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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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ill ignore the call (if i hear it) cause my mom says that im a um...bad sleeper..? O.o...so most of the time i don't think ill hear it if im in a deep ssleep

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Guest violacrazy

i doubt even have the energy to pick the phone up. i'll probably leave it ringing... O.O

because i'll just think i picked up the call. and plus... by body hits REM right when i'm in bed. lol

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depends on the situation...

if i'm really tired and sleepy..

i just ignored the call..

but if i'm not..

maybe i try to answer it..

but take a time to answer it..

maybe sometimes my friend said that i just answering their question by..






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Guest kawii_kiki55

me either 2,3, or 4. 2 i would be really tired so i dont feel like yelling. 3 i was so close to falling asleep until someone called me which would make me scream or i was having a good dream. 4 i would usually just pick the phone and then hang up without saying anything.

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IGNORE unless the caller keeps calling then i think omfg something bad must've happened. but then its usually just my mom asking how i've been <_<

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Guest sujinny

I'd probably pick it up, but answer with a half-dead voice and answer the caller's questions halfheartedly

or if I'm really tired, I'd turn my phone off without bothering to see who it is, or throw it somewhere ;p

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Sometimes I don't hear it...But when I do, I see who it is...If it's a friend of mine, I just toss the phone aside. If they call again, I turn my phone on silent.

If it's the girl I like I answer the phone as nicely as possible :D

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Guest fiery_raye

basically if the phone is far enough where i have to walk

i won't get it because if it was someone important they

would have called my cell .. HAHA !! then my parents

get mad and say why i didn't answer it .. and i say that

it wasn't for me .. xDD gosh i'm so lazy not even funny

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I am the best to talk to in the mornings. Because even if I'm woken up, I'm a mellow person in the mornings, I'm rarely angry/not happy. xD Even if I'm a bit incoherent to begin with, I don't actually get out of bed until the conversation ends, so it's all good. I'm fine with it as long as it isn't my mother calling me to wake up and go into the blistering heat to put up washing. OTL

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Guest symphonee.

I'll generally look on the screen to see who the caller is and then decide whether or not I wanna answer it. If I do answer it, I'll probably be in a very foul mood.

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Guest deevyne_

It's either 1 or 3 for me. Most of the time I just turn off the ringtone after it rings the first time. Certain people like to call like... 5-10 times just because they know I'm asleep and try to wake me up. T_T Dirty~

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Guest missdevotional

Seeing as I pick up for anyone, at any time, (well, except my uncle) I usually get up, blink at the screen (but not reading it because I wouldn't have my glasses on) and pick up.

I just mumble and apparently "sound cute".

But in the morning I only vaguely remember picking up the phone :P

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Guest envyandy

scream at the person on the other line


answer calmly.


open the phone (if cell phone) and tell them im still sleeping, call a little later and hang up.

i sound like a pinkberry but its true, i am when you wake me from my sleep.

i can never ignore it because the more i wish it stopped the more they kept on calling. ARGH!

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Guest Jai1989

if it was my cell phone, then i would pick up and answer normally, slightly rugged on the voice

if it was the home phone, i wait for my parents to pick it up cos htey usually do...but if they arent home then well i wouldnt know if they ARE home or not cos id be asleep, so id let it ring then if i miss it then i miss it. if i dint and i picked it up, id say hello -angrily... yeah isnt that how everyone reacts? well ppl like me anyway haha i must sound stupid but what the heck i need sleep right now...

i dint pick it up once cos i was so effing tired but most the times, i dont hear it, deep sleeper i am and probably going fully deaf soon.

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