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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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^ thanks for the summary to Ep 42. Great performance from YJH .He has always been a very talented actor. His previous dramas were excellent too. Just that he shines very late in this drama.His script in this episode is the best so far for his character

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Guest jasonduck

Episode 42 – “The blood which flows in our body doesn’t control our destiny.” – from priest to DW

I just watched episodes 42 – an episode that has been long waited and it doesn’t disappoint at all. After few episodes of tricks, the new writer exhibits a surprising scale of substances. It is one of very fine eposide writing.

It started with a mother’s heartache and end with DC shouted at DW for not returning home at night. It has been a long lone one-day journey for DW in this episode. Heartbreaking but absolutely breath-taking.

YCH collapses, for the past she can’t fathom and for the future she fears. And in between, it is that mother and son bounding even not biological that doesn’t come with a cut-off line or even a cut-off day.

DW is trying to grasp his existence that seems slipping away. He searched places and facts to confirm that self identity he is composed of up to now but the reality challenges him. Between visiting the childhood hometown he grew up with DC and running lost in the traffic at that dark dark night, he denies, protests and in quest of some light from the priest. – “The blood which flows in our body doesn’t control our destiny.” That is the line said to DW.

A lost soul finds a temporary shelter. The new joined actress seems walking into the scene from nowhere. Though, the arrangement has its kind presence since DW can really use some warmth extended from a people who are safe from these entire dark secret. And hopefully it become a force leading DW out of suffocation.

Next morning DW finally returns to Lee’s place after one night exile. And what DC said to his run-away brother is simply touching. But most of all, it is DW’s “I am sorry” to a near gone-mad YCH that breaks my heart...

Hat off to Yun Jung Hoon for his outstanding acting range in this episode. An actor among the younger set of cast, at the critical scenes, charges each emotion with right punctuation – no overflowed, no dragging and no under-acted. The result is simply powerful.


2uss, thanks for finding that line of LKC and repost of Luv’s captures -- son and father and all that extended mountain. The early EoE has very wonderful scene filming and setting that compliments the storyline so well.

yun jung hoon's acting is superb. it is indeed outstanding. this episode is truly heartbreaking!!!

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^ thanks for the summary to Ep 42. Great performance from YJH .He has always been a very talented actor. His previous dramas were excellent too. Just that he shines very late in this drama.His script in this episode is the best so far for his character

if you want translation of DW's heartbreaking lines...you may check Park Hae Jin Thread:


YJH's really superb/excellent in his revelation episode...hopefully we can see more of him in remaining episodes.

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Guest ihatesats

i just finally caught up with E42. this is getting to be a melodrama, isn't it? i really had high hopes for this drama. sadly, i can see why ratings are dropping.

these are opinions, and I understand not everyone shares them ^^

1. YCH. she is VERY annoying. yes she is strong willed and tough, but she is overbearing. why can't she say anything nice? she is not the perfect woman (remember, she kept rambling insensitively to N. Yoo mi Ae about babies, she told her hubbie she couldn't wait till he died so she could get her insurance money, she gave birth in a hospital when she had no money) so who is she to judge other people? i just really don't like her attitude :\ she deserved what she got. she wants to be the big tree fighting against the wind, but she doesn't realize that when that tree falls, it will never get up again.

2. Ji Hyun. What is so amazing about DW that she has to treat MH with no love? she decided to marry MH, so she should be grateful that 1. he GAVE her TH; even tho he raped her, the result is the most precious gift in her life 2. he gave her the opportunity to be the independent, strong woman she is today. with DW, she would just be in the sidelines as a prosecutor's wife. AND who says, "just be an average father because i don't want him to love you more than me?" she's changed into a monster. no wonder her son likes MH more.

3. MH's mother = Mrs. Shin. god. is no one on his side? no one? again, what is so amazing about DW? do they not see how the potential MH has? What kind of mother is she? MH may not be her blood kin, but she did raise him. When ppl mature, their genes should influence around half of what they become. Environmental factors influence the other half and controls what genes are and aren't expressed. DW may share the same genetic material as Mrs. Shin, but he is NOT her son. The son concept is philosophical. DW grew up in the Lee family environment and his beliefs have been carefully molded by DC and YCH.

*some ppl may counter with why DW may turn evil. well, that gene is already within him, and with all of YCH's hate and revenge, that trait is just being further nurtured. also, MH has a gentle side, but it's harder for goodness to turn evil. Though STH tried to change him, Mrs. Shin also raised him and she is very kind. when you are good, and you are influenced by evil, you can either choose to become evil or rebel. MH rebels (hes always hated STH)

4. MHR. i'm glad she's gone bc her acting was stiff. she always tries to act pretty. watch carefully. she tries to be composed and classy. there's nothing wrong with that..if you can pull it off.

5. Pres Guk. despite his ruthlessness, he is quite the charismatic man. i'm scared of him, but i don't hate him even with all the problems he's caused. can you REALLY blame him? as a father, he wants the best for his only daughter. though DC is successful, Pres. Guk cares about family background and reputation. Obvi he would support Mike; who doesn't want their daughter to be treated like a princess? well with mike she could have BEEN a princess. but i'm a fan or YR and DC...soooooo i hope they get together :]!!

6. rebecca. yea he killed her child. but to begin with, she shouldn't have started an affair. it's impossible she didn't know; he is the most famous figure in Tae Baek. is she had to do something to the child, why did she have to affect another child too? something is up with her reasoning, because 1. she had an affair and assumed he wouldn't try anything with the baby 2. she didn't think about how YCH's family would feel. this goes back to YCH, and how she annoyed rebecca. the reason she decided on YCH 's baby is bc of YCH's big mouth and her inability to keep herself out of other ppl's business ("didn't you have a bby? what happened to it?")

sigh. feel like i should check out BOF.

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Guest dharmakhan


Love your write... I dont like YCH either... she is really a terror wife to LKC...such a loud voice she has.... she really reap what she sows... hope DC will with YR....peace..... B)

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Guest edenlove

6. rebecca. yea he killed her child. but to begin with, she shouldn't have started an affair. it's impossible she didn't know; he is the most famous figure in Tae Baek.

she didn't think about how YCH's family would feel. this goes back to YCH, and how she annoyed rebecca. the reason she decided on YCH 's baby is bc of YCH's big mouth and her inability to keep herself out of other ppl's business

Of course Rebecca knew that STH was married. In that episode between Rebecca and Mrs Shin, there was flashback of how Rebecca (Mi-ae) get to know STH... when she was a nurse taking care of the sick Mrs Shin.

And I don't think Rebecca picked YCH's son to switch just because she hated her big-mouth or YCH annoyed her. It is more of DW and MH being born on the same day and that Rebecca was the one who attended to both the delivery. More importantly, Rebecca wanted STH's real son to grow up in a poor family and suffer hardship. Rebecca was well aware that YCH was so poor that she didn't want to have the baby at first.

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Guest michsann

hi. i just finished watching all the subbed epis (40) earlier. i started this series but i stopped coz i got sooo addicted to joongbo (im addicted til now hehe) that made me stop from watching any other series ...

anyways, i finally decided to continue watching this last weekend ... i must say, i couldnt stop watching from epi 24 onwards ... and i really got hooked on all epis after epi 30, and all episodes after epi 33 ie. after SMH learned about the secret .. it was so nice to see each character's reaction towards the revelation ...

and my fave parts of the series ... i love every scene with LEE DONG CHUL & SHIN MYUNG HUN in it.



^^ i want SSH to be my SSHillang! puahahaha. :wub:

anyways, count me in as DONG CHUL-YOUNG RAN shipper after the Japan scene when they just stared at each other (end part of epi 14)... i also hope that in the future, Wan Gun can get the casino back from Pres Guk. somehow, i feel like Pres Guk is more evil than STH, esp in the latter episodes.

i cant wait for Dong Chul's omma & Rebecca's confrontation scene in epi 33. as much as i wanna see it now, i still need subs ... btw, KAMSAHAMNIDA to withs2 for the softsubs :)

and lastly, i really wonder if anyone knows what song was played while LDW & MHR were talking in the restaurant in epi 40, when she told him she's leaving the country.

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EP 42 isn't working on mysoju.com or viikii.com. Where else can I watch it with eng subs? Thanks.

mysoju gets their feeds from viikii if that episode's from viikii, so if viikii is down then so does soju...

the only thing you can do is just be patient until viikii's server reloads again, also at the same time if there are numerous subbers that go and sub the videos, they need to use the video layouts for timing their subs, so again it takes more bandwidth...viikii is known for their very fast uploads (a day after usually) for popular dramas like EOE and BOF, so fans of those dramas are likely to swarm on their website thus causing bandwidths to be used...and their server can only take so much as users watch the videos...

so far for english subbed vids it's only viikii website that does it within a day or 2 after the recent episode airs that i know of...

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Guest YuckYuck

Well, with regards to EPI 42, I find DW going to his boss' house very sudden and uncalled for...

It seems like a bad attempt to get DW closer to his boss' daughter =/

Then again, it seems that EOE is going to get more interesting. How both families resolve the issue can be interesting (if done right).

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^ thanks for the summary to Ep 42. Great performance from YJH .He has always been a very talented actor. His previous dramas were excellent too. Just that he shines very late in this drama.His script in this episode is the best so far for his character

EoE is my first time watching YJH’s performance. It was probably at the time of DW- JH breakup/MH-JH wedding scenes, I felt he has a relatively solid base among the younger set of cast. He has good timing in circling the multiples emotions. Most of his crying scenes are in good controlled execution. Up to day, I still vividly remember, DW appearing in MH-JH’s wedding -- standing afar with tears and smiling to JH who is to be someone else’s wife. A few second gesture, YJH displays the pain of separation, the respect and support to the beloved, and a love that is not bounded by the formality. A few seconds that does register well.

Having said that, I do feel that YJH is given lots of weight in early episodes. While DC was in exile at other foreign land, DW was the one experiencing those major historical events at the homeland. To be frank, his student protest and other protest scenes with LDH fail to inspire me; both actor and actress in those scenes are lacking the kind of forwarding enthusiasm and burning passion that a protest leader exhibits.

The DW development in mid-series seems falling into repetitive pattern – fighting for his ideology as well as getting himself ready to revenge but always get caught in situations, each time is resolved by the sacrifice of his brother. Though YJH’s DW may seem functioning as a supporting material to highlight DC’s scarifies in the past episodes. But one look at YJH’s DW in episode 42, it is not so hard to realize how the build-up of the brother bounding (even may be on the cost of DW character development) makes it possible for YJH to give DW a full ride of inner conflicts and to question the meaning of life at the moment of truth. And let's not forget, also what happened in the mid-series is that DW is constant of victim product of STH's evil scheming. I am not sure how remorse STH will feel about the truth and I look forward to seeing the father-son confronting scene.

I really feel for DC when he realized he had lived up a twisted path and all his sacrifices doesn’t serve its original intent. But that’s best part of EoE, it is very much up to DW now to define not only his worth as well as DC and of whole Lee family. Hope in that process, something beyond the revenge arises. But that is my selfishness as a EoE viewer.

Lastly, a good professional actor and actress are not to be defined by the screentime nor the character writing. There are many veteran actors/actresses as well as the real talented ones out there can uplift the limitation and define the character by giving the character the color of life through acting, I thought that is another kind of professionalism. And I heartily appreciate that YJH does what his profession requires him to do and being a good sport so a EoE watcher like me get to see his shining moment.

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^ The middle stagnant development plot of DW and the others happened through the constant change of the writers (way before writer Na departure and the change to the present writer).This was kept a secret from the viewers till later.If you had followed the korean script closely, you would have noticed the style of writing is different .The plot writing seem to take us in a different direction.My personal opinion is a good written script of a character is important to aid how an actor expresses his emotions. Unfortunately they were not given the chance .Their scripts(in korean) were very substandard compared to"others".There is marked inequality.

It is only in these last few episodes that we get to see better and fairer script writing again.And hopefully it stays that way to the end.

edit: News last heard is Writer Na is now in the US. The new writer LHG worked with consultation on the guidelines provided by writer Na.But some of the mid/late teens- middle episodes were written by unnamed writers with and also ironically without writer Na consultation and scripts changed or altered without her knowledge..As to why they do that is another political story.This was happening because she had been unwell during the period.She was very angry.Then came her official departure announcement and the infamous heated outburst argument /confrontation meeting later that occured among the actors,pd team and surprise uninvited storming into the meeting by writer Na that took placed before LHG took over.The official line is her departure is due to poor health but she will be consulted by LHG on the remaining episodes.

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Guest edenlove

Well, with regards to EPI 42, I find DW going to his boss' house very sudden and uncalled for...

It seems like a bad attempt to get DW closer to his boss' daughter =/

If you have watched the drama close enough, you will not find this strange/sudden at all.

Outside the Lee family, DW's boss is his closest mentor.

Being his teacher since university days, he knows DW's strength and weaknesses.

They have also been through hardship together during the political unrest.

To most of ambitious script play writers, EoE is probably one luxurious material to craft their art. Writer Na has fabricated a solid structure and complexity in the beginning disregarding its middle static development. And now it is time to show how EoE is more than a trendy drama if new writer is daring and capable.

If according to news, the new writer (LHG) only wrote one episode (Ep 36 - which has its rating crossed 30% mark), although he may have influenced some changes before Ep 36. Then Writer Na returned and was reported to be co-writing with LHG, but from recent episodes the storyline seems to be back to the style of Writer Na... strong and detailed in family love and brotherhood. I feel there is lesser influence of LHG (who is seen to be more action-packed like movie style), or he is totally not involved at all. The change of writer/style only affected a few episodes of EOE, as EOE is still very much the product of Writer Na.

Episode 42 – “The blood which flows in our body doesn’t control our destiny.” – from priest to DW

I watched the Chinese subs which said something like (from priest to DW) "The real factor that decides the true value of our life is the blood that flows in our soul, not the blood in our body."

This is very much the style of Writer Na.^^

To be frank, his student protest and other protest scenes with LDH fail to inspire me; both actor and actress in those scenes are lacking the kind of forwarding enthusiasm and burning passion that a protest leader exhibits.

I really feel for DC when he realized he had lived up a twisted path and all his sacrifices doesn’t serve its original intent. But that’s best part of EoE, it is very much up to DW now to define not only his worth as well as DC and of whole Lee family.

You're not the only one who felt about the student protest scenes.^^

Well, I think how DW will react after the birth revelation will be interesting to watch. From the highlights, we could already see he somehow felt threatened (and perhaps jealous) by MH who is gradually getting closer to the Lee family. And how he will treat STH... will this lead to the conflict between DC-DW?

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Guest edenlove

Seem that EOE is losing its rating percentage each week.

What this means is MBC is losing its share of the advertising $ to other dramas like BOF. BOF has captured that group of viewers. Now MBC has to focus on the other group, maybe the older age group.

If talking about TNS, EOE rating dropped slightly for one week (Ep 41/42). But it is interesting to take note of AGB rating which seemingly has a different target group of measuring ratings:


12 Jan/Ep 39: 26.4% (Seoul 29.0%)

13 Jan/Ep 40: 28.6% (Seoul 30.4%)

19 Jan/Ep 41: 27.1% (Seoul 29.7%)

20 Jan/Ep 42: 27.0% (Seoul 29.3%)

If we count how many commercials EOE has before each episode broadcast, we can tell if MBC is earning good advertising $ or losing $. The good advertising $ MBC is enjoying was also said to be one of the reasons of EOE's extension.

According to an early survey last Oct, EOE's target audience was aged above 30 years old, including male viewers. If BOF has captured the young viewers from EOE, it is only a small fraction. PD Kim already said in a recent interview that EOE's matured theme is meant for adults. (i.e. he can't stop young viewers from switching channels^^)

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Guest BlueGranny86

i just finally caught up with E42. this is getting to be a melodrama, isn't it? i really had high hopes for this drama. sadly, i can see why ratings are dropping.

these are opinions, and I understand not everyone shares them ^^

1. YCH. she is VERY annoying. yes she is strong willed and tough, but she is overbearing. why can't she say anything nice? she is not the perfect woman (remember, she kept rambling insensitively to N. Yoo mi Ae about babies, she told her hubbie she couldn't wait till he died so she could get her insurance money, she gave birth in a hospital when she had no money) so who is she to judge other people? i just really don't like her attitude :\ she deserved what she got. she wants to be the big tree fighting against the wind, but she doesn't realize that when that tree falls, it will never get up again.

2. Ji Hyun. What is so amazing about DW that she has to treat MH with no love? she decided to marry MH, so she should be grateful that 1. he GAVE her TH; even tho he raped her, the result is the most precious gift in her life 2. he gave her the opportunity to be the independent, strong woman she is today. with DW, she would just be in the sidelines as a prosecutor's wife. AND who says, "just be an average father because i don't want him to love you more than me?" she's changed into a monster. no wonder her son likes MH more.

3. MH's mother = Mrs. Shin. god. is no one on his side? no one? again, what is so amazing about DW? do they not see how the potential MH has? What kind of mother is she? MH may not be her blood kin, but she did raise him. When ppl mature, their genes should influence around half of what they become. Environmental factors influence the other half and controls what genes are and aren't expressed. DW may share the same genetic material as Mrs. Shin, but he is NOT her son. The son concept is philosophical. DW grew up in the Lee family environment and his beliefs have been carefully molded by DC and YCH.

*some ppl may counter with why DW may turn evil. well, that gene is already within him, and with all of YCH's hate and revenge, that trait is just being further nurtured. also, MH has a gentle side, but it's harder for goodness to turn evil. Though STH tried to change him, Mrs. Shin also raised him and she is very kind. when you are good, and you are influenced by evil, you can either choose to become evil or rebel. MH rebels (hes always hated STH)

4. MHR. i'm glad she's gone bc her acting was stiff. she always tries to act pretty. watch carefully. she tries to be composed and classy. there's nothing wrong with that..if you can pull it off.

5. Pres Guk. despite his ruthlessness, he is quite the charismatic man. i'm scared of him, but i don't hate him even with all the problems he's caused. can you REALLY blame him? as a father, he wants the best for his only daughter. though DC is successful, Pres. Guk cares about family background and reputation. Obvi he would support Mike; who doesn't want their daughter to be treated like a princess? well with mike she could have BEEN a princess. but i'm a fan or YR and DC...soooooo i hope they get together :]!!

6. rebecca. yea he killed her child. but to begin with, she shouldn't have started an affair. it's impossible she didn't know; he is the most famous figure in Tae Baek. is she had to do something to the child, why did she have to affect another child too? something is up with her reasoning, because 1. she had an affair and assumed he wouldn't try anything with the baby 2. she didn't think about how YCH's family would feel. this goes back to YCH, and how she annoyed rebecca. the reason she decided on YCH 's baby is bc of YCH's big mouth and her inability to keep herself out of other ppl's business ("didn't you have a bby? what happened to it?")

sigh. feel like i should check out BOF.

I agree with about half of what you said. Great analysis though.

YCH: She's one women that I can't hate. She may not be a great person but she's without a doubt a great mother. She cares and loves her sons with all her heart. And she's willing to sacrifice anything to make her sons sucessful. I really admire her as a mother. Despite all the hardships she's been through, she's never though of giving up because she knows that her sons need her. YCH is one of those people who say alot of things that they don't mean. She never meant the things she said about Lee Ki Chul. You know that she loved him more than herself. She would rather throw away a million dollars than to lose him. She may have a nasty mouth but she has a good heart.

Ji Hyun was initially very pure and innocent because she never knew what greed and desire was. When she married myung hoon, she was introduced to greed and desire and that really changed her. Shin Tae Won and Kim Ji Hyun have alot of in common. They are both two poor people who are corrupted by money and selfish desires. Greed has caused them to become a monster. I know that deep down inside, Ji Hyun is a good person. I hope that Myung Hoon can find the person that fell in love with during their childhood years. Otherwises, Ji Hyun will lose myung hoon forever.

As for Min Hye Rin, she was never given the chance to act to her fullest potentials. Of course, theres no point discussing this since she has now left the show.

Rebecca was wrong from the start but that doesn't justify STH's actions. As a mother, she has a right to hate STH. That was HER child yet STH killed it without her permission. I have never blamed Rebecca's hatred towards STH. And I know that anyone in her position would seek revenge. She is wrong in the fact that she pulled the LEE family into her web of revenge. She took two innocent babies and tangled their lives together.

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Guest edenlove

Rebecca was wrong from the start but that doesn't justify STH's actions. As a mother, she has a right to hate STH. That was HER child yet STH killed it without her permission. I have never blamed Rebecca's hatred towards STH. And I know that anyone in her position would seek revenge. She is wrong in the fact that she pulled the LEE family into her web of revenge. She took two innocent babies and tangled their lives together.

I believe Rebecca's initial revenge plan is soley targetted towards STH. By switching the babies, she planned to make STH's son suffer in poverty and for STH to be sorry and regret later. She was never aware of the hatred/complications between the two familes. Years later, she was pleasantly surprised to find out that DW is a prosecutor and is after STH. This was not in her plan but she was happy to see that things worked out so well for her. While continuing to upset STH in business, she waited patiently for DW to take action. Until STH tried to kill her, she blurted the secret in fear and panic... As for DC, Rebecca never knew his relationship with DW and she truly trusted and valued his working capability. I guess Rebecca is really sorry towards DC and YCH, but revenge is her only reason for living till now. It's really fate how the two families are entangled for so many years.

Rebecca was aware that STH is a married man. She already made a wrong step back then. I guess death is the only way that she can be free from her miserable life.

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Guest BlueGranny86

I believe Rebecca's initial revenge plan is soley targetted towards STH. By switching the babies, she planned to make STH's son suffer in poverty and for STH to be sorry and regret later. She was never aware of the hatred/complications between the two familes. Years later, she was pleasantly surprised to find out that DW is a prosecutor and is after STH. This was not in her plan but she was happy to see that things worked out so well for her. While continuing to upset STH in business, she waited patiently for DW to take action. Until STH tried to kill her, she blurted the secret in fear and panic... As for DC, Rebecca never knew his relationship with DW and she truly trusted and valued his working capability. I guess Rebecca is really sorry towards DC and YCH, but revenge is her only reason for living till now. It's really fate how the two families are entangled for so many years.

Rebecca was aware that STH is a married man. She already made a wrong step back then. I guess death is the only way that she can be free from her miserable life.

Of course her target is STH. But her plan to hurt him involves so many other lives. She PURPOSELY tangled their lives together for her selfish revenge. I don't thnk she even has any regrets. If she did, then she wouldnt have talked to Mrs. Shin the way she did. She wouldn't have laughed at her wrong deeds. Afterall, Mrs. Shin never did anything wrong to her. Although STH ruined her life, the Shin family does not owe her anything. I agree that Rebecca must die in order to end her suffering. Just as greed has turned STH into amonster, revenge has turned rebecca into a monster.

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Guest tn.serendipity

do you know when are episodes 43 and 44 released? Btw, I wonder how the writer ends the drama because we only have about 10 more episodes to go and nothing between the revenge, or the love of DC and YR settle, as well as the love interest of DW with the new girl or LDH. I hope YR and DC ends up together bc his life is so miserable, he should be happy at last. I want more of their romance instead of killing, tears and pride of the mothers, etc since the drama is dragged out too much already. I have the feeling someone important will get killed at the very end.

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Guest edenlove

do you know when are episodes 43 and 44 released?

It will be aired today and tomorrow, but brought forward by 15 mins, i.e. 9.45PM Korea time for both days.

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