from YWC and by implication, she was set up. SWJ in turn spoke up for cap by saying that he didn't know as she didn't report the matter to him. But, cap accepted the blame as put to him by the panel that it was a management oversight that he didn't know, never mind if SWJ didn't report to him.

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Guest kdramafanusa

DAILY TV RATING [Thursday 2008.06.12]

*** TNS Media Research ***


1. Iljimae <일지매> (SBS) - 23.0%, 23.3%

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>

2. You Are My Destiny <너는 내 운명> / You Are My Destiny (E) (KBS1) - 22.9%, 21.5%

<Monday-Friday 8:25pm>

3. Happy Together 해피투게더 (KBS2) - 17.2%, 18.2%

4. Aquarius <물병자리> (SBS) - 16.5%, 16.2% (#5)

<Monday-Saturday morning serial drama>

6. KBS News 9 (KBS1) - 15.4%, 14.6%

7. Unwaivering / Don't Go Away <흔들리지마> (MBC) - 13.3%, 13.6%

<Monday-Friday 7:50am>

8. Big Sister <큰언니> / My Pitiful Sister (E) (KBS1) - 11.2%, 9.7% (#12)

<Monday-Friday 7:50am>

10. Spotlight <스포트라이트> (MBC) - 10.2%, 10.6% (#8)

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>

13. Women In The Sun <태양의 여자> / Sisters In Love (E) (KBS2) - 9.6%, 9.8% (#11)

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>

16. Aeja's Older Sister, Minja <애자언니민자> (SBS) - 8.4%, 9.3% (#14)

*** AGB Nielsen Media Research ***


1. You Are My Destiny <너는 내 운명> / You Are My Destiny (E) (KBS1) - 22.7%, 23.3%

<Monday-Friday 8:25pm>

2. Iljimae <일지매> (SBS) - 20.9%, 21.0%

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>

3. KBS News 9 (KBS1) - 17.2%, 17.9%

4. Aquarius <물병자리> (SBS) - 16.5%, 16.8% (#5)

<Monday-Saturday morning serial drama>

5. Happy Together 해피투게더 (KBS2) - 16.1%, 17.2% (#4)

7. Unwaivering / Don't Go Away <흔들리지마> (MBC) - 13.4%, 13.5% (#6)

<Monday-Friday 7:50am>

8. Big Sister <큰언니> / My Pitiful Sister (E) (KBS1) - 11.2%, 10.7% (#10)

<Monday-Friday 7:50am>

9. Spotlight <스포트라이트> (MBC) - 10.2%, 12.1% (#8)

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>

10. Women In The Sun <태양의 여자> / Sisters In Love (E) (KBS2) - 10.1%, 10.8% (#9)

<Wednesday/Thursday 9:55pm>

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Guest shuky

The quote he had underlined in the book he gave her

was by Dr. Martin Luther King.

It says...

Faith is taking the first step

even when you don't see the whole staircase.

Thanks so much for the quote and welcome to our newsroom!!! Have always enjoyed your sense of humour in other threads!! :)

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Guest jtranla
Guest Pyoungsang

Finally almost caught up ... first couple episodes weren't that great but by EP 4, it was cooking some good stew. Really enjoyed EP 5 even started to tolerate Lee Soon Cheol guy. Heading into EP 9, it seems our intrepid reporter is heading into waters even more trecherous than even Jang Jin Gyu, corporate malfeasants and involvement of her own upper management. Cool. Just stopped by the say hi to everyone again.

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Guest kanshu

Just wanted to pop in and say "Thank you" for the great coverage. :)

While I haven't watched enough subbed episodes of the show to actually participate in the discussion, I'm thoroughly enjoying the thoughtful reports and analysis, and check this thread often. :)

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mr pink: thanks for coming out

woojin: senior, i was thinking never to see senior you again but

because you are one of the people i respect the most...

mr pink: I am sorry. i know i cannot explain this with whatever i say

woojin: I didnt come out to hear apologies

I dont know under what circumstances did you make this sort of decision...

i want to believe "oh this kinda thing could happen too..."

mr pink: woojin ah i heard you handed in your resignation.

even though i want to die..... i know this wouldnt be forgivable even if i die.

(this is like a direct translation sounds cliche i know )

i wish woojin wouldnt "turn out?/become" like me.

Thkz pal... Mr Pinky really cause great harm ona SWJ but I am glad as it cut down a love "competitor" for OTS.. hahaaa.. :lol: LOL:

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Guest shuky

Episode 10 (based on c-subs. For more accurate translations, pls wait for english subs): SPOILER AHEAD

Meeting between OTS and SJH at the park

SJH: I've wanted to contact SWJ many times but I was too ashamed to face her.

OTS: To understand what really happened, I need to ask you a few questions. Is it true that (as reported in the dailies) you were bitter over being transferred out and that you've made use of your relationship with SWJ, gave her an expensive handbag and asked her to write a damning report on YW Construction?

SJH: No. I've received some shares from the company. I was instructed to give SWJ the handbag. I didn't know that it would come to this.

OTS: You don't have any more to add to this?

SJH: Yes

OTS: I'm sorry but can I report what you've just said? (showed him the hidden camera) I've wanted to ask for your permission first before recording. If I were to do so, your confession would be less real. Can I use this for my report? Of course, your identity would be protected as we would mosaic your face and mask your voice. When I first met you, I had wanted to throttle you. But I've controlled myself. Do you know what has become of SWJ because of you? I know how you feel but what your company did was no different from murdering someone. What do you think SWJ would feel about your betrayal?

SHJ: I know this is what I can do for her and that's why I called you. Please report it.

OTS: Fortunately, the man whom SWJ once liked can do this for her. Thank you.


Aug05, I agree with you that Mr Pinky is no competition to OTS. He's just super cool here. While LSC could be hot-headed in his approach to help clear SWJ's name, OTS was rational, level-headed, determined and persistent in tracking SJH down. And when he had finally tracked SJH down, he was in control of himself and the situation- get SJH's admission on camera to clear SWJ's name by appealing to his conscience. Simply love his parting shot. It was like in praising SJH for his courage in admitting his role in the whole set-up, he had also dismissed him as a potential rival as how could SWJ continue to like a man who had betrayed her? :)

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Guest shuky


What drives LSC as a journalist: LSC and SWJ in a pub drinking (about 21:20 mins)

SWJ: Why did you become a journalist?

LSC: There were 12 reasons

SWJ: So many?

LSC: Yes. That was what reporter Park said, the reporter I respect most. (The reasons were) flexible work hours, meeting people from different professions and from different strata of society. In doing what you like, you could also bring about a betterment of society....and help the less fortunate in society...Since you've tendered your resignation before news of your suspension (the disciplinary panel decided that SWJ would be suspended from her job for a month and her pay would be cut by 30% for three months), it showed that your pride had been hurt.

SWJ: I'm different from you. I never found 12 reasons why I wanted to be a journalist.

LSC: Whether it's suspension or demotion, that's not important. Right now, what you cannot forget is this- the truth. I feel that we must get to the bottom of this and find the truth. Of course, I'm angrier as the person who's hurt in this incident happens to be my favourite sunbae. But, I would do the same even if the person is not you. Isn't this what we as journalist should do, to tell the truth?


In this episode, you cannot help but love LSC. He's a loyal friend and colleague who will do his utmost to help clear SWJ's name. First, LSC went to the incompetent police head and begged him to trace the whereabouts of SJH .This was no go as LSC didn't have the identity card number of SJH. When this proved futile, he went to a debt collector, on the advice of one of the policeman. He pretended that he needed to collect 50 billion KW from SJH since debt collectors are good at tracing people who had absconded. In between looking for SJH, he took time off to encourage and cheer SWJ up. What a friend indeed!

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Guest markho826


I agree with you, it's so great to have a friend like LSC, a friend who will help you, stand by and support you!

Wondering if I'm too sensitive about the relationship between OTS and SWJ...

When he said to SJH, "When I first met you, I had wanted to throttle you. But I've controlled myself. Do you know what has become of SWJ because of you? I know how you feel but what your company did was no different from murdering someone. What do you think SWJ would feel about your betrayal?" He cared how SWJ felt, more than an ordinary subordinate...

He was SOOOO worried about SWJ as she did not answer his phone calls. He kept on sending messages to her, "For how long are you going to worry/bother me?"...Seemed like a boyfriend begged forgiveness from his girlfriend.

When OTS asked for permission to report what SJH said, bureau head asked, "Is there any special relationship between you and SWJ?" OTS seemed a bit hesitated in answering this question. When bureau head repeated his question, OTS said, "No."

Is it really the case? Or is it the fact that even OTS himself did not notice the truth, ie. he cared about SWJ more than an ordinary subordinate...

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Guest shuky

Episode 10: (SPOILER AHEAD)

I really like episode 10 a lot. Not only does the episode explore the meaning of love in its various forms and shades, it brings to focus SWJ's fundamental belief in journalism and through her suspension, forces her to re-examine the reasons for choosing to be a journalist. The episode marks the coming of age for SWJ, who emerges stronger professionally and individually, a better person. At the company level, the management is forced to re-evaluate their basic beliefs and rules of survival in this realistic and often cruel world. Most importantly, the episode gives us hope- at the end of the day, all is not lost and what we hold dear is not in vain.

A question of love

a. SWJ's parents' unconditional and self-sacrificing love for her

b. LSC's friendship with and loyalty to her

c. SJH: A betrayal most cruel

d. OTS's abiding love for her

What was the deal between GBS and YW Construction?

I need to go now....the meat will come later. Hey, but why has this become Shuky's monologue???? Where's everybody??? :)

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Guest markho826

Episode 10: (SPOILER AHEAD)

What was the deal between GBS and YW Construction?

I need to go now....the meat will come later. Hey, but why has this become Shuky's monologue???? Where's everybody??? :)

Shuky, my post goes between your two posts...

As for the deal between GBS and YW Construction,

I think GBS promised not to report anything negative about YW Construction any more.

So, bureau head was delighted when the report on New City (prepared by SWJ and LSC) was out on the news. Without mentioning a single word about YW Construction, GBS simply reported on the lives of residents of New City.

YW Construction, after receiving materials collected by OTS, SWJ and LSC, promised not to withdraw their commercial ad from GBS and direct the newspaper to amend the news on SWJ's accepting bribes.

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