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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest B4K3DP07470

Someone mildly good looking, healthy, devastatingly witty, highly intelligent, fluent in Mandarin, can hold his own in a debate, mature, sweet, commited. That was the short list. Unfortunately, I'm pretty darned picky.

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Guest bloated_stick_figure

i'd have to say someone like gong yoo with his fashion sense in coffee prince...

- REALLY tall (i'm 5'8-5'9)

- ok-looking (doesn't have to be smokin' although it would be nice ;) )

- great style - out of all the styles i def liked choi hankyul's (CP) style the best but i also like many different kinds of styles

- great personality is a must - manly with a small sensitive side/someone who can protect me when needed but isn't TOO needy (i like to be independent) - *IDEAL ALERT: def would enjoy a guy who is cold but is good only to the one he loves - totally drama-like *sigh* -

- funny...HUGE factor is a guy that can make me laugh...i joke around A LOT so if the guy is a wussy and can't take sarcasm the relationship goes downhill fast lol

so yeah...i wonder if this is too much... :sweatingbullets:

::edit:: i almost forgot that i melt for guys with boyish charm...i think that's a big reason i say my ideal is someone like gong yoo..it's childish but so adorable and irresistible at the same time (kinda throws out my lists huh lol)

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Guest xpsuejung

My Ideal Guy:


Taller than me, a lot taller.

Beautiful not sexy (I'm the sexy one).

^Sexy doesn't suit sexy. It's sexy and beauty.

Someone who helps me finish what I started.

Someone that listens to me.

Guy that teaches me about good taste.

Makes good money.

Not fat.

Always making me smile.

& always being there for me. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest papiroflexia

LOL, I sound so picky, but I'm not that picky, since this is just the "dream-guy" thing but I'm more realistic than that.

My ideal guy is:

-taller than me, of course

-has to have a passion for something, a talent of his own would be good (ex. plays an instrument, an artist, can sing or dance) it's darn hot when a guy serenades and dance for you, but that's a dream, LOL

-humor (A+!)

-laid-back like me, but motivated, outgoing

-has goals, dreams

-not mushy, or romantic, but cute (yeah, I don't like to be smother all the time)

-creative when it comes to dates, not romantic ^

-you don't need to look hot, but clean-cut

-have style ok? high-waist pants are NOT "it"

-cute smile, guys WITH braces are so cute, but that's me, darn and if you have killer eyes that makes me melt, I'm yours

-give me "me-time" cause I'll be giving you "you-time"

-not dependent, clingy

-can't be lighter skin than me, LOL, I'm so light but I like guys darker than me not too dark though

-hands and feet are well-kept but not feminine, it's like weird having a guy that has girlier hands than you

-competitive against me in a way, especially at the arcade or playing games at home, it's fun. Paintball, bowling, shooting hoops, like as if I was one of the guys only a girl. Tease me fool! HAHA.

-above the influence; smoke or drink and like BAM!, stay away from me

-not cocky

-be able to lead

-generous, but not stupid

-immature? no.

-loyal, heck yeah

-great imagination, like me. LOL daydreaming gives you time to think that rabbits can breathe fire :ph34r:

-oh god, please don't be an extremely fobby guy, I know, that sounded really harsh but their voice and attitude annoys the crap out of me. I'm viet, so I'm actually taking about the viet fobs I experienced with.


can cook good, like WHOO, you got me

:blink: Sounds kind of hard to find. Haha. Maybe as I mature, these things will change. I know there's alot more that I haven't mentioned yet(x

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Guest Yuyu<3

Yunho or a guy who has these things

It's a long shot but alright

-Someone who speaks a different language

-Nice body!

-Taller then me


-Looks good in any type of style and can pull it off

-Lovely smile (old and new)

-Good Morals (looks after his friends and family before himself)

-Enjoys little things (writing stories and listening to music is very relaxing)

-Humorous (so funny and makes me laugh)

-Has a cute look to him

-Chubby cheeks (on his face) So I could poke him

-Humble! (so grateful for what he has)

-His passion drives him to do better!

>< theres more but i'm tired

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they have to be either korean or japanese

i look at smile - gotta have dimples!

then body - gotta be in shape

then fashion wise i dont really care but like wierd clothes o.Oa

then their personality is like kinda shy/funny

thats the best kind :)

i think i just described siwon from super junior LOL


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Guest mr. lovely

- can't have a perfect face. it's those special quirks a guy has that makes him lovable (:

- has a simplistic personality and boyish charmm

- can dance and is passionate about dance *Q*

- has medium-sized, double-lidded eyes that point slightly downwards at the ends.

- freakishly pale guys are freakishly scary. i tend to like guys who have tan skin :x

- A NICE SMILE. like the ones that resemble sideways D's

- hair that matches himm

- nice head shape roflolroflol

- good skin that doesn't have to be flawless. just presentable.

- full lips and medium-sized nose

- slim & at least 5"8

- knows how to dress /has nice shoes lololol

- isn't afraid of being stupid hahaha

- nice, approachable, blahhaha blah

oh boy ;x

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My ideal guy

- Like a hero, likes to save people & animals, helps old people!

- Sings to me

- Have a very sweet smile, with eyes that smile like a rainbow n_n

- Smiles alot!

- Loves childrens - coz if a guy can speak in a kid level, then he make a great daddy!

- Smart n talented

- Wise

- Naturally Funny .. sweet, cute and good humor! Light hearted ones!

- Caring - loves his family and friends!

- Forgiving - does not hold grudges

- Smells delicious - like strawberry, baby powder

- Clingy ... i will love him so much, i always want him around!

- Romantic

- Decent dresser

- Generous - kind, friendly n true

.. hmmm

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest classic x

my ideal guy:

+korean (dont kill me)

+taller than 5'7 AT LEAST

+knows how to care for a girl

+knows how to dress

+isnt afraid to do couply stuff


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Guest soyabeangirl16

i dont know, lol!




-funny, random

-cool, isnt afraid to act however he wants

-has attitude

-dresses well, actually cares about how he looks

-good-looking, but not excessively much (thats what famous ppl are for, among other things lmao)

-and not too shy.

-trustworthy, caring, and not insecure.

-doesnt hold back.

-lol, and not perverted.

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Guest blush

my ideal guyy..

mm.. doesn't HAVE to be good lookin' (though always a plus), but at least decenttt.

taller than me.

sweet, blunt when needed, spontaneous, good sense of styleee.

good personality. :]

nice hair, or at least hair that isn't... weird..

no b.o. ahahah. xD

fit bodyyy.

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Guest nicolexr

My Ideal Guy? Am I only supposed to say the appearance? *sigh*

You know, my ideal guy would be someone who loves me for me and not just how I look like. My ideal guy would always be someone who I can run to when I'm having a bad day and everything would be okay again. Someone who will be there for me.

It sounds so cliche and too overused but it's really true when it's what's inside that matters. I'm not going to lie and say that looks don't matter because honestly yeah of course they do, it helps but I can't be with this super hot guy that's full of himself and is too much of a jerk. It's hard to find a hot guy that's not like that.

Buuuut :D I just got lucky that my boyfriend's hot and such a nice, nice person at the same time. You know, I've known him for so many years and I still get amazed at how nice he is. In my head, I'm always like 'are you for real?!' Gah I want to see him now. xD Okay, I'll describe how he looks like then. ^^ Because I got lucky that my bf has the looks, the brains and a nice personality at the same time. >< Omg, I'm starting to feel... >< AHH~

Well, Asian.

-tan skin, white skin, doesn't matter (but he's tan ^^)

-lean body (he plays soccer and works out a lot so his body's really, really nice *_* very LEAN, so hot, thin but not scrawny thin and is so fit, nice abs ^^ I poke it a lot and oh I know he secretly loves it when I poke it a lot haha)

-looks cute when he wears glasses! not dorky cute, but you know, cute cute

-at least 3 inches taller than me (I'm 5'3 so that's a pretty easy standard ^^)

-nice hair (he's vain about his hair but i find it cute)

-makes me laugh

-smart (he's one of the top in his batch... o_o well it's a plus if he's smart, no one wants a dumb guy)

-nice butt AHAHAHAHA XD (don't mind me -__- but he does have a nice butt xD lol)

-can be random at times

-not an @$$hole at all

-very sweet, even too sweet sometimes

-good skin


-a bit competitive (I find it very appealing when I guy is competitive)

Umm, what else... Anyway, let's just say that looks won't get you in a serious genuine relationship if you don't have a good personality. If my boyfriend now isn't a good person to begin with, even though he's very good looking, I wouldn't be with him right now. So it's really the personality...


Edit: And OH YEAH! He's not perverted! :o

Okay, I've just realized how blessesd I am for having such an amazing, amazing, amazing times infinity guy. o_o ♥ I'm so happy right now, and it's like 3:37 AM lmao


Second Edit: Okay since I'm bored I'll be superficial and say who are the guys I'd LOVE to date/marry/go out with. *___* Even though it's impossible and never ever going to happen D: but whatever 8D





CHANGMIN omg *__________*




(not gonna say Yunho cause I don't know why, I'm not so into him..)

omg lol it became a picspam. D: cause they're so hot! ahaha

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Guest MoiraElla

Eeegh. I kind of have weird taste. xD I have an ideal type, but I have a HUGE soft spot for chubby guys.

...I think Kang Ho Dong is adorable... and the guy I like right now is around 90kg/200 lbs.


I mean yes... I love all the pretty boys but when I see a chubby guy I just melt. :blink:

I like guys that are:

Self confident, but not too arrogant

Athletic types

At least 5'10"

Strudy build and strong... they shouldn't weigh less than me ><

Good sense of humor, laughs a lot with a good smile

On chubbier guys I like short hair. On other guys I like medium length.

Carefree and easy-going

Takes note of the little things and won't be annoyed if I send them 50+ texts a day

Very open. Someone that I can talk about anything with

Not prettier than me (well maybe a little would be okay)

WOW i don't know anyone like this! It's a good thing hahaha.

I think my boyfriend is good enough for me!

He too, is a little chubby but I think that's pretty adorable also. I mean, he's chubby with a really handsome face!! If he was skinnier, he'd probably look like a younger version of Taebin.

he's my ideal guy because we can talk about anything, and he's really down to earth. but one thing i really don't like about him is that he's really into cars. hopefully not more than me =(

but i love how we laugh about everything, have so mnay inside jokes, has style, has goals and ambitions, and so much moreee.

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Guest simplicity90

hmmm my ideal guy...

-taller than me

-attractive (but not too pretty cause then that'll be just sad for me)

-athletic (preferably a tennis boy. we can play together <3. but i love other sports too)

-musically talented in some way (whether it be an instrument or singing)

-good sense of style (but not super metro)

-kind, caring, smart, affectionate, not clingy, trustworthy, loyal, awesome sense of humor, just your basic prince charming.

-and loves me for me.

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Guest never_regret

my ideal guy .. :)

doesnt need to have the looks , but thers a limit to his looks . if its too urgh thenn LOL

smiles alot , laughs with me

happy person , friendly

cares about others as much

never break promises , honest truthful

nice personality

doesnt need to be ALL smart, like me wud do . im not that smart LOL

:) :) :) :) :) :)

BUT he doesnt need all that . some wud be nice lol

i wonder if such guy exist :X :rolleyes:

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Guest homosaga

i would want his personality to be......exact same as mine lol

well first, he has to have nice features, good face, not the corny type, sometimes cold but not nice all the time, NOT SHY, manly!aha thats important, i don't like those boys with long richard simmons hair who looks incrediblely fobby and girly.., not incrediblely fashionable, and honest lol:D

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