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How Do You React To Morning Calls?

Guest bbyxwinnie

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Guest bbyxwinnie

Say you've just finished studying and went to bed around per say 3 am? and then 2 hours later someone calls you. and in 1 hour you have school. how do you react? =O

1.) ignore the calls and hope it'll stop ringing.

2.) answer it calmly.

3.) scream as soon as you answer.

4.) other

LOL for me i'd have a combo of 2 and 3 hahas. like answer the phone calmly then start screaming at the person for waking me up :rolleyes: needless to say i'm a very angry little girl when i dont get my sleep -_-

i hope there isnt a thread like this hahas. XD

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Guest MooLatte

Actually it would depend on the person. I'd usually look at the caller ID, if it's someone overseas or someone important, I would pick up :] If not i'd just toss my phone aside and get grumpy haha.

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Guest leelee.

Urgh, I hate getting phone calls at 3am.

If it's someone important, then I'll answer calmly. If it's one of my friends calling just to ask if I'm riding the bus or not, I'll answer calmly...then yell at them for interrupting my sleep. (My friends do this just to annoy >__<) And sometimes, I'll just ignore it 'cos I know someone else will answer the phone.

It really just depends on who's calling.

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i would pick up without really noticing, its happened a few times,i would answer all sleepy and then just talk or stay quiet the whole time and answer the questions only...other than that, i i would just automatically hang up when they are done talking and go back to sleep...

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If it's someone that is of no use to me, I ignore it. If it's someone that is of use to me, I answer it. If it's someone who keeps calling call after call, I pick up and say, "What the hell do you want? I'm sleeping. STFU and hang up." -____-" That last one is a new habit.

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Guest jessicanovia

I would answer it to make it stop ringing but I won't say anything to the caller~


answer and put it under ma pillow and lemme get bak to sleep!!!

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depends on who it is.

if its someone important i'll answer it

if its not, then i'll just put my phone on silent, that or answer the phone and start yelling.

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Guest Kalesty

I would answer it no matter what, because it could be an important call! Even if it was just my friend or something, I don't think I would yell..... I would probably just fall back asleep talking to them XD

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Guest Offspring89

I pick it up, but just so i can hang it up right away...thats so it stops ringing. :).

Then if they call back, i assume its important and i pick it up and start talking.

I usually dont yell...

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Guest lime_shadow

My phone's on silent once I go to bed. But if it doesn't seem like a prank, I'll pick up no matter what. I mean... if they're calling at this time, something *MUST* be up.

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Guest mango-iee

Sometimes I would just ignore it, because who in the world would call this early in the morning especially on a weekend! If it's my family's relatives then they know my house and parent's #. No need to bother me. But usually on a weekend I would pick up the phones afer the 3rd ring and scream through the phone. :)

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Guest simplirain

I pull the plug.

It's worse when you're sleeping in the middle of the night and then........ RING. RING.

The worse is I can't sleep afterward. <_<

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