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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

is it just me?? or maybe i havent seen SHK for quite a time

or she's gettin just a lil fat

or has anyone noticed too of SHk's change in bra cap size???????????????????????

did she went to "see" the dr. or sth????

its hella big in those pix!!!

update me if u may

so surprised~!

The pictures that you are referring to are actually old. She's lost some weight since her debut. And as for your question regarding her bra size, SHK is gifted in many areas and that's just one of them; they're natural just like everything else about her.

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Guest snowwhite

^ lol getting defensive here. anyway, anti fans should definitely not come in here unless they want to get bashed. real bad.

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this article was posted at cinema 21 that accompanied the pictures pwrpufgrl posted and was translated at hyesa.com

i love this article. it gives us glimpse of the true SHG. it also answer why she didn't had a movie till now. i admire her more after reading this


September 23, 2005

I met Song Hye-Kyo. The face that I had only seen on TV up until now I met on location. <High Seas Warning>, a movie that tells of an innocent love between two high school students, is SHK¡¯s first movie. Starting with <Soon Poong Clinic> and then rising to stardom through <Autumn Tale>, she has drawn the path of her career ascension, and that Sunday afternoon on which she had promised a photo shoot, she was standing there on a secluded road carrying a worn out travel bag and a hat. Even though the strong ocean wind was annoyingly whipping her long hair around, she was smiling widely and would either brush her hair aside or else would leave it alone so that her face was covered in black. She was someone who had just started her travels. She was leaving the place where she had grown up as an actress and was carefully entering a strange land as a foreigner. Indeed, ¡°Starting with watching the monitors, it hasn¡¯t become habit yet,¡± her low-voiced anxiety about her acting is clearer than the sound of the wind in this strange land.

I was twenty years old, when I did <Autumn Tale>. It was my first leading role. My acting wasn¡¯t perfect but I really did play it genuinely. It was filmed mostly in local districts but even to this day I can¡¯t forget the weather and smells associated with that time. I don¡¯t think there has been another piece of work in which I was so absorbed. So nowadays, I often think of those times. Me, I¡¯m traveling. This is a place where typhoons pass and strong gales rattle the doors of each house. I¡¯m here on Geoje Island.

Have I left on my travels a little late? I don¡¯t think so. After the success of <Autumn Tale>, a lot of scenarios came in. At that time, I did not think that I knew anything. Because I had not even experienced love at that time. It was almost beyond my abilities to act on a screen this small , but to do so on a screen this big, I really did not want to show acting that had no emotions. I wanted to do it after learning some things. Even before I filmed <Full House>, the world of movies was a different world from my own. But then, I became curious. How would it be if I appeared there. Simply put, I became a curious. I have now experienced love and I also want to leave behind my image from this age. If I had left even later, it may have been difficult to leave at all. Fortunately, I¡¯ve finished a few successful dramas. Oh, it¡¯s the right time now. So, I carefully packed my things.

I like it a lot, traveling. Because I always gain something. If I see a painting, I think of learning how to paint, if I watch a musical, I think that I may like to do a musical someday. Things I had never considered before, things that had never entered my heart. Those are the kinds of things I gain. People say this, that traveling widens one¡¯s horizons. Oh, when I travel, I think those hard-to-get-to places are lovelier than places that are more easily accessible. They also stay in your memories longer. I don¡¯t have any fears about traveling. Everyone says that I¡¯m a no-man¡¯s land-phile (¹«µ¥»Ç ??). Places they tell me not to go, I just do. If I want to go somewhere, I have to. My current travels started that way too. No matter what anyone said, I would have found a way to start it somehow.

Me, I do everything by my own standards. Should I tell you a story that makes me laugh even now. Around the time of my debut, a leading role in a teen drama came my way. At that time, it was a role that was too big for me. But it was something I should have been grateful for and just done. I was a rookie then and needed to get my face known. But even so, in my young mind, I thought differently. That if I do a teen drama, then that young image will be forever associated with me and later on when I want to do a more mature role, it would be difficult. Honestly, I wasn¡¯t in a place where I should have been thinking like that. Since I had no options, I went to the auditions. But then, I told my manager that I couldn¡¯t do it and just left. I was 17 at that time.

At that time, I really hated that I was short. I know now. That that¡¯s who I am. You all know. Song Hye-Kyo is short and cute. It¡¯s not a complex for me anymore. About my face, one of my acting seniors told me that it was a face that was well-suited to play a diversity of roles. If I make myself up to look pure and innocent, then I look pure and innocent, if I make myself up to look sexy, then I look sexy, and if I make myself look like a country girl, then I do look like a country girl. That it was a face that would not get in the way of my acting, and I really liked hearing that. From my point-of-view, it¡¯s an acceptable face. Take my eyes for example, it¡¯s not that big nor is it that small.

To be honest, I wanted to do something different. I¡¯ve done too many ¡®pretty¡¯ roles. Of course, there are many different kinds of subdued roles, but not being a veteran, how can I express all of them differently. It is not fun even while doing it. I want to learn from working together with talented acting seniors, and I also think that a strong role like Kang Hye-Jung¡¯s in <Old Boy> would be a good role too. I really want something different. Even if there¡¯s speculation that I¡¯ll be ruined because I can¡¯t do it. You like me because I¡¯m still cute? I want to cast off that image. But if it¡¯s too sudden, then it¡¯ll probably be rejected so¡¦ As I get older, won¡¯t it be nice to show age-appropriate images? I think that actresses have to give off feelings of being ¡°womanly¡±. What, even now if you compare me to how I was before, I¡¯m much more womanly. I am a 25-year old who has known love.

My first movie...even before I started it, it made my heart very heavy. Should I really be doing this, should I back away even now. I couldn¡¯t sleep for a whole week. And I¡¯m one who usually sleeps well. Honestly, even now I haven¡¯t adapted all that well. Even simple things became difficult. On a small TV, small movements are difficult to see but on a big screen, I have to restrain myself, and since one¡¯s face appears bigger even small things can make one look like they¡¯re overacting, which is what my director told me. Trying to think about all these things, it¡¯s very difficult. Even when I¡¯m done with a scene, I¡¯m constantly ill-at-ease. I never feel refreshed. Did I do it properly, did I do that emotional scene cleanly. No, I think that part was a little weird. I¡¯m thinking these thoughts all through the night.

I may run away somewhere. Because it¡¯ll be the first time that my image will be on the big screen. They said it¡¯s going to be released in December. It¡¯ll be awkward, don¡¯t you think? I¡¯ll be so nervous. But that nervousness and anxiety, if I think about it, I¡¯m looking forward to as well. The feelings I get from being on location for <High Seas Warning> are very similar to the ones I got from <Autumn Tale>. I filmed <Autumn Tale> around this time of year too. The fact that I spend a lot of time in the local districts is similar and also the time that I spend hanging out with the crew is also similar. My first drama leading role went well and since I get the same feeling, my first movie should also do well; I console myself this way. Hah hah. Even if it doesn¡¯t do well, I want to continue only doing movies until I find my niche. Until I find my image as a movie actress. My current travels will not be over until then.

ÇѱÛ ¿ø¹® º¸·¯ °¡±â

From: http://www.cine21.com/

Translated from Korean to English by hyesa2 (http://hyesa.com)

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Guest lilsh0rtnancy

^ lol getting defensive here. anyway, anti fans should definitely not come in here unless they want to get bashed. real bad.

I don't think we should send that kind of message out there or else they'll use that against us. There's no bashing, I was simply stating the truth and the fact that i love her makes me bias that way. hehehe...

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i don't see wat u guys see in her

she's a great actress but not that pretty

i think she's over rated

hm >_>

i've been observing and i notice that there's a problem with the term "overrated"

if someone is famous and you (not just you, but anyone in general) don't like them, i'll bet ONE MILLION DOLLARS that you'd say they're 'overrated'

so really, what is overrated? a famous celebrity that you don't like?

if that's what it is and you don't like hye gyo, and she is famous, thus in your train of thoughts, she is overrated

my point: a FAMOUS star we don't like = overrated IN OUR OPINION *key word!*

Whoa... you call that fat? I call that healthy. I admire her for not being a stick like other actresses, and plus I don't think she'll look good super skinny since she actually has boobs and curves. If she was super skinny and had big boobs, then she'll look unproportional (imo). I think she's PERFECT the way she is. Natural and healthy.

even in her younger days when ppl considered her chubby, i think she was alright

and if she is fat according to the pictures someone pointed out, then by god, what am i?!?! :o


gemt thanks for that article!

WOW! it totally gave glimpse of a new side of hye gyo

it is wonderful reading about her thoughts

following her logic, if filming "Blue Alert" gave her the same vibes that she felt for "Autumn Fairtytale," then i am CONFIDENT that this movie will be GREAT :wub:

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eO shg fans!!!

glad i opened this thread again...so many pictures of SHG. no need to say gorgeous coz everyoe can tell that she is. dah! :rolleyes:

when i first saw this i hardly recognized that it's her2833pic_shk_147.jpg

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thank you gemt for posting that article. I love reading about her thoughts. She's a strong person as well.

miss.bi I know if she's fat what am I ?? ginormous??? like seriously :lol:

my goodness gracious great balls of fire puhleazz ppl get real :P

here are more pictures










credit: hancinema

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Guest Jamieâ„¢

thank you gemt for the article ^_^

Shg is so mature and deep in her thinking. It's cool to know that she has insecurities about things as well. I hope her movie will be a hit like autumn tale!

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Guest rockerbabe

When I saw Song Hye Kyo on autumn in my heart, I thought she's just so beautiful.... even when she acted in full house, I still think she's just beautiful

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Thanks for the pictures and articles. SHK has really matured......and it's just really touching to think that she still remembers Autumn Story the most since I've always thought that was one of her best roles ever (although we know that she played a selfless, helpless heroine.....the role really created her breakthrough). I guess as an actress....you can never be too satisfied with your acting. You always will think that there's something that you could have done better. I remember reading an article about how she felt the same way while filming Autumn Story....on that one scene at the beach where she ran to Song Seung Hun and hugged him from the back.....while calling out Oppa.....she kept saying that she felt that she didn't do good on that scene and wanted to redo it. But honestly.....even though SHK wasn't such a majorly superb actress at the time, I actually thought she did a pretty good job. I could understand her emotions and such all throughout all the drama. Anyway, I'm pretty sure her debut film would go just as well.

I seriously don't get why people are saying she's chubby just because she has more curves and meat than the other actresses. I'm not being biased or anything, but before I even knew who she was....I saw some pictures of her, and I thought to myself....what a gorgeous star. And this was waaayy back in 2000, during her so-called "chubby" days. I still think her Autumn Story look is her most gorgeous. She's perfect now, but I hope she doesn't lose anymore weight.

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she's REALLY cute+pretty+beautiful+georgeous!!

i lurve her skin tone, nose and def her lips..

i was so frustrated with the last scene of full house where bi n SHG kissed.. their lips are like just *touch ??!!.. hurrmm..

for me both of them hv yummy-lookin' lips.. y don't they just bite each other lips.. ARGHH!!

:: ok n i know i'm a lil perv.. but it's fun to watch tho!! hehe!! ::

:: nvm.. i'll still love bi n shg!! even after dat lousy kiss!! ooppss!! hehe!! ::

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