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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest plumangel3

"I don't know if you're the right one for me, but I'm willing to become the right one for you."

thats so cute! :)

lol maybe it's cuz im a simple person but im not really picky or anything. i know that when you like someone your list wont really matter but i'd prefer it if he:

- has a cute smile (i always love it when a guy has a cute smile *cough Minwoo, Taehwa =p)

- has short hair

- trustworthy

- does pretty good at school cuz intellect matters

- and as for looks, as long as i find them cute im all good ^^

>_>' i think all 29 pages just says

'korean boy band superstar'

a xillion times.

lol so true. ^^

well, if i could pick a boy band superstar it'd be Taehwa <3

cuz he's cute, handsome, funny and around my age.

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Guest Storytime

Hahah I was checking out the Ideal Girls thread and it was hilarious.

Anyway, my ideal guy is Kim Jaejoong. So...I think I'm going to end up a nun.

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Guest sangsang

Anyway, I'd like a guy that's either equal in height to me or taller (more like a guideline than a rule). I'm not that shallow. A lot of the guys that I've dated/liked were shorter than me. I like long-ish hair over short (again not enforced). He needs to have a good sense of humor, (enough) intelligence, (enough) common sense, and (enough) tolerance to function. It's pretty vague, I know. LOL! Religion isn't an issue with me even though I'm an atheist. I don't use it as a basis of choosing someone to spend my life with. Race isn't either.

And I love Morris Chestnut (and Won Bin). LOL! I swear we would make some beautiful babies together. :w00t:



Not enough love out there in the Asian community for chocolate men.

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Well... I'd rather he be at least decent looking. He has to be funny, maybe patient too, since I'm not. :] For clothing, I don't really care, as long as he's not in rags or anything. And I wouldn't want my guy to be more fashion conscious than I am, it's a turn off. Even if he's wearing Big Bang's style. I don't want him to take hours of mirror time just to pick out a single outfit. I wouldn't really want him to dye his hair all the time either. Normal black hair is fine for me. Being a little muscular wouldn't hurt either. xD Oh, and, I'd like him to be smart too. (: Not just book smart.

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Guest danimoo

My ideal guy would be...

-tall o: well taller than 5'7

-I'm open to any race (:

-smart... must have gone to university (:

-play piano/guitar

-good sense of humour. <<<-- major

-not overweight... fit

-uhh... easy to talk to, and a good listener

-pretty eyes.

-pretty stomach ;D (I'm talking abss.)


but really I'm not too picky.

Personality is more important to me.

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Guest lawlietoii.

hmmm. my ideal guy would be... ASIAN!

- TALL. Because i'm short, and i want tall children. but not too tall or that would be weird. like.. 5"7- 5"9

- not fat.. but not average. maybe a little under. but not wayyy skinny or i'd feel bad. ;-; & have abs. haha.

- awesome spiky hair. doesn't have to be spiked.. but at least layered and not very long.

-i don't like super muscular but at least strong.

-clean. and nails must be clean. i hate guys with dirty nails. and no nail biting.

-has to be funny, and not self centered, and smart.

-soft and pale skin. ^^

-good style.. fobby is okay. :D

- cute. ^-^

- average eyes or big eyes.. no squinty eyes

-happy and nice smile but can be serious.

-plays guitar or piano.. or both.

& no asian accent. :D

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Guest kiwistar



pretty boy [JunKi<3]

good hair, sexy lips, flawless skin

can sing well/has a great voice [Xiah<3]

tall, athletic

piercings :x


wealthy xDD


talkative [because I'm not]


dresses decently [huge tshirt and basketball shorts are a big NO]

reasonably hygenic

nice skin

cute rather than hot

body type isn't really important

likes me :D

generally, if they have a great voice, I'm already head over heels xD

I can't stand selfishness, bad tempers, and immaturity

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Guest dare2move

- not too tall because i'm little and it can prove to be awkward~

- CLEAN. (!!)

- good style (knows what works for him and what doesn't.)

- super dorky. (4D?)

- lanky, i don't like super machomen nor do i like erm... density-happy...people.

- genuine/real. (is who he is, doesn't try to change for anybody.)

- not mushy--no flowers, no friggen rings/love poetry/personal love songs/petnames. (!!) i prefer chocolate and quirky gifts.

- is able to piggyback me.

- must be able to share candy/all other edible items. (!!)

- still believes in pinky swears.

- will let me eat the last piece of cheesecake.

- will save me the red smarties.

- honest but tactful.

- funny~

- smiley. =]

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- healthy looking

- taller than me

- smiles & laughs A LOT (but can be serious at time)

- dresses nice (doesn't wear chains, huge shirts, saggy jeans, etc)

- nice smile

- a gentleman (opens the door for people, waits for people)

- smart

- prepares for the future

- serious about a relationship

- respectful

- open-minded

- understanding

- funny

- strong enough to give me piggyback rides! =D

- a guy who i can call "handsome" instead of "hot"


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Guest tranceeee

my ideal guy has a name and is real.. buhhh i dont wanna share :P

although, if i'd had to name someone from, lets say a book, i'd have to go for edward cullen s2

..hahahaha~ :D

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Guest cassie_girl


like who?

dbsk members?

but..i'm really into MICKY YOOCHUN


he loves+cares his family

he's romantic

pretty cute and handsome..



huahha....a little bit dorky (makes me laugh)...serious when he needs to...

uhm,,,..what else?

that's all for now..

dont forget rich...haha...nah...JK..

the most important is..


i dont want to date with his mom's money...heheh..

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Guest repeat_on_echo

Anyone who is or looks like U-KNOW YUNHO, Eunhyuk, Lee Sungmin, Micky Yoochun, Jang Geun Suk, Lee Junki, Eric, or Kim Hyun Joong.

But mostly Yunho.

I don't know why but I've loved him since the very beginning.

He seems so gentle, he's polite, he's GOOD-LOOKING, he's TALL, he dances really well, his singing abilities are "eh" but I still think his voice is soothing and relaxing, his hair is so perfect all the time, he looks good in anything he wears...... my list goes on and on and on.

Eunhyuk because he's funny, he's so cute for some reason, he's on fire when he dances, he dances soooo well, he's just fun to watch, I bet he's so much fun to be around, etc.

Sungmin, he's like a little kid and I love his voice. He's just a big ball of cute...things?

Micky's too sexy for his own good, and he has that... "sexy man" feel to him, and I looove that. His hair's ugly sometimes but he pulls it off well.

Jang Geun Suk, no explanation needed. He's one of the hottest guys I've ever seen and his voice is so deep that it's sexy.

Lee Junki, again, no explanation needed. He's pretty in a hot way, he has good hair, he has good skin, he has a good FACE.

Eric, I've loved him since I first payed attention to Shinhwa. He's manly, yet calm and gentle?

Kim Hyun Joong, he's stupid-funny, he's cute, he's sexy, his voice is whoaaa, he dances good, he LOOKS good, he always wears good clothes...


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Guest brightstars90

Ummm well i want someone taller, since im 5'7ish.

He must be himself, must be honest and have a good background.

Thats pretty much it.

O, and accepts me for the person I am.

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Guest plumangel3

gosh everyone... stop describing me! it's embarrassing :lol::sweatingbullets::ph34r:

LOL :lol: :lol: i like your humour.

cute rather than hot

me too :)

i'd rather lik a cute guy and then find him hot in his own way.

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Guest bibi5

My ideal guy:

Personality is like Kim Hee Chul

Looks like Dennis O'neil. (He's so hot, like the hottest man in the world)

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Guest g-twig

-taller than me.


-doesnt spend all day looking at the mirror and fixing his hair and stuff (in other words... nottt metro) :tongue2:


-sensitive to a point

-good presonality


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