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[info] Hollywood Bowl 2008 (korean Music Festival)

Guest khype

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Guest feeshikana


It'll be from May 16- May 18. I'm looking for 3-4 people. Please PM me if you're interested.

or anyone (already with a room) willing to add just one more person? :)

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Guest opalgirl93

I don't understand why they changed from mbc to sbs.

they said it was cuz its a benefit for us.

how is it a benefit if two of the artists can't make it this year??

everything was fine when it was still mbc who was going to broadcast the concert...

I don't understand why they changed from mbc to sbs.

they said it was cuz its a benefit for us.

how is it a benefit if two of the artists can't make it this year??

everything was fine when it was still mbc who was going to broadcast the concert...

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Guest jjoongieluv

I don't understand why they changed from mbc to sbs.

they said it was cuz its a benefit for us.

how is it a benefit if two of the artists can't make it this year??

everything was fine when it was still mbc who was going to broadcast the concert...

its a benefit bc if they chose mbc, dbsk suju and snsd probably wouldnt perform

since mbc and sm are having issues

therefore since sm and sbs get along its better that they sponsor

(this is all my observation, cant say for sure)

i cant say what everyone feels but i know id rather have dbsk alone over wg & hyolee combined. same goes for snsd.

so yea, im all for sm and sbs @ hb

it wouldve been nice if

sm vs mbc


sbs vs mbc

didnt exist so there could be more options and more great artists to chose from but those complications that i stated above are completely out of the hands of koreanmusicfestival people, hopefully everyone can understand that

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Guest ms_giggles

o i have a question for all you people who are not from california but bought hb tickets.

how did or are you picking up the tickets? on the day of?

or did koreatimes mail it to you? O_o.. i didnt know they mailed tickets this year.

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Guest babee012

o i have a question for all you people who are not from california but bought hb tickets.

how did or are you picking up the tickets? on the day of?

or did koreatimes mail it to you? O_o.. i didnt know they mailed tickets this year.

they DONT mail it ^^

everyone who's not from california... picks it up the day OF the concert.. there's gonna be a willcall booth in front of the hollywood bowl the day of the concert where we can pick up the tickets... all you need is your name and phone number to pick up the tickets :)

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my mom and i are bench f1 (forgot row) seats 9 and 11 :)

my question is..are we seated together? im confused why it's 9 and 11 and not 9 and 10 or 11 and 12 when we asked for seats together >.<

Bench seats - one side is odds and the other side is evens. You are sitting next to each other.

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Guest kaylie420

i know im a lito off topic here...

but for people that've been to the hollywood bowl..

do u know about how many people fits on a J2 or G2 bench?

cuz i have a J2 seat 25 ticket and im not sure is it on the edge or in the middle :]


and about the SBS vs. MBC

hopefully it'll be solved before the last 2 artists releases

but im praying for epik high or FTI!!

or at least someone i know :]

srry if this was asked before

but can we take the bus bak home but not to the bowl?

and does anyone know what time the bus will leave the bowl?

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Guest iluvse7en

does anybody know when the last list is coming out?......and is eru still gonna come because of the military thing?

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Guest eslee08

i know they don't have special backstage passes or anything like that...

and i'm sure y'all know this already but doesn't hurt to mention it again, i'd say.

just helping fellow fans out i guess even though it's not much.

but i remember last year, i overheard a girl saying how she went really close to the backstage area and saw hyukkie kicking a soccer ball around and i feel like lots of other people just stuck around close to the back area to get a better look at the artists.

i remember thinking i wish i did that... but i didn't 'cause i was too embarrassed hahaha. (the friends i went with last year weren't too into kpop and i'm a relatively "older", ahem, fan--definitely passed my teenage years a few yrs back :)).

but yeah, i kinda regretted not hanging around the back...

so i'm not promoting illegal behavior but as long as you don't disturb them, i think you can kinda "loiter" near backstage and catch glimpse of the artists.

ugh, randomly my friend mentioned to me that his old hs friend has connections and so she got to eat dinner with all the artists afterwards and showed me her pics with like boa and some suju members. damn those connections. wish i had that kinda luck. hahahaha.

eru's scheduled to enter the army on may 1st since he gave up his U.S. citizenship.

i read some reports on yahoo korea so i assume he can't come anymore. it wouldnt make sense to allow him to travel outside of the country if he's supposed to be serving in the army--they make exceptions for kcelebs, but that's going a bit too far, i'd say.

i guess we'll find out who's gonna replace him. or maybe he'll go to army after the 17th... i can't remember if the news report said that he would enter the military facilities on may 1st or if he's just gonna stop public activities on the 1st. i guess if he's just not on tv, it's ok but... if this is going to be broadcast on sbs... i dont think they're allowed to be on tv after they enter. gosh, randomly this is complicated.

oh well, que sera, sera. ~~

see y'all soon!

EDIT!=== new info~~

이루 측은 8일 “이루가 5월1일 충남 논산 훈련소에 입소해 4주간의 기초 군사훈련을 받는다”며 “신체검사 결과 4급 판정을 받아 공익근무요원으로 복무한다”고 밝혔다.

최근 디지털싱글 ‘마지막 콘서트’를 발표하고 활동 중인 이루는 군 입대 전 마지막으로 방송 3사 음악 프로그램 출연을 검토중이다.

소속사 측은 “싱글 활동과 함께 정규 4집 앨범을 작업 중이다”며 “4집은 이루가 제대 후 발매 할 계획”이라고 전했다.

태진아의 아들인 이루는 국내 가수 데뷔 전 미국 시민권을 포기하고 대한민국 국적을 취득했다./뉴시스

[출처] 미국 시민권 포기한 이루, 5월 1일 군입대 |작성자 김효림

this news report says that he's going to report to the training facilities on may 1st and train for 4 wks... so for sure he won't be coming 'cause it also says that he's going to have his last broadcast before may 1st. :( oh well.... maybe they'll get more ppl to replace him as well.

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Guest jjoongieluv

if im sitting in section d or e by terrrace is there a way to get that close after/before the concert? i dont know when people plan on doing that..?

not saying i will but i am sort of curious

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Guest --hearts.

if im sitting in section d or e by terrrace is there a way to get that close after/before the concert? i dont know when people plan on doing that..?

not saying i will but i am sort of curious

The first few years, people used to run to the front a lot but security has gotten tighter since then and keeps getting tighter every year. They check tickets constantly and have people standing at every post/section. It's probably going to be VERY VERY tight this year with DBSK going as well. VERYYYYYYYY tight (or it should be if they know what's good for them.)

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Guest BoAspika

Security should be tight that way no one

gets into an area they didn't pay for! haha i remember last

year as soon as suju came out all super seat people

ran to the back of terrace seats but security was there already

and asked them to sit back down...though that really didn't help


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Security should be tight that way no one

gets into an area they didn't pay for! haha i remember last

year as soon as suju came out all super seat people

ran to the back of terrace seats but security was there already

and asked them to sit back down...though that really didn't help


XD what if you are alrd in the garden box, but move around in the other side of garden box? XD


and if eru doesnt come,, does that mean taejinah arent gonna go too?

if really eru doesnt come i hope they replace it with someone as talented as him..

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Guest anf322

my mom and i are bench f1 (forgot row) seats 9 and 11 :)

my question is..are we seated together? im confused why it's 9 and 11 and not 9 and 10 or 11 and 12 when we asked for seats together >.<

will there be a person inbetween us?

i didnt really want to sit far from her :)

also how many ppl per row is there? i cant really tell from the seating chart and the seat advisor doesnt show the whole bench.

seats are numbered in evens or odds =) so no worries

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Guest BoAspika

XD what if you are alrd in the garden box, but move around in the other side of garden box? XD


and if eru doesnt come,, does that mean taejinah arent gonna go too?

if really eru doesnt come i hope they replace it with someone as talented as him..

hmm...well the only one that was noticable when people were moving was

the pool circle since they were asked to sit down most of the time...for

garden box I think people stand up in their boxes don't really know..haha

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Guest gumi chan

I there was a huge rush last year when Big Bang was officially on stage @_@. Security was unable to help anything.

and then there were a couple girls that I watched that kept ducking in an out of areas and then into mine to hide from them since they were from way in the back and they wanted to be like hugging the stage practically. Then run when security came. So annoying.

I hope the security is better this year and no random ppl from the back of the Garden boxes come sqashing their way down into the front area. its packed enough as it is.


Does anyone know when they will be making the next announcement?

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Guest ohemilyy

i heard that after the concert. ifyou wait in the back, they all come out and you can see them.. but im not sure exactly where.

my friends wait all the time.. they say the artists come out in order of popularity and the last ones come out at like 2...

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