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Joo Jinmo 주진모


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@meelis love the interview you shared. If I am not wrong, that's the interview he made for promotion of movie LOVE. He is lucky to pick up this job which he dreamed to be in his teenage.He likes to share his feeling of being an actor in his many interviews. 
And about that 2002 interview's translation, I want to add some details of it. 
He said after the director of Trigger asked him to write a reporter, he sit in front of the computer all day typing. In 3' 06, he made a joke about himself. "Recently I can use more fingers to type the report compared just using one in the early period." (means he made progress in typing LOL).
In 4' 11, when the interviewer asked him if there is a role that he regretted turning down.  He first tried to deny the question "A role I regretted turning down? No, there isn't." Then his make-believe failed. He couldn't help smile then told the truth. "Actually there is." (with himself and the interviewer laughing) He then added in 4' 25 while burying his face in his hand. LOL "That movie has been successful. If I accepted, maybe I would receive many CF offers."
When he was in his 28 age, he seemed much more innocent than peers.

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The translation of JJM's newest interview in the magazine 韩国TVドラマvol.65 now is finished by his Baidu Tieba fans.Link here http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3610725975
And I will post all the English translation by me and by cheshirecat.
cheshirecat's EK part translation
Q: [We] heard you don’t like mayonnaise…JJM: It’s because I don’t like sticky oily food. Facial lines are already visible on [my] face, and heavy oily food are not good. Even sesame oil is not available at home. (laughs)
Q: [You] really [are] humble. With such a youthful face, how do you maintain it?JJM: When it comes to skin problems, I go to dermatology clinic occasionally, and besides, I’m not too concerned about it. Other than lotions and creams, there are no more cosmetics at home. Applying sunscreen, the skin will itch and have rashes, so I don’t use one. I also used eye cream only once, but [my] skin didn’t adapt [to it]. Baby lotion is still the best. (laughs) But now I have come to realize the need for skincare. Maybe it’s because I often smoke that my face feels bloated. But because I have starred in a musical recently, I smoke less than before.
Q: ‘Gone with the Wind’ is [your] first musical challenge since [your] debut, were you nervous at first?JJM: It is completely different from my previous projects. When filming movies and dramas, after my turn, it’s over. But it’s different in musicals, it requires a full ensemble, acting from the beginning to the end. [We] must be on the stage at 9 to 10 o’clock in the morning. First are voice warm up and stretching exercises, then the formal rehearsal lasts until around 10 to 11 o’clock at night. I would recall the staffs or the supporting actors in the theatrical group who were previously with me on the stage, it gives a feeling of wanting to go back to it. To remember the lines, song lyrics, and dance moves, this is not very difficult, find it more interesting than tiring. Performing with new friends in unison is also very interesting. It’s because I enjoy it and because I have been deeply moved, that’s why I think I can do it, I wouldn’t complete a project if it didn’t get me tempted.
Q: [You] filmed ‘Empress Ki’ in the first half of 2014, and [you] prepared for the musical in the second half. [You’ve been] very busy.
JJM: Yes. For me, after every project comes to an end, would clear(erase) its memories as soon as possible. If not, it might affect the next project. Honestly, right now my memories of ‘Empress Ki’ are not that clear anymore, it feels like they were memories from a long time ago.
Q: It was the first time in 4 years since the drama ‘Dream’ (2009 SBS drama) [when you returned through EK], when you decided to appear on TV again, didn’t you hesitate?JJM: So far, the longest drama I had acted in was the 28-episode ‘Fashion 70’s’ (2005 SBS drama), and it had been extended from the original 24 episodes. I had only starred in miniseries and movies, with ‘Empress Ki’ being a big project with 50 episodes, it made me feel a heavy pressure. And the preparation time was about for nearly one year, whether I’d be able to stand it mentally and physically or not, whether I’d be able to portray only one role for a long time or not, I had such worries. There was another one: In the movie ‘A Frozen Flower’, I also played Goryeo King Gongmin. Although I was worried about playing a role of Goryeo King again, but this and the one in ‘A Frozen Flower’ were totally different characters. I was sure it was the good interpretation [on the character], and the script was also very interesting, so I decided to star in it (Empress Ki).
Q: (pertaining to EK) While it’s about running a country, there were more scenes on the battlefield than in the palace. Did you already know about this case beforehand?JJM: No, I did not. Had I known that I’d be a King who would spend the whole day around Seung Nyang fighting to protect her, I wouldn’t have taken such a role. (laughs) Guarding Goryeo’s kingship against Yuan military forces [as they were] of opposite forces, issuing “Kill~!” orders while sitting on the throne, drinking wine/alcohol when worried…I had imagined this kind of character in my mind. I had thought about how to act when sitting [on the throne], then suddenly I was given a horse and a sword, until finally I had been always riding a horse.
Q: [Your] action acting experience in sageuk ‘Musa’ (2001) and ‘A Frozen Flower’, as well as in ‘Bichunmoo’ (2008 SBS drama) must have played a great help?JJM: [it] helped a lot. I’m not used in using a body double when filming horseback riding and swordsmanship scenes. The action team was indeed amazing in martial arts, but when it comes to horseback riding, I was even better. Even though it may seem boastful of me to say this, it is why I was able to receive the action team’s love, because other people needed a long time to prepare, whereas I completed everything in a short time, thus, filming ended earlier. With this, [we] could use the extra time to film another scene.
Q: In the beginning, [your] relationship with the Seung Nyang dressed as a man had been depicted very interestingly, was filming also that enjoyable?JJM: Rather than the beginning, [it was in] the middle part, because we got used to the filming site and got along well with the other actors, we could better grasp the relationship among the characters we were playing, hence filming became even more enjoyable. In particular, filming [Wang Yoo and] Seung Nyang’s meeting in Yuan, mutual confirmation of each other’s feelings love scene, I was happy, it had a “must be filmed well” strong idea. At the filming site, Ji Won would also say, “Sunbae, we must do our best!” In fact, one of the reasons why I decided to take ‘Empress Ki’ was because Ha Ji Won would be in the starring role. After working with her, I know why she is appraised as a very good actress. Seeing that even if she was tired but still did her best, not letting other people see that she was tired, I felt she was “amazing, awesome”!
Q: The acting of [your] rival played by Ji Chang Wook has been well acclaimed also, as a sunbae, what was your feeling?JJM: I felt [he] was great. Seeing him desperately working so hard, I knew, and I felt his ambitions as an actor. He knew that ‘Empress Ki’ was an opportunity for himself and that it would be a turning point in [his] acting career. I also cheered for him. When filming rivalry scenes with him, it had “Do/show all you want to. I can accept all of it” this kind of mood.
Q: In your own career as an actor, so far, have you ever had “this is an opportunity” feeling?JJM: When I was at Chang Wook’s age, even when an opportunity knocked, I didn’t realize it. Looking back, I was really a very lucky person favored by luck. I debuted in the entertainment world accidentally, began acting, exerted corresponding efforts; Although I wasn’t mature and did not have an enough preparation that time, I got many opportunities. Even though that time was also a great opportunity, but I didn’t realize it. If I had been more clever, wouldn’t I have become a better actor? (laughs)
Q: Yeon Chul played by Jeon Gook Hwan, Baek Ahn played by Kim Young Ho, Dang Ki Se played by Kim Jung Hyun, it must be very enjoyable to work with these charismatic actors…JJM: Jeon Gook Hwan sunbae’s and Kim Young Ho sunbae’s acting were really amazing. Together, they are capable of showing what’s best. The same is true with Jung Hyun. But right now, I wouldn’t talk about my male costars but rather our filming site’s flower, Yoo In Young playing Yeon Bi Soo. In Young playing this general, although it’s because it was her first time appearing in a historical drama, initially her accent, gait, gestures still were feminine, not like a general at all. For this point I wanted to give her some advice, nonetheless, compared to the beginning, she had already improved.
Q: Wang Yoo gong captured the hearts of Seung Nyang, Yeon Bi Soo and Tanashiri…JJM: Yes, Tana! (laughs) (Baek) Jin Hee is so beautiful. And also very cute.
Q: [You] love [your] hoobaes so much…JJM: If not, they would be very stiff in front of the camera. As an actor, s/he cannot be not relaxed. I remember when I was a rookie back then, if my sunbaes were very stern, I would be withered. That’s why I would tell my hoobaes, “Try to relax.” Only when I feel they go too far, that’s when I would say a few words with a straight face, “It should not be that way.” But in ‘Empress Ki’, no hoobae had ever made me speak with him/her like that. Those hoobaes were very good in completing their duties.
Q: Lee Moon Sik, Kwon Oh Joong, Yoon Yong Hyun who played [your] vassals, it looked like just looking at each other’s eyes and you could understand the idea of the other…JJM: It was because the relationship was so good, we would laugh involuntarily, it was hard to manage. I was filming a crying scene, but they were at the side making faces and joking, Moon Sik sunbae angrily said, “Stop it!”. (laughs) In short, to me, these three people are definitely good friends. In ‘Empress Ki’, there was no actor I didn’t get along with. Even though I remember the filming incidents only, but the actors and the totally good atmosphere, I remember this very clearly.
Q: Because Wang Yoo had to have a serious expression [even on] interesting/funny occasions, didn’t you feel regret/pity/sorry [in playing Wang Yoo gong]?JJM: Because there were two male leads, the screenplay wanted me to act as the one similar with “Daddy Long Legs”. Personally I prefer humorous than methodical. Speaking of manliness, a reserved image is what comes to anybody’s mind. I want to break this point, but it’s not simple.
Q: One day, a breakthrough, this kind of opportunity will come…JJM: Just wait~ I’ll give the Korean people a big surprise. (laughs) I would like to be in movies or TV dramas where [i could] turn 180 degrees change of image from my past roles. I want to make the people say, “Is he Joo Jin Mo?” Since ten years ago, I’ve done so well in the preparations, and I’ve also played many less serious roles. Young actors tend to want to play some cool/handsome roles, but I’ve had many experiences in that kind of role. Hence I want to choose comedies which would give me fun in acting, and villain roles. I have the confidence that I will do well.
The rest part of translation in P431

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@lucy13880_fab5 Thanks for the info!
@meelis  I saw those pics in Naver.. yes the GIF is the shower scene. ;)) By the way, is it true he was offered a role in Queen Seon Deok? For what role?? Why didn't he accept it? It's my favorite sageuk drama. It was a big hit back then in the Phils. I would've been a fan earlier.. lol
@salijoo omG I love you! Thanks for that.. I found those pics in Naver but I can't understand Korean so I don't know where it came from lol. I have those exact pictures you posted but from a different blog I guess. I posted your HD pics in my groups and JJM fan page.. I'm so grateful for this forum.. ;)) and yeah I'm doing my best to spread the JJM fever.. 
omG again! thanks for the HD pictures of the shower scene! ;)) Yes that's the thing I'm drooling about lol.. 
Do you have the one with him in a beanie? I hope it's not too much to ask... He's so hot in a beanie. :x

Btw, sorry for off topic but I think I know why Seohyun won't be in Daegu performance, Girls Generation & Super Junior's concert in Manila is on April 12. It's JJM that I don't know. 

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The translation of JJM's newest interview in the magazine 韩国TVドラマvol.65 now is finished by his Baidu Tieba fans.Link here http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3610725975cheshirecat's EK part translation 18th reply of P430

Summary translation and some Q&A by me

"When the shooting got to the middle period, everyone's body was getting round. There were many clothes inside our costumes such as military cold products and slight down jackets. Comparing with whether we look nice or not, survival is more important. ( wry smile ) "
Q: Are you that type of man who will be a devoted lover to the woman you love?JJM: If I had a lover, I would treat her with all my heart. Because all my heart belongs to her, even if another beautiful woman sitting in front of me, what I will see is my lover's face (  ). Many people think that I am a playboy, but I am sincerely not.
Q: Are you like the character Wang Yoo who is not easy to express yourself ?JJM: No, I will speak out my worries without hesitation. (Laugh with the reporters) I will say, "Ah! It's so hard. Why am I so tired?" But if my lover asked me to do something, I would do anything for her, even to do those others will not do.
Q; Actors cooperating with you praised you are the best atmosphere-maker.JJM: I really don't like to see someone in the set being unhappy or brows furrowed. Even if you felt not well, you should make the atmosphere of the set be active. My first motto is "When everybody gets tired, let me entertain my colleagues." By doing this, there will not be angry persons. So I am willingly to be the atmosphere-maker. I will say to my junior, "Don't get angry. If you really want to, please wait until there are only us in the set and being angry quietly." While I will try to persuade others in kinds of words, I do my own job that I should do. I think that's the reason they call me atmosphere-maker.
Q: We heard you hosted parties when you were on location in China?JJM: There's a reason. The location shoot in China was about two weeks long. I first arrived at the set on the early days cause I were told the shooting would start at once. But when I were ready, I were told again "Because the set doesn't get ready, we can't shoot now." I answered "Get it." But I still hadn't work the second day and the day after day. In that period, actors got to China from Korea and started to shoot. I still had no work to do, so I went to supermarket to buy whatever food looks good and cooked. Then call the crew to eat and drink together. My room got to be a banquet hall gradually.(laugh) Perhaps two days before I returned, I shoot the scene WY witnessed SN being empress with tears in his eyes. Even myself that time had a strong(same) feeling, too. (laugh)
============== Last part ===============

Q: Are you the type of man who pays much more attention to brotherhood/friendship than to love? JJM: Though I am not that kind of man who can devote his life to friendship, I want to be loyal to it. As long as someone won't betray me, I will trust him all the time, though I have been betrayed for several times (laugh). I am a person kind of fool. I don't doubt people randomly. I am easy to believe what people say to me.
Q: We heard you have good relationship with Jang Dong Gun, Hyun Bin, Cha Tae Hyun etc.JJM: We all love sports. Sometimes we  get together for golf or baseball. We meet on sports party or in private if time allows. Even so, our relationship is not that close creating constraints with each other.
Q: You seem to have an intimate relationship with Jang Dong Gun. You haven't cooperated with him, have you?JJM: No, I haven't. I had the thought "This guy is similar to me." when we met in private. When we chatted while drinking, I found he likes the music I like and we always ordered same food in restaurant. Those are reasons of why we have better relationship. We always say we are good buddies. Sometimes we play joke with each other. He doesn't like to show off weirdly in public which is also similar to me.
Q: You are over 40 age imperceptibly. This is the age men and actors show their depth and wisdom. Do you have expectation for it?JJM: I think 40s is the age one reaches his peak of maturity and it's the age to demonstrate one's wisdom. I choose musical to challenge . Is that because of age? (I think he means he has more courage to challenge himself in 40s age.) (About my future life)  I have the idea to get married and start a family then going on working in this kind of settled life. I also have the idea not to get married and develop my career in a casual and free lifestyle like nowadays. These two ideas co-exist. But what's clear about myself is that my will of being an actor gets stronger and stronger. Now I feel myself can act whatever roles and works given to me. I cogitate more on the script and have more emotional feelings about it.
Q: What would you do if you did not succeed becoming an actor at the beginning?JJM: Now and then I have the thought if I were engaged in other careers, I wouldn't be as happy and free as I am now. So I am very satisfied with my life now. However, If I had taken an ordinary job,  I could go skating in the skating rink in front of Seoul town hall or playing in amusement parks. If I had a child after marriage, I could go anywhere for our outing with my wife and child hand in hand. It's a pity that I can't do these because of my job.
Q: Don't you have the plan yet to get married until now?JJM: I don't avoid marriage deliberately. Should I say it's because of my still young soul? Or my pureness? (laugh). Though I am not very clear about that, I think the necessity of love is more important than the necessity of marriage. Of course, I've reached the age that I must think about marriage if I really love someone. I own the responsibility of thinking love has no association with marriage. I want to be in a more responsible relationship in the future.

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@lucy13880_fab5, Thank you so much for the translation. Whoa, love that interview. @QuercusL thought he lost his passion for acting after what happened with Empress Ki but I'm glad that it's the complete opposite. YAAASSS, take all the roles! Can't wait. :D
Oh! By the way, @meelis remarked how Joo Jin Mo's casting news (these past few years) are never on "positively considering"; "currently reviewing it"; "eyeing that project" ect... Instead, we have always the "confirmed" news. Wonder why? He's always reviewing tons of scripts and yet it seems like he doesn't allow the media to link him with a project where he isn't confirmed in.

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He said after the director of Trigger asked him to write a reporter, he sit in front of the computer all day typing. In 3' 06, he made a joke about himself. "Recently I can use more fingers to type the report compared just using one in the early period." (means he made progress in typing LOL).
In 4' 11, when the interviewer asked him if there is a role that he regretted turning down.  He first tried to deny the question "A role I regretted turning down? No, there isn't." Then his make-believe failed. He couldn't help smile then told the truth. "Actually there is." (with laughing himself and the interviewer) He then added in 4' 25 while burying his face in his hand. LOL "That movie has been successful. If I accepted, maybe I would receive many CF offers."
When he was in his 28 age, he seemed much more innocent than peers.

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@jei_em Yes. He rejected that king role in Queen Seon Deok. Sorry I don't know about the drama. I only know it's a king role. For that time he just acted in A Frozen Flower and he wanted his characters having some difference. So he choose Dream instead. 

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I noticed the same thing........ Casting news with the status "considering positively" are mostly released by actors' agents. JJM;s agent rarely does them!   His agent only released "confirmed" casting news. Two recent examples are Empress Ki and "Gone with Wind".  I guess it was true for Flowers in Fog and Friends 2 as well.  
@lucy13880_fab5Queen Seon Deok was a hit drama in MBC.  It is called "善德女王" in Chinese. 

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@lucy13880_fab5, @jei_em, The role they proposed to Joo Jin Mo was Kim Yu Sin (Uhm Tae Woong's role) but we all know how it ended up, like a Empress Ki deja vu everyone were all over Kim Nam Gil's character (Bi Dam) which was his breakthrough project like Ta Hwan was for Ji Chang Wook in Empress Ki. Fate found JJM 4 years later. :)So I don't take it as a waste at all.
@QuercusL, yup, I can confirm it, for Friend 2 & Flowers in Fog, I only found "confirmed" status' news. Same for the highly anticipated Empress Ki, Ha Ji Won was cast months ago and everyone wanted to know who would play Wang Yoo. Funningly enough, no press released some other candidates (meaning that Joo Jin Mo was their 1ST and ONLY choice)... They directly released Joo Jin Mo's casting with a confirmed status. Love the fact that he doesn't like media playing around with the projects he received. 

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Yes, I totally agreed with you!  Many people are all over the fact that Queen Seon Deok is a hit.  I was like "so what".  JJM does not like to be fixed with one type of roles.  
Another example is "A Love".  As we know, "200 Pounds Beauty" was a big success.  He must have received tons of new offers for similar roles.  What did he do?  He took "A Love" as his next project.  He purposely gained weight and cut his hair to a military style.  In other word, he tried to make himself "ugly" so that the audience would focus on his acting, not his appearance.  He was successful!!  He won his first nomination for the Best Actor of the Blue Dragon Award.  After A Love, he starred in his best film to date, "A Frozen Flower".  Now, JJM's name is usually associated with "good acting".  His acting is widely recognized. Looking back, he could easily go another path: being a popular star in romantic comedies. He would make much more money for sure, but we would have lost an interesting actor! 

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I just realized that JJM was nominated for the Best New Actor of the 36  Baekang Arts Award in  2000 for his performance in Sad Temptations.  
Also, he was nominated for the Best New Actor and Supporting Actor for the Grand Bell Award at the same time in 2000 for his performance in Happy End.
Boy, he was a rising new star in his 20s!!!!
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joo_Jin-mo

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QuercusL said: I just realized that JJM was nominated as the Best New Actor in 2000 for his performance in Sad Temptations.  
Also, he was nominated for the Best New Actor and Supporting Actor for the Grand Bell Award at the same time in 2000 for his performance in Happy End.
Boy, he was a rising new star in his 20s!!!!
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joo_Jin-mo

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lucy13880_fab5 said:
Q: Are you the type of man who pays much more attention to brotherhood/friendship than to love? 
JJM: Though I am not that kind of man who can devote his life to friendship, I want to be loyal to it. As long as someone won't betray me, I will trust him all the time, though I have been betrayed for several times (laugh). I am a person kind of fool. I don't doubt people randomly. I am easy to believe what people say to me.

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