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Joo Jinmo 주진모


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Guest meelis

Thank you for all news, info and translations, girls! >:D< Reading and rereading it, I have a completely different perspective on his role, so I feel so happy for JJM that he'll be able to play a character in a drama that looks like tailor made for him and totally matching his taste and preferences. I think it's a chance of a lifetime to have such coincidence and I'm glad that he didn't miss it. 

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2015.4.23 Ahn Sung-kee's lecture mentioned film Musa 
The blogger must Joo Jin Mo's fans.



중국 현지에서 5개월동안 갖은 고생을 다하며 찍은 영화 [무사] 주진모, 정우성, 안성기, 유해진,
두 편으로 나눠도 될만한 대작으로 2001년 9월8일에 개봉을 하였는데...사흘 뒤 미국의 9.11 테러로 인하여 영화계의 빙하시대가 되고 말았답니다... 미국의 9.11 테러를 한 자들은 한국 영화계에도 테러를 가했다고요~

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Here is Chinese translation of the character description of JJM taken from original Korean News article (Cr: Baidu, Thank 樂家小樂子 for translating the article). 

Most importantly, JJM's character as Eun-Ho in the 30s is highly anticipated. People expect to see a new dimension of JJM's acting. JJM will break his serious and restrained images from his previous projects. He will switch between a purehearted man and a top star who is rude and absent-minded. He is going to show multidimensional charms to attract the attention of female viewers. 

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@lucy13880, thank you for posting those news in my place and for the information about Ahn Sung-Kee's lecture. You are so good at finding all kinds of information from the internet. If that blogger is not JJM's fan, then Ahn Sung-kee must have said something about JJM or at least something about his scenes. Anyway, I like Ahn Sung-Kee, and I am curious what he said about Musa.

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QuercusL said: Here is Chinese translation of the character description of JJM taken from original Korean News article (Cr: Baidu, Thank 樂家小樂子 for translating the article). 

Most importantly, JJM's character as Eun-Ho in the 30s is highly anticipated. People expect to see a new dimension of JJM's acting. JJM will break his serious and restrained images from his previous projects. He will switch between a purehearted man and a top star who is rude and absent-minded. He is going to show multidimensional charms to attract the attention of female viewers. 
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Guest YuanjiM

Brilliant!@lucy13880 ! thank you for sharing "Joo Jin Mo's Q&A"~

I think Joo Jin Mo is very unique since kid.A little white devil watching An Officer and A Gentleman then dreaming become actor.
Oh my..which scene of that film makes him so inspired?.Richard Gere's kiss scene? =))
And his first kiss when he's still a college student.I thought his first kiss with Jeon Do-Yeon :))
At least he become a masculine actor like Richard Gere & Al Pacino

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class="at_ttl"Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun And Got7’s Jr. Share A Role

BY Julie Jones | Apr 24, 2015 10:52 AM EDT


The role of Ji Eun Ho in the upcoming melodrama "My Love Eun Dong" is such a big one that it requires three actors to play it.

Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun and Got7's Jr. have signed on to the challenge. The three actors will play the same character at different ages.

Joo Jin Mo, last seen in the historical drama "Empress Ki," will play the actor Ji Eun Ho as an adult. Baek Sung Hyun, who appeared in the OCN drama "Cheo Yong" and "Iris 2," plays the character in his 20s. Got7's Jr. aka Park Jin Young plays the character in his teens. Park Jin Young had supporting roles in "Dream High 2" and "When A Man Falls In Love," as well as a role in the web drama "Dream Knight."

Ji Eun Ho becomes a star actor, not because he really wants to be a celebrity, but because he wants to be reunited with his first love Eun Dong. He and Eun Dong have a long and complicated romantic history that has spanned two decades. He's convinced he can never love anyone else but some things are not meant to be.

Ji Eun Ho does not come across as the nicest person. He's tense and irritable but his bad temper might have something to do with his obsessive need to find Eun Dong, who he believes will make everything right. When he meets her again, she does change his life but she is not the person he was once in love with. She's all grown up with a teenage child.

The drama will ask the question, can you return to your first love? Or are you a completely different person 20 years later?

Actress Kim Sa Rang, last seen as Oska's first love in "Secret Garden," will play the grown-up version of the character Seo Jung Eun and Yoon So Hee, last seen in "Secret Door," will play Seo Jung Eun in her 20s.

The drama also stars Kim Yoo Ri, who last appeared in "Kill Me, Heal Me" and "The Master's Sun," and Kim Tae Toon, who currently plays a bad teacher in "Angry Mom."

"My Love Eun Dong" is scheduled to air in June after the completion of "Falling For Innocence. Baek Mi Kyung is writing the screenplay. Lee Tae Gon I, who directed "Your Neighbor's Wife" and "Queen Insoo," is the director.


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lyfuym said: class="at_ttl"Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun And Got7’s Jr. Share A Role

BY Julie Jones | Apr 24, 2015 10:52 AM EDT


The role of Ji Eun Ho in the upcoming melodrama "My Love Eun Dong" is such a big one that it requires three actors to play it.

Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun and Got7's Jr. have signed on to the challenge. The three actors will play the same character at different ages.

Joo Jin Mo, last seen in the historical drama "Empress Ki," will play the actor Ji Eun Ho as an adult. Baek Sung Hyun, who appeared in the OCN drama "Cheo Yong" and "Iris 2," plays the character in his 20s. Got7's Jr. aka Park Jin Young plays the character in his teens. Park Jin Young had supporting roles in "Dream High 2" and "When A Man Falls In Love," as well as a role in the web drama "Dream Knight."

Ji Eun Ho becomes a star actor, not because he really wants to be a celebrity, but because he wants to be reunited with his first love Eun Dong. He and Eun Dong have a long and complicated romantic history that has spanned two decades. He's convinced he can never love anyone else but some things are not meant to be.

Ji Eun Ho does not come across as the nicest person. He's tense and irritable but his bad temper might have something to do with his obsessive need to find Eun Dong, who he believes will make everything right. When he meets her again, she does change his life but she is not the person he was once in love with. She's all grown up with a teenage child.

The drama will ask the question, can you return to your first love? Or are you a completely different person 20 years later?

Actress Kim Sa Rang, last seen as Oska's first love in "Secret Garden," will play the grown-up version of the character Seo Jung Eun and Yoon So Hee, last seen in "Secret Door," will play Seo Jung Eun in her 20s.

The drama also stars Kim Yoo Ri, who last appeared in "Kill Me, Heal Me" and "The Master's Sun," and Kim Tae Toon, who currently plays a bad teacher in "Angry Mom."

"My Love Eun Dong" is scheduled to air in June after the completion of "Falling For Innocence. Baek Mi Kyung is writing the screenplay. Lee Tae Gon I, who directed "Your Neighbor's Wife" and "Queen Insoo," is the director.


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QuercusL said: Finally, a longer synopsis of MLE~~~

The Great Gatsby is mentioned in the news. 


'사랑하는 은동아' 男주인공이 3명? 주진모 백성현 주니어 3인1역 캐스팅

주진모 백성현 주니어가 한 인물로 안방극장을 찾는다.

JTBC 새 금토드라마 '사랑하는 은동아'(연출 이태곤, 김재홍/극본 백미경)에서 첫 사랑을 찾기 위한 집념으로 톱스타가 된 순정남 지은호(본명 현수) 역에 주진모가 캐스팅돼 기대를 모은 가운데, 백성현과 주니어(박진영)가 각각 20대, 10대 현수를 맡아 화제다. 한 여자를 향한 20년에 걸친 순애보를 3인 1역, 각기 다른 매력으로 그려내며 시청자들의 연애 세포를 자극할 것으로 기대감을 더한다.


'사랑하는 은동아'는 두 남녀의 20년 세월에 얽힌 운명적 사랑을 그리는 서정 멜로로, 한 여자를 향한 톱스타의 지독하고 순수한 사랑을 아날로그 감성으로 녹여내 시청자들의 연애세포를 자극할 기대작으로 손꼽히고 있다.

남자주인공 지은호는 오로지 첫 사랑 은동을 찾기 위해서 톱스타가 된 집념의 남자다. 한 여자를 향한 맹목적인 열정만큼은 '위대한 개츠비' 보다 위대한(?) '순정남 끝판왕'. 겉으로는 까칠하고 도도한 철벽남이지만 사실 자상하고 귀여운 반전 매력의 소유자다. 똘기 충만한 열일곱 살에 누구보다 맑은 눈을 가진 소녀 은동과 운명적으로 만나면서 인생이 180도 달라진다. 누구에게나 사랑받는 국민배우이지만, 어린 시절 홀연히 사라진 은동에 대한 그리움을 안고 사는 남자다.

거칠지만 순수했던 10대 시절을 지나 누구보다 열띤 사랑을 나누는 20대를 거쳐 톱스타가 되기까지, 첫사랑 그녀 '은동'만을 위한 삶을 사는 입체적인 인물인 만큼, 주진모, 백성현, 주니어가 20년에 걸친 파란만장 러브 스토리를 어떻게 그려낼지 궁금증을 자아낸다.

인기 아이돌 그룹 갓세븐 멤버이자 연기자로 활약 중인 주니어는 은동과 운명적 만남으로 변모하는 똘기 충만 '반항아' 열일곱 현수를 연기한다. 20년에 걸친 길고 긴 '은동앓이'의 시작점이자, 지고지순하고 운명적인 사랑의 첫 테이프를 끊게 되는 것. 주니어는 거친 반항아와 따듯하고 풋풋한 순수남을 동시에 보여주며 시청자들에게 첫사랑의 설레임과 아련함을 전달한다. 극 초반 시청자들의 마음을 단숨에 사로잡을지 귀추가 주목된다.

주니어의 바통을 이어받아 백성현이 20대 현수를 맡는다. 은동이를 위해서라면 물불 가리지 않는 순정파이자 달콤하고 열띤 사랑을 하는 로맨틱 가이인 20대 현수를 백성현이 특유의 섬세하고 유연한 감성연기로 그려낼 예정이다.

무엇보다 30대 현수를 연기할 주진모의 색다른 연기 변신에 기대감이 높다. 주진모는 지금까지의 작품에서 보여줬던 자로 잰 듯 반듯하고 무거운 이미지에서 탈피해 한 여자만을 마음에 품고 사는 순정남과 까칠하지만 엉뚱 매력을 겸비한 톱스타를 오가며 다양한 매력을 선사, 여심 공략에 나선다.

'사랑하는 은동아'는 20년 세월에 걸친 운명적 사랑을 통해 한 뼘씩 성장하고 아파하는 지은호의 감정선이 무엇보다 중요한 작품이다. 이에 아역과 성인의 2인 1역을 보여줬던 여느 드라마와는 달리 남자주인공을 3인 1역으로 과감하게 선택해 캐릭터 설명에 깊이감을 더하겠다는 포부다. 세월의 흐름 속에 점점 더 깊어져 가는 사랑의 감정을 촘촘하게 그려내 시청자들의 몰입도를 높일 것으로 기대된다.

한편 '사랑하는 은동아'는 '네 이웃의 아내' '인수대비' '내 생애 최고의 스캔들' 등감 적인 연출이 돋보이는 이태곤 PD와 SBS 극본공모전에서 대상을 수상, 참신한 필력을 검증받은 '강구이야기'의 백미경 작가가 의기투합한 작품이다. '순정에 반하다' 후속으로 방송 된다.
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Guest meelis

That's what we've been discussing too, @Calphurnia2007, since the beginning we thought that he picked a random drama (which somewhat appealed to him, of course), but now with every new info that is revealed, it looks less and less the case. Too many coincidences and similarities! So I wouldn't be surprised anymore if it's written for him, seriously.
Thanks for all the pics, they look great together with Son Ye Jin, their pairing is long due, I hope the day is coming. Waiting...:-w

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meelis said: That's what we've been discussing too, @Calphurnia2007, since the beginning we thought that he picked a random drama (which somewhat appealed to him, of course), but now with every new info that is revealed, it looks less and less the case. Too many coincidences and similarities! So I wouldn't be surprised anymore if it's written for him, seriously.

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