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[drama 2008] Park Jung Geum, Heavenly Beauty (woman Of Matchless Beauty) 천하일&#4

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Guest Priscilla



by Priscilla

Episode 18

Mr. Hwang: Your real name isn’t Choi Sang Min. It’s Oh Ji-Hoon. You got lost when you were 4 (Korean age of 5) and your present mother raised you. (Sang Min shakes him threateningly) Don’t grab me like this. My shirt’s going to get ruined.

Sang Min: Then, where’re my biological parents? I’m asking you who my parents are!!!

Man: I don’t know…

SM: You son of a B…! Do you want to die?

Man: Kill me if you want. What are you going to gain by that? And stop grabbing my shirt. I like this shirt! (Sang Min lets go of him.) I tell you this again: next time we meet, don’t be this rough with me. You won’t gain anything by that. OK… See you later.

Sang Min watches him leave, and he laughs annoyed…


Lady Sah receives a box over the mail. It’s a video tape showing the man’s previous incident with Choi Sang Min. The woman looks suddenly mad scared. She starts calling on the phone…


Sang Min goes to the marketplace to watch his mom selling vegetables. He sits quietly, deep in thoughts.

Mom: What are you thinking? If you came to help me, clean these vegetables.

SM: (hesitating) … Mom…

Mom: Yeah?

SM: Never mind… Mom…

Mom: Why do you keep calling me? Is there anything wrong?

SM: What’s your blood type?

Mom: I don’t know.

SM: What do you mean? How could you not know your own blood type?

Mom: What’s the big deal about it? If it’s not A, then it’s B, or C or D…

SM: (annoyed) Where can you find blood type C or D?

Mom: Who cares? Why do you ask?

SM: Nothing… Anyways, who cares if you’re A or B, right? All that matters is that we have fun together. (Making a baby face) Isn’t it so?

Mom: Fun? Yeah, right!

SM: From now on, I’ll wake up early to buy the vegetables. Every morning, you lose sleep in order to get them… From now on, I’m really going to help you, mom.

Mom: Ha! Just don’t get into trouble. You really help me when you sit down quietly and just eat and drink.

SM: Was I such a troublemaker?

Mom: Finally you’ve matured. After you turned fifteen, there was not one day I slept peacefully because of you. You’d always get in trouble at school or with the police. Did you know I was famous at your school? Some teachers who didn’t even know you, they knew my face and they would greet me.

SM: I was like that…

Mom: and I was like the number one visitor at the police station… You, rascal!

SM: (Hugging her) I’ll make up for it when you grow old.

Mom: Stop it! And rather than making it up when I’m old, go deliver these vegetables now. Number 43. Hurry!

SM: Yes madam! I’ll go right away!

Mom: And on your way back, bring me some baked sweet-potatoes I left home.


Minji is waiting for Sang Min in front of his house. When she sees him, she gives him popsicles, smiling. SM looks stunned at first, but then, he smiles back. They go to the market on bike, and they join his mom to eat sweet-potatoes together.


Madam Sah throws an envelope to Mr. Hwang. The man isn’t satisfied with the amount inside. He threatens her to tell ‘the family’ about what she did with Ji-Hoon. He leaves laughing. She is furiously mad.


Park Jung Gum recently found out her mom is very ill, so she went to ask her dad to get them a small house with a backyard for her mom to spend her last days there. But instead, JG got into a fight with her dad.

Later on, she goes to see her father again, to tell him that she’s going to bury her mother at the family’s tomb. But Lady Sah intervenes, complaining that the tomb is hers. The father doesn’t know what to say and Jung Gum leaves mad.

Lawyer Han and Yoora’s marriage goes from bad to worse. They are either ignoring each other, or saying the worse type of insults to each other.

But suddenly… Yoora is pregnant. However, Kyungsoo doesn’t look too happy when he hears the news. Seeing his reaction, Yoora gets really upset…

Episode 19

Dr. Youngjoon takes his brother Young2 out to let him know he wants to propose to Jung Gum. His brother gets upset, telling him that he should marry a woman who has never been married before.

Park Jung Gum continues helping the people in need. She goes to the marketplace, to check on a grandpa she helped before. Instead, she finds the woman who was supposed to be helping him, fist-fighting with another woman for calling her son a “gangster.” Jung Gum intervenes, and she gets to meet Minji… the college student, girlfriend of that ‘rascal boy.’

This ‘rascal boy’ is sitting at a park bench, looking at some telephone number the ‘sunglass man’ gave him. He recalls what that man told him. Then… he tears the number and throws the paper away.

Jung Gum meets a teenager girl called Mihae at the police station who was brought there after getting into an argument with a man. Jung Gum decides to take her home, but she gets a call from Youngjoon telling her that Sae-Hoon got mugged. Mihae tells her that she can be dropped on the street.

Another day, Saehoon complains to Youngjoon, saying that he doesn’t feel like studying. He is studying without purpose, only to please his mother. Youngjoon tells him that it’s OK to miss one evening of after-school, and that they should play instead. But soon after, Jung Gum finds out and they run away from her!

In later scenes, Jung Gum meets Mihae again at the police station. She was arrested on murder charges. JG feels guilty that she didn’t take the girl home on the day of the ‘homicide.’ After hearing her out, Jung Gum believes that Mihae is innocent (or wants to believe it), but she realizes that all evidences are incriminating her. After much hesitation… she calls lawyer Han Kyungsoo for help…

Episode 20

Jung Gum meets Kyung Soo and she asks him to take Mihae’s case. But after he sees how happy Yoora is with her pregnancy, and that their marriage is starting to looking normal, he tells Jung Gum he can’t do it.

However, after he examines the case more carefully, he decides to take it, because he’s convinced the girl is innocent although it looked hard to prove it.

Minji comes to the marketplace every chance she has to help out Sang Min’s mother, and to see him. At home, Sang Min remembers what the mysterious man told him…


Minji’s friends greet Sang Min, telling him to hang out together sometime.

SM: (to MJ) Aren’t you embarrassed to go out with a bum like me?

MJ: I am. But I can’t help it since this is my destiny.

SM: (Smiling) Let’s go.


MJ: Until when are you going to be fooling around? You’ve rested enough. You should start working.

SM: I’m helping my mom with her vegetable business.

MJ: That’s OK. But you should learn something. It would be great if you get some kind of license.

SM: Well… What type of license? What would you like me to learn?

MJ: Hair styling.

SM: Hair design?

MJ: So I wouldn’t have to spend money doing my hair for the rest of my life. We’ll be saving lots of money then.

SM: You want me to become a hair stylist just to do your hair? Oh My!

MJ: You don’t want to?

SM: I don’t know… (Thinking…) Minji… What name do you prefer? Choi Sang Min or Oh Ji Hoon?

MJ: Why, all of a sudden?

SM: ….

MJ: Is that for a nickname? Then you should use American names.


They see two gangster boys destroying the vegetables from the mother’s stand.

SM: (pushing them away) What the heck do you think you’re doing?!

Gang1: I told you Big Bro wants to see you. Why haven’t you call him yet?

SM: (Biting his teeth) Let’s talk somewhere else.

Mom: (Grabbing SM’s arm) No, don’t go! You shouldn’t mingle with those guys at all! (to the gangsters) You rascals! My friend’s a cop! A cop, you hear me? Next time she comes, I’ll tell her to arrest you all!

Man2: (to SM) Hey, what are you standing there for? (Turning to MJ) Wow! (Touching MJ’s hair.) Which school do you go to?

Mom: (pushing Man2 away) Take your dirty hands off her!

SM: (pushing them) I told you we should talk elsewhere!

Mom: No, Sang Min. You shouldn’t go.

SM: Don’t worry. I’ll just have a talk with them.

Mother starts lamenting….


Kyungsoo & Jung Gum meets at his office to discuss about Mihae’s case. Yoora comes to the office and finds them together.

Episode 21

Yoora finds Jung Gum at Kyung Soo’s office and she becomes hysterical. They both tell her they’re just working together on a teenager’s case, but she feels that’s just an excuse for them to see each other.

Yoora asks Kyung Soo, and on a separate occasion to Jung Gum, if they slept together. She brings money, telling Jung Gum to hire a different lawyer. Jung Gum refuses.

Father & step-mother try to talk Jung Gum to stop seeing the lawyer. Jung Gum tells them they’re making a big deal out of nothing.

Lady Sah receives a phone call from Mr. Hwang. Mr. Park sees his wife hiding away to answer the call.


Mr. Hwang continues asking lady Sah for extra money, which the woman refuses. She stands up to leave.

Hwang: Isn’t Park Jung Gum a cop? What a silly name! Park Jung Gum! What’s that? Ha ha! She’s his mom, isn’t she? And she’s a police woman.

Sah: You!

Hwang: Officer Park Jung Gum is the mother of Oh Ji Hoon, isn’t she?

Sah: How far are you planning to go?

Hwang: Just give me the amount I’m asking, hee hee…

Lady Sah is walking away, tensed. A man inside a car is watching her: Mr. Park. He had followed her, thinking she might be cheating on him.


Mom: You told them you’d rather die than mingle with them, didn’t you?

SM: I did.

Mom: Well done! No matter how hard they try, they can’t take you in if you don’t want to. There’re laws in Korea, and cops too. They can’t touch you if you don’t want to.

SM: I’ll be back…

Mom: OK. Deliver this carefully.

Sang Min remembers what the gangsters told him.

Voiceover: I’ll say this again- Thursday at 2 p.m. Make sure you don’t keep Big Bro waiting for you.

SM looks at his wristwatch. It’s 2:18 p.m. He sighs, walking away with the delivery bike.


SM is calling Minji but she doesn’t respond. Suddenly, his phone rings.

SM: Hello? Where are you, why aren’t you here?

Minji: Sang Min… Sang Min…

SM: What’s going on? Where are you?

Minji: (teary) Sang Min…

SM: Gosh, where are you?!

Voice: I told you to be here by 2 p.m. What time is it right now, you loser?!

SM: Let me talk to Minji. Let me talk to her, you mother-f…r!


SM: Let me talk to Minji. Right now!

Voice: Hurry up! Big Bro is waiting for you.

SM: Let me talk to Big Bro, you mother-f…r!

BB: OK, it’s me.

SM: You touch one hair of Minji, and I’m going to kill you all! When I say I’m going to kill, I really DO!!

BB: Long time no talk, you disrespectful brat. Hurry up and come here. Why do you keep me waiting when there’s no traffic at this hour?!

SM: Let me talk to Miji! (Click!) Hello? Hello! (The phone got disconnected)


SM: Minji! Minji! Where are you?

He grabs the jacket of gangster1.

SM: Where’s Minji? Where is she?!!!

Gangster1: Don’t worry, we’re taking good care of her.

SM: Where’s Minji, you son of a B…!

G1: It’s been a long time since you came. You should pay your respect to Big Bro, you brat son of a B…!

SM: Where’s Minji?!!

He starts beating the guys. Seven guys are fighting against him. He’s beating them all. Big Bro is upstairs, enjoying the show. Suddenly, all of them grab a baseball bat, ready to jump on SM. BB stops them, walking down the stairs to meet SM.

BB: You’re as strong as usual. That’s why I can’t let you go. Very good. Let’s talk now.


BB: Isn’t it less shameful and more honorable for a man to earn his living fighting with his fist rather than by stealing.

SM: Let Minji go.

BB: A real man develops only by staying where he’s most needed.

SM: Minji… Where is she?

BB: I won’t ask you anymore. Just help me for two years. You know that I’m a man of words, don’t you?

SM: I can’t help you!

BB: Wow… you’re so impatient! How could you reject me so easily under these circumstances?

SM: I rather have my hands cut off rather than mingle with you!

BB: Who wants to cut your hands off? (Opening his hand-phone) These boys are going crazy trying to control themselves. I must call them now, to tell them to play the hell out of the girl.

SM: (grabbing BB) You son of a B…! (A man comes from behind with a bat, and beats him)

BB: That girl can’t run away from us as long as she’s in the country. If you collaborate with me, I’ll make sure no one bothers her. I give you my word. It’s just for two years.


SM: Minji! Minji! (She’s tied up into a chair)

Minji: Sang Min…

SM: You’re Ok, right? (she nods her head) You’re really OK, right? (She continues nodding. He hugs her) It’s fine now… It’s fine… (He looks at her teary face, and he breaks into sobs)


SM: Minji… You have to listen carefully to what I’m saying. We… can’t stay together.

Minji: Why not? I’ll stay with you.

SM: I can’t love anyone right now… This is the price I must pay for my past.

Minji: Let’s call the cops.

SM: There’s no point. They can’t do anything. The best way to show me your love is to forget me. You should continue being the bright and happy girl I know you are, and live as diligently as usual.

Minji: I can’t live without you… I can’t survive without seeing you… I’ll go crazy.

SM: Even if you don’t see me, I’ll see you… (Hugging her) I’ll never forget you.


Youngjoon’s brother asks Jung Gum if she is planning to marry his brother. She tells him that she isn’t. She also tells him that Youngjoon has a girl-friend already, a very pretty, nice and intelligent girl who happens to be a doctor and who likes him back. Moreover, she tells him that she would never ever marry his brother without his approval. Young2 is really happy now, and he starts to appreciate Jung Gum’s coolness even more.

Youngjoon complains to Jung Gum for talking about Dahae to his brother. He tells her he isn’t interested in Dahae, but that he just used her to make JG jealous. That’s when JG gets a call from her colleague, telling her that the Sungho Band is on the move. Information leaked that this Band will fight the Kalgari Band.


The door opens and enters Sang Min, holding a baseball bat and looking deadly. He is followed by many other men holding baseball bats like him, all wearing black.

The people inside look stunned, many walking away.

A man sitting: Who are you?

SM: Beat them up! (He starts running, and everyone else follows. The fight breaks out. SM is at the center of it.)


The police-force joins the fight, Park Jung Gum leading them. They are arresting the gangsters, one by one.

SM sees them, and he starts walking away. Jung Gum sees him, and she starts going after him. She jumps...


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Hi wsl2984,

Just a brief summary of what's happening to date, l will leave the details to Priscilla, who is doing a good job.

Both epi 40 and 41 are really good episodes and the PD ties a lot of loose ends in both episodes...these two episodes are "must see" especially for those viewers who wants to see Mdm Sa gets her "just' rewards.

JG when asked to meet the PI that found JH, found that Mdm Sa was being evasive. This arouse her natural "detective" instinct.

She probed further, speaking to JH (she found that the PI first told JH his real identity way before Mdm Sa said that he (JH) was found.) Mdm Sa denied any knowledge that she knew the PI found JH in that early stage and if the PI did really found JH in that early stage but not telling them was because he wanted to be 100% sure before he broke the news to them for the fear that they would be disappointed if the person was not JH.

On speaking to GS, she found that it was Yura who asked GS to check on the whereabouts of JH. She tried to find out more from Yura. Yura was forewarned by her mother that a wrong word from her (Yura) will be the death for her (Mdm Sa). On being questioned by JG, Yura denied any knowledge of knowing JH's identity before she told JG about his whereabout but it was obvious to JG that she (Yura) was hiding something and that she was covering up for her mother.

JG met up with the PI but he too make lots of "filmsy" excuses which anyone could see that he was not telling the truth. On speaking to JH's adopted mother, JG found that Yura had visited her and asked for JH (while he was in jail waiting for trial and she approached GS to track JH down). She (Jh's adopted mother) indentified Yura.

GS tried to help by asking Yura but Yura not wanting to implicate her own mother, refused to answer GS's questions.

JG was frustrated because her instinct told her that Mdm Sa was covering up something but without concrete proof that was little she could do.

Meanwhile Mdm Sa gained Mr Park's confident and persuaded him to allow her to invest the monies (sale from a piece of land that was intended for JH), however, she made plans to "scam" off this monies with the help from the private PI. They plotted to "scam" the monies together.

She presented to Mr Park a "poor me and JG is still ungrateful despite what l have done for her" kind of situation and Mr Park who was grateful and pleased because his favourite grandson, JH was found would not listened to JG's accusations that Mdm Sa had known of JH's existence long before she actually told them. JG was angry and felt that in doing this Mdm Sa had ruined JH's future and that him joining the gangster and had a criminal record was all her doing. Mr Park however, would had none of these and demanded that JG to show him proofs otherwise, she should be grateful to Mdm Sa and should called her "mother" from now on........Mdm Sa showed her true colour (after Mr Park retired to his room) and she gloated over it thus making JG to be even more frustrated and filled with anger.

Mdm Sa met up with Yura and triumphantly told her that this was the day she was working towards and waiting for. Soon, she would lay her hands on all the monies but her sweet revenge was to has JG calling her "mother". She hinted that the monies were suppose to be used to build a house for JH but.........Yura was horrified by her mother's evil intentions and begged her not to do so but Mdm Sa just laughed.......then her mobile rang and Mr Park's frantic voice came on yelling at Mdm Sa that they had been cheated and she was to returned home immediately.

PI had doubled crossed Mdm Sa and made off with the monies instead but this was not the end of her woes.......Mdm Sa frantically tried to get in touch with the PI and even went to his office but she soon realised that she was double crossed by him and more bad news awaited her when she got home. Mr Park wanted her to leave the house. JG cannot contained her anger and had a fight with her (gave her punch on her face.....*clap* *calp*), before she leave the house, she threw a tape onto Mdm Sa, telling her that it was the end of her !

Mdm Sa took the tape with trembling hands to the room and listen to the tape.......it was a recording of her dealings with the PI with regards to JH. At that moment she realised that it was certainly the end of her. She suffered a stroke as the result.

GS met Yura at the hospital....she told him that she actually knew about JH's existence earlier but didn't said anything because her own mother was behind it. GS asked when she knew of it and she admited that it was her that tipped JG about JH's whereabout the first time. GS was shocked and wanted to leave. Yura asked him to be with her as she needed him in these difficult times. GS was angry that Yura knew what she knew and yet she married him. Yura defended herself saying that she truly don't know JH's whereabout after he ran away however, GS felt that if she was to ask her mother, Mdm Sa would know and JG would certainly able to find him if she had more details of JH. He also wanted to know the real reason for Yura's divorcing him. Was it really to set him free so that he can do what he wanted like she said or was it her fear that "this day" would come and the truth would be knownand their marriage would also end but in a much more ugly manner. Yura said "l am sorry, sorry my husband." but GS told her never to address him in that manner again and walked off leaving Yura in tears.

Yura brought her mother home (she had a small apartment for them). Mdm Sa refused to go, still clinging to the hope that Mr Park would take her home soon. Mr Park and JG visited Yura and her mother. Mr Park enquired about the medical expenses. Yura said that she used to monies given to her earlier by Mr Park to pay for the expenses. Mr Park and JG were here to serve the divorce paper and maintence monies. Mdm Sa begged Mr Park to forgive her and not to leave her.

....end of epi 40 (will continue later)

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Mdm Sa tried to beg for forgivness. Mr Park asked both Yura and JG to leave the house to give them (Mr Park and Mdm Sa) sometime together.

Yura hoped that JG would find some comfort on seeing what the stroke had done to her mother. However, JG still felt bitter towards Yura and her mother, she felt that no matter what happened to Mdm Sa, nothing can change the past. Yura revealed that she thought of killing her mother (to end her miseries) and also herself but she knew that even doing that, cannot change anything. Lastly she asked JG to forgive them and that to treat them as strangers if they should meet on the road.....

Back in the apartment, Mr Park asked Mdm Sa if she had ever loved him like the way he loved her. He was not proud of the things he had done but he felt that he had done them because he loved her so, so how could she did what she did to him?

Back in her own home, JG was furious and angry, she felt that justice was not for JH, that it was easy for Yura to say "sorry" and ask for "forgiveness" but that alone wont change all the sufferings that JH and she went thru. She thought of the miserable childhood that JH had to go thru under his adopted father, who would beat him (JH) up whenever he was drunk. She was so furious that she wanted to go and killed Mdm Sa but was stopped by YJ. YJ felt helpless, knowing JG had suffered and yet unable to share her burden.

JG visited JH's adopted mother. JH's adopted mother persuaded JG to let go of her past and also her anger. She told JG that she would feel ashame if JG continued to be angry because of what happen to JH because it meant that she had not brought JH up well so that he could become someone useful instead of becoming a gangster. JG told her not to feel that way as she had done her best and JH had turned out to be a good boy. JH's mother continued on telling JG that it may be good for JG to find JH early but it would meant that herself would not had the chance to bring up JH and if that being so, she would probably not be around on this day because she would had killed herself long ago. Each time she felt that life is meaningless and that she wanted to kill herself, she thought of SM (aka JH) and she would not do so. SM was her reason to live on.

JH's adopted mother advised JH to spend time with his mother. JH then went to stay with JG. He was warmly welcomed there by his own brother, YJ and his brother.

JH tried to comfort JG by telling her that he was alright. He felt that he was fortunate to has 2 mothers that were willing to give up their lives for him. He said that it was great especially when some folks don't have any and yet he had 2 mothers. He went on to say that it would be good if he had university education but, he felt that if he had all that, his relationship with his g/f would not be the same, they may just like each other that's all, it would not be the kind of deep love they had for each other like now. His g/f loved him despite the fact that he had no proper education, not rich and worst, with a criminal record but she still loved him. He realised that and valued her lvery much.

JH met up with GS to tell him (GS) that things were alright with him. He told GS that YJ and his brother had been a great help to JG and were seem like a part of their family. GS told JH that he (GS) would always be around if he (JH) needed someone to talk to or needed help. JH told GS that he would tell his mother (JG) that GS was worried about her but GS told him that it would not be necessary.

YJ realised that Mr Park was lonely suggested that his brother to spend time with Mr Park. YJ's brother visited Mr Park and they had a good time. The two boys later visited their grandfather and the 3 of them had a real great time.

At the police station JG was told by her colleague that the baddie (the gangster that was always harrassing JH, wanting JH to join his gang,) was being knife. The police heard that there will be a fight, the moment one of the gang get JH to join them. JG called JH's g/f to tell her to returned home immediately after her lectures, she then called JH to tell him that his g/f would be under police protection. JH told JG frantically that he couldn't find his adopted mother. She was not in her house and neither had she opened her stall for 2 days according to the neighbouring stall owners. They didn't expect that JH's mother would had gotten kidnapped by the baddie in order to force JH to join his gang.....

l am not too clear about this "gang fight" part and can be wrong in my translations. Please feel free to correct me. - jojo

End of epi 41 .....

Well, wsl2984,hope this brief summary helps. if you need to know anything else, just drop a line, l am sure Priscilla and myself would be able to help you.

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Hi Priscilla, if you have the links to watch the latest episodes, can youu please share with me? Thank you * ^ ^ *

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Hi Jojo and Pricilla!!!!!! :D

I feel so lucky to be watching this along with you all. I have not been lucky, however, when it comes to posting to this thread. I can not tell you how many times I have lost my post due to the maintenance window as well as soompi being a little unstable (of course I didn't think it was soompi but rather my pc)

Anyway, I am so glad that Madam crawled on her elbows just like the snake that she is. I'm sad that the grandfather did not get his just desert. I know he's afraid of being alone but I wanted him cripple, mentally unstable and terrorized by vision of favorite grandson's past while waking up each day hearing the voice of 'mis-trust' saying "I've never loved you!". :ph34r: Only then would I feel a little better. I just hate when the men who have severely maimed their family get away with suffering only from a band-aid cut! :crazy:

Anyway, thanks for the summaries!

Oh, Yura can't even call him yobo...... yay!!!!!!! :D

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Guest Priscilla

Hi Jojo and Pricilla!!!!!! :D

I feel so lucky to be watching this along with you all. I have not been lucky, however, when it comes to posting to this thread. I can not tell you how many times I have lost my post due to the maintenance window as well as soompi being a little unstable (of course I didn't think it was soompi but rather my pc)

Anyway, I am so glad that Madam crawled on her elbows just like the snake that she is. I'm sad that the grandfather did not get his just desert. I know he's afraid of being alone but I wanted him cripple, mentally unstable and terrorized by vision of favorite grandson's past while waking up each day hearing the voice of 'mis-trust' saying "I've never loved you!". :ph34r: Only then would I feel a little better. I just hate when the men who have severely maimed their family get away with suffering only from a band-aid cut! :crazy:

At the VEOH site, people uploaded epi. 42 right away yesterday. Yah!!! Too bad they haven't upload today's yet :mellow:

Here's the link for the 700mb version: PARK JUNG GUM (episode 42) uploaded by "raw-lyptika"

Epi. 42 was a real tear-jerker. :tears::tears::tears: So prepare your tissues!!! I'm still waiting for someone to upload epi. 43...

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Thank you Priscilla and 13damifino for sharing the links * ^ ^ *

Hi babyxshh, perhaps Prisciall can help you with epi 42, l won't be able to tell you much till l see it with Chinese subtitles....but it is a emotionally episode with JH feeling torn up because the gangsters were beating up his adopted mother in order to force him to join them and JG is preventing him from doing so because the police was all out to get him (JH). l am not sure if my interpretation is correct though.

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Guest coookie1004

i noticed that on the front page it says that this is a 40 ep drama but then on the last page i saw a link for ep 43... how many episodes are really in this drama?

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Guest Priscilla

i noticed that on the front page it says that this is a 40 ep drama but then on the last page i saw a link for ep 43... how many episodes are really in this drama?

It was initially 40 episodes long but it was extended, first to 50 episodes, and now it's going to be 53... Till the end of the OLYMPIC GAMES.

Nehow... I was planning to write up a summary for Episodes 22 - 25, but I think more people will prefer the more recent episodes... But then, what should I do with the previous episodes? :o

OH well... for now, I'll try to post a summary for episode 42 onwards... What do you say? ;)

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Guest Priscilla


EPI. 42 (part 1/3)

by Priscilla

Episode 42: (part 1/3)

Sang Min enters his room and finds it empty. He makes a phone call but no one picks up. He looks mad, turning to leave. Jung Gum enters the room.

JG: You couldn’t find her yet?

SM: She disappeared like smoke.

JG: I searched in case she got into a car accident or something. I couldn’t find anything.

SM: Those animals!

JG: (Holding him) Where are you going?

SM: I can’t just sit here doing nothing!

JG: Did you call Han Sungho?

SM: He’s not picking up.

JG: What about the other boys.

SM: No one picks up!

JG: I’m pretty sure they’ll call.

SM: He’s playing mind games with me, to drive me crazy! Then, when I’m tired and suffocated, that’s when he’ll call.

JG: Jihoon! Don’t go anywhere alone! (He doesn’t respond) Jihoon!

SM: I shouldn’t have let my mom to get involved in this.

JG: Who? Me?

SM: They’re not scared of cops! They’re capable of anything!

JG: Even so… Han Sungho knows he’s being watched. He won’t be able to do anything crazy.

SM: He’ll send someone else to do it for him. No one will know who did it!

JG: I’ll find out who did it, I will!

SM: It won’t matter if you find out. They won’t ever admit that Han Sunho sent them. Because their families are threatened, they won’t blow Han Sungho’s cover even if they die!

JG: Jihoon…

SM: It’s not as simple as you think, mom…

JG: What are you thinking right now?

SM: This will go on till we die…

JG: (Grabbing him) Jihoon! You shouldn’t give up now. No matter what, you shouldn’t give up!


Park Jung Gum complains to her colleagues for being powerless and inefficient cops. When her superior comes, she tells him that Choi Sang Min’s mom has been kidnapped by Han Sung Ho in order to force Choi Sang Min into his Band. She tells him she is going to make sure Choi Sang Min doesn’t go, even if she must tie him up to do so.


Sang Min is biting his nails, still waiting for the news of his adopted mom.

SM: (to himself) Mom, where are you? Mom!

The door opens up, and enters Jung Gum.

JG: You haven’t heard from them yet? Don’t stay here by yourself. Let’s go home with the rest of the family.

SM: I want to be alone.

JG: Jihoon!

SM: Go home… I’ll call you if anything happens.

JG: I’ll stay with you then.

SM: Go home, please!

JG: You know I can’t go.

SM: Why?

JG: Regardless of the circumstances, I can’t let you go to them.

SM: What about my mom? Should I just sit here regardless of what she might suffer?

JG: Jihoon!

SM (picking up the phone): Hello? (no answer) Hello!? Speak up, you bastard! (from the other side of the phone, we can hear Sunho’s laughter) Where are you? Do you want to die? Tell me now! Right now!!! (the phone gets disconnected) Hello? Hello!!!

JG: (looking at the phone) Is there any number?

SM (he shakes his head): No.

JG: Let’s go to the police station. We need to get ready so that next time they call, we can do something.

SM: I’m not going there.

JG: Jihoon!

SM: This won’t get solved that way.

JG: But that’s the best way we know for the time being!

SM: What if my mom dies?

JG: ….

SM: I’ve a request. You have to listen to me. Take your hands off this.

JG: Jihoon…

SM: She may be in greater danger now because they know a cop is helping me. That’s why you should stay out of this. I’ll take care of it.

The phone rings again.

SM: Hello!

Sungho’s voice: Aren’t you with that cop right now?

SM: Don’t worry about that!

Sh: Try to play smart with me and I’ll show you!

SM: Don’t worry, I’m alone! Let me talk with my mom. Let me talk to her, you son-of-a-b…!!! I’ll kill you if anything happens to her! So let me talk to her… Do I need to scream for you to let me talk to her! (the phone gets disconnected)

Sang Min: (Holding his tears and whispering): mom… mom…

Jung Gum witnessed everything, unable to help…


Minji is at Jung Gum’s house, sitting on a sofa next to Saehoon. Youngjoon is sitting on another sofa. Young2 is talking with them, worried and afraid… They’re telling Minji to stay there for now…


JG: Are you hungry? Should I make some Ramen Noodles for you? You haven’t eaten anything all day.

SM: Does it matter if I’m hungry or not? If you’re hungry, grab something. Don’t worry about me.

The phone rings.

SM: Hello?

Mother’s voice: Sang Min.

SM: Mom! Where are you? Where are you right now?

Mother: Don’t come here at all!

SM: Where are you, please?

Mother: Sang Min, you better listen to me. Don’t come here! You shouldn’t listen to these bastards, no way! You understand, don’t you?

One of the gangsters beats her up with a stick. She screams.

SM: Mom! Mom, please! Let me talk to them! Hurry!

Mother: Listen to me!

SM: MOM!!!

Mother: I’m OK. Things won’t stop even if you listen to these guys!

SM: Mom! Do you want me to go crazy and die? Let me talk to those bastards!

Mother: I told you I’m fine!

SM: Mom!!!

Mother: Are you going to disobey me even now? Do you think I can stand seeing you get involved with these ruffians again? How could I watch you being forced to be with them because of me? That’s why… listen to me this once! Don’t come here! You shouldn’t come here at all!

Gangster1: Alright. I’ll follow your mom’s wishes. Let’s talk later.

Gangster 2 is beating her with a stick, and she screams.

SM: (begging) Don’t hang up, please don’t. I was wrong… I betrayed him. I did wrong… Let me talk to Bib Bro. Tell him that I did wrong! It won’t happen again. I won’t do it again, I promise! I’m sorry… I did wrong… I’ll go now, right away! (He hears his mother being beat up) Please stop! Please, please stop! Don’t beat my mom, please, don’t!!! Please, stop!!

Jung Gum continues witnessing everything.

SM: Where did you say you were? I’ll go right now. (He stands up after hanging up the phone, ready to leave. Jung Gum stands in his way). Get out of my way.

JG: Jihoon!

SM: Didn’t I tell you to get out of my way!

JG: Let’s go together.

SM: Don’t be silly. What do you think will happen if I take a cop with me?

JG: (throwing away her hand-cuffs) I won’t be a cop any longer. I’ll tell those bastards, that I’m no longer a cop, and that I didn’t go there to arrest them. That’s why we must go together. I won’t be a cop any longer. I won’t. So let’s go together.

SM: Mom, why are you doing this to me? Do you really want me to go crazy and die?

JG: Jihoon!

SM: I told you we should pretend we never knew each other… I’m this kind of guy. This is the price I’m paying for my past. I really hate myself! Can’t you tell that when you look at me? Didn’t you just see this?

JG: Jihoon, look at me. I’ll go. I won’t go there as a cop, I’m going as your mom. That’s why you should let me go. This is my first and last request to you.

SM: There’s no time. Get out of my way.

JG: How could I step aside, how? Should I step aside knowing where you’re going? (He’s forcing his way out but Jung Gum grabs his legs) Jihoon! Jihoon, please!!! Let me go instead! I’ve always been ready to die for you! If I haven’t sent you off with your dad back then, I wouldn’t have lost you. Who should I blame for this? What sort of a mother am I? So let me go, please. Please, Jihoon! (Jihoon pushes her but she blocks the door) It’s all my fault, so don’t ever forgive me!


SM’s mother is tied up and bleeding, inside a basement room. She’s muttering to herself: “Yes, my son. You shouldn’t come. You shouldn’t. Thank you for listening to me, my good son…”


SM: Please, get out of my way.

JG: I can’t.

SM: Mom!!!

JG: I can’t.

SM (picking up the phone): Hello?

Gangster’s voice: You bastard! Are you playing with me? Why aren’t you here yet?

JG (stealing the phone from SM): Hello?

Voice: What’s this?

JG: I’m Choi Sang Min’s mother, officer Park Jung Gum. No… I’m not a police officer anymore. I don’t have the authority neither the intentions to arrest you. So let me talk to Han Sungho. What is it that you want? Sang Min is my son. Is there anything I can’t do for him? Anything I won't do for him? So where are you? I’ll go. But in exchange, you should let the other mother go. I’m telling you I gave birth to Sang Min! I’m his biological mother! So where are you, I’ll go. Where are you, you son of a b….!!!!

Sang Min steals the phone from her and he runs off. Jang Gum follows him, calling his name, but he hides himself away from her….


Sungho hits his desk with his bare fist. “Park Jung Gum is ‘Changoo’s’ (Sang Min’s nickname) mother? What kind of a dirty joke is this? I thought she was sticking around too much like a glue…”


Jung Gum is walking around the streets with shaking legs, calling the name “Jihoon” breathlessly and holding her tears. Sang Min watches her from his hiding, holding his own tears.

SM: I’m sorry mom… You must have looked for me like crazy just like this when you first lost me… Regardless, I was happy to find out I’m your son… Even if I don’t see you again, I’ll remember you always.

TO BE CONTINUED (on same episode 42)…

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Guest jojo

It was initially 40 episodes long but it was extended, first to 50 episodes, and now it's going to be 53... Till the end of the OLYMPIC GAMES.

Nehow... I was planning to write up a summary for Episodes 22 - 25, but I think more people will prefer the more recent episodes... But then, what should I do with the previous episodes? :o

OH well... for now, I'll try to post a summary for episode 42 onwards... What do you say? ;)

As for your question, it is better to do the summary of the current episodes first, you can do the older episodes later.....thanks for the highlight, this is indeed a very emotionally scene.

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Guest Priscilla


~summary continuation, Episode 43

by Priscilla

Minji is staying at Jung Gum’s house, whispering to herself: “Jihoon, are you OK? You told me we wouldn’t be separated again…”

Youngjoon and his brother are drinking ‘soju,’ worried about the entire situation. Young2 complains, saying that everything is Madam Sah’s fault.

Yura washes her mom, telling her that she’s still so beautiful. Madam Sah does not respond.

They meet Mr. Park to finalize the divorce papers. He asks Yura to take anything they’ve left from his house but Yura tells him they don’t need anything. Yura’s mom looks at the old man walking away, thinking to herself that he was the only man who treated her like a human being afterall, and that she would never forget him.

Jung Gum’s colleagues find out that Choi Sang Min is Jung Gum’s lost son. They ask her where he is but she tells them she doesn’t know.

Young2 waits outside Minji’s classroom, to make sure she’s safe. He eats on a separate table, telling her that ‘bodyguards’ are supposed to eat separately. But he complains to himself that he’s the busiest man on earth.

Young2 runs, feeling that he’ll be late delivering his take-out foods. He meets his neighbor outside (the professor he likes), and she suddenly gives him a handkerchief, blushing away. She leaves. Young2 is surprised by this change of attitude in her… “Hmmm… Jung Gum told me she worked on her attitude… Maybe it’s working…”

Jung Gum visits his father to see how he’s doing after the divorce. She asks him to get rid of ‘her stuffs’ but the old man tells her to leave them there. She gets upset, feeling he still has feeling left for ‘that woman.’ He tells her he’s just too old and he feels empty and defeated.

She tells him that Sang Min’s mother has been kidnapped in order to force the boy to be part of the gang. “Do you still feel sorry for that woman?” And then, she tells her he should stay home at all times, just in case.

Suddenly, she apologizes to him for being a disrespectful daughter, and she tells him that she might not be able to see him for a while. “Take good care of yourself.” And she leaves.

The old man gets alarmed by this sudden change of attitude from his daughter, feeling a bad omen. He calls Youngjoon to ask him what’s going on. Although Youngjoon plays it cool, saying that it’s nothing, the doctor is worried…


Jung Gum goes to the bar that used to be owned by Kyung Soo’s friend, but she doesn’t find the old owner there. She sits at a table, listening to old music… remembering good old times. She calls Kyungsoo.

KS: Officer Park, what’s up?

JG: I just call to see how you were doing.

KS: I’m fine. By the way, I called Jihoon but he’s not picking up. Is anything wrong?

JG: Nothing’s wrong.

KS: Then… why isn’t he picking up the phone?

JG: He’s fine, so don’t worry about him.

KS: Where are you? I hear some music.

JG: I’m at a pub. I came here to meet somebody.

KS: What kind of a pub plays that kind of music?

JG: ... You’re OK, aren’t you?

KS: Of course, you know me.

JG: OK. Don’t worry about us, and take good care of yourself. (laughing) I feel so weird after saying this.

KS: Is anything wrong? Your voice sounds strange…

JG: Nothing’s wrong.

KS: OK. I’ll take good care of myself. Some times, the best thing I could do for others is to take good care of myself.

JG: Yes, you’re right… Kyung Soo…

KS: Yes?

JG: Never mind. I just called your name.

Kyungsoo is sitting outside, drinking ‘soju’ and thinking…

Jung Gum is sitting inside the bar, drinking ‘soju’ and thinking…


Young Joon: What are you doing?

JG: I’m making Kimchi dumplings.

YJ: Dumplings during the summer?

JG: Saehoon lost much of his appetite lately, so I wanted to make something he likes.

YJ: Really? Let me help. (He sits down to help)

JG: I was an absent mother to Saehoon also. Because of work, I let my mom take care of him. All I did for him was to feed him and to give him a place to sleep.

YJ: I wish everyone grows up like Saehoon.

JG: My heart was so broken after losing Jihoon, I think I was subconsciously too strict with Saehoon…

YJ: Why are you thinking of Saehoon, all of a sudden?

JG: It’s nothing. Children? I’m not the only one raising them, but I feel so guilty and sorry no matter what I do for them. If I knew they’ll torn my heart like this, I wouldn’t have dared to give birth to two of them.

YJ: Jung Gum… No matter what, you should never do anything tragic.

JG: What? What do think it’s in my mind?

YJ: (just staring) …

JG: I forgot to put tofu in the dumpling mix. I can't believe this.

YJ: Too much tofu in dumplings doesn’t taste good.

JG: (picking up the phone) Officer Kim, what’s up? (listening) … OK, I’ll be ready to leave at anytime, so don’t worry about me. You haven’t heard anything from Han Sungho or from Kim Soochul yet? … OK, I’ll be on stand by… (she hangs up the phone. To YJ) What were we talking about?

YJ: About making delicious dumpling soup.

JG: That’s right.

YJ: Can I ask you what’s on your mind?

JG: What do you think? I don’t know where my son is. He might be beaten and locked somewhere. Or he might be getting ready to fight big time, holding a knife on his hand. I don’t know where the heck he is but I’m making dumplings at home. What is in my mind? Nothing! I’m just on stand by…

YJ: No matter what, always be careful.

JG: I’ve been a cop for so long. Why are you asking me to be careful all of a sudden?

YJ: Just because… Oh My! What can I do? I’m so worried about you! Now that you’re mine… I worried even when you’re just driving. I wish you’d be a safe driver.

JG: (smiling) You make me laugh…. By the way, if I happen to get hurt while on duty... will you take care of my Saehoon?

YJ: … Why are you saying that so suddenly?

JG: That’s because…. I’m a cop, and we never know if I could get hurt anytime, anywhere. I’m saying this since we were talking about this. I’m not asking you to take full responsibility of him. He’s all grown up. Just make sure he’s living well, once in a while…

YJ (sighs): I can’t stop you since this is about your son… (looking at her) Always, watch out for yourself. Please…

They’re both trying to hide the redness around their eyes, trying to smile and make light of the situation. She continues making dumplings. She then goes inside Saehoon’s room, to watch him sleep. She caresses her son’s face…

She goes outside, holding her cell-phone, waiting. Youngjoon finds her there.

JG: Why aren’t you sleeping?

YJ: (He looks at her eyes) You know, don’t you? ~That I love you? (They hug each other)


Jung Gum is at her headquarters office, still on standby.

Chief: (entering) You haven’t heard anything yet? (She shakes her head) If Choi Sang Min went to them, they should have let his mother go. You haven’t heard from her either?

JG: No. This silence is driving me nuts. I don’t know anything…

Chief: Officer Park…


Chief: Never mind. (He turns to go but he turns back to see her) You know that I care about you, don’t you?

JG: I don’t know… Why?

The three cops enter the office.

Cop1: An informant told us that Han Sungho’s Band will be attacking Kim Soochul’s.

Chief: Get ready to go!

JG hands her Chief her resignation letter.

Chief: What’s this?

JG: I don’t think I can continue being a cop. I’m sorry.

Chief: Do you think this is the best and only way? (She doesn’t replay and starts walking away) Officer Park!

JG stops walking. The Chief takes the envelope and rips it off.

Chief: I believe in you, Officer Park. No matter what, don’t ever forget that, over all things, you are a National Police Officer.

Jung Gum is going after the gangsters, thinking about her son, and about what the Chief just told her…


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Guest jojo

Epi 42....

Apart from the highlight that is written by Priscilla, here are the "side dishes"

Mr Park + Mdm Sa + Yura

Yura does her best to cheer up her mother, always ensuring that she is looking good. They met Mr Park and he offer to drive them back however, Yura decline the offer. He then tells Yura that she can go to the house anything to collect their things, however, Yura tells him that he may just discard them. (*jojo's thoughts and feelings" it is as if to tell Mr Park to discard and forget about them).

Mr Park looks at Mdm Sa with pity and perhaps still with feelings for his old partner. Mdm Sa refuses to look at him but her eyes following him as he walks away, in her mind "You are the only that treat me like a proper human being, l regret till the day l die for what l have done" and tears swell to her eyes.

Mr Park + JG at his house

JG ask about the divorce and her father said that it complete. JG told the father to ask Yura to come and collect their belongs but her father told her that Yura had asked him to throw them away. JG suggested that she could help to clear the stuff since she was there but her father told her to leave them alone, there was no rush to throw them away. JG looked at him and he quickly added that it was not that he was expecting changes since their divorce paper thru. JG asked him what he had in mind. Mr Park extressed that even if Mdm Sa died 12x over, it would not difuse his anger but......sitting there, he kind of still expected to see her coming out of their room. JG was upset and asked her father what he tried to say to her. Mr Park told her that he had no other meaning but JG was angry with her father, she felt that her father still had feeling for Mdm Sa. Mr Park tried to pacify her by telling her that he had no such thought. JG don't really believed him and in her anger and frustrated she let out that SM's mother had been kipnapped by the gangster in order to force SM back to the gang. She then apologised to her father for always losing her temper on him and told him to take care and lived well before walking off leaving her father begging her to tell him what was happening and what does she meant saying all these things.


GS sensed something not right and tried to contact JH but get no response from JH's cellphone. JG wondered into the bar that GS first brought her to but the owner was no longer GS's friend. She called GS. GS wanted to know if things are okay with JH since he could get in touch with JH. JG lied and said everything was fine and she called just to asked how was GS getting on and was he living well. GS said that he was alright and that sometime one has to live well for the sake of the other party (l think what he meant is that just so that the other party won't feel guilty or burden ). He sensed something was wrong with JG and asked her again but JG denied anything was wrong. She called GS by his name but paused after that, GS asked her why but she said that she just wanted to call his name that's all.....this really set GS wondering if everything was really alright like she said.


JG was restless while waiting for actions from the two gangs. YJ was worried about her and wanted her to take care of herself. While they are at it, JG told YJ to take care of her younger son if anything happened to her while she was on her assignment. YJ didn't asked the reason for her saying that but just asked her to take good care of herself.

Later in the park,

YJ told her to remember that he always loved her.

l had taken off the yousendit link, it doesn't work properly....sorry :blush:

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