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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest burntvinyl

no hair dye, no hair gel, preferably bedhead, not metrosexual, no piercings, no tight clothing, dress shirts and jeans, tshirts and jeans, rocks chuck taylors, doesnt smile a lot but enough, no jewelry, striped clothing, medium build, must shave face, wears scarves, no murse, no colored contacts, at least 5'10, nice teeth..etc.

i could go on. but i like natural and not into fashion. where have all the real men gone. lately guys have been turning into women.

ive only stated appearance because the thread title says "LOOK" not personality

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Guest uniquesoule

My ideal asain guy:

-Tall, 5'8?"+

-Caramel - Tan skin


-Pretty eyes, the eyes make the face.

-Nice Smile

-Toned-Muscular but not that body builder type. eww.

-Dimples (;

-Nice Jawline


-Natural everything, no dyed hair.

-Sweet, caring, has humor, romantic, etc.

-Something like T.O.P. will do (=

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Guest chairya

tall, but not too tall.


shorter hair!!

exception: the LONGEST would be minwoo's hair style,

except only if you can rock it.

dont jock what you cant rock right?

nice pecs. no bird chest for me.

and he can't have man-boobs... gross

leann... muscles are preferred=]

and i like dem muscly backs.. yumm

any style is okay, as long as it's not a t shirt and jeans from 30820 years ago

i like my men with nice shoes, but it doesnt matter

hate guys that wear flip flops all the time -_-

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Guest kae.143

Kibummie! xD.

-taller than me (which are not hard to find since i'm like 5' or 5'1" :sweatingbullets: )



-nice smile and eyes

-kinda in the quiet side

-has style


-can speak english fluently and korean

-just plainly someone i can hang out with

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Guest hotspicedcider

i'm not picky... just really specific.. >.<

but essentially


han geng or....


changmin <3

sorry.... NO MEN SHOULD HAVE A 26'' WAIST.

These guys remind me of Daniel San from Karate Kid I.


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Guest ZyunLove

Since I'm bored, I guess I'll post. ^__^

Height: preferably 5'10" or greater. I like taller guys ^___^.

-Pretty teeth & a smile that can make me swoon =3

-Pretty hair

-Acne-free skin

-Responsible for their actions



-Smart, don't really mind nerdy ones unless they sit there for an hour and talk about how to dissect a computer -.-;;;

-A hard worker, but needs to know when to take a break

-Athletic, so we can play sports together!

-Love food, so we can eat together!

-Gives me cookies! =D

-Have a sense of humor and make me laugh more than I do already

-Not overly skinny? Guys with a little more fat are much more fun to hug (An example of being too skinny is Hero, though I love him lots, he's way too skinny for my taste)

-A generally nice guy, but not too nice and know when to have a temper

-Good with kids

-Likes to help others

-Respects his elders

-Most important of all, has to love& respect me. =]

So, my ideal guy would be...

Jung Yunho! <3



Though I think Choi Siwon is attractive as well.


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Guest caseyluvr

Hmmm. xD

Ideal Asian Guy:

- Taller than me.

- Bigger than me, but not fat. :x

- Toned, but not bulky muscular.

- Tan or not tan.. Doesn't really matter.

- Nice skin, doesn't have to be "OMG perfect'

- Handsome. =)

- Nice teeth.

- Wears what looks good on him. Fob preferred.

- Nice hair, that compliments him. Fob would be nice. xD

- Smarter or as smart as me. ^^

- Cute, someone I'd want to hug all the time.

- Kind, Dedicated (doesn't cheat), Accepts me, etc.

- Mature when he needs to be.

- Someone who holds a conversation.

- Loves me. <3

Ideal Guy: Kim Junsu (:

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Guest chymali

Ideal Asian Guy:

- 180CM + (I'm not really into short guys.)

- Not too buff, but not too weak either. Like. In between.

- Has to be smarter than I am.

- Has to be handsome.

- Has to be mature.

- Has to be caring, kind and so on.

- Cannot be perverted. Like. Okay. Guys are perverted. But not to the point where they're creepy or grossly perverted.

- Has to have that boyish charm.

- Has to be older than I am.


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Guest korean_girl

my ideal asian guy....

well first off a guy that actually dresses like a guy! not a girl!!!!

like BIG BANG'S style is cool.


[faux hawk hair is the second guy's hair! but the side parts would be short and not long like his]



tan... but not fake

a little bulit... has some tone and some muscle... NOT bulky

faux hawk hair

NO SURGEY DONE... teehee

really nice

not cocky

sensitive but not girly


and not rude.

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Look? Can I include personality, too?

Looks: Well, I like Heechul, Siwon, HYDE, Matsumoto Jun

- Tall is good: 5'10"+

- Lovely voice (not pretty like a girl voice x_X)

- not too fashionable, as in has to wear name brand clothing

- nice smile

- funny

- likes video games, but isn't obsessed (as in, can't go to sleep until he pwns me)

- articulate: can speak English well, opinionated, witty

- fit (doesn't have to be extrememly muscular, just not overweight or pudgy)

- good decision-maker, but open-minded

- doesn't care about what others think of him

- likes cats and rock music :P

Eh.. that may be all. I'm just doing this so I can delay my studying time :'(.

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Guest MeltingSnow

@JunRi; xDD True, true. I suppose they're just generalizing...but what I'VE seen of japanese guys, they suuck. Of course, from what I've seen.

I'd personally go for cantonese people because, well, I'm prejudice like that.

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Guest pbjsandwich

This is fun XD

Ideal guy:

- 5'10-6'0

- SMART (No stupid jocks for me please >.>)

- Has a good fashion sense. Think H&M clothing

- Well-toned, but not disgustingly muscular

- White, flawless skin.

- Well chiseled brow, nose and chin. Don't care how small or how big the eyes are.

- Opinionated, but open minded

- Passionate

- Good smile

- Hardworking

I think that's about it =]

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Wow >_<;

everything is so detailed..

my ideal asian guy look?


But to get down to business.. if I was being real..

A guy who is a hard-worker (laziness is a big no no for me) and if you're kind of dumb.. at least work hard,

a Christian (he MUST love GOD!),


Taller than me.. LOL (I'm short so it's all good)

NO Smoking/Drinking.. (just my thing)

not necessarily the best looking man but you know.. they gotta be clean and good style

Personally, I find guys with good personality, go a LONG way. I get more intrigued with them and they're constantly on my mind. A guy with a good personality > HOT.

yeah, just my jist of it.

Let's take in consideration..

Heechul from Super Junior : A personality like his goes a LONG way!

Kai from Gazette : Beautiful smile.. wierd in a good way =] CUTE!

Tablo : A guy who knows his talent and uses it well. Genuine personality.. but he's a drinks >_<;

This may be wierd but.. guys like se7en and Rain (looks-wise) intimidate me and scare me.. even though they're good looking, I would feel SO NERVOUS around them..

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Guest Razorlight

Hmmm... if I had to date an asian guy...

-Taller side, anything over 5'8" I guess.

-I don't like them to be too skinny, or too fat.

-Toned/fit, over super bodybuilder (but I still love KJK<3)

-Nice smile!!

-Hair on the shorter side, because I don't like it if the guy takes longer to get ready, and most long hair on guys takes effort to look nice.

-Clothes that fit (sorry, gangstaz need not apply. loljk..really.)

Well, as long as he can carry me (hahahA) and isn't extremely disfigured (yeah sorry.), it sounds okay.

Asian guys after me should take visual cues from Shun Oguri, and Akanishi Jin. Then take personality cues from Brian Joo, Akanishi Jin, and Jaejoong.

I mean I love Jae Joong, but he's so much prettier than me, that I'd be concerned all the time. He acts extremely cute though.

I'm too lazy to add any specifics about personality, since the OP didn't ask about that... but...

I prefer cute/nerdy over much else, but has to know when to be serious. +all other obvious answers :)

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