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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest Greenrose934

LDW should be nice with MH and three of them LDC ,LDW , MH could be brothers , If not ... He really selfish (LDW)

JH she loves herself not her boy , because her boy loves his papa, and she separates them because of her emotion with MH's mamy

MH is a good man , so he couldn't living in the same roof with Shin ( It doesn't matter bloodline or not ! )

YR continues seducing LDC :sweatingbullets: It's very difficult for LDC to have a new girlfriend

May be LDC will meet the new girl ( who replaces Le Da Hae very soon )

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Guest savingwork

Thanks Luv and cute girl for pictures and torrent. :D

any caps for the coming up epi 47

thank you for the caps

Unfortunately, there was no preview for episode 47 :tears: . They are making us suffer/I mean wait till the next episode. <_<

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Guest savingwork

History repeats itself.

STH torturing methods hasn’t changed a bit, has it?

Doesn’t this picture


reminds you of the good old days of STH torture?



Credits : wordpress.com/tag/east-of-eden-episode-recaps/

Since MH keeps accusing DW of stealing his brother, mother and sister, now he gets to really taste what life as a Lee is like. While he might not have gained his father’s love, one cannot dismiss the fact that MH lived a luxurious life, while it was never a smooth ride for DW, which forced him to grow stronger.

So yes, you can say like what DC believes that blood should not be of concern.

My argument below maybe right or wrong… just another analysis of MH-DW characters:

MH’s weak character has been obvious from the beginning, while his true father, KCL, obviously was a leader. So, if blood is not the key, what is then? The environment/upbringing. MH was brought up as a spoiled rich kid, who did not have to work hard and was served hot dinner every night. Consequently, I am not blaming him for his weakness, for he had no real obstacles to overcome in his life. On the other hand, you have DC and DW, both have really strong characters. Both have different blood running in their bodies, yet both exhibit strong leadership skills. How did this come about? I can only attribute that to the harsh life they shared together. A loving family you say? I don’t think so. I don’t see the Lee’s as a loving family, at least it was not really expressed peacefully; with YCH always shouting at both DW and DC with harsh words, even though she does not intend it most of the time.

So, DW’s strong personality was build over the years of suffering. But what is going on now? DW is facing an identity crisis. He holds firm to being LDW. But everyone else is telling him otherwise, beginning with SMH. Then he feels DC treating him differently?? (did any of you feel that.. personally I did not notice it much .. maybe I missed something??). Now in ep 45, his motivation is being questioned by his mother YCH/Lee family (that must have really hurt).

In my view DW is not drawing to his blood, STH, as MH says but he is being pushed into the Shin’s. So, I really hate it when people say DW is evil by blood?? That does not make any sense at all, especially given that we have experience the character over the span of his 30-yr life: he insisted on living righteously till now-even more righteously than LKC son DC. Doesn’t the 30 yrs. count?? Just asking.

On the other hand,

I am so happy that MH got out of STH house. If only DC-DW-MH can live together with the Lee :) . But currently DW still needs more time to overcome his feelings of inferiority and the fear of being replaced by MH, which is completely understandable:-If only STH was not his father, I don’t think DW would be as bitter toward MH as he is. Even if DW was not a true Lee, if only STH blood was not in his body, DW would not feel as isolated from the Lees.

That devil STH killed his own :w00t: baby (Rebecca’s), so there is no reason to be surprised at what he did to MH in ep 46. I won’t ever be surprised that STH would eventually betray DW. STH is totally lying saying that he cares for DW because he is his true blood. <_< We all know he is holding to DW because he is afraid of losing TS to the true heir-DW. If STH truly cares about anyone, it would TS-not a person. (Him caring abut Janice is totally unbelievable?? Could someone who kills his own baby have in his heart a place for a women… this seems so illogical… don’t you agree? :blink: :blush:

Why do I always write so long… :sweatingbullets:


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Guest thienly

I agree that in ep 46 SMH taste his own method of torturing, years ago he captured JH and got DW arrested tortured nearly to death...now his turn to taste what it is like ....

years ago when DW burnt down the STW's house no1 say anything, now they know whose his father is, every move he makes they say he changes...becomes like STW....DC keeps saying it got nothing to do with bloodline and yet he is drawn to MH, and years ago he hates MH.....and he and his mom treats DW differently as well....of course DW sense it he even said looking at his face remind them of their enemy...that's why he ddint want to come home after work poor him...

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Guest SSHsaranghae

I really agree with your statement. I was born in the States but since my family has a strong Asian heritage we all really take up each other's behavior, tendencies and characteristics. Truly, if Shin Tae hwan isn't DW's blood father, I would think that the Lees would not be so hesitant as they do now in looking at him.

In my view DW is not drawing to his blood, STH, as MH says but he is being pushed into the Shin’s. So, I really hate it when people say DW is evil by blood?? That does not make any sense at all, especially given that we have experience the character over the span of his 30-yr life: he insisted on living righteously till now-even more righteously than LKC son DC. Doesn’t the 30 yrs. count?? Just asking.

On the other hand,

I am so happy that MH got out of STH house. If only DC-DW-MH can live together with the Lee :) . But currently DW still needs more time to overcome his feelings of inferiority and the far of being replaced by MH, which is completely understandable:-If only STH was not his father, I don’t think DW would be as bitter toward MH as he is. Even if DW was not a true Lee, if only STH blood was not in his body, DW would not feel as isolated from the Lees.

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LDW didn't steal SMH kins. His fate changes and he didn't have any say in it at all. It is not LDW fault that he and SMH got switched. SMH is kinda selfish, always saying that it is time for LDW to go back and live with the Shin.

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Guest fre3xyayo

ok so i just watched episode 45 and was really confused about JH and YCH

like why does JH hate YCH so much?

she was comparing YCH to what STH did to LDC and that comparison just didnt make much sense to me

does JH just hate YCH so much because YCH wanted her to stay away from her son LDW?

because JH seems to hate YCH so passionately even though YCH didn't do anything that tremendously bad to her...

someone clarify please :]

im getting so confused with this drama.. too much is going on

but its also so intense right now i cant wait to keep watching!

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